twenty-seven ⋆ saying hello

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just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love
they are the hunters, we are the foxes
and we run
― i know places by taylor swift

"It's fine really. Bambi said that we could stay in her apartment as long as we need to. She has some things to take care of in Los Angeles anyway so ― "

Skeeter was interrupted due to Keanu placing his hands on her waist and spinning her around to face him. He placed a soft and long kiss on her lips, his hand lightly cupping her jaw. 

Pulling away from the kiss, Skeeter smiled up at him. "What was that for?" 

Keanu shrugged. "Just saying hello." 

"Well. . .hello." 

"Hi." He pecked her lips once more before her rolled in his luggage and grabbed her hand. "You wanna go out for dinner? I know a nice Indian place." 

She was already grabbing her purse, aloof with having him lead her out of the apartment complex and into the busy streets of New York. "What about dessert?" 

"You always do ask the important questions, mon amour." 

"I'm feeling ice cream tonight but also brownies. Ice cream on brownies perhaps?" 

"Sounds like a tooth cavity." 

Pleased, Skeeter kissed his stubbly cheek. "Ice cream on brownies it is!" 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ────── ⊰

For what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Keanu laughed as Skeeter recounted another event from her childhood. He liked hearing those kind of stories. It was endearing to imagine a little Skeeter running around with pigtails and big braces as she tormented her little brothers. 

" ― Naturally, Chris and Scott bawled their eyes out while I just sat at the dinner table with all these questions being thrown to my parents. It was a nice April Fools prank but did I honestly believe that we were moving? Nope." 

He laughed, bringing a shy hand over his mouth. "You were a smart kid." 

Skeeter winked at him. "Still am." 

"You're still smart or you're still a kid?" 

". . .Both." 

The street they had taken was part of the much quieter area of New York. By quieter, it meant less cars passing through and most of the side-walk was clear of people (seeing that it was also close to midnight). 

The Indian restaurant Keanu suggested had the same rules as the restaurant in L.A.; no cellphones and no taking of pictures allowed. If it meant that his and Skeeter's privacy was protected, Keanu wouldn't hesitate to use his A-List Hollywood status to secure a last-minute reservation at exclusive restaurants. 

"Hey, why do you do that?" Skeeter queried as she took another spoonful of her ice cream. 

"Do what?" He replied, looking down at her. She was securely tucked under his arm as they walked through the quiet street. 

"Cover your mouth with your hand. Is it like a nervous tic or something?" 

"Kinda. It's also to hide my smile I guess." Keanu told her honestly, his cheeks heating up at the revelation. 

Skeeter gasped, mouth agape. "But why?!" 

"I have some bad teeth due to motorbike accidents. Hence, why I hide my mouth because it might scare some people away."

"Oh, bull, Keanu." Skeeter rolled her eyes, she threw her ice cup to a nearby trashcan and turned back to him. "You have a very gorgeous smile."

"I do, huh?"

Instead of answering, Skeeter hummed back a response and got on her tip toes to kiss him. They both stopped for awhile, savoring the sweet moment despite the cold New York air. 

"I love your smile, Keanu." She told him when they pulled away, lightly tracing her fingers over his lips. "I hope to see more of it." 

When he was in the process of pressing another kiss to her lips, the bright smile on Skeeter's face momentarily dropped. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she caught site of a man with a camera. Had he followed them all the way from the apartment to the restaurant? How many men were following them? Was he there the whole time? He was happily clicking away at the expense of her fear and discomfort.  

"Hey, Skeet." Keanu pulled her closer towards him, giving her a short side hug. "What's wrong Are you cold?" 

She let her silence and wide eyes do the talking. It wasn't difficult seeing that she looked like a deer caught in headlights. 

Surprisingly, it worked. He followed her gaze and instantly understood. 

Keanu dropped his arm around her body which made Skeeter catch the way his kind brown eyes were now blazing with disbelief and anger at the sight of the paparazzi. Timidly, she gave his bicep a reassuring squeeze as an attempt to calm him down. 

"Walk ahead, Skeeter." Keanu had managed to say through his clenched jaw. "I'll catch up." For a moment, his eyes softened when they landed on her apprehensive body language ― her arms folded across her chest, shoulders slouched, and the way she shifted her weight from one foot to another. 

"It's going to be okay." He assured her and jutted his head forward. "Go ahead. I'll take care of this." 

Nodding, Skeeter quietly followed his request and kept her head down the entire time with one thought in mind: she really hoped that stupid man with the camera never followed them ever again.  

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