Mammon, Beelzebub, & Satan Part 2

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Mammon decided to go back to being a Demon Lord.

The heavy burden he left behind a year ago.

While the brothers were happy with his choice, Mammon of course, still had his doubts.

To go back to being the Avatar Of Greed.

The very title that had made everyone he knew turned against him and looked down on him.

Lucifer, though, made it perfectly clear that there will be some changes according to Lord Diavolo.

Mammon, also established some rules himself.

• If he does back to being a demon lord, he would like permission to use his greed instead of being told to control it. 

• If he ever succumbs to stealing items again, he would like to be recognized as his sin.

• He's not ready to go back to living in the HOL just yet. He still wants to stay in the Human World for the time being.

• If he has to go to R.A.D, Kanon must be there with him attending the same classes. He refuses to allow her anywhere else out of his sight. If she has to be somewhere else. Only someone he can trusts can look after her.

• Keep MC away from him, the brothers can have them for all he cares.

With that, Diavolo saw nothing wrong with these rules and accepted the terms. Thus, Mammon was back in Devildom. A changed man, of course. While he still somewhat retains some of his old persona.

He still won't willingly just open up to anyone.

~Obey Me~

Mammon: Thanks for offering to cook with me, Beel.

Beel: Of course, Mams! Anything for you~!

Mammon: Are ya sure yer not just saying to satisfy your stomach.


Beel: I'm hungry...

Mammon: Haha. You stay hungry.

It's been a day since Mammon came back to being a demon lord. So far, everything was peachy...Sure his brothers still tease him here and there...

But so far, no one was being rude or insulting him...Lucifer even added an rule that if any one of them goes too far. Or if someone like a lessor demon or witch give Mammon any trouble. Be sure to let him or Lord Diavolo know.

But if Mammon takes care of the problem on his own. Still be sure to let any one of them know. All of the brothers were just happy that Mammon was giving them one more chance to make things right.

While Kanon was spending the day with Thirteen & her sister, Candy. Mammon was preparing dinner with Beel.

Beel: Can't help it.

Mammon: I know how that feels. Now what would you like for us to cook.

Beel: Hellfire Chicken sounds nice. Also a cake for later will do. But we should be careful with those eggs, Mammon.

Mammon: Hmm...What do you mean?

Beel: I heard if you throw some eggs, there's a chance a chicken might pop out and attack you...



Mammon: You need to stop playing Minecraft with Levi.

Beel: Hmm? Why?

Mammon: Ya know chickens don't live inside those eggs, right? Those eggs weren't the type that hatch. Even Kanon knows that and she's about to be ten.

Beel:.......I suddenly feel dumb.

Mammon chuckles and pats his head.

Mammon: Don't worry. Not everyone in the three worlds knows this.

Beel: Well thanks for clearing that up with me, Mams.

Mammon: No problem. So ya ready to cook with me? Gotta make sure ya get your nutrients so yer all ready for practice later.

Beel: Yes~~~! Food~~~~!

Mammon: Haha. Yer such a good boy, Beel. Never change.

Beel: Mammon?

Mammon: Ya?

Beel:...There's something I need to tell ya. Something I haven't told everyone yet...not even Belphie...

Oh? A secret? Mammon never thought Beel of all people would have a dark secret. But then again, everyone had secrets of their own. Some secrets are just meant to kept and took to the grave.

Mammon: I'm listening...

Beel:....I knew Lilith was going to die.

Mammon: ?!

Beel: Before the day of the Celestial War, Michael send me to do an errand in the Human Realm. There, that very night...I had an encounter with a banshee.


Beel: The spirit told me that Lilith was going to die...I didn't want to believe, so I ignored her warning hoping to see Lilith again once the war was over...but to the fact that she died...right there in front of me...

Mammon: Beel...

Beel: Mammon...I'm sorry... Lilith's death was never your fault. It's my own. If I just told someone, maybe Lucifer that you think Lilith would've still been alive?

Mammon:......Tbh, I don't it would've matter.

Beel: Huh?

Mammon: Like how we all chose to follow Lucifer. Lilith choose to fight in that in that war. She would've been a goner either way, Beel and it's not your fault alone. She made her choice and we made ours.


Mammon: Do not hold yerself accountable for these things. I'm sure no one here would want too. Even if you told them now...I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care all that much. Lucifer probably would say "What's done is done. But thank you for being honest with me."

Beel: Mammon...

Mammon: So again, it's not yer fault.

Beel: It's not yours either.


Beel: I know I've seen how the others treated you over the years and how most of them blamed you. When you left, I thought that was it for our family. I failed to protect another person. I may have not done anything to stop it. But since your giving me another chance. I'm going to make sure I won't make the same mistake again.

Mammon: Heh...Well I will hold ya for that. Now come more frowns Beel.

Beel: Mams.

Mammon: Make that cute little smile and say "I'm Hungry"...

Beel:... *Smiles* I'm hungry, Big Bro~!

Mammon: Atta boy! Now let's make some dinner and dessert~!

Beel: Food~~~~!

~Obey Me~

Satan never thought he see the day Mammon would be reading with him. But color him surprised. It's actually happening.

Mammon: Satan...Could ya help me with this?

Satan: Sure, of course.

Back then, Mammon wouldn't be caught dead studying & would usually flunk his classes besides Math for some reasons.

Unless someone pays him too.

Satan would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed to see such improvement. But then again, Mammon was more wiser than he and the others gave him credit for.

Which is why, like the others, Satan vows to do better and give his Mammy to utmost respect he deserves.

Satan: I heard Kanon has been improving too.

Along with MC, Diavolo has chosen Kanon to be another human exchange student in the Devildom for a period of one year to start in the academic year. At first, Mammon was aganist the idea for the safety of his daughter but decided it would be best to let Kanon interact with more long as they don't pose a threat to her.

