Chapter 3: Dislike

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Chapter 3: Dislike

Jungkook got enrolled in school again, he was glad when he will be going to study. He met Hoseok hyung and Jin hyung, they helped him a lot. He felt comfortable with them, he remembered Taehyung told him that he still has a lot of friends to know.

He was in his class, it was his 4th-day attending school. He got few friends but not felt comfortable with them, just he like talking with them.

"Okay, class dismissed, see you tomorrow." Their teacher dismissed the class, tapping her stick on the desk.

"Thank you, ma'am." The students replied, standing and bowing their heads.

She smiled, leaving them alone in the room. Jungkook sighed, his class finally ended, but he had to do his assignment. He stood up, unzipping his bag to put his notes inside.

"Jungkook ssi!" Dohan, his classmate called out.

Jungkook turned his head to glance at Dohan.

"Yeah?" Jungkook responded.

"We want to leave with you." Timothy smiled, fixing his glasses. 

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, to see your beautiful hyung." Dohan giggled.

"Okay." Jungkook confusedly responded.

They leave their room, Taehyung always picking him just to make sure he'll be fine. Also, Taehyung class ended earlier than him.

"Your hyung is so beautiful" Timothy uttered while staring at Taehyung when they arrived at the gate.

Taehyung was there, standing up, using his phone with a brown envelope in his hand.

"I want him to be my hyung, my hyung is such a jerk." Dohan pouted.

"Buh-but, I don't want to share hyung." Jungkook mumbled, he don't know but he doesn't want to share Taehyung.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled, waving his hands.

"He's coming, he's coming!" Timothy squeaked, hitting Dohan's arm.

"Hi, are you two Jungkook's classmates?" Taehyung asked, smiling at them.

They nodded his head while staring at him.

"It's nice to meet you." Taehyung smiled at them.

"I-It's nice to meet you too, beauty hyung." They said in sync.

"Go to your home now, your parents might be looking for you." Taehyung uttered, ruffling their hair.

"Okay, beautiful hyung!" They replied in sync.

They ran away causing Taehyung to giggled, meanwhile, Jungkook doesn't like it.

"Jungkook, let's go home." Taehyung said.

Jungkook hums in response, they went to their house.

"How's your class, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, setting down the grocery on the counter.

"Good." Jungkook simply replied.

"I'm glad, I'll prepare food for us." Taehyung said, wearing the apron.

"Hyung." Jungkook called out, walking in front of the counter.

"Yes?" Taehyung responded, making spices for kimchi.

"I don't want you to pick me again." Jungkook stated.

Taehyung stopped, looking at him with a confused looked.

"Why? If you think you'll be bothered, you're wrong, I like picking you up after your classes." Taehyung retorted

"That's not what I mean, hyung." Jungkook frowned.

"Then, what is it?" Taehyung asked.

"My classmates like you, I hate it hyung, they want me to share you with them. But, I don't want to. I don't want them to take you away from me." Jungkook explained with a frown.

Taehyung giggled, removing his gloves, washing his hands, and walking in front of Jungkook.

"They didn't take me away from you, Jungkook, besides, it's fine if they like me. They are kids like you. They just admiring your hyung's beauty." Taehyung chuckled.

"I'm just scared you will leave me too." Jungkook pouted.

Facts, he just doesn't want his classmates to admire his hyung. He wants only him can admire Taehyung, no one else.

Taehyung poke Jungkook's nose bridge.

"That won't happen, kook, I told you, I'll take care of you. Don't think about that, hyung will never leave you." Taehyung assured, ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"Promise, hyung?" Jungkook asked, showing his pinky finger.

"Promise." Taehyung retorted, attaching his pinky finger on Jungkook's.

Jungkook showed his boxy smile which melt Taehyung's heart.

"Don't pick me again, hyung. I can go back home alone." Jungkook insisted.

"Fine, if that's what you want, but make you'll be safe." Taehyung sighed, agreeing with what Jungkook said.

"Okay, thank you hyung." Jungkook smiled.

Finally, no one will see his hyung's beauty, only him.

"Go and finish your homework, I'll call you once the food is cook." Taehyung said, pulling away from Jungkook's pinky finger.

Jungkook hums in response, he grabs his bag on the couch, running inside his room. Taehyung chuckled, going back to his chore. Jungkook did his homework, he wants Taehyung to be proud of him, studying is the only key to make his hyung glad of him. And the only payment for everything his hyung did for him.

He was focused on his homework, he wore his glass to properly see the notes. He also wore a headphone so no one will bother him.

"Jungkook ah, Jungkook!" Taehyung knocked softly on the door of Jungkook's room but he didn't get any response.

He carefully opened the door, he smiled when he saw Jungkook doing his homework while his feet tapping on the floor, softly bouncing his head, humming softly while listening to the song. He slightly tapped Jungkook's shoulder, doesn't want to scare him. Jungkook felt it, removing his headphone, looking at his left side.

"Come on, let's eat, I am already done cooking food for you." Taehyung started

"Okay, hyung." Jungkook responded.

He set down his headphone on the desk same with his glass. He followed Taehyung and they went into the dining area.


I stan sassy Taehyung, hbu?

Powerbottom indeed!


ho are you? I don't care who you are - Kim Taehyung

I wonder, when will he get a license🙂?

Worldwide handsome

Y'all can feel Jinhit?
-His special skill is being handsome
-His strength is being handsome
-His weakness...aware of being handsome

He's an unbothered king.

He's the only one who has the normal answer.👁👄👁

Jimin's special skills😭
-Lying and breathing in bed
-Getting out and back to the bed
-Rolling from the front door of my bed.

Certification and technical skills😳 YOONMIN
*I mean, it's his own resumé but I still can see SUGA's name

Sleeping is his special skills😭
His personal motto didn't change.

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