Mammon, Leviathan, & Asmodeus Part 2

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It was the middle of the day as Mammon was playing dollhouse & tea party with his daughter Kanon.

Kanon: Here we go, some tea for Mr. Mammy~!

Mammon: Thank you~!

Kanon: Mr. Rabbit & Miss Dolly are happy for this tea party. Would you like some cupcakes as well?

Mammon: I would love one. (Such a shame Asmo isn't here. He would like one too.)


Mammon: *Groans* Hold on, sweetie. Hello?

Levi: H-Hey Mammon!

Mammon: *Sighs* Yes Levi?

Levi:...Is it okay if you & Kanon come play some games with me?

Mammon: Hmm...IDK. We're kind of in the mood to playing dollhouse and tea parties.


Mammon never thought he hear Levi act so desperate. He sounded serious. If it has something to do with gaming channel or does it have something to do with the TSL.

Mammon: We'll come by later.


Mammon: Okay...

He looked at his daughter.

Mammon: How would you like to visit your Uncle Levi?


Levi invited them to play some games in his room, using the excuse that he was getting bored of playing alone and with his online friends.

And as his big brother always did, Mammon came to spend time with him...

The days had passed after the whole intense situation at the student council meeting and Levi was ready for things to settle back down again.

The first time after awhile, Levi attended the school classes in person for a while, earning brownie points for sitting next to Mammon in class and offering his share of manga for Mammon to read.

He also started introducing Kanon to the TSL.

Kanon: So the Tale of the seven Lords are based off of you guys! That's awesome!

Levi: Right?! it was written by a human named Christopher Peugeot many years ago and has over 138 volumes!

Mammon: Still hate the fact that I'm called the Lord of Fools.

Levi: Hehehehehe. I feel bad for you.

Mammon: Do ya even?

Kanon: Wait. They even had a play?

Levi: Correct. Although the 1990's theatrical version was an "utter disaster" due to the fact that they added characters who weren't in the original manuscript. In contrast, I still praises the 2015 version.

Mammon: Many people like the oldest lord the best...The Lord Of Corruption.

Levi: True but my favorite is the third lord.

Kanon: The Lord Of Shadow...

Levi: Yep! He's a shy and brooding reclusive like me! I feel like if we ever met, we would've probably been friends.

Kanon:....Would that even be possible?

Mammon: The House Of Lamentation...Anything is possible. Like that one time we made a bet with Asmodeus to sneak into Lucifer's room to get a picture of him sleeping...

Levi: Which in turn, send us all into the cellar where Henry was at...Awwwwww... Henry, my poor little snake. He grown up so fast, he's forgotten all about you.

Mammon: Actually, Levi. You were the one who forgot all about him and replaced him for a goldfish. I would be pretty pissed off too if I were him.

Kanon: *Shakes her head* Wow. Uncle Levi.

Levi: Eh?! Why are you both looking at me like that! Anyway! Let's play some games! Wanna play Devilkart?

Kanon: I do!

Mammon: Alright! But I'm totally beating you at it!

Levi: *Smirks* You're on! Prepare to lose!


Mammon: Ugggggh!

Levi: Ha! You are no match for gamer skills~!

Mammon: Yeah yeah. Whatever.

Kanon: I'll beat you next time, Uncle Levi!

Levi: Ha! I like to see you try! I am the King of Devilkart!

Mammon: Let's play dungeons & dragons next time.

Levi: Sure!

Kanon went over to the other side of the room to play some Ruri-chan tones. Leaving the two men to themselves.

An comfortable silence broke between them as they continued to play games...until Levi spoke up.

Levi: Hey...Mams?


Levi:....You're not going to leave us again, are you?

Mammon:.....What brought this on...

Levi: nevermind...


Levi: Hmm...



Mammon:....Hey Levi?

Levi: Yeah?

Mammon:....Why were we fighting again? I mean... the first time when it happened before I started asking ya for money...

Levi: You...won a seraphina-chan fugurine that I've always wanted to get but you threw it away.

Mammon: Oh...Wait What?! *Angry* That's why you started hating me?! You started treating me like a crap and spread bad rumors about me! Over a figurine that NEVER even belonged to you?!

Levi:....It was a limited edition figurine...


Levi: I couldn't help it, I was jealous okay!

Mammon: STILL! 

Levi blushed in embarrassment. If you think about it. His reason for hating Mammon...did sounded petty.

Mammon: *Sighs* Look dude...if you makes you feel better...would ya like me to buy you a new limited edition figure?

Levi: R-Really?! You'll do that?!

Mammon: Yeah...I mean I know it's not going to be the same Seraphima-chan fugurine you're always wanted. But I can still buy you one.