Plus, it could help her achieve her dreams as a future sorceress.

Solomon was thinking of taking her in as his apprentice. Which is something you don't see everyday if you ask him.

MC, for some reason, looked a little jealous but Mammon didn't pay no mind.

Mammon: Oh yes! Little Treasure has been acing most of her classes. Especially for potions class. I'm so proud of her. She's shining like the little gem she is~!

Satan: You say that everyday about her...Sooo...Are you having any problems recently? Anything at all...?

Back then, Satan wouldn't be bother getting up in whatever mess Mammon is in and would tell Lucifer what the second eldest was up too.

But since he was striving to be a better person. He wanted to prove to Mammon that he can change.

Mammon: Some witches have been trying to get ahold of me again.

Satan scowled. Seriously? Don't those bitches know when to quit?

Satan: They just want power.

Mammon: Obviously.

Satan: If a human was as powerful as us, they would have needed a pact with one of the stronger demons of the Devildom.

Mammon: Yeah...just like....

Satan: Maddi?

Mammon: No. I was going to say Solomon...

Satan: Sorry...I know you don't like bringing her up and...

Mammon: It's cool. Maddi is nothing more but a memory of the past...I've decided I'm no longer getting apart with anymore witch drama.

Satan: Good to know. But you still love money don't ya.

Mammon: Ha~! That's right! (But Kanon is irreplaceable. I wouldn't trade her even for all the money in the world.)

Satan:.....(Good to see he's still himself...the others were actually scared that Mammon had fully changed. Really unbelievable on their part because they were the ones who wanted him to change...we all did....)

Mammon: When ya said they just want power. I also learned something. All people do. Humans. Angels. Demons. It's a basic greed for everyone.

Satan: Do tell.

Mammon: Well...Or A Greed Core.

Mammon pulled out a few books that he got from Simeon. The angel sure did had a love for writing. Both Mammon & Satan were both absolutely smitten with his books.

Mammon: Power, wealth, and love are just the main three that everyone all want. They are from greed. There is no calamity greater than lavish desires....

Satan: So in the end...there is no greater guilt than discontentment And there is no greater disaster than greed. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.

Mammon: even if Maddi were to achieve her goal....she would not be happy. She would not be satisfied.

Satan: So she would've continued to use you til she see fit. But however...

Mammon: She would've just been miserable. Money, power, would've just made her miserable. Not like she would understand.

Satan: Greed surely is a powerful thing.

Mammon: It is...It also made me learn lots of things.

Satan: Wisdom in greed, how ironic.

Mammon: I may be smart but not as smart and intelligent as that wonderful head of yours.


Mammon: Satan?

Satan: honest with me...Do you...still hate me?

Mammon: Hate you...For what?

What's gotten into him?

Satan: the others, I've also wronged you. Even though I knew you were more than just some pea brained alcoholic money grubbing scumbag. You were the most decent out of all of us. You raised us. You took care all of us and yet...

Mammon: Satan...

The fourth eldest started beating himself up with his words.

Satan: I was so awful and mean to you. Even I didn't show it, I always wonder what did you ever saw in me! I abandoned you. I belittled and insulted you! My demonhood is no excuse for my actions against you! You should stay angry with me!!!

Mammon: Satan!

Satan: Fuck...Sometimes I don't even know what's wrong with me...Am I truly Lucifer's copy?! His wrath containing his anger issues as well as being Lilith's replacement?! Is that all I ever am?! Maybe...I shouldn't have existed-?!

Mammon: SATANAS!!!

Satan flinched. He hasn't heard Mammon called him by his full name in such a long time.

Mammon: You listen to me right now! You are your own person. Don't ever let me hear ya say that ever again! DO YOU HEAR ME?!

Satan: Yes Mammy...

Mammon: You got anger issues. Yea. We get it. We all do. But that mostly implies for everyone. You're not the only one who has to keep their anger in check. I mean...look at Simeon. He may be the opposite of you. But we should literally watch out for him if we catch that guy on a bad day.

Satan: Noted.

Mammon: The thing is. You're not Lucifer. I've never saw you as him.

Satan: Yeah...(You were the only one who didn't...but yet...)

Mammon: Yes. I'm upset for what you did to me...but I can't stay angry at you all the time. Especially if I know you're willing to change.


Mammon: You are loved. You are accepted. We all made that perfectly clear to you years ago. I know you still have a hard time seeing any of us as family. But don't hesitate to reach out to someone if you ever feel that way. After all, we have lost Lilith. But we have gained you. Satan. You are NOT her replacement and most definitely NOT Lucifer's copy. Understand?

Satan: Yes...

Mammon: Life is shit and Lucifer's a dick. I get it. We all wanted and craved his attention. Let's be honest, we all were pretty pissed that he choose Diavolo over us...


He accepted nor denied that answer.

Mammon: sure sucks to have him as a father. But he's trying now...okay? You don't have to accept him as your father if that makes you feel better.

Satan:...Alright...I still remember those days...

Mammon: Hm?

Satan: The days you raised me...everytime I see you with Kanon...I just can't help but feel a little jealous...

Mammon: Satan....

Satan: You'll do a father I mean.

Mammon: *Smiles* Thanks TanTan.


Mammon: Satan?

Mammon noticed Satan found himself absorbed in a familiar book. Once the second eldest read the contents. His eyes went wide.

Mammon: Not again, Satan!

Satan: *Child* Mammy! Want to play hide n seek?! Hahahahahaha!

Forbidden Book Of Toddlerization.

Oh brother, here we go again.

Mammon: I round wouldn't hurt.

Satan: Yay!

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