twenty-eight ⋆ the bubble pops

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❝privacy is power. what people don't know, they can't ruin.❞
― unknown


charlie, i know 


i know 😔



the video of him telling off some paparazzi almost has a million views 

i mean, how is he intimidating and kind at the same time?! 

"were you following us? can i ask you to JUST not???"

i've never seen keanu look annoyed to the point he'd pull a john wick 

i swear he was about to bring out a pencil

wait, you've actually seen john wick?

well. . .the trailers 🤷🏻‍♀️

i'm surprised 😮 your taste in movies is consisted of cartoons 


still cartoons, dumbass 

well, what happened when you arrived home? 

did keanu do squat thrusts in your cucumber patch to apologize? 🤠

uh, what kind of euphemism is that?

and no, he did not "do squat thrusts in my cucumber patch"

we watched the prince of egypt and fell asleep. . .i think at one point i may have woken up and dragged myself to my room?? or he carried me??? i don't know????



why do you sound disappointed 

i'm not disappointed 

you are! 

skeeter, this is text. how the hell can i sound disappointed? 

i know you, you idiot! 



disclaimer: you're my best friend. i love you. i'm so proud of how far you've come. 

ughhhHHHHHH 😒😒😒

((thank you i love you too))

this is my dumbass comment so please just IGNORE it 

i just thought that maybe you and keanu would have already have sex by now?? idk??? because, you and your last boyfriend were moving in together within 6 months so yeah i thought you'd be moving pretty fast 

but you're not which IS ALSO FINE YOU DO YOU BABE 

hm. . .

i guess the last boyfriend and i DID move pretty fast but he wasn't a saint 

yep he was an abusive asshole who deserves to rot in jail PERIODT.

my comment to your comment is i don't know 

but i think it's because him and i are pretty independent people so we just don't??

independent people aren't supposed to have sex? 

what no ofc they should have sex!!

it's just agH ─ i'm terrified!

what if we have sex and he realizes i'm bad at it?? or he sees that my body has little flabs and scars all over???


keanu would never, darling 😌 maybe you should talk to him about this? 

hmmmmm. . .maybe i should 

(((fuck i love this healthy relationship so much!!!!)))

hey i have to go get my daily dose of coffee and deal with this whole paparazzi thing 

okay well gOOD LUCK

((gurl, i'm happy you're THRIVING))

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ────── ⊰

enews: We finally know the name of Keanu Reeves' girlfriend and we have details ─ lots of details. Click the link in our bio to read the 5 things to know about SAT awardee, Dr. Cordelia Evans. 

view comments. . .

username1: to save you some time, these are the "5 things to know" : her younger brothers are chris and scott evans, she's a surgeon, she went to harvard, no social media whatsoever, and apparently "age-appropriate" for him
username1: i just saved you 5 minutes of of your life yOU'RE WELCOME 

username2: in this house, we love and support keanu reeves and dr. cordelia evans 🥳

username3: idk why i'm so happy that a good man like keanu reeves has a girlfriend!! (who is age appropriate tHANK GOD) HE DESERVES ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD 

username3: of course keanu reeves has an educated and age appropriate girlfriend ─ he is a good man 😌

username4: so keanu reeves ─ who no doubt is the kindest human being ever ─ is trending because he's dating a woman not young enough to be his daughter? 

username5: it makes me wonder what the comments would be if the sexes were reversed. . .
the woman would be called a cougar NO DOUBT 

username6: why are people saying she's aGe ApPrOpRiAtE for him?? he could literally be her father 🥴
────── username3: username6: true. . .if keanu became a father at the wee age of 10 years old 🤠

username7: what do you have to say about this??? are you concerned that your sister is dating someone from hollywood????? chrisevans
────── chrisevans: username7 no comment 
────── chrisevans: username7 and their relationship is nobody else's business

username8: george clooney married a human rights lawyer and now keanu reeves is dating a surgeon. . .i see these eligible bachelors have a type 🤔

username9: can't help but think she looks a lot like regina george from mean girls 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ────── ⊰

When Skeeter ─ in all her lazy ponytail and fuzzy pajamas glory ─ padded her way into the kitchen, he was already hunched over the kitchen island and tapping away on his phone.

