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System failure. System failure. System failure.

I grit my teeth as the annoying robotic voice repeats over and over again with flashing red lights that my spaceship is currently giving up on me without telling me what exactly is giving up on me.

I should've invested in a better AI but I didn't think it was necessary.

I see my mistake now, too late, granted, but I see it.

I press on a series of buttons before pulling the lever to go faster, because at this pace, I'm not going to make it anywhere if I don't find somewhere to land soon, and that results in a sound of explosion that echoes loudly against the walls of my secondhand vehicle, which is not good, but I have no time to go see what blew up when it's taking me everything to avoid the ship from spinning like a stupid vortex, I really won't make it if I leave the bridge unsupervised.

I take a look at the radar screen to my left while avoiding a group of asteroids, though a few do hit the hull, and I nervously click my tongue, where can I go from here? How long do I have to form a plan before all goes to shit?

I had not meant to go so far from home, but I was in need of some peace and quiet after babysitting grown adults and going around the cosmos seemed like a good idea at the time, just a little walk through some galaxies to change my mind before going back home.

A piece of my spaceship detaches itself from the base, a part of the lower deck - did my kitchen just leave me? - and I harden my hold on the levers with white knuckles, this is really not good. If the engine room becomes completely exposed... this is it for me-

Critical engine failure. Oxygen is leaking from the ship, breathable levels rapidly descending. 50%. 49%. 48%.

Oh you've got to be kidding me...

I take another look at the radar to see if anything's changed, but so far, still no luck. Anywhere would do, I just need a planet that can allow me a safe landing but these are dangerous, they'd destroy me as soon as I get close enough and that's not quite what I'm going for today.

36%. 35%. 34%.

Oh? This... we've never received any sign of a habitable planet around here, but this one looks pretty harmless, it's worth analyzing quickly, this seems like my best bet for now.

I look down at the screen as it starts displaying the needed information and as I thought, the stats look pretty similar to my own planet, so not only could I land safely, but I could also stay there for as long as needed while I see how I can repair the ship. It's going to be perfect.

28%. 27%. 26%.

Now, to make sure I actually make it there before I asphyxiate to death.


I stumble out of the spaceship with clumsy legs before falling on the rocky ground with a groan.

I can't believe I made it in one piece, it was one heck of a bumpy ride but I'm still alive and it's nothing short of a miracle.

I activated the invisibility cloak a bit late so it's possible that someone might have seen me, but they shouldn't be able to find it even if they do come here. I don't know what kind of people are here so I'd rather not risk anything, how far are they in cosmic knowledge?

I've come across some planets that had no idea that life existed outside of their solar system, so what is here like? I'd rather not cause another existential crisis by mistake, I've had enough of Namjoon scolding me for that one.

So for now, only my eyes can see through the cloak, which means I can take my time while I come up with a plan, if there is any. I have no idea how I'm going to make this thing work again, it wasn't made to endure such... hardship.

It was only meant as a way for me to relax and enjoy my hobby of stargazing, and now I've gone and completely ruined it because I wasn't looking at where I was going.

I stand up and dust myself until my clothes feel cleaner. This really wasn't part of what I had in mind when I left my home planet.

Now, the engine won't start up again and the radio inside cannot be connected due to the lack of cosmos energy in the fuel tank, and I doubt I'll be able to get any here from the looks of it. I can't call for backup, which means that I need to handle this by myself.

I sigh. Namjoon and the others are going to be so worried...

I left them a simple message before leaving, I never mentioned for how long I would be gone because it wasn't supposed to be for longer than a few days at most, but now they won't even be able to find out my location since the signal has broken. I don't know when it was last updated into our shared data.

Well... no matter. They can take care of themselves without needing me to baby them for a while, they're big boys now. Heck, at their age, they shouldn't even need me anymore, yet they cling to me like newborns still to this day.

I stare at what's left of the spaceship with a sense of unease filling my heart.

Will they really be okay without me? And if they are...

What about me? Will I be okay without them?

Your POV

"Y/N, can you take care of this prescription for the customer before leaving? I've got my hands full here and could really do with some help, I don't want to stay here all night and so far, this is what I'm heading for".

I answer with a light hum before walking to the counter to read over the prescription information, after which I start getting to work, the right pills gathered and poured into the plastic containers while Seo-joon gathers a few documents to work at his desk in the back of the pharmacy.

I take a short look at him and shake my head lightly, it doesn't look like he got any sleep in quite a while. I don't know how he does it.

