You All Messed Up...

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A/N: Talks of emotional, physical, and verbal abuse and manipulation.

Diavolo:.....Lucifer. Would you mind repeating that sentence again?

Lucifer: L-Lord Diavolo...I....

Diavolo: Lucifer...That's an order. Tell me what do you mean by "manipulating" Mammon? Now.

This time, everyone was now glaring at Lucifer. Even Diavolo and Barbatos.

Oh boy, he's got a lot of explaining to do.

Diavolo: I think it's time for that meeting I was talking about earlier.  Everyone besides Barbatos. Leave the room. I would like to speak with your eldest brother.

Satan: Oh come on! We want to know too!

Barbatos: You heard Lord Diavolo. Leave. Now. That's an order.

The younger brothers grumbled angrily before leaving the room.

Diavolo: Barbatos. Make sure no one tries to get inside this room or even hear our conversation.

Barbatos: Yes My Lord.

Barbatos escorted the brothers out and used a spell to prevent the brothers from trying to use any attempt inside the room.


Diavolo: Now. Explain Yourself Lucifer.

Lucifer: Lord Diavolo. I did it for you. I did it for your reputation and-?

Diavolo: My reputation should not matter when it comes to family problems, Lucifer. You, of all people should understand that. Stop using it as an excuse.

Lucifer flinched at the cold tone.

Diavolo: Now I'll ask again. What do you mean by "manipulating" Mammon? Word From Word.

Lucifer went quiet for a moment while trying to find the right words to confess to his Lord. He let's out a sigh before looking up at Diavolo.

Lucifer:...My loyalty to you is my duty and my burden...


Lucifer: Ever since we lost Lilith, I didn't want to lose my family. She was born as a human...

He tries to take in the fact that Lilith lived. She lived and the brothers didn't know. Satan, the fourth eldest and physically youngest, had no connection to her, but the rest of the brothers did.

Diavolo: So you kept it a secret from the other brothers.

All those years ago. Lilith was alive, yes, and there was nothing stopping the other brothers from seeing her. But it was forbidden...

Because if word got out that the Demon Prince helped out an angel. They would be imprisoned, or worse, they'd be executed according to the demands of both angels and demons and Diavolo's dream of unifying the three realms will be all for naught.

Diavolo: Because you pleaded with me to save her that day and I gave her a second life...away from all of you.

Lucifer: Yes....

Diavolo: I understand that yes. But why bring this up Lucifer? What does this have to do with Mammon?


Diavolo: Lucifer. Why did you punished Mammon?

Lucifer: *Dry Chuckle* Why? Mammon has always been a troublemaker Lord Diavolo. He has always been "difficult" when it comes to following the commands of authority. We both know that he was basically too much of a handful for Michael, whose now the most powerful angel in the Celestial Realm.

Diavolo: Yes I know...

Lucifer: But as a demon, Mammon is the Avatar of Greed, a sin that directly impacts those closest to him at a more obvious level than some of the other deadly sins. He steals from everyone, gambles his money away, doesn't pay his own brothers back, and generally breaks all the rules. The reason why I did it was because...I didn't want you to harm him.

Diavolo's eyes went wide. Him? Harm Mammon? Never. Sure, Mammon can be a bit annoying to others but not to Diavolo. He never thought about harming the second eldest brother. Sure, he let's Barbatos or Lucifer punished him. But that's it. Where is Lucifer getting all this?

Lucifer: The times he stole from you. I was afraid. I know you Lord Diavolo. You may be patient with Mammon. But I was afraid. Afraid that you would snap one day would kill him.


Lucifer: I did all I could. I hanged him from the ceiling. I beat him. Whipped him....

Brainwashed him. Made him become Cerberus' chew toy. Tortured him with a hot iron rod...

Diavolo: Wait...What do you mean by brainwashing him? Is this the manipulation part?

Lucifer:.....Do you remember that day when Mammon had to attend a party and he was acting like a gentleman?