Absent-mindedly, she encircled her arms around his torso, her cheek delicately resting on his broad and muscled back. For a minute, she allowed herself to enjoy the contentment she felt that morning: the rhythmic hum of the coffee machine, the warmth of Keanu's presence, how the whole world felt so tranquil.

Keanu patted her forearm, his eyes never straying away from his device. "Good morning, mon amour. Coffee's ready in a minute."

As Skeeter readied coffee for the both of them, she was reminded of last night. Usually, Keanu would give her his undivided attention.

"Rough night?" Skeeter joked.

Keanu sighed, setting his phone aside. "No. It was a great night actually. . .though I think I ate too much ice cream."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "There's no such thing as 'too much ice cream', Chuck."

"It was a great night until I found out we were being followed by some sleaze. Are you okay, Skeet?"

It was her turn to sigh. "To be honest, I was a bit shaken up about the whole fiasco. Is that going to happen every time we go out?"

"I understand if you want to call this whole thing off after last night."

"What?" Skeeter furrowed her brows. "Who said anything about that?"

He shrugged. "It's one of the reasons why some of my relationships don't work out. The paparazzi and the invasion of privacy can really take a toll on a person, you know?"

"Bullshit." She told him. Skeeter really couldn't afford to lose him and what they had so easily; she wasn't ready to. Exhaling deeply, she met his gaze ─ her blue eyes unwavering. "Look, Keanu, I really like what we have going on. It's good and it's healthy and I. . .I just feel so safe with you, okay? Lay it out on the table just like how I did when we were in L.A. Tell me about the annoying flashing lights and the invasion of privacy. I'm not even that interesting anyway!"

Keanu motioned for her to come closer, his large hands enclosing hers as he pulled her to him. "Skeeter, it's not going to be easy. First, there's going to be lot of rumors that mostly aren't true. People are going to be taking pictures when we're doing the most mundane things and they're going to speculate about our relationship. They're going to say you're dating me for the fame and I'm dating you because you're young and hot."

"You're saying I'm not hot?"

He chuckled lightly and encircled his arms around her waist. Keanu kissed her cheek and reaffirmed. "You're drop-dead gorgeous. But that's not going to stop people from coming up with ridiculous things. In short, there's going to be a lot of noise."

Was this his way of telling her that her whole life was about to change? In retrospect, Skeeter's life did change when she met him but it was for the better. She learned how to open up about her fears. She allowed herself to be happy because she truly trusted him not to hurt her. He was the steady lighthouse when the storms became too much for her to bear.

"Keanu, it's okay." She told him, laying a gentle hand on the day-old stubble of his lower jaw. "It's you and me. Everything else is just background noise."

"You really mean that?"

His voice was delicate ─ as if he feared that every word he was hearing was some part of his dream. But, it wasn't. It was real. She was real, Skeeter's promise to stay was real. When she nodded, Keanu felt his lips break out into a Cheshire cat grin.

Keanu leaned in and placed a deep and loving kiss on her lips, his grip on her waist tightening. She tasted like mint.

The coffee machine interrupted their ardent moment. Skeeter laughed at his disgruntled expression as she pulled away and prepared their boost of caffeine for the day. It felt odd yet endearing to feel so domestic.

At that moment, Keanu could relate to the paparazzi's need to take pictures of them doing the most mundane things. He wanted a picture of this moment no matter how simple it looked ─ them in their pajamas after a date night, Skeeter moving around the kitchen, and talking about how they would spend their day.

"Wanna go out and explore New York?"

". . .Nah."

"Same. Are we watching The Little Mermaid or Aladdin?"

"You know, Skeeter, there are other movies that ─ " Keanu grimaced, pulling the mug away from his mouth. "Why is this so sweet?"

"Oops." She winked at him and teased. "You need a little bit of sweetness to start your day, sugar."

happy halloween, everyone! it's also skeeter's birthday!! i've been thinking about doing a sort of one-shot where skeeter gets pregnant but i'm still a bit iffy about it tho 🤔 anyway, skeanu's (shipname!!) story is FAR from over 🤗

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