When Love is Pure, Age is just a number- Abhigya Os

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Age is just a number, which no way can come as an intruder in love... When love is true, age is not a big problem...

Material things and gifts given by a man won't make any woman happy... His valuable time, the way he showers his love on her, his attention and loyalty towards her, his uncontrollable trust matters a lot to her...

Love is like a breeze... You can't see it... But you can feel it...


After stuffing the last part of her baggages in the mini truck, Pragya instructs the driver to follow her to the place, where the things are needed to be shifted... Making sure that she has collected all her belongings, Pragya hands over the house key to the house owner and starts her scooty...

The hustle bustle of the city, the heavy traffic packed roads, the annoying horn sounds, the stuffy and humid weather, the irritating behaviours of some young chaps, the uncontrollable pollution in the air, is nothing in front of the situation, which Pragya is facing right now...

It's been 7 years, since Pragya has got the job in the reputed University of that city, which is quite far away from the place, she had lived all her life... Having her boldness and attitude as her self protector, Pragya had happily shifted to this people...

But it's a sad reality that she is keep on shifting from one residence to another, as many dangerous hawks are eyeing her in a lu***y way and trying to use her loneliness in their favour... To be precise, Pragya has successfully changed 99 flats in these time period and she gonna hit a century now...

As she expects and values her privacy a lot, working women's hostel didn't suite her needs at all and she is not pleased to be a paid guest in some house holds too... She always chooses a single bedroom or studio flats depending on the availability...

But Pragya makes sure that the area to be a decent one... As she is a single person, she had no problem to spend her money to afford a costly flat too, yet she cross checks whether the place is a secured one or not... However, some unavoidable things happens unexpectedly, which forces her to shift like this...

Taking a deep sigh, Pragya kicks the bike when the signal turns to green... Her mind screams her to think of the worst happenings, which made her to change the location of her residence, all of a sudden...

However, she is not in a mood to think of the odd accusations and creepy comments, which potrayed her as characterless and opportunist... Her eyes teared up as how come people are drawing into a conclusion without knowing the reality and why people are blaming the unmarried women, like culprits...

Gulping her tears and making a rigid face, Pragya carefully eyes her surroundings and enters the big building, followed by the loaded truck with her belongings... Nodding her head to the watchman, Pragya enters the building with a hope that atleast this place should let her to live peacefully...


It's been one week since Pragya has stepped inside this building... As she has made all the arrangements for the shifting through a real estate website and she got the needful through them, she is not aware of who the building belongs and who the owners are too...

But Pragya understands pretty well that this place is so safe for women like her, as she has seen many working women and many single mothers residing happily in that place... Making a royal salute to the owners mentally for providing such a kind of peaceful and safe environment, Pragya resumes her works happily...

As it's a weekend holiday, Pragya finishes off her chores and took her big fat book to prepare the notes for that week's classes... The sudden knock at the door shocks Pragya to the core and she is quite confused as who might be there to visit her...

Hiding her fear, Pragya gets up and looks through the lens hole to see who is at the doorstep... A pretty, stylishly dressed elderly lady is standing there with a bright smile in her face... With a questioning look, Pragya opens the door....

Making Pragya to have a panick attack, the elderly lady, Indu, blasted like a 10000 wala cracker... Pragya watches Indu Dadi with an open mouth, who keeps on talking without taking a breathe too...

Indu: Hi, Sweety... Myself Indu... Indu Mehra/Kundra... So, you are new here right... I'm living in your opposite flat, darling... Hmm... Nice set up... Your house is so clean and perfect... I love it a lot, sweety...

Everything is going fine only na... Do note down this... This is my mobile number and this is my grand son's number... Any help or any emergency or any problems, you can very well contact us... We are there to help you...

Don't feel hestitate to contact us... We value your safety here... If any boys or men misbehaves with you, just give us a call.... I won't leave them, till they get proper punishments for their awful doings...

Pragya blinks her eyes, as she has never seen such a kind of energetic elderly lady, ever in her life... Being a reserved person, Pragya doesn't know how to welcome and greet Indu Dadi, who has come to her flat and offering her help...

Indu: Sweety... Are you okay??? Why are you standing like this haan... Arrey... Don't look at me, as if I'm a ghost... Look down... I have legs too...

Pragya's lips curved a little bit, while Indu Dasi caress her cheeks and pats on it gently... Feeling the motherly warmth for the first time ever in her life, Pragya feels goosebumps all over body...

Indu: Sweety... What happened??? Why your eyes are getting watery??? Am I boring you or did I hurt you???

Pragya: No.... No... Madam....

Indu: Thank God... You talked to me, finally... But don't call me, Madam... You can call me Indu... 😂😂😂😂... Look at your face...

Sweety, you can call me as Darling, Baby or Sweet heart... I won't mind... After all, Indu loves to be called in nicknames, rather than this boring Dadi, as if I'm a granny...

Am I looking anyways like an old woman???
No right... But my naughty and adamant grandson always irritates me by calling me only as Dadi.... Stupid boy... Hell adamant to annoy me... Phew...

Oops... sorry sorry.... I'm a fool as I'm keep on talking to you about my grandson.... This boy is always in my mind and he is intoxicating me... Sorry babes... By the way, tell me your pretty name, sweety...

Pragya: I'm Pragya... Just Pragya... Working as a Professor in XYZ University...

Indu: Wow... Pretty name for a Talented Girl... Sounds great... Oh God... Is that your books... Today is holiday only na... Won't you watch TV, play games or surf internet... I love to spend much time in watching Netflix and reading stories in Watty and Kindle....

Pragya looks at Dadi in awe, as these words are so alien to her... Understanding that Dadi is looking for an answer to her question, she nods her head as No...

Indu Dadi is startled to see the unopened small TV kept in the corner... She is hell shocked to find a basic model ordinary mobile and no wifi connection in that house... Dadi rubs her heart and takes deep breaths, while Pragya panicks in shock...

