Six Months Later...

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A/N: Timeskip cause why not~?

Six Months had passed since Mammon had left Devildom and his life had took a huge turn for the better.

He was living the dream. He loved his job at the Casino.

Working as a casino dealer and looking after Kanon was no easy feat. But he didn't mind because of the extra help he has.

Plus, Kanon may be a nine year old girl but she was so well-behaved. She hardly gave Mammon or anyone he knew any trouble and she didn't ask for much.

Though he can't say the same about Little D Number 2. He and the crowd was an handful. Especially Luce who seems to enjoy looking for trouble.

But nonetheless. All that matters was that he and his new family was happy.

Mammon: Alright. Eveyone! Whose ready to party~! The Great Mammon-sama is here to serve!

This earned him some cheers Mammon took the deck, fingers lingering over them for a split second before he started dealing. 

Once he had his cards. He didn't look at his cards knowing from experience and his associates were on another level that you would end up giving too much away.

Given how skilled all of the players were, that would be inevitable doomed for any of them if they place a bet that could lose. As long as they don't gamble their life away to some Yakuza. Then they should be fine.

The folks at the casino loved his smile  and he laughed at playful comments from one of the other players.

The casino was rather elegant as far as other casinos went. He was rather surprised he hasn't ended up in some seedy back alley establishment but the place was surprisingly chic.

Mammon went to being a dealer. Placing bets and dealing cards. A simple easy feat for him. He had experience. Seeing all that money go down on the table, his eyes twinkled.

Though he remains unphrased.

Mammon: Alright. Ya guys remember the rules! Bet as much as you can! But no cheating! Plus! If ya run out of things to bet, then please leave. Everyone has a limit! Believe me! I know from experience!

Everyone at the table nodded as they begin to place their bets and Mammon pulled out the poker chips before setting them on the table.

Mammon: Annnnnd BEGIN!








A player had a royal flush and the highest cards while they were declared the winner.

Winner: Whoo! I did it! Yes!

Man: W-Wait! Just one more bid!

Winner: Idk. You look like you're finished.

Man: No! One more! Please! I could do this!

Mammon frowned at the other customer whom looked like he bet almost everything he owned and but sadly lady luck was not on his side as another customer had a straight flush with their cards as they were declared the winner. Mammon gave most of the poker chips to the winner while the losers were sulking.

Mammon: Do you have anything to bid?

They been at this table for nearly four hours and the desperate guy had almost lost everything. The other players at the table were giving him pathetic looks. Either he had no idea what he was doing or he that much of a shit player when it comes to bidding. Mammon felt sorry for the guy. He bet he came here at the Casino believing he could be a winner but in the end, loses everything.

The harsh reality but what can you say?

Man: M-My Deed To The House.

Oh no, the last time Mammon did something like that, Lucifer was ready to skinned him alive. He needs to set this guy straight before he ends up regretting it later.

Mammon: I think ya done enough, sir. I don't want ya to lose everything. Believe me, it's time to call it quits.

Man: B-But...

Mammon: Ya don't happen to have an gambling addiction do ya?

Man: W-W-Well....

That bad, huh?

Mammon: Did you happen to bid anything else valuable?

He hoped not his soul. It's been a while since Mammon kept a human soul. Although he's aware he's not in Devildom anymore but he is aware what humans what go through such links to have money, power, and fame.

Heck, people even sell their souls for a Hollywood Dream.

Earlier, at first the pour sap bidded only about fourty hundred dollars filling lucky until he ended up on a losing spree. After a while of waiting. Everyone at the table watch as he just bidded a wedding ring on the table indicting he's married. His pour wife is SO going to be furious.

Mammon: Alright. That's where I draw the line. You should stop now. Quit while you're ahead before ya regret it later. I know it hurts but you should just cut your losses. The last thing you want is some debt collectors breathing down your neck or breaking down your door.


With that, the pour guy grabs the wedding ring and leaves the room with empty pockets.

Rich Woman: Heh. His loss. I was just about to bid a couple of thousands.

Mammon: Sure ya would, doll. But knowing people like y'all. You would've gave him a run of his money. If he ever had any.

She let's out an huff but her smile shows she wasn't all that upset.

Mammon: Alright! Anyone else? Let's continue! The Great Mammon-sama is ready to serve more chips! So Let's Scourge Up Something That's Worth It~! NOOOOOW! LET PLACE YOUR BETS!


It was a little later after midnight and Mammon had finished his shift with a delightful smile on his face as he received his paycheck.

Boss: Thanks again for your help, Mammon! See ya in a few days!

Mammon: See ya boss~!

Feeling happy as another work day passed. He remembers he needed to pick up Kanon.