Leviathan smiled at that. But then he started feeling more guilty. He was not a good brother to Mammon. He never was. All this happened was because he was jealous of his older brother.

Levi: Mammon...

Mammon: Ya?

Levi: I'm...sorry...for...everything.


Levi: I know you're tired of hearing the same apologies over and over again. But...really...I...want to be a better brother. You were my best friend. You were the one who helped me a lot. Sure you take my money but you also gave me a lot of video games and anime.

Mammon: Leviathan...

Levi: I want to let you know that I... I don't see you any differently after all that....

Mammon: Well you are my little bro and ya did pissed me off a lot. But if you're willing to open up to me again. I'll give ya a chance..

Levi: *Sobs* Thank you Mammon.

Mammon: Don't mention it. Now...enough crying. What are ya, a kid? Let's play some Mortal Kombat.

Levi: *Smiles* Alright....


Asmo: Mammon! Let's buy some more clothes!

Mammon: Fiiiiiine. If you makes you leave me alone if I let ya use my credit card.

Asmo: You sure that ain't Lucifer's?

Mammon: No!

Asmo had learned some of the clothing stores he go to had some new brand. So he invited Mammon to come clothes shopping with him again.

Asmo: Oh! I love this~! And this~! And that~! This one is sooooo my style and is totes adorbs.

Of course he had to also dress Mammon & Kanon up in some fancy clothing to match his vibe!

Mammon groaned because knowing Asmo...He wasn't gonna let his brother look like some hobo on the streets!


Mammon: Asmo...I appreciate ya if you didn't strip me with your eyes.

Asmo: Hah! As if I haven't done that already!

To most people, they would find that disgusting but since they're demons, Mammon just rolled his eyes. It ain't the first time Asmo would try things like that. It certainly weren't be the last.

Mammon: Why don't ya go flirt with Solomon.

Asmo: He's busy! So not now~! So let's go to that store right there! They always sell the cutest accessories with the fanciest gems!


Mammon: Huh?

Asmo: Heh?

A female demon charged at Asmodeus. Before he could even comprehend what was going on. loud sound of slapping had made the entire shopping hall freeze and all of the demons watched the scene with their breaths on hold and anticipation.

Asmo: OW!

Asmo's head was facing backwards as the slap he received as Mammon stared in shock before he glared at the woman.

Mammon: What the FUCK was that for?!



Female Demon: For the past three days, he has been stalking me and tried to kiss me without my consent!  He's a pervert and a creep!

Asmo: B-But I didn't! I don't even know you! You're not one of my followers!

Female Demon: Liar! You're a manwhore!


Mammon glared at her for that mean comment. How dare she talk to one of the seven lords like that? He slowly looked around to notice people started whispering. His eyebrows became narrow as soon as he heard "Pervert", "Creep", "Slut", "Bitch", & "Scum".

Scum, huh?

Funny how it's not even directed at him but he felt those words. He then turned to Asmo to see him had his head down and it looked like tears from coming out of his eyes.

Asmo: No...I...I didn't do anything...

Female Demon: Ha! Another lie! I don't care if you are a demon lord! Pay me or else! Starting with your expensive feminine clothing! Then maybe I'll let this slide~!

Asmo: *Distraught* N-No! Please!

Female Demon: Give me! Pay up already! Or I'll ruin your life!

Mammon could see the woman making a devious smile as people begin to slander his brother.

Did she just ordered his brother to pay her or else she'll take everything he owns?

Something wasn't right here.

He need to put a stop to this.

Mammon: Okay! Hold on! Back up a minute!

Female Demon: *Scoffs* What do you want?

Oi. Respect him. He's a demon lord, ya bitch.

Mammon: So you say that Asmo was stalking you for the past few days?

Female Demon: Yes! He even-!

Mammon: Actually...If I think about it. There's no way that's possible.

Female Demon:.....Huh?

Mammon: Asmo... Didn't you say you were hanging out with Satan three days ago?

Asmo:....Hm? Oh yeah. We were out together and eating lunch those past few days.

Mammon: What else were you doing?

Asmo: *Blushes*....I went to so see Solomon for a while. Because....well...

Oh he get it...he and Solomon must've did the you know what. Mammon rolled his eyes to get to the point.

Mammon:...And did you went anywhere else besides that?

Asmo: No....

Mammon: Then there's no way you have did any of that stalking of what the woman is claiming you did.

Female Demon: Hah?! How would you know?! You weren't even there! He's must be lying to throw suspicion off him and you're protecting him!

Mammon: Do you have any proof that he touched you?


Mammon: But didn't you just said he only tried to kiss you?

Female Demon: Errr...

Mammon: were with Satan and Solomon those past 3 days, right? Do you have any evidence to confirm that?

