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I stand awkwardly in front of Seo-joon and In-yeop while Seokjin stands besides me with a smile on his face, the tension around me high and heavy, yet it doesn't seem to affect him in the slightest.

How did this happen already?

I woke up and made breakfast early this morning, something simple this time as I was pretty confident that he would like the food, seeing how he absolutely devoured dinner last night, and when he joined me so we could eat together, I mentioned his clothes over our shared meal, because obviously, he had to sleep and continue wearing the same outfit for another day, which couldn't be comfortable in the long run.

I told him that I could maybe try and get off work early today at the clinic so we could do some necessary shopping for him as well as getting him a double for the key, which led to him asking if he could come to my workplace with me since it would save us time, and I honestly couldn't think of a good enough reason to disagree, because having him there would indeed save me trouble, though he would end up being very bored in the long run.

And so here we are, in the middle of the shop, the two men who I've known for years now staring him down like he's a possible source of danger, or maybe that's only In-yeop, because Seo-joon looks more curious than he looks cautious.

The two men observe Seokjin with a serious expression on their face and I start scratching my skin from nerves, how do I explain this? I can't possibly say that he's living with me, right? They would lose their mind if they heard of that, especially the protective doctor.

"Who is this, Y/N?" Seo-joon asks me, his eyes staring at the man besides me like he's a fascinating new case of unknown disease, it makes me feel uncomfortable for Seokjin, but the latter is completely undisturbed as he offers a handshake with what I now consider to be his trademark smile.

"Seokjin, a problem led me to this town and she's helping me while I figure out how to get back home. It's apparently not easy being an outsider here, especially a stranded one, but she was sweet enough to offer me to stay with her in the meantime".

In-yeop's eyes widen and fall on me in shock and I hold my breath as I wait for the impact of their anger to hit me strongly, but while Seo-joon's widen too, it's interest that I see flashing in his orbs as he shakes Seokjin's hand tightly, like he just heard something that made him trust him immediately.

"I see, it's quite fortunate that you stumbled upon her then, she's a good kid so you're in good hands." - In-yeop's eyes nearly pop out of his skull at that - "The name's Seo-joon, I'm a doctor and Y/N's employer, it's nice to meet you. I have to say, it's strange but I get the feeling that we already had a talk together recently, but that couldn't possibly have happened if you... crashed here only yesterday".

Seokjin's eyes crease with relief and a soft chuckle leaves him. "Very strange indeed, I get the same feeling, such a peculiar thing. It must be because we're somewhat similar".

I join In-yeop's side to stare at the duo who share an intriguing smile, why does it feel like they're talking in a coded language?

The tall man leans closer to whisper something into my ear. "Do you think they just fell in love for one another? Seo-joon has never looked at someone like this before, I would've expected him to blow up on you for taking this stranger in but look at him. That dude looks pretty taken already too".

I shrug as I continue observing their strange interaction, does it really matter?

He does make a good point though because it's true that I was expecting at least Seo-joon to say something about the matter of me living alone with this stranger, yet here he is, smiling at Seokjin like they've known each other all their life.

The both of them take that moment to turn in our direction and I straighten up my back with In-yeop, did they hear that? They did, didn't they?

Seo-joon gives me a wide grin and I frown in response, what the heck is wrong with him? Did he really fall in love with Seokjin?

"Maybe we're platonic soulmates, who knows? And since we're so wonderfully in love already, I'll take the liberty of taking this guy with me to talk privately in my office so if you would please start preparing everything before we open, that would be lovely" the doctor requests and I quickly nod my head before fleeing the scene under Seokjin's round eyes.

"In love? We're not in love? We're not in love, I swear!" I hear him exclaim but I simply wave a hand before reaching the pharmacy with In-yeop on my heels, I'm not getting into this.

"That's what everyone who just fell in love at first sight says, and if he's in love with hyung, that means he won't go after you so you're fine" In-yeop murmurs happily, though it sounds more for himself than it is for me.

I sigh and shake my head with disinterest. No matter what happens between these two, whether this daring coworker of mine is right or not, it's none of my business and plays absolutely no part in whether I can trust Seokjin or not.

There's something special about him that makes him different from others, I can tell that much from the little time I've spent with him, and if Seo-joon has taken such an interest in him, then I know that Seokjin will be in good hands and in the end, that's all that matters.

Maybe he can help guide the strange man so he can make it home sooner better than I would.

"Let's focus on work, In-yeop, we need to open soon as we've already lost enough time as it is".

"Yes, yes, on it ma'am".


The man invites me to sit in front of his desk while he goes behind it and I stump my way over with a muddled frown.

She didn't believe me, did she? Does she really think that I fell in love with this guy just because of what her friend whispered in her ear? My star-mate is going to believe that I want someone else than her just because of some nonsense that kid said?

And anyway, are they really that close that he gets to do that kind of thing to her? I couldn't possibly dream of whispering in her ear at the moment, so for someone else to do it, and in my face?

Unacceptable, I feel so jealous it could eat me up from within.

"Please don't make such a scary face, one would think that I ruined your romantic life on purpose" Seo-joon muses with amusement and I look up at him with sheepish despair, if only he knew...

