twenty-six ⋆ wine, coffee, & onion rings

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❝relax; the world's not watching that closely.❞
―making wishes by richelle e. goodrich

On Skeeter's last day in LA,  she built a fort out of pillows and blankets in the middle of the living room. 

"Surprise!" Skeeter exclaimed, throwing her hands above her head. "It's a pillow fort!" 

Keanu chuckled, shedding his leather jacket and dropping his bag. "I know what a pillow fort looks like, mon amour. But, why did you make one?" 

"I have to fly to New York for that interview, remember?" She took his hand and pulled him towards the fort. "Come on! We have so many movies to watch and so little time!" 

When the two got under the blankets and dropped down to the pillows, a variety of fast-food choices was already perched in front of them along with the Netflix logo blinking in Skeeter's laptop. 

"We have Mexican, Italian, Chinese ─ "

"Take-out food." Keanu stated dryly as she placed a Chinese box full of steamed rice in his hands. "You ordered a variety of take-out food."

Skeeter nodded, munching happily on an egg roll. "Good investigation, Mr. Reeves." 

"But. . .why? I was thinking we'd order something that LA is known for like Philippe's French dip sandwich or pho from Golden Deli." He gave her a pointed look. "I could've cooked too, you know? I could've cooked anything your heart desires, Skeet." 

She liked it when he rambled on. Keanu looked extremely endearing whenever he went on and on about her unhealthy love for caffeine or his bikes or his mom and sisters. She wondered if he tended to ramble on before he had met her and this was just some other part of him she was bound to discover or were her habits just rubbing off of him?

Skeeter forgot how electrifying it was to fall in love with a person. She forgot about the little smile on her face that would appear whenever she thought about their first encounter. She forgot how alleviating it was to tell someone about her day whether it was through Skype or over a cup of coffee. She forgot how she found a person's little quirks so. . .so charming and how amazing that ─ those peculiarities ─ eventually made up the person Skeeter was falling on love with (Keanu's quirk was his love for cleanliness and order in his house and this extended to his garage, his car, and his work obligations.)

Chuckling softly, Skeeter placed a chaste kiss to his shoulder. "Oh, Chuck." She ran her hands through his hair, a tactic she had discovered that tended to calm him down. "It's okay. I wanted to order take-out." 

"You can get take-out in New York."

"Yes. However ─ " Skeeter perched her chin on his shoulder, gazing up at him with her blue eyes. " ─ I get to enjoy my take-out with you. I like eating take-out with you."  

"Nice save. Very nice save." 

"Thank you. Now, which movie should we watch first? Shrek or Aladdin?" 

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ────── ⊰

skeetersaurus sent a photo!

chuck spadina
let me guess. . .

that's your third cup of coffee this morning?

nice mustache by the way 😉

i feel like that was an insult but i'm too nervous to insult you back ☹

coffee is the only thing that's keeping me awake at this moment

(thank you for the appreciation of my mustache tho!!)

chuck spadina 
not an insult, mon amour. . .just a guess 

well, it's a good guess! 

i'm so nervous 

i don't care if they gave me a set of questions that may be possibly asked it's still so scary going on tv how the hell do you this 

chuck spadina 
i was nervous my first time too 

title of your sextape!! 

chuck spadina 


chuck spadina 
you'll do great. i know you will. 

it's too early for you to be the sole reason i melt into a puddle stoOOOOP

chuck spadina 
just think of it as going to surgery 

damn i miss surgery 🥴 

it's so weird prepping for an interview!! all i do is sit in a chair while someone applies make-up on my face and picks an outfit 🤓

chuck spadina 
wow you're becoming such a diva already!

you taught me well 😌 

are you going to watch? the live interview and all? 

chuck spadina
uhhh. . .yes? of course, i will 

ugh that just makes me more nervous!

no! don't!

chuck spadina 
why not?

go to sleep!

chuck spadina 
it's 7 am 

yeah. . .in new york, a place where you are NOT in 😑

chuck spadina 
fine i won't watch 🤷🏻‍♂️ but only because it helps you become less nervous over absolutely nothing 

thank you 💖

chuck spadina 
but i'm recording it

the secret to a healthy relationship is compromise 

chuck spadina 
no it's not 

it's bringing your significant other food

true 🥰🥰🥰



the hairstylist LITERALLY tried to peek who i was texting 

chuck spadina 
how would you know if the hairstylist is behind you?

