It Burns

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The darkness seemed to grow thicker and thicker by the second, and along with it, the voice drew closer.
There were no more footsteps and no sounds of movement, but even so, the voice would show up at different spots. First, it was nearest to Anna "look at you, the princess forever in a shadow" it said, then it appeared again near Kristoff "and you, the orphan boy who would have never been anything if you weren't pitied by a princess"
The voice went silent for only a moment but then was heard by Elsa beside her ear, it whispered.
"And no one will ever forget about you, the queen who could harness death,"
Imediently, Else shot a bolt of ice where the voice was coming from, and a chuckle came from the darkness. Something about this man laughs, it brought Elsa to the edge, it was mocking her and she couldn't stand it.
She then started to blindly shoot blades of ice from her hand, trying not to shoot where Anna and Kristof were, and then she saw it.
Her ice blew past the figure and lit him up for only a moment. He stood there staring, his eyes filled with madness, and something about him seemed familiar. He then lit his flame again, and Elsa saw he wore a symbol around his neck. It was two blades, and in their centre was a red flame. The man lifted his hand, and the flame grew brighter, though its size never changed. It begcame a yellow maluble ball of fire, and its light seemed to memorise. Elsa couldn't take her eyes off it, her body frozen still.
"Elsa!" Anna cried from behind, knocking her out from her trance. But it was too late. The stranger threw the burning light straight toward Elsa. It came so fast she couldn’t even hope to react. It hit her.
For a moment, she was paralyzed kneeling on the ground, holding onto her chest. It burned, it burned so much. She pulled down the neck of her dress to examine her wound, but there were no signs of any burn marks, not even on the fabric. Physically, she was fine, but on the inside, she was on fire.
Looking back to the stranger, Elsa saw he was gone. Him and his light.
Kristoff and Anna rushed to her aid, but she told them she was alright, though she didn't know that for sure herself. Pushing through the pain and trying not to show it. Elsa stood up and said, "we need to hurry and get out of here." they began to run forward in the dark, just hoping that nothing was in front of them...or behind them.
Eventually, they stopped at a wall, Kristoff placed his hand on it and realized it was a door. He tried to open it, but it was locked. Elsa then held her hands to it, trying it to freeze it so he could break through it, but nothing happened. "Elsa, come on," Anna pressured, then Elsa grabbed the door handle and willed it to freeze it took a moment, but eventually it did, and Kristof kicked it off. They entered the forest and ran on into the night, not looking back.

After running nonstop in a random direction, Kristoff stopped and fell onto the grass, Anna ran to his side. "Are you ok?" She asked, worried Kristoff answered through his panting."Why did we have to run? Couldn't we have been briskly walking or jogged even." Anna smiled, relieved, "ok, we can rest here. " they lied beside each other on the forest grass, and Elsa sat on a large rock nearby. She gripped her chest. The pain had dulled but was still gnawed away at her.
It felt hard for her to breathe, but she wasn't sure if that was because of the running or the pain.
The world was going in and out of black, and Elsa felt nauseous. She cupped her hand over her mouth, but it did nothing. She got up and vomited into a bush. Kristoff and Anna rushed over, and Kristoff held her hair back. After Elsa had finished, he asked again if she was alright, and with a breaking voice she replied, " Fine, it must have just been exhaustion. " Kristoff nodded and helped her sit back down. "We can stay here the rest of the night," Elsa said.
"But what are we going to do after that?" Anna asked."The castel is overrun by some kind of magical intruders, who knows what they could put our people through. "
"Could you lower your voice?" Elsa whispered, holding her temples, but Anna didn't yield
"We need a plan. We need an army. We need to get help!"
"Could you be quiet!" The queen finally burst out. Anna stepped back instinctively, pulling her arms in
"S-sorry." Elsa shook her head, seeing her error
"No, it's fine, my head is just killing me, I can't think!" Kristof came up to Anna pulling her to his side.

They all agreed and lied down on the ground. It was more comfortable than they had expected. It might have been the long grass or all the fallen leaves acting as a cushion. Elsa lied, facing away from Anna and Kristoff, so neither of them would see she was awake. It was too dangerous for all of them to be sleeping so Elsa decided she would stay awake in case of trouble, and the pain in her chest was so much how could she possibly fall asleep.

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