Pragya: You okay, Dadi... (Seeing the angry glare of Dadi, Pragya corrects herself quickly) Are you okay, Darling???

Dadi: Fantastic... I'm loving it... Don't get panic... You shocked me, that's why my heart is dumb struck... In this modern era, you are quite different... Same same like my grandson... You people are so boring yaar...

Uff... It's okay... I won't poke nose in your personal stuffs... It's your wish... If you want, you can use it or else no problem... By the way, sweety... I'm feeling so bored to have my food alone... Will you join me???

Okay okay... Relax... Let me get my food for myself and you have your cooked food okay... We will sit together and eat... Is that okay for you??? Wait... I will be back in two minutes... Instant like a 2 minute noodles...

Pragya has no other choice than to nod her head as Yes... Dadi runs like a small girl and comes there with a big basket with a tiffin career... The smell of the food stirs the senses of Pragya and the bread and jam in her hands, makes a mocking laugh at her...

Pragya, who is alien to cooking, just knows only to boil milk, make some fresh juices, prepare noodles and bread toast... The biggest cooking she made all her life is preparing plain rice and an omelette as a side dish...

Mostly, she had her food in the college canteen and in weekends, she will stick on to this noodles, bread and eggs... She has a mind set that food is just a thing to quench her hunger... She never felt it to be tasty, delicious and a healthy stuff needed to be taken to give energy to her body...

Keeping aside all her thoughts, Pragya makes a faint smile and sits with Dadi, who dumps Pragya's plate with the food stuffs, asking her to have a taste... She insists Pragya to give a genuine comment on her cooking skills...

Without Pragya's knowledge, Dadi sidelines the dried bread and jam from her plate... She makes sure that Pragya's plate is filled with enough food and she diverts Pragya by her talks...

Pragya who is mesmerized by Indu Dadi's talks, keeps on eating the food kept in her plate... Indu Dadi feels so happy on seeing the satisfaction in Pragya's wholeself and the way she gobbles the food shows her that how much Pragya is hungry and the taste of the food makes her to moan and enjoy it uncontrollably...

Making Pragya to overwhelm more, Dadi feeds her suddenly, saying that she loves to share her last part with her loved ones... Pragya who is new to such motherly love, is not in a state to bear these kind of love and unknowingly, her heart longs for more....


A good bonding started to build between Indu Dadi and Pragya... Pragya spends her free time happily with Dadi and she came to know a lot about Dadi's grandson Abhi, who protects the well being of every girl's living over there...

Pragya feels so sad when Dadi said to her that Abhi is unmarried and many have girls have rejected the proposals saying that he is unfit for marriage... Pragya helplessly looks at the elderly lady, who is longing to see her grandson to settle down in his life and have a family for him...

However, Pragya let out a painful sigh, as she has no family like Dadi to think of her well being and a bitter smile creeps up in her face, as no one is there to look for a groom for her... Brushing aside her unwanted thoughts, Pragya consoles Dadi and assures her that all will be fine soon....

One thing is keep on itching in Pragya's mindset... She badly wanna know who is that grandson of Indu Dadi, who is hiding from her eye sight... In this past one month, she didn't have a single glimpse of Abhi and even he is not found in the week ends too...

Many a times, Pragya feels very bad on seeing Dadi, who is eagerly looking for her grandson's arrival... Pragya creates a kind of hatred on Abhi, as he being social activist is focusing on the well being of the society and not taking care of his Dadi or spending some quality time with her...


It's a fine evening... After parking her scooty, Pragya gets down from it and walks towards the empty corridor of the big building... Just then, she remembers that Dadi has informed her a day before that most of the ladies in the area will be offering pooja in the temple, as it's an auspicious day...

Pragya, who never believes in this kind of traditions, had made an excuse to Dadi that she will be coming late from the college, as she has to present an important seminar to the students... Knowing pretty well that Pragya is a focused professional, Dadi didn't insist her to come along with her but she asked her to reach home safely...

Eventhough, the calmness in the building scares her a lot, Pragya let out a deep sigh and pressed the lift button...When the lift opens up with a ding sound, Pragya steps inside and felt relieved to see the empty lift...

She presses the No.8 button and waits for the door to get closed... Pragya gasps in shock when a strong muscled hands stops the door from getting shut and enters inside, all of a sudden...

Pragya's head started to spin hard, when the lift started to move... The tall, muscular man, who is standing beside her is looking sinfully hot and handsome, irrespective of the dirty dress he is wearing... He is scanning her in a way, which is so alien to Pragya...

Pragya clutches her handbag tightly and a pool of sweat beads forms in her forehead... The strong alchohol smell mixed with the heavy manly sweat of the man standing nearby her, is creating a puking sensation in her...

Furrowing her eyebrows, Pragya slightly moves her gaze towards the man, who is wearing a dirty shirt, mixed with some odd things glued up here and there... Pragya's eyes wobbled out in shock, as she finds out that they are something which comes out of vomiting...

The blood red eyes of the man, the heavy breath, the look in his face creates a kind of shock in Pragya and she fears that who is this drunken man, who is eyeing her, as if she is a museum to explore... With panicked heart, Pragya looks at the button and she gets a shock of her life, as the man is also going to 8th floor...

As Dadi is also not available for help, Pragya didn't know what to do... Her inner instincts screams her not to do anything that will force her to change her location... Pragya makes a mental note to face the situation in a smarter way, as she doesn't want to lose the Love of Indu Dadi, any a time...

With shivering hands, Pragya presses the number 3 button and the lifts comes to an abrupt halt, as it has reached the 3rd floor... The man gave Pragya a questioning look but she gets out of the flat as quickly, as she can...

Making sure that the lifted has moved ahead, Pragya sits in the stairs and takes deep breaths... The penetrating gaze of the man bothers her a lot....

