Chapter Two

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So he said, "Would it be alright if we just sat and talked for a little while, if in exchange for your time I give you this smile?"

The Sun offered a nervous smile as the Moon looked at him. "May I sit down with you?" he asked, running a hand through his slightly messy hair. "I'm Sun, and I'm in desperate need of sharing someone's company. I haven't gotten to talk to someone in ages."

So she said, "That's okay, as long as you can make a promise not to break my little heart or leave me all alone in the summer."  

The Moon looked surprised, but nodded a little. "I haven't had company with someone in a while either," he replied as the Sun sat down next to him. He could see the loneliness in his eyes, reflecting his own. "I'm Moon. I hope that we can become friends."

"I hope so too!" the Sun replied, smiling wide as the sky turned gold and pink. He looked up at it, hoping the sky would stay that way a little longer so he might talk to the Moon a bit more. "I never see you out during the day, how come?"

The Moon looked at him in surprise. "I only come out at night, just as you only come out during the day," he said, shrugging a little as he combed his hair back. The action unknowingly made the Sun swoon. 

He yawned loudly as the sky grew more and more purple, fading from its golden time. "I'm always so tired at the end of the day, and I never know why," the Sun said, feeling his eyes growing heavier. 

The Moon felt something land on his shoulder, causing him to look up from his book to see that the day had faded. The Sun was asleep, and his head rested on his shoulder. He found himself blushing a little with a small smile as he looked down at his peaceful face. Through the night, the Moon stayed seated, reading and allowing the sleeping Sun to lean on him. When the golden glow of morning started to appear, he felt the exhaustion start to set in. 

The Sun woke up slowly, yawning and stretching. He blinked in surprise, confused by his surroundings for a moment. "You fell asleep," the Moon said as he stood up with a small smile. He outstretched his hand for the Sun to shake. "It was a pleasure to meet you, shall we talk again later this evening?"

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