The Witness...

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A/N: Mammon faces the trials but to his dismay, A certain someone joins him as a witness. 

Mammon: NO! NO WAY IN HELL!!!

What the hell does MC mean by they want to come with him?! As far as he's concerned, he wants nothing to do wth the sheep! 

MC: But Mammon! 


Brothers: MAMMON!!!

The brothers all appeared as well. Mammon scoffed at seeing them as well thinking they put MC up to this. 

Mammon: Why are you guys here? I told ya I'll face the trials alone. 

Satan: We know that, Mammon...but...

Asmodeus: What if you get hurt?

Beelzebub: What if you don't come back?

Mammon: I'm fine. I'm strong. I've always have been!

Of course they all know he's strong. If they didn't, they still would've been ignorant idiots who can't read the they used to be...

Leviathan: We're aware of that too!

Lucifer: Mammon. Not saying we doubt your abilities. But the risks you're about to take are pretty concerning. That why MC had asked to join you. 

Why MC? Why not one of them?! 

Heck, as much he hated to admit it but he preferred his brothers...Even Kanon over the sheep. The sheep don't mean nothing to him anymore!

MC: I want to be your support, Mammon!

Mammon: Well you already failed in that multiple times!


Levi: H-Hey! Don't be mean to MC-?!

Mammon: *Angry* SHUT UP. LEVIATHAN. 

Sensing the black aura sweeping out from the second born, it made the Avatar Of Envy and hide behind Lucifer. The other brothers also stared at fear remembering the fact that Mammon can literally beat them up and kill them if he wanted too. 

Lucifer: Mammon. Stand Down. 

Mammon: Don't tell me what to do. 

Lucifer: Mammon. 

Lucifer spoke in a warning tone filled with steel but that didn't make Mammon as he glared at his brothers. 

Mammon: I've made it perfectly clear to you guys years ago! I want NOTHING to do with MC! Nothing!

Asmodeus: Mammon! We get it! We get you're upset with MC but doesn't mean you should hold a grudge against them!

Leviathan: Yeah! It's not fair! Why would you forgive us but you won't forgive MC!




Lucifer: Mammon...

Mammon: You guys already proved that I can forgive you...but I can't forget all the shit you all put me through! What happened in the past, can't be forgiven with just a simple apology! Tell me, would you forgive me too if I were to call you names and bullied you for something ya can't control?!!

Brothers: *Guilt*...

Belphegor: No...I...I wouldn't have forgiven you...Like how I couldn't forgive Lucifer for locking me up. 

Mammon: See! Then don't expect to just forgive someone because you ask me too! When y'all hold personal grudges for each other as well!


Mammon: Then there's you MC! Everytime something bad goes wrong! You have to make yerself the center of attention! I'm not doing this for ya! I'm doin' this to make sure no one comes after my family! This doesn't concerned you!

MC: B-But...I'm family...

Mammon:...No. Yer not. You maybe Lilith's descendant. But you aren't family. At least not to me. 

MC: *Hurt* ....L-Lucifer! Aren't you going to say something?!

Mammon couldn't help but groan! See! That is what he's talking about! 

Lucifer: Well Mammon-?!

Mammon: If ya say I'm being unreasonable. I'm cutting ties with you again. Permanently. DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT?

Whatever words Lucifer was going had died in his throat. The other brothers didn't dare say a word afraid that anything they say would be held against them.

The second born scoffed at them.

MC continued to whine and cry. 

MC: B-B-But Mammon! You're being mean!

How Childish. He can't take this anymore. 

Mammon: Ya know what! Screw This! 

Brothers: Mammon! Wait! 

Not wanting to listen to anyone, Mammon put a gold wall between them. The brothers backed away from the wall with expressions full of remorse & guilt. 

But the second born didn't care. He refused to be hurt or guilt-tripped anymore.

Diavolo: Ahem. 

Lord Diavolo had made an sudden appearance causing all tension to be released. Next to him was Barbatos & Mephistopheles. 

Diavolo: I hope we're not interrupting something...

Mammon: No. You came at the right time. 

The second born gave one last glare to MC before giving his attention back at Diavolo. 

Diavolo: If you say so. As you all are aware. It is time for the Kingsblood Crucible Trials. That Mammon, the Avatar Of Greed alone will face. 

Belphegor: No shit sherlock. 

Lucifer: Belphegor.

Belphegor: What? He didn't need to point out the obvious.