Diavolo: *Nod* Yes but what does that-?!.....



Oh no....

Why....? Why would you do that? How could you do that? To your own brother?!

Diavolo: Oh Lucifer...You didn't...

Lucifer: *Nods* I casted an spell on him which made him act like a completely different person. To give him an aura of being perfect.

Diavolo:.... Lucifer, I am entirely disappointed in your actions. I remember you were even gloating about how you fixed him into becoming a proper gentleman. How could you do that to him?!!

Lucifer: I did it so he could finally have an reputation. So he could gain connections and-?!

Diavolo: And what would he do with those connections, Lucifer? Mammon isn't you!


Diavolo: Go On. Continue.

Lucifer:...Mammon is just someone who refused to be controlled. Granted, Mammon deserved to be punished for his actions.

Diavolo: But isn't your strict behaviour, your and your brothers' insults, and punishments too a part of the reason that Mammon broke down that day. Even though I ask you to keep his Greed in check. I didn't ask you to resort to harming him. You made those choices Lucifer. Not Me.


Diavolo: So why is it only Mammon being shunned for his sin. He ain't the only brother I asked you to keep their sin in check. When Beel eats other people's food, it isn't held against him. Instead it's recognised as being due to his sin. When Asmo constantly flirts with you and the other brothers, you all just roll your eyes at him. But when Mammon steals, he is punished severely, and what I'm seeing... it's shown that at least some of your brothers derive pleasure from his pain....So why are you now just punishing them??? Is it because Mammon isn't here to take their punishments???


Diavolo: And what is this I'm hearing: "You should die instead of Lilith?" That you and the other brothers have been saying to him?

Lucifer: I...I didn't mean too-?!

Diavolo: Lucifer. Silence.

Lucifer went quiet. Diavolo spoke in tone full of power and authority. Truly fitting for a future king such as him.

Diavolo: You should be ashamed of yourself.


Diavolo: I know where you're getting at. Yes, it's understandable that everytime Mammon breaks into my castle and steal the royal treasures. Then yes, he would need to be punished. If my father was here, he probably would've smite him! But whether those punishments are....I would never resort to killing him. Even if it's because of his sin. Sure, make him do community service or work under Barbatos, yes. But killing him would never be an option.


Diavolo: Mammon was the Avatar Of Greed, Lucifer. He can't control his sin because he WAS the embodiment of that sin. It's the same as how you can't control your pride. You can't stop your brothers from indulging in theirs.

Lucifer: Then why can't he understand how much I care about him?! If it wasn't for me, he would've been killed for indulging in his sin a long time ago! HE ABANDONED US!! HE ABANDONED ME!!!




Lucifer's head reeled back in shock as he felt an stinging sensation on his cheek. Did...Did Lord Diavolo just do what he think he just did?!

Diavolo: *Dark*.....Calm Down. Now.


Silence was all you can hear as Lucifer looked down at his feet, pride scattered away from his face. In the form of a broken man who looked like he lost everything. Diavolo didn't say a word as Lucifer slowly looked back up at him, chest heaving and rage burning in his eyes.

Diavolo: Lucifer. We are demons. I understand perfectly that we can't lose ourselves. But you need to understand. If Mammon really is important to you. Then you need to know that what you did...was wrong. Your pushing your family away. Again.

Lucifer:....Lord Diavolo...I...

Diavolo: You claimed to care about your family. But tell me this...Then why did you tell Mammon to go kill himself and why did you ignore his problems??? Do they really don't matter to you...Stop acting like Mammon never done anything for you guys either...

Lucifer: But he hasn't done anything useful!

Diavolo: That's a lie and you know it, Lucifer!


Diavolo's face soften before he pulled Lucifer into a hug.

Diavolo: Please...stop making your life hard, Luci. I know you care about your brothers. All of them. But it's sad to see you hide it all under your pride....Lucifer...I'm going to ask you the same thing...the very question I asked back then when you tried to kill Beelzebub, Luke, & MC over a grimoire that day...