The little girl was at Thirteen's back in Devildom. As soon as he exited the casino, he made his way down an alleyway. Making sure the coast is clear. He looked around before he started using his powers to open up a portal to Devildom all the way to Thirteen's place.


Kanon: Papa~~~!

The little witch girl ran over to her spot where she was playing with her toys a while ago to give Mammon a hug. Thirteen and Mephisto watched the small reunion closely with smiles.

The former Avatar Of Greed scooped her up in his arms to return the hug.

Mammon: Hey there, Little Treasure. How was your day?

Kanon: It was fun! I learned so many cool spells from Big Sis Thirteen!

Thirteen: Heh! It was nothing! Told ya I was a pro! Much better than Solomon.

Mammon raised an eyebrow. What does she have aganist Solomon for her to say that?

Oh well, not his problem.

Mammon: So ya learned many spells from Thirteen! Maybe you should show Papa sometime!

Kanon: I would love too...But I'm tired...

It was past midnight so it was understandable for Kanon to be tired. She shouldn't be up so late. Plus, she got lessons with Simeon and Luke early in the morning.

Mammon: Alright. Imma take ya home. Let's leave quickly before Lil D cause a fuss and gets lonely.

Kanon: Mmm Kay...

She fell asleep and snuggled into in his arms which warmed his heart.

Mammon: Thanks again for watching her guys.

Thirteen: Anytime!

Mephisto: Get home safe!

Mammon: We will~!

The demon opens the portal back to his home and closes it. A little while later, Mammon soon tucked Kanon into bed in her room with Lil D Number 2 sleeping not too far away.

Mammon's crows especially the five he was he close too were keeping watch as usual.

Mammon: Don't stay up too long guys. Ya need your sleep too.

They cawwed at him as usual before he got ready to turned in for bed as well.

He quickly undressed, washed up, and brushed his teeth to get ready for a brand new day...

He couldn't believe how much time had past so quickly. Six months since he left Devildom and he feels... relieved.

He got a new friends...old friends...Kanon. Lil D. His Crows. So much had changed...He still couldn't believe it.

Mammon: Yeah...This is my new life...I will be sure to enjoy it.

While Mammon is enjoying his new life. I can't say the same for his former brothers. He closed his eyes for an deserved rest.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer.

Take one down, and pass it around. 99 bottles of beer on the wall.



Eh?...That Voice...It sounded so familiar...

Mammon: No...Way....

The figure's voice sounded close yet so far....

"Don't worry Big Brother...I'm always here...Watching you..."

Mammon felt the tears fall from his eyes as he tried to approach the voice.

Mammom: Lilith! 

"It's...Not Your Fault...Never Your Fault..."

What did she mean by that???

"I Love You Big Brother...Never Stop Being You..."

Mammon: Lilith! Wait! Come back! Don't go!


Mammon: Gah?! 

He woke up from his room looking around while sweat beamed down his face. His breath became ragged as he started heaving hard.

Mammon: Just a dream...Yeah...A dream....

Lilith was gone and that was a fact. But he misses her. He wish he could see her one last time...

Mammon: I miss ya my sweet baby sister......


As the couple of months had passed, there was so tension in the HOL you could cut it with a knife.

The rest of the demon brothers were all miserable without Mammon.

Like the vow he made months ago. Mammon had made it clear plain as day that he was tired of the insults and punishments he received everyday from his brothers. It started getting worse when it seems everyone else he knew started bashing him due to his sin. All because he can't control his greed. So he's reached the breaking point and left.

So he's no longer going to put up with it anymore. He left Devildom and started a new life.

Well...Why should they care? He's only been a nuisance to them. They got what they wanted...right???


Without Mammon there to keep peace and stability in the House Of Lamentation.

The brothers' relationship got worse from here on out.

There were still fights and nasty brawls between Lucifer and Satan.

Leviathan locked himself away in his room.

Asmodeus was mentally hurting himself not keeping up with his appearance.

There was also some squabbles between Levi and Asmo due to jealousy and high-maintence. 

Beelzebub was hardly eating and Belphegor was hatdly sleeping. Which made things worst for all of them.

MC, for some reason, decided to not help the brothers anymore and return to the Human World.

....Well Good Riddance. Can't say besides the brothers and maybe a little of Diavolo and Barbatos, no one else is going to miss them...

The guilt was eating them all alive...

If they didn't regret their actions before, they certainly do now. Especially Lucifer...

It hurts them now knowing that Mammon wants nothing to do with them.

But just because things are different now...doesn't mean their story is over yet.






In a bright light, a familiar figure was watching them all in immense pain, sadness, and regret. Her love for them still transcends through time...







Lilith: My Brothers...How do I fix this mess that my descendant have failed to do???

QOTD: You guys got any ideas???

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