The Deal...

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A/N: The higher-ups are not making things easier for the brothers. 


Everyone edged in their seats upon hearing Lucifer's screech echoed throughout the House of Lamentation. The brothers along with MC waited for Lord Diavolo to respond who let out a long suffering sigh. 

Diavolo: It is what I've said Lucifer. The Higher-Ups have spoken. They're not giving you nor your brothers a choice anymore. 


Lucifer wasn't the only one mad. All of Mammon's brothers were mad. Mammon, himself, were mad. 

But no matter how much they could deluded themselves into trying to ignore the House Of Lords. They knew they couldn't escape.

The Higher-ups were pissed off with their lack of response and now they're taking drastic measures. 

Diavolo: They want you all to start working as Demon Lords in the Seven Rings. 

Levi: B-But I'm not ready for all this! It's too much pressure! I...I....

Asmo: Levi! 

MC: Levi! Don't push yourself!

Beel: Levi...If you do that, you'll stress yourself out. 

Levi: But...But...But!!!

Satan: Levi...Calm down!

Levi: Calm down?! I can't calm down! No! No! I can't do this! I can't! I can't! I'm not ready! It's too soon! I'M SCARED!!!

Lucifer: Leviathan! Control yourself!

Satan: Fuck Sake, Lucifer! You're making it worse!

Leviathan started hyperventilating causing everyone in the room to freak out. 

Mammon: LEVI! Look at me!

Like he used to do back then when they were angels, Mammon pulled Levi into a hug and rubbed his back. 

Mammon: Take deep breaths...Levi...deep breaths...Don't focus on anything else. Focus on me...Focus on your video games...Ruri-chan...Idol concerts...TSL Novels...Anime...Anything you can think of...

Leviathan stopped panicking as he begin to follow Mammon's instructions. Everyone else watched in shock as Levi begin to calm down. They begin to walk towards them asking if he was alright but Mammon then glared at them.

Mammon: Back off! If ya guys crowd him. You'll make it worse!

This caused them to break away as Mammon continued to comfort Levi, whispering soothing words in his ear, which brought reassurance to everyone fully remembering how active the greed demon can be when he plays the big brother role. 

Mammon: Are you okay?

Levi:...Y-Yeah...I'm sorry...

Mammon: Don't be sorry. It's okay. No one's going to judge you...RIGHT?

Mammon looked up at the others for confirmation and they all quickly nodded. 

Lucifer: Yes...that's right. 

Belphie: Sorry Levi...

Asmo: We're all very sorry, Honey. Let's listen to Ruri-chan tones later. 

Levi: O-Okay...

Lucifer: Forgive us for this, Lord Diavolo. 

Diavolo: No. It's quite alright. There is nothing to apologize for. I'll admit. This sudden development that the lords gave us is very shocking. But as I said earlier. It appears they're not willing to wait anymore. 

Satan: But that isn't right. They can't force us into a position we don't want. We already are the Avatar Of Sins. That's enough for citizens of Devildom. So why are they kicking up a fuss about now?

Barbatos: If we were to take a guess. They're not exactly sastified with how you all conduct yourselves as Demon Lords. 

Mammon: So in order to bend us to their will...they want us to listen to them or else...

Diavolo: Yes. I'm afraid so. Due to the fact of religious conflicts and imperialism. They are very upset with your refusal from their purposal. 

Lucifer: It will be a war...They would try and kill us. 



Belphegor: Well fuck. We didn't ask for this!

Satan: Are they fucking serious?! After everything we done for them?! We even took care of their little witch problem ten years ago!

Beel: And it's still not enough for them...

Levi: All because we refuse to listen and want to do things on our tuff?!

MC: This is going too far!

Asmo: I agree with MC! I don't want to go to War! Why can't we just remains being Demon Lords for just Devildom?!

Levi: IKR! This isn't far! They're putting unnecessary pressure on us!

Lucifer: Lord Diavolo. My brothers are not ready for any of us! Is there anything we can do?!

Everyone was half-expecting the Prince to tell there was nothing they can do. Their options could be very limited at least from their perspective. 

Diavolo: Well...there is something you can do. 

Lucifer: Yes! Please! Anything!

Of course, the first eldest brother was quick to jump the gun in order to save his brothers from unnecessary casualties. 

Diavolo:'re not gonna like what I have to say. 


Diavolo: There is a way to appease the House Of Lords. According to the information gathered by my good friend Mephistopheles. 

Mammon couldn't help but feel proud of his Lover. He ignored the jealous look in MC's eyes. 

Diavolo: We managed to rearrange a deal for you all. 

None of them were sure of this deal. But then again should they even trust what Diavolo has in store for them?

He is the Future Demon King and like them, he is a very political position, and although his actions and do paint him as somewhat suspicious...

As one person might say, there is a duality in anything that people can ascribe to him based on their own preferences and experiences.

For example, Mammon had noticed his childishness leaves him open to new experiences and retains his curiosity, but it also causes him to hurt people unintentionally

A/N: But we see in the game that Lucifer doesn't hold things against him.

A politician, and a demon one at that, Mammon had seen the things he does for Lucifer, and ignoring whatever relationship they have at the time, it makes sense that he would choose potential war to gain an ally to pursue his goals even if it was politically adverse because.

But now he's in a position where the lords are turning against them for protecting the brothers from any obscure plans.

It looks like he's becoming the onion that going to be peeled.

Is he really looking out for them?

Lucifer:...The Deal...Which Is?

Diavolo: You all have to fight for your lives in the Kingsblood Crucible.

Brothers: ?!!!

MC: The Kingsblood Crucible?!! But that's...

Diavolo:  I know. The Kingsblood Crucible is a pair of trials for those to see if they're worthy of being Demon Lords.

Levi: But back then...wasn't it only to prove if one has to be worthy of being a Demon King?

Asmo: Yeah! That's what I thought. What gives?!

Satan: Did it changed overtime?

Diavolo: Yes. I once took that trial and succeeded. Sometime after my father fell into slumber. But that was over centuries ago. So yes, things have changed. 

Lucifer: So...they want us to participate in these order for us to prevent the War.

Mammon looked at Diavolo whom nodded solemnly.

Diavolo: Yes. That's about right. 

Barbatos: Arrangements have made been made already. In a few days, they want one of you to go there and prove your worth. 


Well Fuck...

Looks like they don't have a choice...

It's either this or an War no one wants. 

The first eldest gets up from his spot and looks at Diavolo with determined eyes. 

Lucifer: Lord Diavolo. For my brothers' sake, I will-?!


Before he could even finish. A certain fallen warrior beat him to it. 


Everyone froze as they turned to Mammon in shock. 


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