Lucifer:....Lord Diavolo. Not this again...

Diavolo: Your loyalty to me, your brothers' freedom, their rights to know what's going on... you place so much importance on all of these things...So once again I wonder...Who is it that's really isn't giving the choices here...Who is it that's suffering from a lack of options.






"What do you think, Lucifer...?"


Diavolo: If all this was truly for Mammon's own good...There's a list I must add that I have gathered from Simeon and the others that you and the other brothers have done to him...Because wow. There's a lot.

A/N: Found this on tumblr. To  whoever made this list. Credits and kudos for you.

• Mammon's brothers bullied him ever since they fell from the Celestial Realm after the war.

• If any time someone is nice to him it's only out of pity.

• That nobody genuinely likes him...

• Making fun of him when he resorted to complimenting himself and taking matters into his own hands...

• Put him down over and over for things he has no control over.

• They let others such as lesser demons or the witches to harassing Mammon just for the sake of petty amusement. The reason why no one bothered to stop it is because Lucifer allowed it believing he deserves it.

• Blamed him every. single. time. something went wrong without hearing his side of the story. For fucks sake he is the literal Avatar of Greed.

• It's not a personality trait, it's a requirement for his existence Seriously this boy is so starved for genuine appreciation and tries so hard to keep up the "superior demon" facade because every time he showed his true emotions they'd just make fun of him more.

Angry? Will only result in more teasing. Happy? "Wow I can't belive you actually fell for it". Sad? "You're being overdramatic"

• The only time (shown to us) where he shows genuine emotion to his brothers was when he had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep and literally everyone told him to shut up...


Diavolo: Need for me to say more. Why else do you think he left.


Diavolo: Do you understand now, Lucifer? The reason for Mammon leaving is not because of a childish tantrum like you claim it was. It's because of how you all mistreated him. Not as a demon but as a fellow brother. This behavior from you will stop. I don't want to hear anymore of you hurting anyone in your family because you believe they're tarnishing my reputation.

Lucifer: But Lord Diavolo......

Diavolo: Lucifer...Just take some time off from the student council and get some rest.

Lucifer: Lord Diavolo! I can't do that! I'm the vice president of the student council. Who would take care of the paperwork?!

Diavolo: Lucifer. That wasn't an suggestion. It was an order.


Diavolo: You need this. Remember, my word is law.

Lucifer: Yes Lord Diavolo....

Diavolo: Good. Now go rest. I will speak to your brothers.


Diavolo: I truly wonder something Lucifer. Was all that you have done...really for Mammon's own good? Or was that your pride telling you to do all that to boost your own sadistic ego?


Diavolo: Even if you won't say anything. I think I already know the answer to that.

Diavolo leaves the room and Barbatos opens the door for him before closing it behind him to see the other brothers before them.

Diavolo: Did they hear anything?

Barbatos: With the spell I used. I blocked out all sounds from the room, My Lord.

Diavolo: Good.

Satan: So...What happened?

Levi: Is...Lucifer okay?

Diavolo: He is...for now. I suggest you all take some time off from R.A.D. You need it. All of you do.

Leviathan took a breath of relief while the others nodded. Though Satan gave both Lord Diavolo and Barbatos an suspicious look but didn't say a word. But he's sure at least one of them, maybe Barbatos, caught his glance.

Asmo: So...what do we do now...?

Belphie: I...I don't know.

Beel: I...want to see Mammon...I miss him...

Levi: too...

Asmo: *Nods*....


Barbatos: Lord Diavolo to you, Satan.

Diavolo: It's fine, Barbatos. Yes Satan? What do you have on your mind to share with us?

Satan:....You still have Mammon's contact number on your D.D.D, right?

Diavolo: Yes...?

Satan: Could you please...let us talk to him?

Diavolo looked to see that all the younger brothers were giving him desperate pleading looks. He looked willingly but Barbatos shook his head no.

