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The tall and very handsome man follows behind me in silence, and in the darkness that seems to increase exponentially with every steps we make, having him so near makes me feel safer than if I were on my own despite him being a stranger.

It's not like I worry that I might risk something by walking alone in this town, as sometimes the danger is where the people are, though this town isn't known for being dangerous in that way but... as a woman, you never truly feel safe on your own when you've known the big city, no matter where you are.

And in my situation... any stranger in this town can potentially lead to my end, I need to be very careful of who approaches me and while everything has been peaceful here for years now, I can never truly bring down my guard.

I look over my shoulder to find Seokjin curiously staring around us, as if he can see everything clearly even in the shadows, and when his eyes fall on me, he smiles, his orbs showing a sincerity that I haven't seen often on people, a sincerity that made me want to trust him.

Unsure of how to react to his smile, I turn my gaze back to the front before clearing my throat awkwardly, hyper-aware that he keeps staring at me from the back. He must find me so unpleasant, I know I'm not the warmest person there is but... I have my reasons.

I can't believe that I really decided to invite him to stay with me when I don't know him at all, but the sadness that I could see on his face when he said that his home was very far, as if there was a chance that he might never find his way there again... it did something to my heart.

I could see the longing on his face, the loss of hope, and I knew I couldn't possibly leave him out there on his own. Not when I know this feeling so well.

We make it through a few more dark streets without sharing a single word - it doesn't seem to bother him at all - until we reach the one where I live and I point at the house that's still a small walk away to get his attention on it.

"See the blue house? It's where I live. And where you'll be living too, I guess. I don't have a second key for the front door so I'll have to go make one after work tomorrow but once that's done, it'll make it easier for you to go around town without having to worry about our schedules overlapping" I inform him while grabbing my set of keys and he hums, attentive to my explanation but otherwise silent as there is no need to talk uselessly.

And that's something I appreciate. Sometimes I find that people talk way too much for what is actually needed to be said.

Once at the porch, I unlock the door before stepping inside the house, the weary wood left wide open for him as I clumsily remove my shoes while staring at the rooms I can see from the entrance to make sure I haven't left anything that would embarrass me out in the open.

Are my bras still drying in the kitchen? Damn it, I think they are.

I turn my head Seokjin's way when he closes the door behind him and our eyes meet once more, my nerves visible all over my face, is it considered impolite if I ask him to stay here while I clean up a little?

But I can't have him see my underwear spread out in front of the window, there's no way that's happening.

"Erm... if you could just... stay here for five minutes, okay? I don't normally expect visitors here so there are some things I want to put away first. I won't be long, I promise so don't go anywhere yet" I quickly mumble before rushing off without waiting for an answer to grab everything I can think of, everything I can see that I don't want him to see, which mostly includes my clothes and embarrassing attempts of drawn animals that I wouldn't dare show anyone because of how ugly they are.

It was a moment of weakness, my slightly drunken mind figured it would be fun to draw pretty animals, it just didn't take into consideration that I suck at drawing, which means I have created monsters with pointy ears and tails.

I run back and forth a few times like this, everything piled onto my bed and other furniture while Seokjin respectfully remains in the entrance even though he can see me very well from where he is, a sight that makes him resist an amused chuckle because I currently remind him of Jungkook, the young messy one who always runs around when he forgets to clean behind him during the day.

Slightly out of breath, I drop the last of my findings on my dresser and then take one quick look around the house before nodding to myself. That should do it, I think I got everything.

And if not... I can always kick him out if he makes any undesirable comments, it's fine. I have the power here, it's my house.

"Okay, sorry about that, you can come in now" I utter bashfully after making a few steps in his direction and the man clears his throat before walking over with a pinched smile that makes me purse my lips a bit. Way to make a first impression huh...

He teasingly looks around us, as if looking for anything that I could've forgotten and I hold my breath in suspense as I follow his gaze nervously, should I have made one last inspection? Did I overlook something obvious?

A quiet chuckle tells me that no, I didn't forget anything and the blush that coats my cheeks in response is entirely out of my control.

In a mean to get his attention on something else to hide my embarrassment, I motion a hand to the open rooms surrounding us, eyebrows narrowing the smallest bit when I can see his smile grow larger, as if he can read through me with just a look.

"How about I give you a tour of the house? The upper floor is all yours and I don't intend to go there without your permission while you stay here, but the main floor here will have to be shared, so maybe we should have some rules to make sure no one gets annoyed unnecessarily" I explain to him while pointing at the stairs, where his gaze falls on with curiosity.

"I'm good with rules, I'll respect everything you say so just tell me what I can and cannot do, it's the least I can do since you're allowing me to stay here. And... did I hear that well? I get a whole floor to myself?" he asks in light disbelief and I respond with a small shrug.

"Yeah, it sounds like it's big but it's smaller than you think, the second floor only takes about half of the house's size, you'll understand once you go in later. I'll start working on dinner while you make yourself at home there, but for now I just want you to know what is where" I answer, and when he agrees with me, a curious look printed over his face, I start leading the way around the house to show him the bathroom, my bedroom, the kitchen, then the living room and the backyard, which I rarely use.