She rubs her heart and climbs the stairs in slow pace, not wanting to have an encounter with the man again... Yet the man's presence in the same floor she lives in, makes Pragya to fear a lot.... She prays hardly that she shouldn't see the man ever again in her life...


After freshening up and getting rid of the dirty shirt, Abhi wears a fresh pair of tshirt and shorts... He moves towards the kitchen to have his coffee and prepare some snacks... Eventhough he is so busy in kitchen works, his mind keeps on thinking about the day's happenings...

Abhi's Pov.:

This is the worst day of my life... Yuck... The situation I hate the most... But I being a social activist, have to face all these... Thank God, My dadi is not in home, now... If not, she would have killed me for coming to our home like this...

The horrible smell of alcohol, the undigestable vomiting smell have damaged my brand new shirt which my Dadi has gifted me on my birthday... Even I can't tolerate the bad smell in my body and all I want is to get changed as soon as I can...

To get rid of that dirty smell, I rushed to our building... Finding no one was there, I hoped on to the lift quickly... To my utter shock, I saw a pretty girl, clad up beautifully in a saree, gave a wierd look on seeing me...

Great going, Abhi... Already Pretty Girls will treat you as if you are an alien... Now I'm standing with this unbearable smell which I hates the most... Oh God... Sure she will look at me, as if I'm a drunkard...

By the way, who is this girl... I haven't seen her before... Huh... She looks so thin and I can't guess her age too... May be she is a college goer, who has worn saree for some function... God... What's my problem... I don't care a damn, whoever she may be... But who is she???

This one month, I had a busy schedule and I hardly get time to come to home... Most of the time, I slept in my office and I have talked with my Dadi on video calls only...

As I knew pretty well that Dadi will be going to attend a Pooja today, I thought of coming up to home earlier and give a surprise to her by preparing her favourite dinner... I ordered some groceries online and rushed to my home...

But to my poor luck, I got a call from a ladies hostel warden , stating that a group of drunken guys were creating some problem in that place... I was informed that they were having a fight with the security guard...

As they were from rich background, the warden seeked my help, saying that she had no guts to call the police people, as these guys can stop them by their influence or they can bribe them too... Understanding the core of the issue, I rushed up there very quickly...

It's so easy for me to knock down those 4 boys, as they were heavily drunken... With the help of the City Commissioner, I called up their parents and handed their sons to them, after getting an assurity that they shouldn't create any problem again...

As they knew pretty well about me and my power, they didn't create much scene and moved away quietly... But that nasty drunkards have spoiled my shirt with their vomits and I'm smelling like alcohol, as they fallen on me while I was fighting with them..

Huh... Why this girl is pressing the 3rd floor button suddenly... Wierd... Why she is running like this, as if I'm gonna eat her... Anyways, I'm happy that she has moved out... I'm saved from getting embarrassed more...

Brushing aside all his thoughts, Abhi washes the left over vessels kept in the sink... On hearing the bell sound, Abhi understands that the grocieries would have reached... After collecting the items, Abhi runs to the kitchen to prepare dinner...


Few days later....

Pragya along with two of her colleagues, left the college and is moving to invite the famous Social Activist, Abhishek Prem Mehra to come and address their students about the Dangers of Drunk and Drive... They were assigned this job by the college management to make him to agree to the date in which they have planned to conduct the function...

Eventhough Pragya is not interested in all these, she is forced to go, as the students wished that their favourite professor is the correct choice to invite such a great man... Pragya is highly irritated as everyone are praising Mr. MEHRA, as if he is some one born to eradicate sins...

Pragya looks at her colleagues, Aaliya and Bulbul, who are torturing her all through the travel and the words comes out from their mouth are of Mr. MEHRA only... As Pragya has heard from Indu Dasi that her grandson name is Abhi, she is not aware that he is the same grandson of Indu Dasi only...

Moreover, everyone in their building addresses Indu Dadi with pet names, Pragya has forget her surname too... Pragya gasped aloud, when she enters the place... She never expects that she gonna invite the same drunken man, who she has met few days before...

Abhi is so surprised to see his Friend's sister Aaliya along with two pretty ladies, have come to meet him, all of a sudden.. But Abhi makes a questioning look, as Pragya is murmuring something and eyeing at him with much hatred...

Not understanding why Pragya is angry on him, Abhi welcomes them and asked them to take their seats... Pragya feels so creepy to sit over there and she imagines as if she is in a middle of fire...

While Abhi who have forgotten Pragya's face, thinks that why she is angry on him, out of nowhere... Brushing aside his thoughts, Abhi turns his attention towards Aaliya...

Abhi: Aaliya... What a pleasant surprise... I didn't expect you to come to my workplace... You haven't called me and informed me about your visit... Is there any problem, Aaliya???

Aaliya: No bhai... It's an official visit... Our college wants you to come and address our students... The details are here, bhai... We will be so pleased, if you agree to do the needful...

Abhi carefully studies everything and his lips curved to a smile, which makes Bulbul's heart to shudder , while Pragya is killing him with his eyes... Aaliya jumps up like a goofy ball and thanks Abhi for agreeing to them, without making a fuss...

Abhi: Arrey Aaliya... What's this... I won't say No to my sister's wish... Moreover this is for a good cause na, so I have no choice... I agreed to it happily...

But you stupid girl is jumping like a maniac... Behave like a Professor... Your students will tease you, if you do like this...

Aaliya: Students??? Oh my God... Bhai... You are too much.... You are teasing me as if I'm Old haan... They are also professors... By the way, this is Bulbul, my bestie cum colleague... And this is Pragya Madam, the most favourite Professor among all our students...

Abhi formally shakes hands with Bulbul, while she flutters her eyelashes and makes a blushy smile... As Abhi is used to these kind of reactions many a times, he slowly get rid of his hands from Bulbul...