Diavolo: I'm sorry boys. But as much as I want too...Mammon doesn't want to speak to any of you. It's up to him whether or not, if he wishes to open up to you all once again.

Hearing that made their hopeful expressions instantly shattered from their faces.

Levi: B-But...

Diavolo: Lucifer was punishing you all too for succumbing in your sin wasn't he?

Belphie: Yes....

Asmo: *Crying* He hunged me up from the ceiling and called me a slut for indulging in my sin...

Levi: He forced me to try to go to R.A.D while ignoring my anxiety.

Satan: He and I got into multiple fights because of this...

Beel: He told me to starve...and said I was being selfish for eating all the food in the house...

Belphie:....He whipped me. Saying I was ruining your reputation as usual....

Diavolo:...Well now you know how Mammon feels...It hurts doesn't it...


Diavolo: Til then, this will be a great time to reflect on your actions you inflicted upon Mammon. Don't you think the same Barbatos?

Barbatos: Yes. I agree wholeheartedly with you my Lord. Maybe now this will teach the brothers not to take advantage of someone whom spend wasted years caring for them. Besides, in my opinion...Mammon may have been childish and annoying. But the rest of you here are no better than he is.

Levi: HEY!

Satan: Shut Up, Levi...

Diavolo: Indeed. Sorry to hurt you all. But the way you all acted towards Mammon. You don't deserve him. He was your family. Your brother. But it seems that in the end. All you guys cared about was what you want...So in fact, you guys are worst than him....

Levi: B-But we didn't mean too!

Asmo: We were just teasing-?!

Diavolo: *Disappointed* That was more than just teasing. Back then I probably would've ignored it and thought this is just how you all show your love towards your brother. But now I realized by now, what you guys did to Mammon...was not love. That's abuse and emotional manipulation. I can't believe I let this go on for so long.

Barbatos: I believe this is what the humans call...A Toxic Relationship.

The brothers gaped at Barbatos. Were they really...toxic to Mammon?

Diavolo: Seriously. Mammon was already going through something. He never thought he was good enough  for any of you. But did you all had to make it worse?


Diavolo: *Serious* You all treated him like a waste of space and a hopeless case like he didn't matter to all of you but yet he stick around because you guys were all he had as a family. I bet a part of him wanted you guys to change and maybe be nicer to him. But no, you guys wanted him to change. You didn't want him to be happy. You wanted him to be gone. Away from all of you so you have your peace and quiet...


Asmo: T-T-That's Not True!

Barbatos: Asmodeus. Silence. Let Lord Diavolo finish.


Diavolo: As I was saying...You all ruined him. Shattered his heart into a million pieces with your words, death-threats, abuse, and false accusations for the sake of your petty satisfaction of seeing him suffer. Worst of all, you guys took away the wonderful person he was once before you and he turned into a person whom probably will never put his trust in you all again...I truly wonder...who is really the scumbag here? Mammon...or his own brothers???






Diavolo: You all deserve what you gotten. For the sake of Mammon's well-being until he is ready to face you all. Stay away from him.

With that, the Prince and his loyal servant left leaving the brothers in total silence. Beel and Belphie left to their room. Levi does the same with an hurt yet broken expression.

Asmodeus turned to Satan, both looking utterly defeated.

Asmo: So...What happens to this family now?

Satan:......I don't know myself....I wish I knew the answer...

As he said before, this entire family was messed up...

A/N: Ugh. Had a hard time writing this chapter and looking for ways for Lucifer and the others to reflect on their actions. At least they know by now what they did was wrong. Will they be able to make it up to Mammon in the near future? Or will it be too late... Who knows...besides me...


If anyone's wondering when exactly did Lucifer brainwashed Mammon? This is canon because it actually happens in the game. Look up....A True Gentleman - Devilgram.

This story made me hate Lucifer a little more for what he did to Mammon...Just imagine that not being able to control your own body and leaving it at the mercy of others.
Because that right there is straight up mind control and emotional manipulation. Seriously. F U Lucifer. The devs are making it hard to like you anymore.

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