Chapter 18: Truth

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Chapter 18: Truth

Taehyung and his hyungs were waiting for the date of the next hearing. Taehyung was in jail with a maximum of five people with him in the same cell. He was just leaning on the wall while hugging his knees.

"Hey, if I were you get to use with your situation right now. I know you have your next hearing but you don't know if you'll lose or win." Simeon said one of the inmates.

He looks like the strongest among them and the oldest based on his beard.

"But I shouldn't be here, I didn't do anything." Taehyung replied looking at Simeon who was sitting on the lower bunk beds.

"This is the place for criminals but also if you're unlucky innocent and got suspected. I can see you can't hurt someone but here, you have to be strong if you don't want those fuckers with us to abuse you." Simeon uttered.

Taehyung was listening yet he doesn't want to lose hope that he'll win the last hearing.

"No. 123095 you have a visitor." The guard said hitting their door.

Taehyung stood up and walked on the door, the guard opened it and cuffed his wrist with the handcuffs. The guard dragged him out of his cell and brought him to the visitor center. Taehyung saw Jin sitting, he smiled at him and sat down in front of him.

"How are you here? Did someone hurt you?" Jin asked with a hint of worried in his tone.

"I'm fine hyung." Taehyung muttered.

"Please don't lie to me, I don't want something to happen to you." Jin uttered.

"I'm not lying hyung, I'm fine. I have an inmate who helps me here." Taehyung replied.

"That's good to hear, if someone threatens you, make sure to tell me, okay?" Jin said.

Taehyung nodded his head in response.

"Are you thinking about Jungkook?" Jin suddenly asked.

" he fine? He didn't visit me since my first day here." Taehyung mumbled while fidgeting his fingers.

"He's fine but I don't know why he doesn't want to visit you. I keep trying to make him visit you but he always telling me that he's busy with his study. But if you want, I can force him." Jin stated.

"It's okay hyung, I understand him." Taehyung replied sighing.

"I'm sorry Tae, don't worry, I'll try everything to get you out of this place. Just trust me, hyung will do everything." Jin said holding Taehyung's hand.

"Thank you, hyung." Taehyung slightly smiled.

"I'll go now, I'll try to visit you." Jin smiled.

Taehyung nodded, Jin stood up and also Taehyung. Jin went to him, hugging him.

"Bye, see you again." Jin sighed.

He pulled away kissing Taehyung's forehead. He left Taehyung, Taehyung sighed and the guard dragged him again.

"Officer, give me that boy. I can take care of him."

"Boss, that's a beautiful gift!"

"Don't be shy you can send him here!"

"Come here, baby boy, daddy will take care of you."

Taehyung was looking down, he hates them. It's not the first time he heard those words since his first day they kept yelling shameful words.

"Close all your mouth if you want to speak the next day." The guard exclaimed.

Those inmates mumbles and rolled their eyes.

"We're here." The guard said when they arrived in Taehyung's cell.

Taehyung got inside and watched the guard lock the door.

"Jungkook, Taehyung was looking for you. When will you visit him?" Jin asked when arrived at Taehyung's house.

"I'm busy hyung." Jungkook simply replied while sitting on the couch.

"That's always your reason, I'm tired of hearing that!" Jin exclaimed.

"Then do all my projects and assignments." Jungkook retorted.

"Sure, I'll do them but you have to make sure you'll visit Taehyung!" Jin fired back.

"You don't understand hyung! I can't visit him!" Jungkook exclaimed when he stood up.

"Why? Do you feel embarrassed because of his situation?!" Jin yelled.

"No! That's not it, hyung!" Jungkook denied.

"Then what?! Why you can't visit him? Why are you like this, Jungkook? Is this what will you show to him after taking care of you?" Jin stated.

"I can't, I can't see him suffering hyung! I know he will just lie to me if I ask him he's fine! I don't want to see the person who took care of me in that situation! If I could just be in his situation, I'll do it." Jungkook responded with tears falling in his eyes.

"But Taehyung wants to see you, he just wants to know if you're okay." Jin uttered.

"I know that but I won't be okay if I see him. I'll break down if I see his situation in that place. I don't want him to see me as weak. I want to blame myself hyung, I can't help him. I want to help him but I don't know how! I felt useless right now." Jungkook cried.

He fully broke down right in front of Jin. He doesn't want someone to see him crying, he doesn't want to look weak but he can't help it. It really hurts him, he can't protect Taehyung and can't help him.

"I-I just want to help him hyung, buh-but why I can't do anything for him? Why I'm like this? Why I'm so useless?" Jungkook cried out all his pain.

Jin's tears fell out while listening to him.

"You know what next to do, detective Choi." Karen smirked.

"Don't worry, I already paid them to do what you ordered to them." Detective Choi replied.

"Make sure that boy won't speak, I want to see his dead body. And of course, make sure everything is clean. I don't want to mess my name." Karen said.

"Sure, I'll work for that besides I'm the one holding this case. No one will know that and I can assure you that you will be innocent and that boy will be the suspect until he can't get out that jail." Detective Choi snickered.

Karen and Detective Choi do bottoms up with smirks on their lips.

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