But Abhi's heart feels a panick attack, as soon as he saw Pragya's eyes.. It's crystal clear that she is murdering Abhi with her looks itself... Letting a deep sigh, Abhi folds his hands in front of Pragya, while she gets up and leave the place suddenly...

Aaliya let's out a heavy gasp and asks sorry to Abhi on her behalf... She also added that Pragya is a reserved person and she never mingles with any one that much easily... Abhi too nods his head and thinks hardly, why Pragya is showing such kind of attitude towards him...


Pragya is highly annoyed and irritated as this one week is a deadly torture for her... Other than her busy schedule, all the praises she hears about Abhishek Prem Mehra, is like pouring acid in her ears...

She couldn't understand why everyone are talking so high about him and why no one has seen his real face at all... She mentally thinks that Abhishek is a cunning guy, who pretends good infront of the world, but is having a nasty and sinful private life...

Not aware of the real character of Abhi, Pragya imagines and potrays Abhi in an opposite way and hates him a lot... She makes a mental note to keep safe distance from this man, who is nothing, but a wolf hidden in a sheep's skin...

But Pragya's false views and assumptions about Abhi got shaken, with the way Abhi behaved with everyone, when he comes to the function... Abhi's inspiring and motivational talks not only changes the mind set of the students, but also changed the perspective of Pragya towards Abhi...

However, Pragya badly wanna know how come this person, who feels awkward to say the word liquor itself, had come on that day fully drunken... As Abhi has an important work, he left the college soon... But Pragya mentally vows to clear her doubts, when he meets him next time...


Few days later... Pragya parks her scooty and enters the lift... Much to her surprise, Abhi blocks the door and enters the lift, like he did before... But he showed abrupt shock on seeing Pragya, whose lips curved a bit...

Abhi: Strange...

Pragya: Pardon...

Abhi: Professor Madam knows to even smile too.. Oops sorry... I thought you have some kind of attitude...

Pragya rolls her eyes and grits her teeth angrily... While Abhi giggles and ruffles his hairs in embarrassment, as his mind is spitting on him for starting the conversation in such a stupid way...

His wholeself is blasting on him, as he doesn't know how to have a talk with a girl too and that's why no girl is interested to love and marry him... As Abhi is having an argument with himself, he fails to hear Pragya, who tries to talk with him...

Pragya: Mr. MEHRA... I'm not showing any attitude... It's my nature... If you don't mind, can I ask you something???

Abhi: Anything you can ask me... Sorry, I talked so stupidly with you...

Pragya: That's okay... Just clarify my this doubt alone... You are a socially responsible person and you know pretty well about the dangers of getting drunked.. Then Why... What I mean is that...

Abhi: I couldn't get you... Why are you questioning me, as if I'm an alcoholic???
Oh my God, Is that you??? The girl I have met in this lift, few days back...

Sorry yaar... I forget your face... Even I was so surprised to see you in my building ... Instead of questioning about you, I started to talk in a stupid way...

What a bad introduction na... God... You must have felt so creepy on seeing me in that state right... Is that why are so angry on me???

Pragya: How am I supposed to react after seeing a man in that state and I find it so odd, when people praised you as If you are so pure... What I saw on that day is true only na...

Abhi: Haan it's true only... I don't know whether you will believe me or not... Even I would have also thought the same like you, if I encountered a person like that...

But reality is so different Professor Madam... Sometimes our eyes can betray us... Now a days, people believes the faked ones easily yet they questions a lot about genuine ones...

Not letting Pragya to over think, Abhi explains that day's happenings and he called the hostel warden to tell Pragya what has happened on that day...

Abhi is giving explanations to Pragya, which is not at all necessary for him to do so... While Pragya is so happy when she knows that Abhi is a teetotaler... With a warm smile, Pragya asks sorry to Abhi for drawing conclusions without knowing the reality...

The duo were talking about how the situation have turned so different on that day and potrayed Abhi like a villain... As they are so involved in their talks, they didn't even realized that they have reached the 8th floor and walked to their flats....

The duos talks comes to an abrupt halt, when they saw Indu Dadi, who is looking at them with wide eyed... Abhi gasped in shock, as he knew pretty well about his Dadi, who will embarrass the girls by asking about their marital status...

Abhi, who is unaware about the bonding of Dadi and Pragya, doesn't want the introduction to turn in an awkward way... He finds a good friend in Pragya and he doesn't want it to get cut abruptly by his Dadi...

Before Dadi questions about Pragya, Abhi wanna stop Dadi from doing so...

Abhi: Dadi.. Meet my Friend...

( Abhi Pov. Oh God... What's her name... Aaliya said her name to me on that day na... Stupid mind can't you remember it properly... Why not I introduce her as Professor Madam...

Yuck, Abhi... Dadi will bang you for sure, if you don't say her name too... You are proving repeatedly that you are a waste fellow... That's why no girls want to marry you... )

Indu Dadi: Haan Abhi... Isn't your friend has any name???

Pragya, who understood that it's Dadi's grand son, giggled lightly on seeing Abhi, who is struggling hard and blabbering something, as he doesn't her name too...

Abhi: Professor Madam... This is Unfair... You know na I don't know your name... Instead of helping me, you are giggling... Too bad yaar...

Indu Dadi: Sweety.. You go and freshen up, beta... Take some rest... You are looking so tired... I will bring coffee and snacks for you...

Pragya nods her head and enters her flat, while Abhi looks at the ladies in awe... Dadi twists Abhi's ears, while he screams aloud and makes Pragya to come out hurriedly from the flat...

Pragya: What happened, Darling??? Why Mr. MEHRA is shouting???

Indu Dadi: Nothing, sweetie... This stupid boy is practicing to sing songs, as if he is having a great voice... You go , beta... I will deal with my idiotic grandson, who even don't know your name too... Friend haan... Why not I kill you, Abhi for bluffing like this...