Asmodeus seems to caught on what Mammon was doing and nodded.

Asmo: Yes! I have them right here.

Sure enough, the lust demon showed the evidence as his pictures on his D.D.D revealed he spend the day with both Satan & Solomon on the photos with Asmodeus making poses in them.

Mammon & Asmo slowly turned to the female demon who looked like a dear caught in headlights. Her face turned red in embarrassment.

Asmo: My Dear...Are you trying to cause trouble~?

Mammon: Got anything else to say?

Woman: I...He assaulted me last week!

Mammon: That isn't possible either because we were all busy taking care of the witches around that time. You're story isn't adding up.

Everyone also slowly turned to the woman who made the accusations. Her lies were catching up to her.

Mammon: *Dark* Your accusations against my brother make no sense at all. Are ya lying to us?

Female Demon: *Scared* I...I...Well...

Mammon: What is your goal? Trying to accuse Asmo of touching you? What are you after. Tell me now...or would you like for me to tell everyone your secrets of what you did earlier.

Female Demon: H-How did ya-?!

Mammon: Ya'll forget I got crows everywhere all around Devildom. Ya think I wouldn't know. I have eyes everywhere. I feel bad for yer boyfriend. Because he's not going to be happy...

The female demon tuned pale as all angry eyes and whispers were on her. Mammon and Asmo both transformed into their demon forms glaring at the woman.

She had dishonored a demon lord while trying to get money out of him.

Oh, she's in deep shit now.

Asmo: I should slap your face off darling and everyone here can watch~! But since I'm feeling nice and is in a good mood~! I'll let Mammon take care of everything.

Female Demon: I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I was-?!

Mammon: SILENCE. You just committed a crime against a Demon Lord. This won't go unpunished. I hope ya know that. Start Talkin. Now.

Female Demon: *Gulp*...

Asmo: (Mammon...I've never thought I say this...but you're so cool!)


Turns out the demon woman was indeed lying. She made false accusations against the Avatar Of Lust because she was trying to get more money. Her sin was greed so it made more sense for her to use it to her advantage.

Mammon dugged some info about her.

Her name was Amy Meldows.

She was a lessor demon and was young around mid-twenties. She had a boyfriend but according to Mammon's intel. She has been unfaithful. Asmo learned she's been seen in some night clubs recently and spended most of her boyfriend's money there....without his permission.

In order to hide her crimes, she tried to accuse the Avatar Of Lust of stalking and assaulting her while demanding a huge compensation out of him.

But now...she was exposed in broad daylight.

Her boyfriend found her infidelity and broke up with her. All her friends ditched her and left her for dead. Her devilgram followers all unsubscribed. No one wanted to be involved with her. Lucifer and Diavolo will be discussing her punishment on another day.

Her reputation was over. She was finished.

Asmo: Mammon~~~~!

Mammon: Ugh. What dya want?

Asmo: Thank you so much for saving me that day~! So today, I'm going to be an excellent brother and spending the day with you. What do you want to do today?! Shopping?! Casino?! V.I.P parties?!

Mammon: Oh really? You sure you're not doing this to save face?

Asmo: No I'm serious. Thanks...I mean it...if it wasn't for reputation would've been over.

Mammon: It depends...

Asmo: this how it been through this situation before, right?


Has he been through this situation before? Well yes. It's just he lost count of how many times of not only his brothers but many people have accused him of crimes he did not commit.

Most of the time it was just to get him in trouble for amusement or if someone holds a grudge against him.

Even if he wasn't the culprit. No one took him seriously and made him the scapegoat.

At least Asmo now know how he feels. Because he was very close to being slandered by everyone in Devildom.

Asmo: I'm...sorry...

Mammon: For what?

Asmo:....Of the many times I told you to kill yourself and accused you of stealing...

Mammon: Yeah...That...It's in the past now Asmo...I'm over it.

Asmo: You shouldn't be over it...I mean...You should hate us still...I don't blame you feel like the world was against you. That's how I felt at that moment. It hurts...having everything held against you because of something you can't control.

Mammon patted his head in reassurance.

Mammon: At least that snake bitch Amy got what she deserved. She got no right to call you a manwhore just because of your sin.

Asmo: Yeah...At least her ex-boyfriend isn't all that bad.

Mammon: Speaking of her ex...What happened to him?

Asmo: *Smiles* He's a decent guy. He reached out to me and apologize for what Amy did to me. Told him if he ever needs any stress relief, call me~!

Mammon stopped and looked at him.

Mammon: Did you just...?

Asmo: Slept with her ex to get back at her for the humiliation~? Maaaaaybe.

Mammon barked out a laugh as Asmo joined him.

...And here he thought Levi was petty.

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