I make sure I got the right amounts for each pills before printing the information sheets while humming a song that I've had stuck in my mind for a few hours now, eyes looking around the nearly empty building as I wait patiently.

I work in a small clinic in a small town and life is pretty quiet here, which I like, though it took me a lot of efforts to reach this stability that I now get to enjoy. Park Seo-joon, this clinic's only doctor and also my boss, is a nice guy who takes good care of In-yeop and I, his two pharmacists.

He doesn't feel the need to hire anyone else since we handle the amount of requests coming in well enough with just the three of us and it makes for a nice ambiance in the building that also acts as a shop.

I've been working here for five years now and I don't regret it one bit, it's different from the big city and a lot more peaceful now that the town's folks finally accepted me as one of them.

I have one particular old lady to thank for that, but she sadly passed two years ago and left me with her house since she had no other family by her side. I'm truly grateful that I could spend three wonderful years with her, I got to learn a lot from her and I will forever owe her.

I sigh and clip the lids on the bottles before heading to the front desk where I find an old man seated in the waiting area, a regular we have here who often buys his necessities from our shop, that or he either comes for the sole purpose of chatting with us instead of staying at home all day long, which he hates because that means staying with his wife and she's insufferable - his words, not mine.

In-yeop is a chatty man so he loves when old people come to talk our ears off, but I can't say the same. While I don't mind listening to the customers in need of social interactions, knowing what to say to what they say doesn't always come easy to me.

I think a lot before I talk so by the time I come up with an appropriate comment about their story, they're already jumping onto the next one, it's tiring and by the time I get back home, I'm exhausted.

Still, I love my job so I can't really complain, I chose this for myself.

I wave goodbye to the old man who leaves with a smile on his face and then turn to In-yeop when he comes back with a box of prescription bottles to restock our shelves.

"You're done with work, right? I'm off in a few minutes too so if you want to wait, I could drive you back home" he offers kindly but I shake my head with a small tired smile. "Thanks but I'll walk this time, I want to go on a short walk before heading home, just to clear my mind".

He makes a soft noise and nods his head before getting started on his last task. "Alright then. Have a good walk, Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow".

I wish both men a good evening and then leave the building before looking up at the sky. The sun is still pretty high so we should have maybe one or two more hours before it starts getting dark and I want to enjoy it as much as possible.

Going back to a house filled with memories that I spent with someone now gone is both a heartache to my soul and a comfort to my heart. It reminds me of her, so it hurts, but it also makes me feel closer to what's left of her - it's a bit hard to decide how to feel about it, every day is different.

I start walking down the path leading to the park by the river, my favorite spot to be at when I don't want to be at home, and as I come across a few familiar faces, something unavoidable with my job since they all end up coming to us for help at some point, I silently greet them with a weak smile and a nod of the head, thankful when they don't stop me for a conversation that I could do without right now.

I'll stay there until the sky starts darkening and then I'll make my way back before cooking dinner.

Maybe I should make her favorite meal today, just for memory's sake... I do seem to crave it right now.


I walk through the streets with no real knowledge of where to go or what to do.

It was a bit of a luck streak when I found this town after walking in a random direction, and thankfully, it's not too far from where I landed either so once I find out where I can stay in the meantime - because no, my spaceship does not have a bedroom or even a living space anymore - I can start coming up with a plan to go back home.

Taehyung was right after all, maybe I did buy garbage. What kind of spaceship breaks like that?

I'm definitely asking for a refund if I ever make it back one day.

I click my tongue in annoyance. While I don't really need to sleep that much at my age - once a week works just fine for me - I'm not particularly fond of being homeless, and another thing that worries me is the food.

What do they eat here?

I look at the people around me as I try to make sense of the different buildings I'm seeing, people who don't seem to notice me at all, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. It's like they're completely blind to my presence and I'm not used to that.

They look very similar to my own kind so I didn't have to alter my appearance too much, mostly my height and eye colour, but the vibe they give me compared to my kind back at home... I don't really like it.

Maybe it's as simple as them not liking strangers, but if that's the case... I'm going to have to be on my own until I manage to make it out of here somehow and now... that's something I'd rather avoid.

I need my space from time to time, sure, but loneliness? I don't handle that very well, how could I when I'm used to being part of a group of seven?

I clench my fists as I turn into another street while avoiding people about to bump into me, do they not know about personal space? I feel like I've walked into enemy territory, they're not friendly at all.

