Age to Love??? (Prologue and Cast)

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Hola My dear Crazy Abhigya Phankhas...

Good day to you all...

Your crazy buddy Mahii  crazymahiz   is coming up with a new story on the most
Important day, which I will cherish all my life...

This day (24th March) is a very very special day in my life...

Your Crazy Girl Mahii has completed 3 successful years in Watty, as Abhigya story teller and stepping in the 4th year as a writer ...

Seriously saying I'm dumbstruck and I couldn't Find apt and exact words to show my gratitude to you all... This is because of all your love and support only...

Thanks to every single reader of my stories... This couldn't be possible without you all...

So, I'm here to present a small, cute, romantic story as my Thanksgiving gift... I hope you all will like this story too...


Are you all ready????

How about seeing a different version of Abhi and Pragya, who are going to melt us with their Love...

The love which is so soothing, melancholic and feathery like a breeze...

The sweet couples, who are very lovable, caring, quite understanding, trust worthy and we gonna see the soul stirring, heart longing and the love which is worth to be surrendered for...

I understand very well, as you people will be so confused, as this is what love is all about, right...

But I'm not talking about the usual Love stories... I'm talking about Pure Love, which expects nothing, but only Love in return...

To be precise, I'm not talking about puppy love, childhood crush, fan admiration, infactuation, college days love or love between colleagues and so on...

Even I'm not talking about the love between married couples, who have arranged or love marriage.... Not able to understand what I'm saying...

I'm talking about the kind of love, which comes up between a duo, when the society portrays them as people, who have crossed the age to love... 

Age to Love???? Sounds so odd right... Is it any rule that we have to fall in love at a certain age??? Is there any criteria or age bar for Loving a Person or Loved By someone????

Age is just a number, which is no way can come as an intruder between a couple, who truly loves each other... We can't force or stop anyone by saying that you are not supposed to love someone, as you have crossed the age to love...

Well... Have you ever thought of a circumstance in which the couples, who have crossed the age to marry, falls in love with each other... Will the society mock them or will they let them to live a happy life???

Complicated topic, right... Why not we explore such a kind of love between Abhi and Pragya, who are termed as people who have crossed their marriageable age and are portrayed as people, who are not blessed enough to be loved by someone and have a happy family for them...

Join me to see the Story of Two Loveless People, who gonna fall hopelessly in Love with each other...


Presenting to you all...

My New One Shot Story...

" When Love is pure,
          Age is just a number" -

Abhigya Os By CrazyMahiz

This story is my 39th One shot on Abhigya...

This story is purely my imagination and every single word used in this story is my creativity and imagination only... No offence intended ...

The characters are portrayed as per the story's point of view only... Requesting everyone to read this only as a story and it's no way related to the characters in personal...

If it resembles anyone in real or if it resembles any one's story, it's just coincidental...

Read the shot with your own risk and strictly bashing is not allowed...

Text fully copyrighted: ©Crazymahiz™, 2020®.

So, how is the title and cover...

I hope you all will like the plot too...



Abhishek Prem Mehra:

A tall, handsome, next door kind of personality, who has dedicated his life to serve the society and uplift the well being of the people, who are in need of his help...

He is a part time advisor for many NGOs and Self help Groups... He often does counselling sessions and motivational classes to enlighten the lives of the socially molested people...

A well matured man, who is in his late 30s (nearing 40) and is an eligible bachelor in that place... He is an orphan, who has lost his parents and younger sister in an accident, on his tender age and he has only his dadi beside him as his only family...

A completely dedicated man to his social service activities, who knows nothing but service, societal reforms, uplifting the helpless people's lives and so on...

He is not against love or marriage and he is not a person, who is not having any stubbornness to fall in love or to get married... He never sees love like a poison and never potrays marriage like a hell...

Things doesn't worked down in his favour at his correct age to love and get married... Abhi being a social reformer, didn't have much time to run behind girls and he hadn't proposed a girl or fall in love with a girl, till now...