Making sure that Pragya has gone inside, Dadi pushes Abhi inside their flat and enquired Abhi, how he knows Pragya... Abhi too explained whatever happened between them...

Dadi shook her head in dismay, as how Abhi has created a bad impression in Pragya's mind set... Dadi makes Abhi to have a clear idea about Pragya, who is staying in their opposite flat... It's a sweet shock for Abhi, as he comes to know that the darling sweetie of Dadi, who brought smile in Dadi's face is Pragya only...

Abhi: Unbelievable, Dadi... I have never expected Pragya to be your sweetie... Don't mock me, okay... When I first saw her, I thought her as of some college goer... Even I can't believe that she is a Professor too...

Indu Dadi: You are impossible, Abhi... By the way, she is a very nice girl... Pragya is longing for true love, Abhi... But she has built a big wall beneath her and is not wishing to come out of it...

I don't know what's your perspective about Pragya, after hearing about her... It's upto you to decide, what place you gonna give to Pragya... You can treat her like an ordinary tenant or you can make a good bonding with her, like I did...

After all, she is a lonely girl, who even don't have anyone to ask her, whether she has food too.... I'm not forcing you for anything, Abhi... If you can, give the protection and safety, which Pragya is badly in need of...

Abhi is so confused on hearing Dadi, who has put a big puzzle before him... Not wishing to confuse him anymore, Abhi moves to freshen up... But his mind is keep on thinking about Pragya, who doesn't know anything about affection and has never experienced a love from a family....

Days were moving too fast... Abhi, who has a soft corner for Pragya in his heart, starts to create a good bonding with Pragya... At first they have started with Mr. Mehra and Professor Madam, later it changes to Abhi and Pragya....

Even Dadi feels so jealous on the duo, as they are calling each other with pet names... The Chocy and Cookie combination are eating Dadi's head with their so called friendship... However, Dadi is so elighted on seeing the bonding of Abhi and Pragya and the happy smiles in their faces...

But Dadi and Abhi is not aware that Pragya is maintaining a considerable distance with them... Eventhough, she gels up and mingles with them easily, she is not ready to leave her insecurities and come out of her shell...


One such day, Abhi who comes home earlier that day, hears a knock at his door... He saw the pale and tired Pragya, who has come to collect her flat keys from Dadi...

Abhi: Cookie... Are you okay??? You seems so tired...

Pragya: Had a tiresome day, Chocy... Nothing much... Where is Darling??? Is she not in home???

Abhi: Dadi has went along with her friends for a small get together... She will come home, after two days only... You seemed to be so busy and didn't picked up Dadi's call... That's why Dadi asked me to inform you...

Pragya makes a lifeless 'Oh' sound and moves to her flat... Abhi can clearly sense that something is bothering Pragya for sure...

Her tired state, the pain she is trying to hide and control, her blurred up eyes explains Abhi that Pragya is facing some kind of problem... Abhi's mind keeps on saying him that something is not fine with Pragya for sure...

Abhi dials Dadi's number to inquire about
Pragya, but to his dismay Dadi's number is not reachable... Making an irritating groan, Abhi quickly rushes to the kitchen and stuffs the tray with Snacks and Coffee...

To Abhi's shock, Pragya's flat is not even locked too and he saw Pragya is lying on the couch, with painful tears in her eyes... She is not in a state to realise Abhi's presence beside her and is clutching her stomach tightly...

Understanding pretty well about Pragya's problem, Abhi quickly rushed out and picks up the car keys.... Like a speedy roller coaster, Abhi returns back in 20 minutes with the needed things...

Abhi's eyes teared up on seeing Pragya, who is lying there with a heavy pain... Her vulnerable state pricks Abhi's heart to the core... He feels so bad that a girl shouldn't have such a lonely life and no one to take care of her when she is badly in need of...

Wiping his tears, Abhi slowly enters Pragya's room for the first time... He is so shocked to see only few work sarees and just two nightwears in her cupboard... He even gets angry on Pragya for not utilizing the hard earned money of her to fulfill her basic needs too...

The wornout old cot, a small study table along with a chair, a book shelf, a small mirror and a small built in cupboard is only in that room.. Abhi clearly understands that Pragya won't use her room much and only the couch in the hall is used by her most of the time...

Taking a deep sigh, Abhi picks up the nighty and moves inside the restroom... He keeps the packet in the shelf and fills some warm water in the bucket... Eventhough Abhi feels so guilty to wander in Pragya's house without seeking her permission, he consoles himself that he can do this for his Cookie...

Abhi comes out and pats lightly on Pragya's cheeks... Pragya opens her eyes with much pain and she feels so shocked to see Abhi standing with a towel in his hands...

Pragya: Chocy... You here...

Abhi: Cookie... Don't panic, okay... It's just natural and no need to feel bad and all... If you have any discomfort, I will close my eyes... Wrap this towel around you, as it's spoiled...

Relax... You are not in a state to walk too... If you allow me, I can help you.... Don't think that a man is taking advantage of your helplessness... Just think that a Father is taking care of his helpless daughter... You won't feel uneasy or bad...

Pragya closes her face and cries aloud, as the words of Abhi kindles all the emotions buried inside her heart... For the first ever in her life, Pragya is scared to face this lonely life and she is badly in need of someone to care for her wellbeing...

The crying Pragya is looking like a baby infront of Abhi's eyes... Understanding that Pragya will be unstoppable, Abhi shouts angrily and wraps the towel around Pragya... Before she protests, Abhi sweeps her in his arms and takes her inside the restroom...

After instructing her to freshen up and come soon, Abhi comes out of the room... Few minutes later, Pragya comes out with her head held down... Not letting Pragya to talk further or stop him from doing anything, Abhi forcibly feeds food to her and gave her the medicines too...

