Shattered Past...

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Belphie:...I need to talk to you....

Belphegor made his way into Lucifer's office who was too busy doing the annual paperwork routine. He looked up at the youngest with an annoyed look...

Lucifer: What is it now, Belphegor? Can't you see that I'm busy? Whatever you have to say. It better be quick. I got looks of work to fill out for upcoming events. 

Belphegor scoffed. Paperwork? Seriously?! At a time like this! Weren't they all supposed to be spending time together? He had half of mind to ruin the eldest's papers. But for now, he needed to tell him what he had discovered.

Belphie: It's about Mammon.

Mentions of the second eldest made Lucifer put his pen down and looked back up at the youngest. 

For once, instead of seeing the annoyance and rage every time Mammon is brought up, Belphegor was a bit surprised to see a small look of concern on the eldest's face.

A shrinking reminder that maybe he has changed. 

Belphie: I've looked into his dreams. It appears that that something is bothering him.

Lucifer: I know.

He knew?! Then again, that shouldn't be no surprised. Nothing ever gets past Lucifer.

Lucifer: Both Asmodeus & Leviathan had voiced their concerns that Mammon hasn't been very proactive with them. They told he zones out sometimes when they're having a conversation with them to the point where it's very worrying. 

Belphie: Do you think he's ignoring them on purpose?

Lucifer shook his head.

....No. That doesn't sound like Mammon at all. 

Belphegor: Well I also got something you need to know...

Lucifer: I'm all ears...

Well how do you like that. Someone was actually in the listening mood.



Kanon: Papa...?

Mammon: Yes Little Treasure?

Kanon: Why...Why did Mommy leave me?

Hearing those words. Mammon felt horrible. It's been a year since Mammon gotten official custody of the human girl and yet, the girl's mother has yet to appear. 

In fact, the woman has abandoned her that day he met Kanon at the playground. 

Mammon may love humans but it pisses him off how vile, cruel, & selfish they can be. Especially when they pass their sins onto children. 

Mammon: Oh Kanon...I wish I had the answer for that.

Kanon nodded but she couldn't stop the tears from falling down her face. 

Kanon: Is it...because I'm an awful she didn't want my father did?

Mammon: No Kanon. Look at me. 

The little girl did what she was told. 

Mammon: You are the one of the most intelligent and well-behaved little girl. Any good parent would be happy to have you. It's just...

Kanon: Just what?

Mammon: It's just...You were given awful parents. 

Her father left when she was a baby and her mother abandoned her on the streets.

She's one of the luckiest children in the world. If it wasn't for Mammon, Kanon would've probably been either in a run down orphanage who had abusive caretakers, kidnapped by pedophiles, sold by traffickers, or even worse...killed...

Mammon: There...was an old saying...Every child deserves parents but not every parents deserves their kids. 

Kanon: Oh...

Mammon: What I'm saying is. Your parents suck. They don't know what they're missing out on. Hopefully, one day, your parents will realize their mistakes. And if...they ever show up again. It's your choice if you want to see them or not. 

Kanon: Really?

Mammon: If it was up to me, I would half a mind to make sure they never see you again. Because they hurt you and they don't deserve to be your parents. But again, it's your choice. 

Kanon:...Thanks Papa. 

Mammon: You're welcome.

*End Flashback*

Kanon: Dad...

Mammon: Yeah Little Treasure?

Kanon: I...think I may have found my Mom. 

Mammon: ?!!!

The second born almost dropped his phone. 

Well this is surprising...He most definitely didn't see that coming...

Mammon: Oh...I see...

Kanon: Yeah...

Mammon: Did she reach out to you or did you?

Kanon: Actually. She was the one who reached out to me all of a sudden.

Mammon:...Ok. How weird...

Kanon: Y-Yeah...Weird indeed. 

Mammon made a frown. The woman has been out of Kanon's life for the past eleven years of her life. Why of a sudden she wants to reach out to her. 

It better be a good reason or so help him...

Kanon: Dad...W-What should I do?

He senses the hesitation in his voice. 

Mammon: Kanon. Remember what I said when ya was a kid?

Kanon:...That it's my choice whether or not, I want to see her?

Mammon:..So what is your choice.

Kanon stayed quiet for a moment as if she was trying to debate her choices. 

Kanon: I...want to meet her. 

Mammon: Okay...

Kanon: I...would appreciate it if you showed up. Please...

Mammon:...I'm on my way. Gimme the location. 

???: Is it okay if I come with?

Mammon: Whoa?! Satan?!

Satan: Sorry to eavesdrop but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. 

Mammon: ...You want to come with me?

Satan: Yes. I will be honest, I am intrigued on this mysterious woman who claims to be Kanon's mother. You never know. It could be a trap. If I come along, Kanon will be greater safe in numbers. 