But when he grows old enough and gets the suitable age to get married, he makes up his mind to agree to marry the girl, whomever his dadi chooses for him as his bride... He vows to love his wife with all his might and wishes to treat her like a Queen...

Alas to his poor luck, his kundali issues played a big culprit.... His Dadi never gives up in her attempts and she keeps on searching for a suitable bride for Abhi, till that date...

But Abhi lost all the hope to get married, as people started to reject his marriage proposals saying that he has crossed the age bar of marriage...

Moreover, some people have a wierd mindset that these kind of socially dedicated persons won't fit to run a normal family life and some girls even criticized him by saying that they don't want their husband to serve the society and waste the money unnecessarily...

Some called Abhi as an impractical man, while some blamed him that he is out of his senses, as he won't be getting much benefit for serving the society...

Abhi is fed up of their stupid accusations and he is not ready to accept anyone, who have asked him to throw away his social service works... He is not in a mindset to explain anyone what he is worth for and he never likes people with a narrow mindset...

Feeling contented and happy with the way his life is progressing, Abhi least care that he is not married too... The only thing that is bothering him is that he can't make his dadi happy, as she wants to see her grandson getting married and living a happy life...

Eventhough he earns a decent income by conducting motivating classes and seminars, his deceased parents have left him a reasonable savings and a big building of 8 storeys, which earns him a huge amount as rent...

He loves his dadi dearly and she is the energy booster to make Abhi to move forward, without any downfall... He is not interested to think who will he have by his side to support him, if his dadi is no more...



A bold, beautiful, extremely talented woman of Mid 30s, who is the Famous Professor in a well reputed university ... She is an orphan, who is being abandoned by her parents after her birth, as she is born as a girl...

A strong, will powered, bold, hardworking, dedicated personality, who designed and scripted her life in an elegant and ethical manner...

She tries to cover up all her vulnerability with her arrogant avatar and she is a fire to those l**ty monsters, who tries to use her privacy and loneliness, thinking that as her mere weakness...

But she is a trained professional, who has skilled in various martial art forms... Rather than her hands and legs, her tongue is enough to protect her from those men, who tries to take advantage of her helplessness...

Yet, She is also a normal woman, who has all kind of feelings, buried inside her heart... But to her poor luck, she is not blessed to have friends too by her side... She is a reserved person and she always loves to spend her time in a lonelier way...

Most of the time, she keeps her head buried inside some big fat books, that too her subject books... Won't mingle much with anyone, as she hates to see people feeling pity on her loneliness...

In this ultra modern world, people loves to  socialize in online and never care for their surroundings and neighbours too... On the contrary, Pragya is never an active person in social medias... But she never fails to help poor people and orphans...

Much adored Professor by the students and she inspired many people by her boldness, dedication, hardwork and sincerity... No one is aware of the vulnerable side of Pragya, who badly wants someone to love her dearly or atleast a friend to give a shoulder for her to cry...

Alas... None befriended her as they have kept her in a big position... Love didn't clicked in her way and she is not blessed to get married, as no one is there to think of her well being and look for a suitable groom for her....


Two Professional People who have crossed their marriageable age...

Two Persons who are not against marriage or love, but they are not blessed enough to receive love and got married, when they are of correct age...

A socially dedicated Person and A Professionally Dedicated Person, who have lost their hopes to have a family, love and marriage...

Will destiny allows them to meet???

Will love blooms between them???

Will it be possible for them to love each other and gets married, breaking up all the barriers, sarcastic behaviours, odd accusations and false misconceptions of the society???

Will they be blessed to live like normal married couples???

To know more, stay tuned...

This is quite a big story... This is the first time I'm posting a Prologue and cast for an One Shot, as I need you people to clearly understand the base of the story...

Hope I have cleared everything and you people would have got a better idea how the characters are...

Expecting your response as always...

Will post the story in a couple of days...

Bidding adieu,



Will be


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