It's not too big so the layout is pretty easy to remember, and when we end the tour at the bottom of the stairs, I hum as I start thinking about possible rules that we could apply during our time living together.

I grab a handful of my hair to get it out of the way by tying it up with a spare hair tie I always keep around and then run a hand across my heated nape with a deep exhale, completely unaware of the effect this has on Seokjin who has to hold his breath to resist an obvious inhale, his eyes locked on the suddenly exposed skin, every little soft hair there tempting his soul.

What would they feel against his fingertips? He wants to find out so much.

"Well, the rules would be pretty simple, quite honestly. If you can help it, only use your bathroom upstairs so we can have our personal space as much as possible. My bedroom is off-territory, obviously, but you can use the kitchen and living room anytime you want, just maybe avoid watching the tv with the volume too high if I'm sleeping and clean after yourself to avoid making a mess. What else...

Ah, right. Going to the backyard is fine, but I haven't really taken care of it in a long time so... it's a wild place now, just be aware of that. All in all, I don't think I'm really hard to live with, just avoid making too big of a mess unnecessarily and we won't have any problems" I enumerate what I can think of for now, but I don't think the rules are too restrictive so he should be fine, right?

His face lets me know that we're going to get along well when he smiles at me, a content nod of the head because the rules actually please him, it's a nice change from the loud house that would fill with his brothers' screams at all hours of the day.

He knows he's going to miss that sound like crazy soon, but for now, he can appreciate the knowledge that he will have peace and safety in this unknown environment.

He knows his brothers won't give up on him until they're reunited and that brings him some soothing now that he feels calmer, he trusts them with his entire soul.

"That sounds good to me, Y/N, you're being too nice if that's all you expect from me. If I can add one of my own, for your sake, I'll try to avoid walking around the house in the middle of the night. I wouldn't want to spook you if you ever forget that I'm here while you're half asleep, tiredness has a way of making you forget things after all" he adds like it's an obvious thing and I stare at him with raised eyebrows, I hadn't even thought of that, how considerate of him.

"That's... very nice of you, thank you. Erm... yeah, so that covers everything for now. You can go upstairs if you want, the decoration might be outdated but... everything's clean so feel free to rest if you need it. I'll get working on dinner now so is there anything you can't eat? Allergies or foods you dislike?" I ask him my last question before we part ways, and the answer should come pretty easily but when I get a blank look in response, I start playing with my sleeve nervously.

Was that too presumptuous of me? Does he not want to eat the food I make? Maybe I should just give him his space for now, he must be heartbroken over the fact that he can't get home, I shouldn't have expected of him to eat with me so soon. This is a lot for him too after all, to suddenly live with a stranger, I was too eager.

"It's fine if you'd rather not eat what I make, I just thought that- well I'm going to have to make food anyway so I might as well make enough for two, but I can put your portion aside in the fridge so you can eat whenever you want if you prefer, I don't mind" I mutter out while looking at the floor, gosh I'm bad at this.

Seokjin seems to wake up when he sees me turning anxious because of his silence and makes half a step forward while quickly shaking his hands in front of him. "No, no that's not a problem, Y/N, I'm sorry. I just don't really know uh... what kind of food is eaten here. I didn't know what to say because... I don't know what you eat" he explains awkwardly and I pause before releasing a sigh.

I guess it makes sense if he comes from far away... I feel dumb for not having thought of that possibility.

"Okay, are you willing to try what I had in mind for tonight? And if you don't like it... well we can see what happens then" I offer and that seems to please him because he relaxes and smiles in answer.

"Yeah, okay, let's do it like that. Thank you Y/N".

I look away from his blinding features when it gets too much for my poor heart and slowly motion towards the stairs, this is about to turn into an uncomfortable quiet if he stays here any longer and I'd rather avoid that.

"You can go ahead then, I'll call you when it's ready, it's going to take a while though, maybe an hour so... yeah" I let out awkwardly before adding, "and there's a computer you can use if you want. There's no password so you can login right away, it's old but... it works".

With that now out of the way, every mental tasks I had written in my mind ticked off, including my social interaction quota for the day, I turn my back to him and head to the fridge with quick feet because time is flying by and food won't make itself.

I listen with a distracted ear as he starts walking up the stairs silently and I glance back to see him reaching the second floor with hesitation, one last look sent my way to reassure himself before he opens the door to enter the suite.

I watch as it closes behind him and then bring my gaze back to the food in front of me with a small frown.

I sincerely hope he won't make me regret this.


When I open the door at the top of the stairs, what greets me is a lovely looking open space that is much bigger than what I expected, much more than what I needed to begin with.

This is luxury, she's allowing me privacy in an unknown world, a safe space where I can process without needing to fight for survival.

I quietly close the door behind me and step further inside to take in the warm decoration that surrounds me. I don't really know much about the way they decorate things normally here but this looks fine to me, it's welcoming.

I make my way to the bed and sit on the edge of it to test its softness, a hum leaving me while I pat the space besides me, this too is great. She could've made me sleep on the floor that I wouldn't have complained, am I really allowed to stay here without having anything to give back?