He has a point. 

Mammon: If that's okay with ya, Little Treasure.

Kanon: That's fine, Dad. Thank you, Uncle Satan. I...I need all the support I can have.

She sounded nervous on the phone. This is the first she will meet her estranged mother in such a long time.

Mammon: Okay. We'll be there soon. 


The two brothers found Kanon in the middle of Japan. She was also with someone else. No, it wasn't her mother who they were all destined to meet. 

It was another witch. 

Kanon: Dad! Uncle Satan! You're here!

She sounded very relived to see them!

Mammon: Hey Little Treasure~! The Great Mammon is here!

Satan: I'm here too...So...whose this?

Mammon turned to the othet witch who jolted a little for being on the receiving end of attention.

Kanon: Oh, this is my assistant. She recently joined our cult. Dad. Uncle Satan. This is Agatha. Agatha. This is my Dad and Uncle Satan. They are the Avatar Of Greed & Wrath. 

Agatha: H-Hello. Nice to meet you both. It's a honor. 

Mammon: Hahahaha! You see that Satan. Someone finally giving the Great Mammon the respect he deserves.

Satan: *Rolls his eyes* Whatever you say Mammon. Nice to meet you Agatha. Hope you haven't been giving Kanon a hard time. 

Kanon: Oh no. She hasn't. Like I said, she's new to our ranks but she seems to really excellent in magic. If she keeps this up, she'll be a powerful witch in no time. 

Agatha: I-I'm not worthy of such praise but thank you, Miss Kanon. Besides, it's really nice to meet the two of the seven demon brothers of Devildom. I've heard so much about. I'm a huge fan. 

Satan: I guess that's nice. To have a fan. As long as you're not one of those...

Agatha seems to get what he was getting at and it send her into a babbling mess. 

Agatha: No! No! No! Of course! I can assure you I'm a decent person. 

Kanon: I can confirm that. We've already did a background on Agatha. She was proven to be trustworthy. 

Well as long as she's not into some shady dealings like Solomon, then she's okay in Mammon's books. 

Plus, Agatha seems like she's in her early twenties. It's nice to see Kanon finally has a friend her age. 

Most of her other friends are way older than her. 

A/N: Luke, we're looking at you. Lol. 

Mammon: Well it's good that ya both getting along but we should really get back to the topic at hand. 

Kanon: Oh...right....

Satan: So...are you sure this place in what we're searching for?

Agatha: Yes. I was the one whom informed Miss Kanon of her mother's whereabouts once we found her location...

The four looked up at the shabby rundown apartment which was the location that Kanon told them about. 

How to describe it? Well...Like any other dingy neighborhood was destined to be called run-down.  As far as the eye can see, It's a decrepit apartment building, with its broken elevator, creaky stairs, and windows that don't close all the way.

Almost looked evicted but you can tell some people probably still lived there. 

Kanon:...Yes...this is my old home...My old home before Papa adopted me.

Agatha: Miss Kanon...


No one couldn't believe it. Kanon's old family was in poverty?!

Mammon: (No fuckin' way. This dirty place is where she used to live? I maybe dumb but even I can tell this place ain't safe for a child for stay at.)

His brothers would never agree to that. 

Satan: This place looks more trashier than Mammon's room. 

Mammon: Hey! Shaddup!

Kanon ignored their bickering as she took a deep breath before opening the door and seeing that it wasn't locked. She turned the knob and watched as the door opened. 

Taking the lead, she walked inside as Agatha & the two demon brothers followed her in. Kanon lead them to the dorm number she's familiar with. 

She opened the door upon seeing it wasn't locked.

Satan: I can sense a faith presence of a soul inside. 

Agatha: Another human being...

Mammon: She must be expecting us then...

Kanon:....Let's go...

Both brothers took a look around the apartment complex.

Dirt & graffiti was all over the walls. Bags of liquor and alcohol bottles were scattered everywhere. Unopen food cans & clothes were all over the floor. 

And what's with that smell? 

Is that...Uerine?


Mammon grimaced in disgust. Even his room isn't this messy. 

To his dismay, he could've swore he saw a bunch of cockroaches all over the pizza boxes nearby with a bunch rats squirming around the kitchen getting into who knows what. 

If Asmo was here, he would've been screaming and then running back to the HOL to take a long bath. 

Kanon: The living room...

The four of them walked inside and there...sitting on a couch drinking least that's what they hope was beer. 

Was a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Kanon. Had short matching bright green hair and eyes. Her clothes were dirty and she looked like she had seen better days. 

She looked up at the four. 

The moment her eyes crossed Mammon, he could already tell this lady was bad news...

He didn't say a word though. It was Kanon's choice to see her. Whatever this lady want, it better be good. 

Kanon: *Solemn*....It's been a long time...Mother. 


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