His face lights up with recognition as he gazes at me and I feel a grumble start to rumble in my chest.

"Don't tell me... is Y/N your mate? That's why you're so grumpy, I'm right, aren't I?".

The grumble sets free and I cross my arms over my chest before sighing deeply, body slouching forward as her face flashes back in my mind. She didn't seem to care at all that I could be taken by someone else, she just wanted to get away to avoid being forced to have an opinion.

My star-mate doesn't seem to care if I end up loving someone else, how am I supposed to feel about that? Relief? Anger? Agitation? Is it right that I feel all three of them at the same time?

Being away from home and from my brothers is hard enough as it is, but to find out that my fated star-mate isn't even part of my own galaxy is making everything so much more complicated and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to process it all if I'm honest.

I wish she could at least know about the existence of other extraterrestrial beings so that I could simply reveal my real identity to her, my real appearance, what she is to me and I to her, but I know I can't do that with the way things are currently and it's harder than I thought it would be, and it's only been one night.

The man on the other side of the desk coos with a giddy look on his face, a dreamy glow in his eyes like his son finally announced to him that he's getting married, it makes my reality that much harder to bear, because I wish I could too experience unconditional giddiness over the matter that is offered to me.

"Awww, talk about luck. You crash on Earth by mistake and it just so happens to be where your star-mate is? Are you sure this was an error? Maybe you were unconsciously led here because it was time for you to be united, your home galaxy is nowhere near here after all" the man continues despite my lack of verbal confirmation, the information he was given yesterday over our online chat coming in handy right now, though his joyful voice is not quite fitting with the current situation.

"Please do not make fun of my circumstances, Seo-joon. She is my star-mate, yes, but she's also a human, she belongs here and I belong elsewhere, we cannot be together" I say softly, and the words leave a terrible taste in my mouth, but after thinking about this matter all night... this is the only conclusion I could come to.

Taking her away from her home would be awful from me and I simply cannot accept the idea of staying in such a world as this one. It's beautiful, it really is, but its inhabitants... I get this feeling deep inside my soul that I cannot trust humans, and to live where I cannot be my true self isn't a life I want for myself.

My life without my brothers is not a life I wish to live at all, they mean everything to me, they need me and I need them.

The man loses his smile at my statement, eyebrows narrowing in displeasure before he too leans forward to rest his arms on his desk, his eyes meeting mine leaving a chill down my spine.

"So you're using her until you can disappear from her life then. The bond is convenient since it makes her more trustful towards you, she's your... lucky gas station in the middle of space, a mean for you to keep going on your separate path when the time has come, is that what you're saying right now?".

I clench my fists at his words. "Not by choice" I reply through gritted teeth, and the doctor leans back in his chair to stare at me, his amicable behaviour completely gone, it's replaced with a coldness that makes me shiver instead.

"Then I'm going to ask you to move out from her place. Y/N is a soft woman, sensitive despite her strong facade, she's already going through enough as it is. She doesn't need heartbreak on top of it all".

I instantly look up at him with a panic filling my soul, all of me ready to reject that plan at all cost. He wants me to leave her side? I should just go and pretend like she's not right here, within my reach?

"I can refer you to an inn on the other side of the town, they could make you work there in exchange for a room and in the meantime, I'll keep my promise made to you yesterday, I will help you, but I don't want her to be pulled in the middle of this mess if you're already planning to abandon her in the end" he continues with a very well contained biting coldness that makes me doubt everything I thought was right just a few seconds ago.

Is this what I'm planning to do? To abandon my very own star-mate for the sake of going back home with my brothers?

It sounds absolutely terrible and I wish it weren't true, but his anger does not change my reality. She is my soul while my brothers are my whole life, I need them both, yet I know I can't have both and if I have to choose... I feel bad but they will always come first.

She doesn't seem to feel the bond anyway so... she would probably be fine.

She would be fine, but I wouldn't, I know that much. Denying it would be stupid, I really wouldn't be well after leaving my star-mate behind, yet it feels like my only choice.

I run a hand through my hair with a pained heart, the simple thought of being away from her already feels like being teared apart in half, again and again, but isn't it inevitable?

"So what, I should uproot her from her life here and bring her back home with me? In a strange universe that she knows absolutely nothing about? Or should I give up on my precious family to stay here with her? On a planet that welcomes war like a long lost friend?" I ask him with a stiff voice, but he huffs in response and I tighten my fists on my knees.

"Why should I be the one to tell you what the right thing to do is? She can make that choice herself, whether she's ready to give up on her life here for you or not, but you don't get to use her gentleness to your advantage, not under my watch. She is under my care and I will not have her be hurt by the one who should never hurt her".

His words feel like a slap in the face, but I have nothing to retort to what he said.

He's right, I shouldn't hurt her for my own sake, yet I can't bring myself to accept to put a distance between us. She's my only star-mate, the only one my soul will ever love to that extent, I want to enjoy my time with her as much as possible, no matter how greedy and self-centered this makes me.

