Chapter 20: Offer

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Chapter 20: Offer

Jungkook's class ended luckily his college year will end after a month. He passed his exam with Taehyung as his inspiration. Their University was preparing for their graduation.

He sighed due to the coldness of the snow. He put his hands in the pocket of his coat, ready to leave his University. He was looking on his way until a black van stopped in front of him. The door van opened revealing his supposed to be a mother, Moonchae.

"Jungkook" Moonchae started.

"If you're here to force me to come with you, I will tell you once again, I won't come with you." Jungkook simply said and starts to walk away.

"I heard what happened to your brother, Taehyung. I can help you if you want." Moonchae uttered.

Jungkook stopped walking, turning around to face her.

"I don't need your help." Jungkook simply replied.

"Don't you want to help him? This is your chance to help him and I'm willing to help you." Moonchae continued.

"What will be the exchange if I accept that offer?" Jungkook asked.

"You just have to stay in our house and live with us. That's all." Moonchae added.

"No thanks, I have hyungs who can help him." Jungkook retorted rolling his eyes.

"But what about you? Are you not interested to help the person who took care of you? In years of living with him, you should've helped him at least once. In this situation, he won't surely regret taking care of you if you help him right now. Do you want to see him rot in jail, do you like what's happening to him right now?" Moonchae stated.

"Of course not, I don't like what's happening to him! Stop saying that! I love hyung and I'll do anything to help him! Don't say things like that if you don't know how much I suffered seeing hyung in that place!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"That's why I'm offering you this. Jungkook, this is your chance, don't lose it. I know you hate me but trust me, I can help you to get him out of that place. Accept my offer Jungkook, you won't regret this." Moonchae explained.

"You don't understand if I accept your offer, the next thing that will happen is I have to leave hyung. I can't do that, I want to stay with hyung forever." Jungkook retorted.

"But at least you are sure that his life will be fine, isn't that what you want? I'm sure you want him to be free, don't hesitate to accept my offer. I can assure you that he will be fine. I will help him to find who set up him." Moonchae stated.

Jungkook stared at her with teary eyes.

"Fine, I'll give you time to think about it. Just call me if you already decided about my offer." Moonchae sighed.

She got inside her van and left Jungkook.

"Jungkook, you're here, do you want to eat?" Jin asked when he saw Jungkook coming inside.

"I'm fine hyung." Jungkook replied.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked.

"Yes, by the way, any update about hyung's case?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"Unfortunately, there's no update yet. Even the court wasn't decided yet about the next trial. I think it will take too long before Taehyung got free." Jin sighed, sitting on the chair.

"How long?" Jungkook asked him.

"I don't know,  maybe next month? And if we're unlucky, it might have set until next year." Jin stated.

"O-okay, I'll go in my room." Jungkook uttered and went to his room.

Jungkook sat down on the chair while holding his phone, he was hesitating to call his mother and accept her offer. He wants to help Taehyung but he doesn't want to leave him. Yet, he doesn't want to see Taehyung get to rot in jail.

He sighed pressing her mother's number, his phone rang for few times until he heard her voice.

"Hello, who's this?" Moonchae inquired.

"I...I accept your offer." Jungkook responded.

"That's good to hear, I didn't expect you'll decide sooner." Moonchae uttered.

"But you have to make sure hyung will be fine and get his freedom before my graduation. At least, I want to see him fine before I leave." Jungkook added.

"Sure, I'll call my attorney to work with his case." Moonchae replied.

Jungkook ended the call, hugging his knees, and tears fell out of his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry hyung, I hope you understand me. I'm so sorry." Jungkook cried.

Maybe it was a good decision besides he wants to make sure Taehyung is safe. He doesn't want to see him like what he saw when he visited him.

"Did you find any pieces of evidence?" Moonchae asked her attorney while sitting on the chair in her office.

"Yes, I investigated the first trial and it seems it was already manipulated since the beginning of the trial." Attorney Beomgyu replied.

"What do you mean by that, attorney?" Moonchae asked confused.

"The evidence shown by Taehyung's side was obvious enough to be proven not guilty. The mention of CCTV was already believable. Besides, the main judge, in this case, was befriended by the so-called victim's mother. And these judges surrounding them have been suspected of being corrupted." Beomgyu explained.

"So that means, Taehyung was not guilty and it was set up."

"Yes, I also found out that the detective who was holding Taehyung's case was currently dating the victim's mother, here are a few lewd pictures of them. We can use this as evidence to make that detective quit his job and also to make him rot in jail." Beomgyu stated.

"Please, not only the detective but that woman and those people who manipulated Taehyung." Moonchae said.

"Sure, I can do that." Beomgyu replied.

"How about the trial, when we can set the date? I mean, I have to set up the date before graduation. Besides, I heard that the court wasn't decided yet about the next trial." Moonchae said.

"Don't worry about that, Mrs. Jeon, the next trial will happen as soon as possible. My friend will help me out with that." Beomgyu grinned.

Moonchae sighed, she hope everything will be fine.

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