Being so far away from home in my situation is enough to have my heart thumping strongly with worry. I often complain about the guys needing me all the time but... I don't hate it when they follow me around like ducklings.

They're my brothers, they're family, I like having them near, it makes me feel useful and needed, but they're not here and I'm starting to really crave that warmth that only them can give me.

I notice a rocky path that separates from the busy street and I decide to take it for the simple reason that it seems to take me away from this cold population. I'm starting to believe that landing on an empty planet would've been a better choice, but it's too late now.

I take in my strange surroundings with dragging feet, soul upset at the uncertain future in front of me.

If I'd come here willingly with an intact ability to leave whenever I want to, I probably would've been fascinated by these curious flowers, I would've been fascinated by the strange birds in the weirdly coloured trees, even the bugs aren't like what I'm used to, but I can't really find the energy to be so excited when concern weighs heavily on my shoulders.

I eventually reach what looks like a river, and while its colour is unusual to me, because water as I know it usually has a more purple tone to it while the trees inch closer to a deep blue than this green, it's still a familiarity that brings some solace to my heart.

Maybe I can stay here while I find out what to do next.

Some chiming sounds start resounding in the wind as I follow the trail and eventually, I begin to see what looks like an open and large green space with benches and a carved stone structure from which the noise seems to come.

If I close my eyes... yeah, this almost feels as if I'm right at home, sat on the balcony that looks over the sea while Yoongi reads his favorite book, his favorite drink at his side while I rest, these times with him rare ones where I can truly relax and unwind from the younger ones' turbulent way of living.

Oh, this is making me homesick.

I open my eyes and make one step closer, and then I pause again because... what's this smell?

It's sweet... light and fragrant, it... it smells like home?

I inch closer to the source with quick feet, eyes looking around me fervently, soul suddenly craving for more of it, because none of the smells here are the same from what I'm used to, so for this to be so similar to what I consider safe, I need to see what it is.

I walk around a large tree, and when I find the source right behind it, I slow down until I come to a complete halt, eyes widening when I see not a "what" but a "who".

How... this doesn't make any sense.

This doesn't make any sense, yet it's real, isn't it? There's no way I'm mistaking this smell, it comes from her, only her, yet it doesn't make any sense, because... she's not an Arnecean, she's not one of my kind.

So why...

In my shock, I forget to make my presence known properly and so, when she looks up to gaze at me with a startled frown, my breath locks in my throat while I stare at her like a complete idiot, the only thing going through my mind being that she's absolutely gorgeous.

She keeps staring at me with her delicate judging frown, her posture letting me know that she's getting ready to run away if needed and no, I can't have that happen, I can't, not when someone is finally seeing me.

No... that's not quite it...

I can't leave when I'm standing in front of my soul star.

The missing light to my universe.

Thankfully, from my past experiences of traveling the cosmos, I did come across a translator device at some point, a kind of upgrade for the brain that the race behind its creation came up with to travel across space as merchants without having a language barrier.

It's surprisingly very well made and it truly is a blessing, because I don't even want to imagine being stuck on a planet without being able to understand a single word that's said, especially not being unable to speak their language, that sounds like a terrible thing to live through.

"I... my name is Seokjin" I blurt out clumsily when she stands up to leave, definitely weirded out by my silent staring, but to my relief, she stops to stare at me once more with a deeper frown, as if the sight of me is making her uncomfortable.

I look down at my outfit, hands patting the material in case there would be more dust somewhere that I could've missed. Do I look weird? Am I making a bad first impression?

"Uh... okay? Can I... help you with something?" she asks me after a long moment of awkward silence and I look up at her as shivers course through my entire being.

Has anyone's voice ever sounded that beautiful to me? I don't think so, hers sounds like it was made of warm, loving stars watching over a family campfire where grill delicious fruitcakes, but maybe that's just me being head over heels in love with her already.

"What's your name?" I ask her with hopeful eyes, she doesn't look very friendly either but she's paying me attention and that's already more than I could hope for from this place.

"... Y/N".

I repeat her name softly, and it feels like sweet honey on my tongue, it imprints itself in my soul, it's such a perfect name for her.

"That's a lovely name, Y/N... As for your question... I happen to be in quite... a complicated situation" I admit with a light scratch to the back of my head, how do I approach this without freaking her out?

There's no way I can tell her that I'm not from here, not now, maybe not ever.