I swallow thickly and look up at him, defiance making me focus on another point to avoid the main problem.

"What do you mean by 'under your care'? Why would she need to be under the care of a Dralonian? You're a pirate, what good could you possibly bring her with your protection?" I ask him and though his eyes twitch with anger, I maintain eye contact with my head held high, because why would she need the protection of a pirate from the deep space?

How is that better than my leaving her behind to avoid forcing her to give up on everything that she knows just to be with me?

"You don't deserve to know the reason if you're going to keep this behaviour with me, young Arnecean. Don't test me, I can be friendly, but I sure as hell ain't a saint. I've killed people to keep this girl safe and I'll keep doing it for as long as I need to if it comes down to it. If to assure her a peace of mind, I also need to pull her star-mate out of her life, I will do so in a heartbeat" Seo-joon snarls with a hushed voice and I feel my blood run cold at the seriousness of his claim.

Is she in danger? Why would he need to kill people for her to be safe? What does he need to protect her from?

Is that why she ended up here then? Was she fleeing for her life when she found this town?

"So make your choice, Seokjin. You either intend to give her a choice in what the two of you can become or you stay out of her life, I won't back down on this".

I take in a deep breath and lower my head to stare at my sweaty hands. I was not expecting this ultimatum when coming here this morning.

I only knew that the Dralonian pirate in this town would wait for me at the clinic, which felt perfect when Y/N said that she was heading there for work, I had a cover in case things turned out to be a complete lie but...

For him to be so protective of her... what dangers lurk around her?

And can I really be selfish and make her fall for me if the only way for us to be together is for one of us to give up on the life we've always known, especially when I already know that staying here is not an option for me? Can I ask that of her?

It feels wrong, that was my initial belief, but if her staying here requires the protection of an actual cosmos pirate... wouldn't that mean she would be safer away from this planet?

This feels like too big of a mess considering I just got here, it's too much to process all at once.

Seo-joon sighs deeply and taps his nails on the wooden surface of his desk before humming lowly. This isn't the basic help for a stranded alien he was expecting to give, he didn't know this would include his dear protégé and he doesn't know how to feel about it.

"I'll give you the night to think about what it is that you want to do, Seokjin, but do come back here tomorrow with Y/N and give me a serious answer, because that will determine where you will stay until we figure something out for your spaceship and there won't be any going back, so make sure you don't regret your decision as it will be final.

Now, for the main reason of your being here, I know you said that your vehicle is destroyed so we'll bet on that radio of yours for now. If we can get it working again, we can get in contact with your family and you can leave as you always intended, if that is still your desire by then" he decides after taking in my misery and I slowly nod my head, it's not like I have much of a choice.

"For now, let's look at the facts. Your spaceship is out of fuel, so we need to fix that if we want your radio to work since it's the only one able to connect to your brothers'. I can contact another pirate who could come by to drop us some cosmos energy, but that comes at a price. The question is - are you ready to pay that price?".

I meet his gaze and nod my head without hesitation, that's at least one thing that I will not waver on. "I'll do anything necessary. I need to let my brothers know that I'm fine, as soon as possible".

The Dralonian hums and stands up before offering me a handshake, one that I accept with a wince because there is no more carefulness is his grip, I did not make myself into a good guy in his eyes, that much is sure.

"We'll discuss this in deeper details tomorrow then. I'll get things ready for you, such as a phone and some IDs that are important to own if you don't want trouble. I'm guessing you'll stay around today so don't get in Y/N's way and..." the man pauses, a tick in his jaw before he continues.

"Someone has started tailing her again, they're being careful because of me but I know they're around. No matter what, do not let them approach her. Don't leave her alone today. I'll be busy getting things ready for you so I'll be counting on you for this one time. Please".

I offer him a strong nod of the head, we can at least agree on that without needing to fight.

"No one will touch a single hair of hers, I promise".

"Good, let's walk out of here and rejoin with the others then, before they start asking themselves too many questions. I'm sure you don't want to fuel her belief that you're being romantic with me behind closed doors" the pirate states and I grimace at the reality he mentions.

"That sounds like a nightmare that I want nothing to do with. She already seems pretty difficult to get close to, I don't want to make things harder for myself" I mumble but once more, he huffs and I look away from him with a clenched jaw.

"That holds true only if you stay by her side, don't forget about what I said. You don't get to break her heart because of your selfishness. You can hurt yourself as much as you want, that's your business, but you don't get to decide about her pain too" he reminds me and I nod my head before sighing softly.

"I know. I'll come up with a final decision before tomorrow".

He stares at me one last time before opening the door and then motions for me to step out first, and just like that, his jovial face comes back like he wasn't considering murdering me for the entirety of our conversation.

He walks to the area where Y/N is currently keeping herself busy and I feel so incredibly out of place when she smiles lightly at him, a small chuckle leaving her when he hugs her over the shoulders while throwing me a warning glance.

He doesn't need to say anything for me to understand his message. He will not stand idle while I make decisions that concern her, he is her protector and not even her star-mate will be free of his wrath if anything were to happen to her.

He is not to take lightly, this man who holds my fate between his palms.

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