i FELT it 

i'm just glad your name here is chuck 😊 

chuck spadina 
i can't BELIEVE that's your term of endearment for me 

well,, would you like it to be. . .




chuck spadina 
just stick with chuck 

don't worry, snookums, i'll find nickname for you don't ya worry 😉

chuck spadina 
you're odd when you're nervous 🤔

and we love it, don't we?!!!! 

chuck spadina 
i think i love you 

most of the times 🥴


chuck spadina 
you got this, mon amour 💖 don't overthink it! 

break a leg

i got probably fix my own broken leg 💁🏻‍♀️

chuck spadina 
without breaking a sweat guaranteed 💯

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ────── ⊰

The smell of coffee greeted Skeeter as she padded her way from the guest bedroom and through the Tribeca apartment. 

Bambi threw a smile at her direction. "Hey, Skeet." 

Stretching her arms above her head, Skeeter uttered a response and took a seat in one of the kitchen stools then accepted the warm mug shoved into her hands by her sister-in-law. She took in Bambi's appearance: red lipstick, hair up in a ponytail, and an outfit worthy of the Big Apple. 

Skeeter rubbed her eyes. "What time did we finish drinking last night?" 

"Drinking?" The blonde giggled. "Skeeter, you had two glasses of wine and then we went bar hopping. You solely ate the onion rings during said bar hopping."

"So, it's just you with a hangover?"

Bambi held up a bottle of aspirin with a weak smile. "And a terrible one."

Taking a long sip of her coffee, Skeeter commented. "I only ate onion rings?" 


"What time did we arrive back here?" 

"Around four in the morning."

"Shit." Skeeter groaned, her head buried in her hands. "We only got three hours of sleep. Shit. I mean, that's normal for me but what about you ─ "

Bambi waved her hand, a sign that she didn't mind at all of their late hours. "I have a flight to catch anyway."

Skeeter's head shot up from her hands. "You're leaving me alone here?" 

"I hope you don't mind, Skeet." Bambi told her apologetically. "There are some things I need to take care of regarding my masters. Some sleaze is trying to buy them. You know, the usual drama in the life of Bambi Gray." 

"O ─ oh." 

Skeeter had an idea. Actually, Skeeter had a massive favor to ask her. "Hey, don't feel sorry you're leaving me here." Chuckling nervously, she continued. "I have some company arriving this afternoon." 

Her sister-in-law quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?" 

"Yeah." Damn it. Why did her voice sound so timid? "I was actually wondering if it was okay with you if they ─ if he could ─ "

Bambi had a smirk to accompany her quizzical brow. "He?" 

"Uh-huh. Maybe he could stay with me for the while I'm in New York ─ stay with me here in your apartment, I mean." 

"Sure." Bambi answered without a second to spare. It was her turn to chuckle but this one was lighter. "You have a boyfriend, Skeeter?" 

"Y ─ yeah." Clearing her throat, she repeated. "Yes, I have a boyfriend. I have had one for the past three months." Skeeter figured the least she could do was tell her about this 'he' who would be staying in the apartment her sister-in-law owned. She also felt as if a weight was lifted off of her chest whenever she fessed up about her newfound relationship to one of her family members.

Without another word, Bambi went around the kitchen island and engulfed the surgeon in a tight hug. Pulling away, she beamed at Skeeter. "I'm so happy for you ─ really happy for you. He treats you good?" 

Smiling, she nodded. "Yep. Real good." 

"Do I know him?"

"Uh. Sure." Skeeter scrunched her nose. "His name's Keanu." 

"Ah." Bambi clicked her tongue. "I owe my husband dinner then." 

"W ─ what?"

"Chris had a feeling that you were seeing someone. He showed me the pictures of Keanu Reeves in LA with some woman riding in the back of his motorcycle. I was pretty sure his head would explode with all the analyzing and justifying he did to prove that it was indeed you on that motorcycle." 

"Huh." Skeeter was at a lost for words. 

"I know. Chris does have some moments. Hey, I need to go. The car's waiting." Bambi grabbed her phone and bag. 

"Okay. Bye, Bams. Thanks again." 

"No problem!" 

Skeeter could hear the door close shut, however, she was still registering the fact that her brother had known the whole time. Why the hell didn't he say anything? 

"Oh, before I forget." Bambi's blonde head poked back in, a wicked glint in her eyes. "Condoms are in my beside table!" 



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