Friend or Foe

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Darkness was all he could see. His little hands felt the walls around him and they were damp, the early morning chill breezed through the cell and though any normal person would shiver, he did not.
It was probably due to him being an actual snowman.
"I'm so bored!" Olaf complained while half hanging off the top bunk. He jumped down and confronted his jail mate.
"You can't seriously be sleeping at this time of day" Sven only grunted and turned over on the floor, trying to ignore Olaf.
The time was 5:00 AM and Olaf had been lying awake since 3:00. Finally, the sun began to peek over the horizon and their cell filled with sunlight. The little snowman beamed with excitement,
"Today will be different!" He cried peeking his little head outside while hanging off of the bars that made up the window.

Two hours later.

Olaf lied down on the floor staring up at the ceiling, trying to count the number of seconds that would pass, As he did every day
After the kingdom was taken under siege.
It all went by so fast he had hardly understood what had happened.
After that night of all of them sitting by the fire, he had gone to sleep and was abruptly woken up by some loud banging.
People then came into his and Sven's room and demanded to know where the queen was. At the time he had been barely awake so he couldn't tell if the person was one of the servants or someone else.
Afterwards, he found out it was the later.
The strangers then took him and Sven and threw them into the dungeon.
Now here they were. Sitting each day away, not completely sure what had happened to them or anyone else. Had Anna, Elsa and Kristoff maid it out in time or were they all imprisoned, he just didnt know.

But what he also didnt know was that today was actually going to be different, because today, someone was coming to see them.

Footsteps came from the hall beyond the cell door. Olaf sprung right up and sat by the door like a dog being let inside after a timeout. A figure came into view, one that looked different to people he had seen before.
The man, or should I say the boy had jet black hair that hung down his face with no curls or volume. His eyes were almond-shaped and very dark, like coal, and his skin was fair, almost too fair. His face was young and inexperienced, he couldn't have been older than sixteen.
He then began in saying
"You are to come with me to meet the king."
His voice sounded unnatural as if he was attempting to sound older and more confident than he really was.
Olaf looked at him perplexed. The boy opened the door and gestured for Olf to walk through, but when Sven tried to follow, the boy quickly shut the door in his face and said shortly
"Not you"
Olaf and he then began to walk down the hall and up the stairs exiting the dungeon. The boy held up a torch lighting only a few steps in front of them so they could see where to step.
Olaf was utterly confused
"So where are you taking me?" He asked obviously. The boy looked down at him without a hint of feeling then spoke
"The king wanted to see you, he was interested in..." He paused before continuing
"A talking snowman"
Olaf began to beam with pride
"Oh I do more than talk, I sing" he began to belt out lyrics to a strange song, the only words the boy could make out were the words "let it go"
"I can dance" Olaf went on and stepped in front of the boy and they stopped walking.  He also began to jump around and rearrange himself, the boy couldn't take much more of this. Suddenly he let out a charming and real laugh.
It caught Olaf by surprise and he stopped dancing (if you could call it that)
Instantly the boy became self-conscious and regained his composure. Olaf looked at him as if he had discovered a great secret.
Again he began to shuffle and dance and sing random nothingness, but this time he had a purpose. The boy tried to ignore him but it was no use. He started to laugh uncontrollably at the strangeness of the little snowman's behaviour, for a moment he even had to stop and catch his breath.
Olaf smiled a bright and genuine smile.
Something about seeing this strange enemy boy laugh made him feel even happier.
Eventually, the boy regained his composure but a slight smile still remained on his face, as if a wall he had put up was now broken.
For a moment there was silence but then the boy met Olaf's gaze and said
"My name's Ame"
In response Olaf replied
"I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs"
The two stared at each other before Ame began to laugh again. Olaf looked at him and said
"You sure like to laugh"
Ame then started walking up the stairs again and Olaf followed beside him.
"Well I don't really get to laugh often, my people are somewhat...stiff." He looked down
"We aren't meant to rely on our emotions or show any emotions really. Our king says we are meant to stay in control at all times and if one is driven by emotions then they become unpredictable and dangerous. We live by duty not feelings"
Olaf gaped at him
"But how can you live without showing emotions. That means you can't laugh, or have fun, or love." His voice began to trail off realizing how terrible life would be without emotion.
"And even singing and dancing won't be the same without emotion" Olaf went on.
Ame turned to the little snowman and smiled sadly
"Well that's how it is," he said. They were reaching the top of the stairs now and Olaf could see the bright light seeping through the sides of the door.
Olaf then asked one last question
"So who made up that rule?"
Ame bit his lip as if pondering this final query 
"I'm not sure. All I know is that it's our oldest rule." He paused before reciting it word for word.
"Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show."
This statement made Olaf stop. He knew he had heard that somewhere...but where?
Ame looked back at him
"Is something wrong?" He asked. Olaf slowly started walking up the last few steps to join Ame at the foot of the door.
"I don't think so?" He replied.
But that wasn't true, something was wrong... He just didnt know what.

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