Abhi had a hard time to handle Pragya, who is bothering a lot, as if Abhi is facing trouble because of her... The stress and restless state of Pragya, spoils her health even more and she is not in a state to move away from the couch too... Without Dadi, it's really so tough for Abhi to handle Pragya, who is not even eating food too properly...

Like a strict mother, Abhi orders Pragya and have to forcefully make her to have food... The strict professor, who can handle as many students, the stubborn lady, who is a fire to the nasty ba****ds, is behaving like an adamant kid in front of Abhi...

But what shocks Pragya is that Abhi didn't feel awkward to do anything for her... He cooked food her, feed her, spent all his time in taking care of her, cleans her home and even discards the garbages too without thinking of anything...

It's a terrible shock for Pragya, when Abhi hands over the neatly ironed clothes of her, which are spoiled on that day... When Pragya opens her mouth to utter thankyou, his deadly glare is enough for Pragya to shut her mouth...


The bonding of Abhi and Pragya gets even more stronger after that... No one can predict what's cooking in their heads too... Indu Dadi, who badly wants them to get married, doesn't want to question or embarrass them any a time and she let's them to decide what they wanna do further in their lives...

One fine evening... Indu Dadi and Abhi are chilaxing and waiting for Pragya for a long time... But time tickles quickly and Pragya didn't turn up to their home too... The duo were bothered and worried a lot, as Pragya's mobile is also swiched off...

Indu Dadi; Abhi beta... It's getting very late... I'm scared to hell, as Pragya won't switch off her mobile... Don't waste anymore time, beta... Better you go to her college and inquire about her...

Abhi: Dadi.. Relax... Don't panic... Nothing will happen to Pragya... I will find her soon...

When Abhi is about to go in search of Pragya, they saw her coming out of the lift with teary eyes... Instead of having a talk with Abhi and Dadi, who are so bothered about her, she quietly enters her flat and lays on the couch with teary eyes...

Dadi and Abhi rushed up there and their hearts get broken on seeing her in such a state... Dadi caress Pragya's hair , while she hugs her tightly and cries aloud...

Indu Dadi: Sweetie... Enough beta... How long you gonna cry.... Leave it... Whatever happened , think it as a nightmare.... Go and freshen up ... Let's have dinner... Today Abhi has cooked for us...

Pragya shook her head negatively and stammers a lot to talk to Dadi... The concerned gaze of Abhi on her pricks her heart into trillion pieces...

Pragya: I... I want to shift from here... I won't demand any of the advance amount... Just allow me to go from here, Madam...

Indu Dadi's head started to spin when she hears that Pragya is calling her as Madam instead of Darling and is wishing to move away from there... Abhi screams Dadi and got hold of Indu Dadi, who is about to fall down...

When Pragya sits there stubbornly without reacting to it too, Abhi gave a deadly glare and walks out with Dadi... Pragya cries aloud, as Abhi's gaze has accused her that she too have cheated them and made fun of their love on her...


The next morning, Pragya knocks the door and feels hesitant to get inside, when Abhi let's her inside their flat... Abhi folds his hand and looks at Pragya intetly, while Dadi looks at Pragya with a sorry look... Pragya falls on her knees, cries aloud and informs the happenings...

Abhi: Unbelievable Cookie... Sorry... Professor Madam... Even I don't have the right to call you as Pragya too, right... That's all na...

Look Dadi... Your sweetie is ready to leave us, as some stupid people have barked on her and accused her... You are an educated fool, Pragya... Instead of giving back to them harshly, you are trying to run away...

I can't understand , why you are doing like this... What's the big deal... We have to live our lives for our self satisfaction and we no need to care for what others will think of you...

If anyone accuse you unwantedly, throw them like a dirt... Don't pay heed to these stupid people, who are ready to enjoy on seeing our tears...

Pragya: But what they said is a bitter truth na... I being an orphan, shouldn't have crossed my limits... It's so stupid of me to mingle with Dadi, without bothering about the status difference too...

At least, I should have maintained some distance with you... But what I did... I accepted your friendship and I let you to stay with me, in my hard times... All are calling me as a money digger and they are accusing me as characterless...

Some people are mocking at me by saying that I'm having an illicit affair with you... It's feels so creepy when people calling me as a w***e and I'm entertaining you in by bed to loot away all your money...

Indu Dadi: Tell me, who the hell has talked to you like that... How dare they will accuse you... I will surely bang their heads and throw them away from here...

Pragya: How many you people you gonna have a fight, Darling... We are in a bad world... I don't want to be a trouble to you anymore... I'm used to these type of accusations...

But I don't want anything that hurts your self respect or Abhi's dignity... It's better that I move away from here... These 10 months are the blessed days of my life... Thanks for showering me with so much love, which I have never experienced in my life...

Not able to control her tears, Pragya rushed to her flat to pack her belongings... Abhi didn't stopped Pragya and never let Dadi to go and meet Pragya too... He said something to Dadi and shuts her mouth too...

In a couple of hours, Pragya finished all her packing works and is shocked to see Abhi standing there by folding his hands... Pragya stammers a bit, when Abhi walks towards her...

Abhi: So... All set to leave haan...

Pragya: Yes... I have no choice...

Abhi: Ahaan... Good decision, Professor Madam... But clear me one thing... Why are you giving so much importance to those unwanted people ahead of me and Dadi??? Didn't we have any impact in your life...

Pragya: Please Chocy... Don't kill me with your words... I have no words to say how much you and Dadi means to me... I have made this decision only for your well being...

Abhi: Woha... Who wants your pity, Madamji... We expected someone with true heart to love us, just wishing to get only our love in return...

What you think of yourself, Pragya... You are an angel in our lives... You brought a new colour in our boring lives... We love to pamper you, teach you, take care of you and we are so happy all these days thinking that an angel is there to accept the love from us...

