Chapter 21: Last

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Chapter 21: Last

The last trial started before graduation which was an unexpected twist for Karen. She was shocked at how they set a trial.

"Detective Choi, what happened? How did they set up a trial? Taehyung isn't dead yet." Karen grumbled while she's in his office.

"I don't know, this is too impossible. I told the judge to block their request for this last trial. I paid them enough to do their job properly." Detective Choi responded.

"I told you before they can set up this trial, Taehyung should die first. No one should know that I'm the one who paid you to kill Michael." Karen groaned.

"Trust me, no one will know about this. We won't rot in jail." Detective Choi replied.

"Make sure about that, or else, I'll drag you down with me." Karen stated sternly.

She left the office, Detective Choi sighed following after her. Meanwhile, the police that Jimin paid got inside Detective Choi's office, taking the pen with the recorder. He smirked and left to go to the court.

"Thank you, prosecutor Kang Terry for setting this trial." Beomgyu smiled.

"This is just a little help, attorney, I'm glad to help you." Terry smiled.

"Thank you once again, I hoping for a fair trial." Beomgyu uttered and extend his hand.

"I'll assure you that." Terry replied and held Beomgyu's hand.

They shook their hands and sat in their perspective seat. Taehyung was already sitting in the middle with his head hanging low. He was fidgeting his fingers since he was nervous. This is the last trial, his last hope.

"We can start now." Judge Wang hit the gavel.

"Good Morning, Your honor, I'm Choi Beomgyu and here to defend my innocent client Kim Taehyung. Based on the investigation, there's a manipulation during the first trial. And here's the proof." Beomgyu started and turn on the screen.

Karen gulped when she saw her picture and Detective Choi kissing with different pictures.

"As you can see, the victim's mother has in relationship with the detective who was holding Taehyung's case. The second one, Judge Hoon was related to Karen which was the victim's mother. Therefore, there's a huge chance that Judge Hoon was on Karen's side. And, the most important part was Karen had been diagnosed with mental issues." Beomgyu stated while showing the pictures.

Karen was shaking nervously while looking at the screen. Her eyes were wide and nails dug on her lap.

"Unfortunately, it's just a picture, it can be edited and false information." Attorney Seuk retorted.

"This information was legit, those pictures were seen in their accounts and the mental hospital stated it was real information." Prosecutor Kang joined.

"There's nothing wrong if she dating Detective Choi, it was her choice." Attorney Seuk.

"Yes, you're right, but the detective was also the killer of her son. Isn't that suspicious?" Beomgyu snickered.

Karen froze in her place, Detective Choi can't even feel the people surrounding him.

"Unbelievable, right? Well, since Karen was a psychopath, of course, we shouldn't be surprised at all. The day Michael was found dead, she was standing right where they killed Michael. It was all an act, Detective Choi was the one who killed Michael with one of his colleagues. Yet, he was stupid for forcing Michael to write a letter for his mom even though he doesn't like to write at all. Michael isn't a sweet son, there's no way he will write a letter for his mom. He could simply leave a text for her but not a letter." Beomgyu explained.

"Why would she do that? He's her son!" Attorney Seuk exclaimed.

"She wants to get rid of him for messing her name. Michael bringing trouble a lot for bothering and forcing Taehyung. He kept on dirtying her public figure which can affect her business, that's the reason why she planned to kill her own son. She paid and used Detective Choi since she knew the detective was obsessed with her and she used it as an opportunity to clean her mess." Beomgyu explained.

"You can't state that if you don't have proof, it's just your analysis." Attorney Seuk stated.

Beomgyu was kind of nervous since he doesn't have enough proof. The police came inside and gave the USB to Jimin.

"Sir, here's what I got. It's about the manipulation and who killed the victim." The police said in a hushed tone.

"You came in the right time." Jimin snickered and took the USB.

He stood up and sat down beside lawyer Yeonjun.

"Please give it to that attorney, he can use it." Jimin whispered.

Yeonjun nodded his head and raised his hand.

"They have proof here." Yeonjun exclaimed gaining their attention.

Beomgyu smirked and grabbed the USB. He inserted it and their voice played. Cold sweat formed on Karen's forehead and palms while listening.

"I think that's enough proof, your honor." Beomgyu grinned.

"No! No one can do this to me! I'm innocent! Hahahhaahah" Karen suddenly exclaimed while laughing.

She stood up, going near to Taehyung, and choke him.

"You! You should be the one who rotten in jail, not me!" Karen sternly said while choking Taehyung.

Soobin pulled Taehyung away while the police stopped Karen. Since she doesn't want to stop at any moment, Jin tugged her hair and pushed her away.

"All of you will regret this! You fucking faggot!" Karen yelled while squirming away.

Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly who felt traumatic. He snuggled on Jimin's chest while clutching on his shirt. Detective Choi tried to run away but the police blocked him. They handcuffed them and dragged them away.

"It's alright, Tae, everything is fine now." Jimin assured him while caressing his hair.

When the court calms down, it's time to decide.

"Kim Taehyung who was suspected of murder and killing Michael is NOT GUILTY." Lawyer Yeonjun declared.

His hyungs sighed in relief and hugged Taehyung. Meanwhile, Jungkook's graduation started. He was the top among the students. Yet, he wasn't smiling because he had to leave Taehyung.

"And now, the valedictorian of the University, Jeon Jungkook." Their principal announced.

Jungkook went to the stage and his teachers gave him his medals. He stood in front of the microphone.

"Hello to everyone, I would like to say thank you to the teachers who guide me through the whole years of studying here.

But mostly, I want to thank you for my Taehyung hyung who was by my side after my parents dumped me. I hope he was doing fine and he will be free. I want him to be here and listen to me. I'm sure he'll be proud of me. I'm glad I graduated because of him.

I hope, one day, he understands me and I'm sorry for not doing anything good for you. Hyung, I graduated now! Don't be upset with me, this is the only thing I can give to you. I love you, but I'm sorry hyung." Jungkook ended with tears falling in his eyes.

Taehyung and his hyungs went straight to the University. They told him about the graduation that's why they go for Jungkook but it seems they are late.

"Where is he?" Jin asked mumbling.

"He's there, but why he's going to that van?" Taehyung inquired while looking at Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" Jimin yelled.

Jungkook heard him, he saw Taehyung standing between his hyungs. Tears formed in his eyes, he ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hyung" Jungkook cried.

"Ssshh, I'm fine now, I'm finally free." Taehyung uttered while caressing Jungkook's back.

"I'm happy, hyung." Jungkook said with his sad smile.

"What's wrong, Jungkook? Are you sad? You should be happy, you graduated, this is your dream, right?" Taehyung asked confused.

Jungkook just took out his medals and wore them to Taehyung.

"Thank you hyung for everything. Y-you're the reason why I got this. But hyung, I-I'm sorry because I had to leave you. I-I'm really sorry hyung, but trust me, I'll give back what you did to me." Jungkook simply replied while crying.

"Why? Are you going to leave me?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook just pecked Taehyung's forehead. He smiled and walk away from him. He doesn't want to cry more in front of him. He doesn't want to be weak. Maybe, next time he will go back strong and confident. Next time.

The End of Part 1

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