I'm going to have to think of a way to thank her for keeping me here. She's already given me a lot without asking for anything else but respect as we share our living space together and it makes me feel so proud to call her my star-mate.

I'm sure my brothers would love her if they heard about all that she's done for me already. She's accepted me into her life after hearing my story and I can see it from the way she's already trying to make me feel comfortable, she's a very kind woman, very warm behind that cold facade that she keeps up.

She did say that she was offered the same she gave me when she first came here, and I can only wonder what that means. What circumstances led her here? Was it by choice? Or was she too somehow stranded into this town against her will?

I sigh softly before noticing the corner of the room where I find a screen, this indeed looks like a computer, not quite the look that I know them to have but... in the end, there's only so much we can create with different appearances.

At least I'll know how to use this one, unlike with some civilization I once stumbled upon who always had to make everything more complicated than necessary.

I stand up and make my way to the desk before sitting down on the chair facing it, and when I press on the button of both the screen and the box, I get to wait a few seconds before anything happens while the sound of air starts blowing strongly inside the machine at my feet.

Okay, so that's what she meant when she said that it's old. It's slow.

Very slow. And loud.

A few images give place to one another for a couple of minutes before finally, I get to select the only profile available, and when it starts loading, I sigh, this is going to take even longer, right?

Since I have time to lose, I spin a little on the chair before rolling over to the window besides me to gaze at the sight offered to me, some of the town visible since this is the second floor, and it's quite strange to see the way the buildings' lights create a strange dome over the roofs.

With their solar system's moon's light, it's possible to see up to quite a distance from here, but with the way she was walking warily earlier, as if she couldn't see all that well, I'm unsure if that means my eyes are simply better developed than hers. Maybe in her eyes, this world is much darker than it is to me.

I try to see the sky from here, eyes looking out for any stars, any planets that would normally fill the endless oblivion of my home, but here is so much different. The moon is all we get and it looks so lonely.

Namjoon would surely find beauty in such a sky, but at this moment, all I see is emptiness and abyss.

A sound from the computer gets my attention back to it and when I turn my gaze to the screen, it's to see that it's now ready to be used. How convenient.

I quickly find what seems to be what is used here to research information and immediately type in questions related to where I am. The beings that live here as well as the planet's name, because if there is one thing that I don't like being, it's being ignorant.

Information floods in easily and finding what I need appears right at the top of the list, something I'm thankful for.

This website seems pretty well-made despite its basic appearance, you can find so much information about so many subjects in there and that facilitates things greatly for me, I don't have to jump from one place to another if I can find everything here.

I hum as I read the information offered to me, I'm currently on the planet Earth, a small planet located in the Milky Way Galaxy, which comes to a shock to me. Did I really make it this far? It doesn't seem to make sense, maybe I made it across a wormhole without noticing, but even that sounds unlikely.

The living beings here are called humans, and when I look at their body composition, I have to come to the conclusion that they really are the most normal and least dangerous ecosystem I have come across so far.

While they seem to have their dangers, it's not as much from nature and the creatures it can hide as it is humans themselves. War upon war, they fight between one another for all kind of reasons that would never even cross anyone's mind at my home planet.

Skin colour? Culture? Country? Spoken language or even who you end up loving, they all seem like reasons to cultivate hate and spread fear and it's quite sad, how does one find happiness in such a world?

If that's what this planet is like, then I understand why this town would be wary of strangers, or why my star-mate has yet to smile my way.

I search for a bit longer to find common knowledge such as food, animals, just things that can help me blend in more easily and once I become pretty confident that I could hold a regular conversation with her, I try to diversify my research to what I currently need.

'How to repair a shitty spaceship' gives me absolute nonsense and writing the name of my home planet doesn't give me anything either, it really shows that they're not advanced in that kind of knowledge because most of what I'm seeing is fiction, not real and proper information.

It's either that or the exploits of exploring the moon as well as blurry images of the red planet, Mars. They're nowhere close to what I consider basic knowledge.

I start losing hope when I eventually come across a weird website upon typing 'outsider stuck on earth' - you never know - and when what looks like a conversation screen appears with the title "Alien, are you stranded?", I pause in uncertainty, is this a joke?

A bubble appears at the bottom to repeat the same question and after taking in a deep breath, my eyes looking over the words over and over again to try and see through any traps this could possibly be, I decide to reply.

"Yes, I am" I mumble as I type it in and once sent, I sit back and observe the screen with slight impatience when a reply appears to tell me that whoever is behind this conversation might possibly need a few minutes before replying.

I'm incredibly unsure of what I'm doing, this could end up being very bad, both for me and for Y/N, but my despair speaks louder than my common sense, and so, when the bubble appears again to send me a message, I quickly lean forward to read what it is.

"Are you... the one who did an emergency landing a few hours ago? Near Rockland? Do you need help?" I read aloud, words that cause my heart to skip a beat, because is this where I am? Did someone see me after all?

Maybe this person can really help me... I have nothing to lose.

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