She still appears wary, but as if deducting with her instincts that I'm harmless, she eventually relaxes enough to sit down on the bench again, and this time, much to my surprise, she invites me to do the same, which I do with some proper distance between us.

"I don't recognize you so you must be new here... the people living in this town aren't really friendly to strangers because of something that happened a long time ago so getting help... you're going to struggle a bit unless you can prove that you're trustworthy" she informs me before turning her gaze to the water in front of us, and I do the same to take in the blue surface with a hum. So that's why.

"I see... this makes things unpromising then" I mutter softly, how do I prove that I'm trustworthy when I have nothing except a broken spaceship? I don't even know what currency they use here, is there anywhere I can go to feed myself in exchange for some work?

"What... what kind of problems do you have? Maybe I can help, it would be better if you can leave this place soon, unless you're here to stay?" she asks me with concerned eyes, and while hearing her say that having me gone would be better hurts, that she seems to worry at least a little about me does make me feel better.

"I... my vehicle has broken down, probably to a point of not being repairable anymore and I have absolutely nothing on me to help me get back home. This town was the nearest one I could reach on foot, which is why I'm here, but I have to say, I'm completely lost as to what I should do now".

I gaze at the water once more while I leave her to process my explanation at her own pace, her eyes seem to show that she thinks a lot behind her silence and I find that sweet, she reminds me of Taehyung and Yoongi in her own way.

"That is... unfortunate. This world is hard on those who have nothing" she murmurs before staring at the grass beneath her feet. "You really have no way of going back home? Is it far?".

I make a small sound before nodding my head sadly. "It's incredibly far".

She purses her lips. "And... you have no money? Nowhere where you can stay? No acquaintance here?".

Another shake of the head and her frown returns.

I glance at her with a light tilt of the head. Can that star-mate of mine smile? Now that I think of it, the few seconds I saw her before she noticed me... she did look lonely. There was sadness over her face, like a shadow that covered her eyes.

She starts playing with the hem of her long sleeves, her eyes staring far away while her mind works hard to make sense of things, could she help me come up with a way to survive at least for a while? She seems to be from here, maybe she'll have an idea.

The sky appears to be getting darker the more time passes so I'm thinking that the day will end soon, I can't see myself spending the night outside but... that might have to happen anyway.

Such a thought makes me sigh, today is not such a good day for me, that is, besides meeting her.

My star-mate... how is this even going to work?

How can I attempt to make her mine when she and I are from completely different worlds? That would be incredibly selfish of me. I want to go back home, I want to go back to my family, but to leave the other half of my soul here... my heart hurts just thinking about it.

"What the hell am I about to do..." I suddenly hear her murmur, and when her eyes meet mine, there is absolute chaos behind those gentle orbs of hers.

"Someone was kind enough to offer me that very same help when I got here the first time so I feel it's only right that I give back the same compassion that I was given. If you really have nowhere to go... would you like to stay with me?

I have an unused suite in my house that I don't really use because it was... well, that doesn't matter right now. It acts both as a living room and a bedroom, and there is a bathroom connected to it as well. All I would ask of you is to keep it clean. If you can follow that rule... I don't mind having you use it for as long as you need it".

My lips part in shock, I'm truly and sincerely taken aback that she's really considering this offer, and as my soul beams at what this means, a possibility to stay near her, my mind silently chides at her, because would she have offered the same to another stranger?

What if they were dangerous? Is she living alone? Does she realize what it means to live alone with someone from the other gender? I know I will be safe for her, but does she even know how to defend herself if something were to happen?

"You don't have to accept if you don't like the idea, I'm just putting this out there... you won't get help like this from someone else. I too was ignored quite a bit the first time I arrived here, it took me a year of being seen working diligently to be accepted. Now they act like I was always part of the big family but... that's very far from the truth. Please, at least consider it, I would feel bad to know you outside in the middle of the night when I have space to welcome you in" she adds at my lack of an answer and my soul melts at her insistence, she is a good person.

"That's very gentle of you to offer, Y/N, thank you. I'll be sure to help around as much as you'll allow me, and rest assured, the suite will remain clean" I tell her, and that seems enough to reassure her when her posture relaxes for the second time since we met.

"Okay... good. We should get going then, the sun is already starting to set and if we stay here any longer, we won't be able to see much of where we're going, the house is quite a way from here" she says while standing up and I smile before standing to my feet as well to follow her.

To think that my landing here actually led me to this gentle soul...

"Let's go then, before the sun sets".

🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 (currently trying to act cute to get some reviews as usual) So?

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