But you are leaving us, abruptly and you proved us wrong that our love and affection on you, is nothing in front of the false accusations... Leave that elderly lady... She will divert her mindset so easily..

What about me, Cookie... You didn't think of me a bit too na... So, you mean to say that Abhi is not blessed enough to be loved by a girl, even as a friend to na... No one is wishing to come along with me all my life, right...

If Dadi leaves me, who is there for me??? Did you ever thought what I will do, after that??? Why are you going to bother about all these??? You keep on thinking about those stupid people...

Go soon, Pragya... Come on, it's getting late... Better hurry up Or I won't let you to move away from here... Damn it... I'm losing my temper...

Abhi loses all his control and bangs his hand hardly on the wall... Blood oozed from Abhi's hand, while Pragya screams Chocy and slapped him hardly for behaving like a stupid...

With teary eyes, she holds his hands and makes him to sit in the chair... She brought the first aid box and does the dressing for him...

Pragya: It's a promise on me and Dadi... Don't do anything like this... More than you, it's hurting me a lot Abhi...

Abhi: Do you understand why my pain is hurting you ahead of me...

Pragya nods her head as No...

Abhi: You are madly, deeply and irrevocably fallen in love with your Chocy... You are scared of yourself and that's why you are trying to run away from me...

Pragya bends her head down, as Abhi has listed out clearly what's buried inside her heart... Abhi lifts her head with the unhurted hand and wipes her tears...

Abhi: Professor Madam... Please stock up some water in eyes, so that we can use it when we face water scarcity... So... It's decide na... Shall I start the arrangements???

Pragya: What arrangements????

Abhi: Shifting your residence, permanently with mine...

Pragya: No, Chocy... This won't work out... I don't want anyone to ill treat you...

Abhi: Do hell with them... I don't care a damn to it... Just tell me, yes or no, cookie...

Pragya: I can't behave like a good wife, Abhi... I don't know anything about family and I can't handle a family... I don't know even to cook food too....

Ahead of all that, I have crossed the marriageable age... I don't know whether I can fulfill your desires and manly needs... I have no idea about love and I don't know whether I can love you as a Wife...

More than all that, I don't know whether I can give you a baby or not... I knew pretty well that pregnancy is quite complicated and rare after this age... Better choose a nice girl, Abhi... I won't fit for you...

Abhi: So... Professor Madam is not wishing to marry this Old man na...

Pragya: Abhi... Don't even say like that... I love you dearly and I'm ready to marry you, if we have met years before... Now the situation is different, Abhi...

Abhi: What's the big difference... Age is just a number, you stupid girl... Just accept what your heart says and don't let your mind to corrupt you...

Pragya: I'm scared, Abhi... What if, it didn't work out... I don't want to spoil our beautiful relationship...

Abhi: Why not we give it a try, Cookie... I'm the same Chocy of you only... Nothing is going to change between us... Just hold my hand and come along with me... We will see what's life has in store for us...

Pragya nods her head and places hand above Abhi's... He pulls her closer and lightly brushes his forehead with hers... Both their lips curved to a big smile and they are ready to step ahead in
their relationship...

The duo blushes and moves apart, when they hears the whistling and clapping sound of Indu Dadi... The duo runs and hugs Dadi and happily tells her that they are ready to start a new journey in their life...


Life is full of a package of surprise for Abhi and Pragya after that... Eventhough they got married, had an intimate union and living as husband and wife in true sense, they faced a lot of problems with the penetrating gazes of the people around them...

It's a bitter reality that people talked so ill about them, as they got married in that age... They even said that Abhi and Pragya is a big disgrace to the society, who have shamelessly chosen a pair at this age, just to fulfill their bodily needs...

Though they throws their words like a shit, Pragya is worried that she is not able to give a heir to Abhi, who is showering her with abundance love... She prays hardly that God has to show mercy on them and bless them with a baby soon...


Few months later..

As Pragya has packed up seminars continuously , she reached home quite late on that day... Not even having any stamina left on her, she falls on the bed and closes her eyes...

Abhi, who is waiting for Pragya along with Dadi to have dinner, comes inside the room and is startled to see Pragya is laying there unconsciously in the bed... With teary eyes, Abhi sweeps Pragya in his arms and rushed to the hospital along with Dadi...

It took Five long hours for Pragya to open her eyes... She saw that Indu Dadi is holding her one hand and Abhi is holding the other, with teary eyes... When she tries to get up, Abhi helps to her sit comfortably..

Pragya: Sorry, Darling... I forget to have my breakfast and lunch in my tight schedule... It's the reason, I would have lost my conscious...

But I knew pretty well that this Chocy would have scared you na... Why are you troubling my Darling like this Abhi??? You are creating too much fuss, now a days...

Abhi: Oh hello Professor Madam... You care for nothing, but you will get angry on me unnecessarily, haan... Don't behave like a baby anymore, okay... Here after, we are not going to pamper you... Hey na, Dadi...

Pragya glares at Abhi angrily and shouted on him, as if she is a blasting volcano...

Pragya: How dare you.. Instead of pampering me, who else are you going to pamper haan... I'm the only girl in your life... Did you get that...

Abhi: Very sorry, my dear Cookie... A new girl has replaced you and is going to get all my pamperings from now on... All my love is for you only... But I'm sorry to say that I can't pamper you, as I have given my promise to her...

Pragya who is not able to understand anything with Abhi's talks started to cry aloud... Dadi gave a deadly glare and punched hardly on Abhi's stomach...

Indu Dadi: You are a stupid, Abhi... Stop teasing my sweetie... Try to act responsible, at least from now on... Try to focus your attention on Pragya, who needs your love and care even more...

Is that clear... I'm moving to have coffee from the canteen... Console my sweetie and make her to smile... Or else, I will kill you...

