Chapter Three

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Well he was just hanging around, then he fell in love, and he didn't know how, but he couldn't get out, just hanging around, then he fell in love.

It became a regular occurrence for the two of them to talk to each other each morning and every evening. The Moon always left first, heading to wherever his home was when the night was over, but the Sun had absolutely no problem falling asleep near him. He loved to wake up to see him sitting next to him. He could feel his heart ache for him, a smile spreading across his lips.

One evening, the Sun watched the sky turn gold, preparing to meet the Moon once again. He smiled affectionately at him as he approached. "Could you lie with me?" he asked, currently sitting in the soft grass. The Moon looked surprised he'd asked, but placed his book and tea on the bench with a nod.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt," he said, lying down in the grass as the Sun did the same.

They stayed in a comfortable silence until the Sun spoke up again. "Hey, Moony?" he said, voice soft as his eyes started to grow heavy again. He looked over expectantly. "Do you know what love is?"

The question caught the Moon off guard as he looked at him in surprise. The Sun was smiling at the fading golden sky, a wistful expression on his face. "Because I think I've fallen for you," he mumbled with a sigh, eyelids falling closed.

"W-What?" the pale Moon stammered, blushing as he sat up. The Sun was already asleep, a smile still on his lips. It was then that he realized how kissable those lips were. He was tempted to, but decided to wait until morning.

When the faint golden light began to shine again, the Moon leaned over and pressed a kiss gently to the waking Sun's lips. It was small, but loving, making the Sun's eyes flutter open and stay wide as the Moon pulled back.

"I might've fallen for you too, Sunny," he said bashfully. They shared smiles as the sky turned gold with light of morning, leaning into each other as the Moon began to fall asleep.

The Sun stayed still, wrapping his arm around him, eager for the evening to come, when the sky stayed gold the longest. He pressed a kiss to the Moon's head, nudging his cheek with his nose. He waited for the light of day to fade, smiling as the Moon woke up.

"I love you," he said happily, earning a fond smile from the Moon.

"I love you too."

When the Moon fell in love with the Sun,
All was golden in the sky.
All was golden when the day met the night .

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