Mephisto: Show some respect to Lord Diavolo.

Mephistopheles also lets Diavolo know about his disapproval of letting the brothers be so close to him.

Like as usual, as everyone knew Mephisto shares with them his distrust of the seven brothers, except for Mammon, well as his desire to support and protect Diavolo. 

MC had asked Mephistopheles to approve of the brothers, or for him to endorse Diavolo's decisions. Regardless, Mephistopheles refuses, and the two part ways.

Mephisto: Regardless. I speak for the House Of Lords. The brothers can't be trusted!

Mephisto gave Mammon a sad look. Luckily for him, Mammon don't see this as betrayal. He can understand what his boyfriend is doing as it's his position as a noble. Because think about it, if Mephistopheles were to turn against the House Of Lords. 

That would spell trouble for his own family. They would be targeted. Their status as demon nobility would not protect them from War. 

Not even Diavolo's position as Devildom's Prince would save him. 

So Mammon didn't hold it against him. 

After all, Mephisto got a little brother. Someone he needs to protect. Mammon had met the kid before. He definitely didn't deserve this.

Mephisto loves Mammon but he also has people to look out for. 

The same way of how Mammon wishes to protect Kanon...and his brothers. 

Meanwhile the other brothers glared at him.

Asmodeus: Mephisto! How can you be so cruel?!

Leviathan: Yeah! After all, we been through?!

Beelzebub: I thought you were our friend. 

Mephistopheles: Since when was I ever your friend? Don't forget you lot are the reason why this declaration of war is happening. This wouldn't happen if you'd just listened to Paimon. 

Mammon had to groan. If only he knew...

Asmodeus: But...

Satan: So you're just pinning the blame on us for saving your own skin. 

Belphegor: How pathetic and here I thought you nobles were better than that. 

Mephisto: You have no room to talk. Especially with how you all scapegoat your own brother. 

Lucifer: *Rage* YOU-!!

Mephisto: I personally don't think you all are qualified for being Demon Lords anyway. 

Diavolo: It's fine Mephistopheles. Since the letter says the House of Lords consider the damage Mammon had directly caused to the Demon Lord's Case a declaration of war against the Devildom

Barbatos: Because it's also says that because Diavolo's duty was to supervise the brothers, much of the blame is on his shoulders as well.

Satan: So for they doubt Diavolo's leadership abilities, and want Mammon to go through the "Kingsblood Crucible," which is a pair of trials to prove one is worthy of being a Demon Lord. 

Diavolo: Yes. Normally I would go but since Mammon offered in my stead to pay for his crimes aganist the nobles. If this is what it takes to maintain peace. Who are we to stop him?

Lucifer:...But what if Mammon doesn't make it back?

Despite everyone's concerns, Mammon insists he is ready to pass these trials. 

Mammon: I'll be fine. Don't worry. 

Lucifer: Mammon. No matter how many times you say that. I can't help but worry. 

Satan: I hate to agree with Lucifer. But yeah, you're our brother. We screwed up a lot. We also wish to be there with you. 

Leviathan: It isn't fair that you face the trials alone. Especially when we all did shitty things that could be compatible enough to cause a war.

Beelzebub: Aniki...We don't want to lose you. 

Mammon: Guys...

MC:...I...still WANT to go with you.

Mammon: Oh for fuck sake, yer not-?!

Diavolo: Actually. Mammon. I hate to do this to you. But I think MC should go with you. As a witness to Kingsblood Crucible. 

Mammon:... Lord Diavolo. Are ya fuckin' kidding me right now?!

Normally, someone like either Lucifer or Barbatos would correct Mammon's behavior but they none of them felt the need too especially when they know they know how Mammon feels about the sheep.

Diavolo: I'm sorry Mammon, but as your Prince. That's an order. 

Knowing that Diavolo still holds power over him, Mammon had no choice but to comply. 

Mammon:....FUCKING DAMNIT!!!

Devildom shook from Mammon's anger as everyone besides Diavolo & Barbatos looked on in fright as they all felt the familial surge of rage spelling out from the second born.

The demon of greed turned to look at the sheep who stared back with fear. 

Mammon: Ya better not make me regret this! 

MC: *Gulp*....

Suddenly, both Mammon and MC are teleported to the mausoleum where the trials begin...As everyone wished them good luck...

Lucifer: *Concerned* Be safe....

Mephisto: (Please be careful, Mammon...)

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