Chapter 1: Alone

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Chapter 1: Alone

The clouds in the sky were dark, soft sounds of rains pouring down on the road. The cars moving slow and the people making sure they don't get wet by running into the safe place while covering their heads.

Meanwhile, a small kid with raven hair, holding to his mom's hand, they were going to bunny's world that's his mom said. He was excited but his face was stern. They stopped in front of the house with his mom holding a red umbrella.

"Jungkook, you're good, right?" His mom started, standing in front of him.

"I am, mom." Jungkook replied, looking at her with his innocent-looking doe eyes.

"Can you wait for mom here?" She asked.

"How about the bunny, mom?" Jungkook inquired retorting.

"You'll see them, just wait here. I'll be back." She simply retorted.

"Okay, mom, I'll wait for you." Jungkook smiled a little.

"Good, just wait for me here." She stated.

Jungkook nodded his head, his mom walked away not even bothering to look back at him. A 13-year-old boy Jungkook left alone while the rain started to pour harder. He just stands there, hands in his pocket, he just watches his mom leaving him alone.

Tears fell in his eyes that were hidden by the raindrops. He knew his mom won't come back for him, he heard them fighting about money and ended up throwing him away. He wasn't surprised, no one likes him even his family.

Due to their poor situation, his parents decided to throw and sell useless 'things' they don't need like what they did to him.

Jungkook sighed pulling up his hood on his head, draining himself in the rain.

On the other hand, Taehyung was done with his work as a coffee waiter. He loves his work even though sometimes it was tiring for him but that's the only thing that can help him to survive.

"Sir, I'll gotta go now!" Taehyung bid goodbye to his boss.

"Okay, be careful it's raining!" His boss responded, waving his hand.

"You too, sir!" Taehyung retorted, picking up his umbrella on the basket.

He went out of the coffee shop, walking away, holding the umbrella. He loves the sound of the rain, it makes him calms when he can't fall asleep, he likes the cold weather for unknown reasons.

"Good rainy afternoon, Taehyung!" Suri, his neighbor greeted him.

Taehyung looked at his left side, smiling at her.

"Good afternoon too, noona!" Taehyung waved his hand.

"Good afternoon too, Oppa!" Sun-ah, Suri's daughter who waving through the terrace of their house.

"Hello!" Taehyung smiled while looking up.

His neighbor likes him because of his sweet personality. No one can resist him they even brought food for him and sometimes give a present to him.

"A stranger boy was standing in front of your house, check him out, just call us if you need help, he seems not trustworthy." Choi, the police roaming around their street.

"Okay, I'll check sir." Taehyung retorted while Choi patted his shoulder.

He was walking back to his house when he saw a boy standing in front of his house, soaking in the rain.

"Hi, what are you doing here? You're already wet, you might get sick." Taehyung started, standing on the left side of the small boy who was wearing a black hoodie and ripped pants.

Jungkook simply ignored him, looking at the way where's his mom went. Taehyung bit his bottom lip, he taps the boy's shoulder.

"Ahm, do you want me to bring you back to your house? Tell me your address." Taehyung said once again.

But the boy seems doesn't care about him.

"Are you lost? We can go to the police so they can find where you live." Taehyung added.

"Just leave me alone." Jungkook simply responded not even looking at him.

"Do you want to get inside my house? I felt guilty if I leave you here like this. Promise, I won't hurt you, I'm not a kidnapper or something." Taehyung tried again.

Jungkook turned his face on the guy who was talking to him with his usually stern face.

"Just leave me, you are a stranger, I don't need your help! I'm not lost! I don't need anything from you!" Jungkook groans which made Taehyung taken aback by his words.

"Fine, if you need help just knock on my door. Here's my umbrella, you can take it." Taehyung said giving the umbrella to Jungkook.

Jungkook stared at the guy's eyes, they were the same height that's why he thought they were the same age. Taehyung smiled at the boy before running inside his house, slightly opening the door.

He glanced back at Jungkook who just staring at his umbrella. He sighed, hoping the boy will ask for his help.

Jungkook knew Taehyung is a trustworthy person but he doesn't like strangers, he can't easily trust him, how can he trust him if he can't trust his own family?

In his situation, he should've been asking for help from his friend, unfortunately, he doesn't have a friend. His parents can't let him study when he dropout in 6th grade. He likes to make trouble in their school that's the other reason why his parents throw him like he was trash.

"It's already 3 pm, he's been standing for so long." Taehyung murmured while heating water.

He was worried about Jungkook. He looked through the window, seeing Jungkook still standing there.

"Come on, just knock." Taehyung mumbled.

He hid behind the curtain when Jungkook suddenly turns around, facing his house. He smiles a little, waiting for Jungkook to walk near his house.

But he gasped when Jungkook fell on the ground.

"Oh my..." Taehyung uttered walking out of his house.

He shooked Jungkook's body but the boy was unconscious. He didn't hesitate to carry him, bringing him inside his house. He brought him near the chimney, grabbing the towel to dry him.

"Muh-mom, p-please come back, duh-don't leave me."

That's the word Jungkook uttered while shaking due to coldness and his eyes were still closed. But what hurts Taehyung? When he saw the tears falling on Jungkook's cheeks.

"It's okay, she'll come back." Taehyung softly uttered not knowing the truth.

He dries the boy's body so he can make sure that he won't get sick. He also changed Jungkook's wet clothes, laying him on the couch. He prepared hot choco and soup for Jungkook.


Updating here because I can't update my other stories.

Have a nice day!.

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