When a Kingdom Falls

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Fire. The cinders shot out of the fireplace and landed by her knees, the sound of the crackling wood filling the silent room. The orange and yellow hues seeped from the fire and onto the walls, making it seem as if a piece of sun was in the fireplace. She stared at the orange manifestation of heat and felt her eyes burn as the smoke dug into her face like claws. a cough escaped her mouth. She knew it wasn't wise to sit this close to the fire, but curiosity got the better of her. She watched as the inside of the wood slowly rotted away by the insidious flames within them...then they turned to ash.

Elsa never really understood the appeal. the fire was warm, but she had never felt cold before, so she never found a need for it, at least not for herself, that is.
"You can't do that!" Anna cried, who was playing poker with Kristoff, but instead of betting money, they had replaced it with sweets. From the look of disappointment on Annas' face, Elsa could tell Kristof was winning. A smirk found its way up to Elsa's lips. She loved this, spending time as a family after dinner, all dressed in their nightgowns. Something about it felt magical.
Elsa looked back to the fire and saw that it had died. Something about it made her shiver, not from the cold but from something else. Elsa heard a whimper from behind her, it was probably the sound that meant Anna had lost, which was followed swiftly by a cry for joy which was probably the sound of Kristof giving her the sweets anyway.
Anna yawned and got up to seat herself beside Elsa and the cinders of the once burning fire.
Kristof did the same, and so did Olaf, and for a moment, everything was perfect. Anna leaned against Elsa's shoulder and dozed off. Every time her hair fell into her face, Elsa would brush it back with her finger.
All was silent besides the soft crackling of the dying embers.

An hour had passed, and they still sat there basking in the beauty of this moment until Elsa said, "We should probably get to bed. Would you mind helping me with Anna?"
Kristoff then picked Anna up as you would a young child sleeping child.
They walked to her room, listening to her steady breathing. Occasionally, she would whisper random gibberish, and Elsa and Kristof would share a soft giggle.
Once they reached her room Elsa stood by the door while Kristof placed her gently in bed and pulled the blanket over her, she watched as he ran the back of his finger down the side of her face and kiss her on the forehead. She truly had found it, Anna had found love, a bit rough around the edges, but all the best men are.
Afterwards, they pulled the door but left a sliver of it opened, after everything, Anna was afraid of closed doors and neither of them could blame her.
"Good night, Elsa," Kristof said and gave a slight bow. She was still the Queen, after all. Elsa tilted her head in acknowledgement. "Good night," they parted ways and headed for their respective bedrooms.

Elsa lied awake. Something was eating at her. Something made her skin crawl. She knew she was tired but she couldn't sleep. seeking company, Elsa then went to her bookshelf to try and find something to read. She brushed her hand across all of their spines until it stopped on one that caught her eye. "Book of myths and legends." It made her laugh. How long ago was it when everyone thought that having powers was impossible? Had it been over a year now. Back then, they would all say that her abilities were fantasy, now see how she had proved them wrong.
Elsa lit a candle and set it on her bedside table. She opened to the first page, and it read, "These are only myths to those who do not seek beyond themselves."
Elsa thought, why would there be a book like this? She was new to these chambers. Previously, she had decided to move out of her old one because it held too many bad memories, and this way, she was closer to Anna.
Elsa turned to a random page in hopes of finding something else interesting, and she did. her fingers landed on a page describing the most powerful type of magic its name was
"crimson sorcery," the words left her lips as she read.
It could be used to raise the dead, kill with thought and mind control, but in the hands of the unfit, it could make them go mad. It was rarely used for anything good and mostly needed to destroy ones enemies.
Elsa found it harder to blink, her eyes shut and then opened again, each time they did they would stay closed for longer and longer until finely she didn't open them again. Elsa had fallen asleep.


Anna woke with a start. she clutched her chest, her heart still reeling from the emotions of her sleep. She had one of those dreams again.
throwing the covers off Anna lit a candle and made her way to her desk. Taking an ink pen in hand, she pulled out a drawer and, from the very bottom, retrieved a book titled 'Dream journal'. she placed it open and turned to the next blank page, then stared for only a moment before writing.

I had one of those dreams again, but this one felt so real.
we went ice-skating, but he didn't know how to. He kept slipping and losing balance.
eventually, I took his hand and helped him along,
but then he lost his footing again, and this time fell on me.
it felt so real, probably because I had felt it before.
his strong body pressed against mine as I lay there.
his eyes smiling and borrowing hole into my heart.
his laugh ringing in my ears, and his warm breath to my face.
it was so real, I can still feel that feeling of being truly seen.
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!
why! why can't I get him out of my head, why cant I just have nightmares like everyone else.
why these dreams of friendship.
Damn you, Hans! somehow, the memory of your fake goodness kills me more than your real evil.
I do hate you, I do! but these dreams, they are chipping away at that hate, and for that, I should hate you all the more!

This is my 97th entry

Anna sighed, long and slow. ever since those days of the coronation winter madness a year ago, she had been experiencing dreams. None the same, but all about Hans.
She'd wake after them lonely that he was gone, but then reality would dawn on her, and she cursed herself for such thoughts. She now had memories of things that had never happened. Trips they bad taken, secrets they had shared, moments she could never confess to anyone. Her mind taunted her with these dreams, and her heart kept them in a little box, ready to take them to her grave.
Anna put the book back in its hiding place and went back to her bed. She took her pillow and held it like a friend. She lied on her side and squeezed it tight, muttering the horrible things Hans had done to remind herself who he really was.
Though Hans had been her first love, he had also been her first friend. And though you might not be able to truly fall in love with someone after a day, it is perfectly possible to find a true friend in them after one. This is what ate away at her night after night. Why was she so tired all the time.


'Knock! knock! knock!'
The door yelled, waking Elsa at an ungodly hour of the night. "My Queen," the man knocking said. "The castle has been breached by intruders!" It was Kei. He still banged on the door, waiting for an answer. It took Elsa a moment to comprehend his words, but once she did, she rushed out of bed and quickly changed into her riding clothes. When she opened the door she saw Kei still waiting. "This way my lady" he said while quickly walking fown the hall before ushering her into a room. There was a bookshelf, and he pulled one of the books down to reveal a hidden passage. They hurriedly walked through it, and at the end of the hall was Kristof and Anna, who were just as confused as Elsa was. "Head down that staircase, and you will find a door, push it open, and there is a room. Stay there until told that it is safe..." He paused, but if at any time you believe you are in danger, you are to go through the door, and it will open into the forest where you must flee." Elsa pushed forward and said, " let me stay and fight, I alone am stronger than ten souldiers" Kei placed his hand on her shoulder and replied, "I know that, but I believe these are normal soldiers" he gave a strange look before walking back the way he came.
They were alone. In a secret passage.
Then their worst fear sounded. Footsteps. Coming closer.
They saw a shadow drawing near. Though Elsa was afraid she knew she could defeat whoever it was with ease. It looked as if the person had a torch with him as they did, but as he came closer, they saw that the fire was not sitting on a torch but in his hand. He did not put it out in fear of it burning him, but instead, it looked as if it was getting larger. She readied her aim on him waiting for the right moment, but then their light went out as if someone had sucked all the oxygen near it, then. A moment later, the stranger put out his fire.
A moment of silence came and then passed.
"We see you..." A low voice came from the darkness."we have been watching you for some time now. " Elsa didn't move, then through a shaking voice she asked "we?" The darkness replied

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