9. The Coincidence

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Aditi's P.O.V.

                I couldn't sleep much the whole night. I could think nothing except the shoot tomorrow. Tossing and turning the whole night I did nothing except closing my eyes and missing my family. I miss them so much. It had been 2 years since I had shifted to Mumbai and haven't met them due to my continuous shoots. During the past six months I had no energy and guts to face them. They knew everything but still. I was emotionally very weak. But now I was feeling the best. I was never this much happy in my life. My dream to do something big on small screen got completed. I was playing a lead. My childhood dream got completed.

               It was four o'clock in the morning. I checked in the mobile. My mobile had received various types of notifications in which there were two messages from whatsapp, which came recently and some mails and some various instagram notifications. Curiosity welled up in me. I opened the chat to see who it was and boom. Yet again he was, who was texting me. I ignored the messages. They were:

Zain- Heyy! Please talk to me?

              Seeing his message I couldn't ignore more. My fingers were fidgeting with themselves to reply. He was still online. What on earth he was doing at four o'clock in the morning? But wait, why should I concern much about him? He can do anything he wants.

Me- Why on earth should I? Do you want me to block you? Please don't harass me. Leave me alone. Please. I beg you.

               I didn't wait for his reply. I turned off my screen and plopped down again in my bed. And suddenly two big notification tone beeped into my ears. I sighed and picked up my mobile what he said.

Zain- Please don't hate me. You are not understanding me. I didn't bring him to see you unhappy. I wanted to...

              The second message read:

Zain- I don't want to explain this on chat. I want to talk to you personally. Please let me do that.

Me- But what if I don't want to talk to you?

               He was still typing.

Zain- No please. I didn't had any intentions to hurt you. Please can I give a ride to you to the location tomorrow? I know you don't have a car. I saw you even came in the office in a taxi and even that day to the cafe.

               I don't know how on earth he knows everything about me. He has every freaking detail about me.

Me- No thank you. I don't want any ride tomorrow and I also don't want to talk to you. Now sleep and let me sleep. Goodbye!

               He didn't text me further. Groaning I tried to sleep but even after tossing and turning after half an hour I couldn't sleep. So I decided to wake up and go for a morning run. It would refresh me. I woke up, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I wore some comfortable clothes and went away into the garden.

               It was still dark in the sky. I couldn't even see properly. Just with the help of street lights I had reached the garden. As soon as I reached the garden I bumped into a solid rock like structure on the gate itself. A familiar group of butterflies started dancing in my stomach. And boom.. And the person on the other side started shouting.

"Are you blind or what? Can't you see and walk even?"

              I was shocked. I was dumbstruck. The familiar voice. The familiar structure of the body was in front of me. Suddenly a sharp ray of light passed into my eyes. He had turned the flashlight on from his mobile. I had to cover my eyes from the light. But the hand of the other person grabbed mine. He took away my hand from my eyes.

"Tum?" We both shouted at the same time together.

"What are you doing here?" We both again spoke at the same time.

"Obviously people come to either walk or run or to do some exercise in the garden. You dumbo!" I stated.

"But what are you doing here at freaking five o'clock in the morning here? Do you even know how unsafe are these people now-a-days in the society?" Zain questioned.

"Yes, I know. But these people are safe from the devil yoy brought with yourself, I bet." I replied.

               Tears started brimming in my eyes. But no. I didn't had to cry. Atleast not in front of him. He was awestruck. He didn't had any answers. I didn't even care if he knew what his so called friend even did to me!

                During all this process I saw my hand. Or should I say our hands? He was grabbing my hand, our fingers intertwined together. Butterflies started dancing in my stomach. Were our hands really intertwined or it was I dreaming? I started blushing. He also started blushing. Damn! He was so cute. Seeing him blushing I blushed more. A wave of emotions hit me. I couldn't understand should I be angry on him or not.

               I decided to ignore him further and I turned and started moving to the garden. But suddenly a large hand grabbed mine. Again it was him. I directly saw into his eyes. His eyes was begging me. Begging me yo say yes to him.

"Please talk to me. Please. I seriously want to apologize to you." He said pleasingly.

               I couldn't answer him. I licked my dried lips in the process still maintaining the eye contact.

"If you still want time, I will wait for you forever." He said and left me there in the middle of the garden awestruck.

               Wait! He was in his casual dress. I think people atleast wears some shoes to walk or run? But he didn't wore any. Was he stalking me? Did he followed me to the garden or he came by himself? All questions remained unanswered. I couldn't see him anymore even in these dim street lights.

               Standing there I thought was it a coincidence or it was a known mistake? And this question's answer was only with one person.

I hoped you liked the chapter. Thank you for reading.❤



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