Dadi moves out, giving privacy to the duo... Abhi caress Pragya's head, while she pushed his hands away from her... Abhi kneels down near to Pragya's tummy and caress it gently... He gives a soft kiss over there, making Pragya's eyes to tear up more...

Abhi: My dear little candy... My sweet cookie is so jealous of you... She doesn't want any girl to come between us... But how can I say that idiot girl that you are the biggest gift, she gonna give to me...

Haan haan.. Your Mumma is a big Dumbo only... She may be a Talented Professor... But she is a big baby in all these... All she know is to cry... cry... cry... cry only...

This Dumbo Professor is thinking that she has fallen unconscious, as she hadn't eaten any food... But shall we tell her that she is going to be a Mumma of my Candy and that's the reason she is in the hospital...

Yeah Candy... Your Mumma is a big fool... Don't make friendship with her... We will team up and we will fight with her... Pinky Promise... I will pamper you only and not your Mumma...

Abhi screams aloud , when Pragya beats him hardly with a pillow... Abhi acts as if it hurts him and runs away from the bed... Pragya makes a sad pout, while Abhi chuckles and sits beside her...

Abhi: Cookie.. No one can replace you in my life ... You are an angel and you are my first baby... I will pamper you all my life, ahead of our kids too... It's a promise, sweet heart..

Congratulations Mumma... You have got promoted... Doctor has given lots of advices to you, as you are so weak... You need to be extra careful and should follow the diet properly...

We are there to help you and take care of you... Let's enjoy this pregnancy phase happily and we will look forward for the arrival of our baby... I'm so excited... You are happy na, sweetheart...

Pragya nods her head and happily entwins her hands with Abhi's... Indu Dadi, who returns back from the canteen feels so happy on seeing the genuine happiness in Abhi and Pragya, who are going to be a parents soon...


It's not so easy as they thought and wished for.... The pregnancy days are really the big challenging ones for the whole family... Pragya had a lot of troubles and she is advised to take bed rest to avoid further complications.... She has to take off from her work and had to stay in home that too in bed, most of the times...

Her mood swings are always in it's peak and she cried like a baby, demanding for silly things too... Even if Abhi raises his voice to control her, she will freshly start her crying session, as if Abhi is not liking her... She complaints to Dadi that Abhi started to hate her, as she become so big...

Indu Dadi being a naughty one, over pampers Pragya ahead of Abhi and gives a tough fight to him.... Sometimes she talks purposely about Abhi, who cares for the societal well being, ahead of Pragya...

Pragya, who is a big pillar of support in all his works, have turned different after she got pregnant... She wants Abhi beside her all the time and she will have a good fight with him for leaving her to do his work... Dadi enjoys Pragya's complaints and Abhi's beggings, as if she is seeing a romantic show....

But ahead of all these happy tortures, the people around them had come as a big trouble to them... Eventhough Pragya and Abhi won't look like they are aged, some people potrayed them as if they are of 60+ age... Some have barked that Abhi and Pragya are shamelessly having baby at this age....

Some even added that it's not so easy to give birth without much difficulties... Abhi doesn't know what to do with these kind of narrow minded people, who are purposely playing with their emotions and feelings...

Abhi consoled Pragya that they will pass through this tough phase so easily...  He also added that they have to show those people that they can have more babies... Eventhough Dadi and Pragya laughed on hearing Abhi, they understand clearly that Abhi is so serious with this regard...

When days are nearing, Indu Dadi feels so restless while Abhi tries very hard to hide his tension and fear... But to their utter shock, Pragya is quite confident and bold to face the delivery and is ready to welcome the baby... The happy smile in her face boosted up the needed strength in Abhi...

To everyone's sweet surprise, Pragya who is potrayed by the doctors to have a complicated delivery, didn't have trouble to give birth to her baby... She has cleverly hidden all her pain and informed Abhi and Dadi, only when she feels the final contractions...

As soon as they reached the hospital, Pragya is taken inside the labour ward and in few minutes, the doctor comes out happily with a cute, little flower in her hands... The little candy feels uncomfortable with the bright light, while her father Abhi keeps his hands above her to wipe away her uneasiness...

Happy days awaits for the family, as their little bundle of Joy, Abhigya steps in their house... Indu Dadi spends her most of the time with little Abhigya, while Abhi runs behind Pragya to take care of her needs...

With only Love as a Base, Abhi and Pragya proved to the whole world that Age is just a number, which no way can come as an intruder between the couples who loves each other truly...

They fight hardly against the society, who mocked them by saying that they have crossed the age to love and marry and have a happy family for them... Abhi and Pragya break all the stereotypes of the society and they proved that if Love is true, any magic can happen...

Abhi and Pragya, who has never experienced love in their early days, is enjoying their love life happily and have made a family for their own... Eventhough they are blessed with a Baby Girl Abhigya, followed by the Little Man Abhinav, Pragya decides to fulfill Abhi's wish somehow..

Abhi being a social activist always wished to adopt a child and he didn't said this to Dadi or Pragya ... But it's sweet shock for Abhi, when Pragya and Indu Dadi brought them to an orphanage and asked him to choose the baby...

The little girl of 4, named Kiara, gained all their attention and they happily joined her in their family... Abhigya and Kiara gelled up like twins and the little Abhinav loved his sisters dearly...

It's obvious and crystal clear that whatever is thrown on us badly, we have to pay no heed to it and move ahead with our head held up high... If we are blessed enough to have true love in our midst, we can fight against anything and age is not a matter of fact too..


So, how is the story???

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This is the biggest ever story I've written...
Believe it or not, I have typed 10000+ words....

Hope I haven't bored you with this long story...

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Silent readers... Please don't go away just by reading alone... I have put forth a lot of my time to type this story... Hope you people won't disappoint me this time..

Bidding adieu,



Be healthy.... Stay safe... Stay Protected..


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