Shouldn't Have Been Born...

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A/N: Kanon finally confronts her past...and things end bad...

How do approach a parent that had neglected & abandoned you for so long?

Do you reconnect and leave the past behind? Or do continue to hold and never want to speak to them ever again. 

Because that's what Kanon wanted to know. 

Even if she had her adopted father, her uncle Satan, and her new friend Agatha by her side. She still was nervous meeting her Mom.

And judging from the older woman's reaction, she looked less thrilled to even see her own daughter. 

Mother: I see...You have grown up. 

Looks like she starts the conversation first. 

Kanon: Yes...I have...

Mother: I've heard you'll became the Great Witch of Devildom. 

This made both Mammon & Satan raised eyebrows in suspicion. 

How did she knew about Devildom and how did she knew what Kanon did for a living?

Woman picked a cigarette and inhaled a bit of smoke before breathing it out. 

Mother: Well that's good...I suppose... at least you're not entirely useless. 

Mammon made a warning growl at the woman but Kanon gently grabs his hand subduing him. They weren't here for a fight. They were here for some answers. 

Kanon: I'm not here to bury the hatchet between us...I have a couple of questions for you. Why?

A few moments of silence before she responded. 

Mother: Why What?

Satan clicked his tongue. Why What?! WHY WHAT?! Is she for real?! Why is she playing dumb?! 

Kanon: You know what I've mean...Why? Why did you abandoned me that day?

Mother gave her a solemn yet unremorseful look. 

Mother: I wasn't ready to be a Mom. 


Is she fucking for real?! Both Mammon & Satan both had half a mind to rip this bitch in two. Not ready to be a Mom?! No one's ever ready to be a parent!!! She left Kanon all those years ago and she had the gall to say she wasn't ready?!

That's her excuse?!! 

Oh Diavolo, they both were livid. 

Kanon took a small breathe before looking at her mother once more.

Kanon: Where is my birth father?

Mother: How should I know? It was one-night stand. When I learned I was pregnant with you. I told him...but he chewed me and left. Haven't seen him since. Guess he really didn't want nothing to do with us. He's either alive screwing another bitch or had dropped dead from drugs.


Agatha: Miss Kanon...

Basically nothing. No info about her birth father. But then again, Mammon couldn't help but be a little curious to find out...

Since Kanon is an grown adult now, She wanted to know why she were abandoned could it have been because of mental illness, on their part? Or could it have been because of not enough money to care for her?

But her mother gave her an excuse...

There has to be another reason why. Her mother just simply wasn't telling her. She'd like to know why, because it is not natural to abandon some one.

Mother: Does that answer all your questions?

Kanon: No...It doesn't...

Mother gave an long suffering scoff that made Mammon want to break her teeth in.

Mother: What else do you need to know?

Kanon:....I always wondered how I was able to have magic powers so easily. 

This got Mammon's attention. Wait what? Her magic powers. Yeah. Now that Mammon think about it. He knows Kanon wasn't an ordinary human girl from the vert beginning but he'd never questioned her origins. 

To him, she was just another human girl. 

He always thought she gotten her powers was because of her training from the witches than later on from Solomon & Thirteen. 

Kanon: For what I've gathered over the years, witches & sorcerers are two different people. Witches work their magic through curses, dark rituals and potion brewing, they tend to be evil and use black magic.  Sorcerers on the other hand use spells, form bonds with familiars through legitimate pacts and borrow the power of elements and fae, and also they seem to prefer using staffs...

Mother:..So...What does this have to do with me?

Kanon: I know you're a witch...

Satan: ?!

Mammon: ?!



Well...No one saw it coming...

Kanon: Growing up, I have discovered to have powers at such at young age...they were passed down from generations. You were one of Maddi's posse. How else were you able to know about Devildom and the witch's society?

Satan: Smart Girl. 

Mammon couldn't help but feel proud. He didn't even think her mother was a witch. He didn't sense no dark power from her. Unless she hid it very well...


Kanon: So again...why did you abandoned me?

Mother:...I didn't have a choice. You was an accident that shouldn't have been born. I wanted to pursue my dreams of being a witch but thanks to you, all that came crashing down. 


Mother: I didn't want to waste my life away just to be a mother. I worked so hard to become a upstanding witch. But the moment you were conceived. I could've became the great witch after Maddi. Not you. My life was over. You took it all from me. My life is in shambles because of you. 

The demon brothers can sense the greed & envy through her. Mammon growled again not wanting this woman to harm one hair on his girl. 

Kanon:....Then why did you call me here?

Mother: Why else. You're successful now, right? The least you can do is make yourself useful and give me some money. 

Wow. Not even bothering to hide her true intentions.

Mammon grew enraged. Satan can feel him about to snap at any moment.

Kanon:.....And what if I said I won't?

Mother: I'm your mother. You owe me. Now. 

Pulling the mother card. The audacity. 

This was a waste of time. 

Mammon: She don't owe ya a damn thing. 

Before Kanon could even say anythin', Mammon pulled out a wad of cash and threw it at the woman. 


Kanon: Dad...?!

Mammon: Let's go...You didn't get the answers you wanted...

Kanon:...Right...We're done here. Come Agatha. 

Agatha: O-Ok...

The two young witches walked outside as the demon brothers watched the desperate woman picked up the cash. 

How pathetic. Mammon remember the times when witches were always demanding money from him. Never in his life he would see one in such a pathetic state. 

Mammon: Don't bother her again! This is yer first and final warning...Don't even try shit. I'm always watchin'. 

His crow on his shoulder was there to emphasize. Mammon then gave her a death glare.

Mammon: BTW. You're a shitty parent. If you didn't want kids. You shouldn't had none. Everyone has a choice and you choose poorly. So stop blaming her for your mistakes. It's time you understand. Yes, your daughter leading a successful life but doesn't mean you have the right to hog her fame to yourself. She doesn't need you. She has become a much better person than ya. She's grown up and move on with life. So tell me, when will you?


Seeing her silence, the brothers escort themselves out.

Satan: Fucking Bitch. People like her make Lucifer look like a saint. There's a "special" place for people like her in Devildom. 

Feeling frustrated, Mammon & Satan left the house as they looked over to see Kanon looking down at the ground with Agatha providing some comfort.

Satan: Mammon...

Mammon: I know Satan...

He didn't even need to say anything.

She needed her family. Not her birth father. And especially not her mother. They are no longer her family. 

His brothers were her family.

Lilith was her family.

Lil D #2 was her family. 

Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, Thirteen, Her Sister Candy...were her family.

Mammon, her Papa, was her family.

She needed him. 

Mammon walked over to Kanon and gently wrapped his arms around her. The young woman didn't say a word but she returned the hug as Agatha & Satan watched with clouded benevolent expressions. 

Mammon: I'm here Kanon...Don't worry...It's okay to cry. 

Her heart hurt...seeing that her mother never cared about her at all. She pushed her burdens and issues onto her when she was a child.

And continued to play the blame game at Kanon. 

"You Was A Mistake..."

She now realized that she and her mother will NEVER have a stable relationship. Or any at all. 

"You Shouldn't Have Been Born..."

Letting out all her emotions, Kanon felt like she was a little girl again. As she hugged her adopted father tightly. She cried. 






QOTD: Poor Kanon. What do you guys think about this chapter?

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