Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

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Elsa looked to Kristoff, who sat, legs crossed in front of her. she could see how hard he was trying to stay calm. Anna was currently with Hans tending to his wounds. They had only been gone twenty minutes or so, but it was obvious that Kristoff was already worried.
trying to take his mind off Anna and Hans, Elsa started a random conversation.
"You're quite good at fighting, for a person who has never trained." Kristoff met eyes with her and replied.
"Well, i actually used to get into fights really often as a kid. I guess I'm just used to it." he paused, then sighed
"The only reason i lasted so long was because it was a fistfight. if i had to get into a sword fight with Hans, i wouldn't last a minute. "
Elsa realized she blew it. She was trying to talk about something random to get Kristoff's mind off of Hans and Anna, but the exact topic she chose was one that related to Hans.
nice going, Elsa thought. just then, a sharp pain began to manifest in her chest. it felt like fire.
breathing became a challenge she gripped her neck as if trying to get air to go through.
Kristoff saw her and quickly rushed to her side
"What's wrong? are you choking"
Elsa saw concern in Kristoff's eyes, but she couldn't answer him. it was like she had forgotten how to speak. in a second, just as fast as it came, the pain left Elsa, and she could breathe again.
it took her a moment more to regain her words, but eventually, she turned to Kristoff and gave him a weak smile.
"im alright now, i guess i was just winded." Kristoff frowned he knew that couldn't be right. still confused, he asked
"Windedby what, you were sitting right here. nothing hit you." Elsa thought some more but had no answer. just then, as if on cue, Anna emerged from behind the trees followed by Hans. they went to sit down, and Anna sat beside Elsa while Hans sat a bit farther off, trying to keep his distance from Kristoff. the air between the group felt dead as if the moment the two had arrived, everyone suddenly lost the ability to speak.

a few moments passed in complete silence before the soup was done, Elsa then asked for someone to get her a cloth so she could take the pot off the fire. both Hans and Anna got up and, in unison, said
"I'll get it." they sounded eager to break the unwanted silence. they both quickly reached for the cloth in between them and got to it at about the same time. Hans' hand was atop Anna's, and for a moment, he didn't move, but then, as if he was pulled back by some unknown force, he took his hand back and held it to himself. he said nothing, and Anna passed the cloth to Elsa, who hadn't noticed Hans' strange behaviour, but Kristoff had.
his gaze stayed on Hans, who seemed to be having an internal argument with himself. Kristoff looked closer and saw Hans' face looked to be a shade of red. he couldn't tell if it was because of the heat of the fire or because of something else. he hoped it was the former.

they were having tomato soup, and Anna knew that Tomato was notorious for staining terribly.
so she made it a goal to not spill it or make a mess, but as usual, Anna somehow, for no reason at all, managed to drop the bowl. thankfully, it fell onto the ground, but then she realized that though it hadn't messed on her, some of  the splatters had reached Hans' shirt.
"Don't worry about it," Hans said while brushing some pieces of tomato off with his hand. Anna felt a pang of guilt, knowing he, like all of them, didn't have any more clothes. She deliberated for a moment before giving into the angel on her shoulder. she grabbed the cloth from earlier and began to start smudging the stained patches. She didn't know if she was making it better or worse.
eventually, she realized the damage was done and it couldn't be helped. all the rubbing had made Hans' shirt look like he had been impaled. Anna felt terrible. She wanted to apologize again, but then, looking up at Hans, she realized how close their faces had been the whole time. mere inches away from each other. this time, it was Anna's turn to shy away. she yanked her head back and turned away.
thankfully throughout that situation, Kristoff had gone to relieve himself, but Elsa had seen it all. she studied Anna's face and realized it was red, and it was most certainly not because of the fire. the expression on Anna's face left Elsa puzzled. Was it embarrassment? or anger? she couldn't quite tell.
Kristoff then emerged from the trees like the other two had before. when he saw Anna and Hans sitting beside each other, he just loudly sat himself down next to Elsa. He was still disgruntled with Anna for what she had said in the forest before.
you can't blame me for being jealous if that's how close you're going to sit next to him he thought, while he pouted away.
Elsa turned from him to Hans, then to Anna, and saw the looks being exchanged.
From Kristoff to Hans were death glares.
From Anna to Kristoff were annoyed looks.
From Hans to Anna were cursory glances.
From Anna to Hans were embarrassed peeks.
From Hans to Kristoff were paranoid scans.
From Kristoff to Anna were suspicious stares.
on and on this went, till the fire had almost died.
their little travelling group was falling apart, people were at each other's throats, and others had strange feeling building up. and they were all tearing at the seams.
Elsa didn't know what was happening, but she did know this, things were going to get worse before they got better.

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