Chapter 15

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Author's Note:

Hey! So, progress is looking good and I'm slowly overcoming that writer's block of mine. Oh, and on the side is the song that I've been in love with since last night. Ugh. I could just listen to it all day! ^_^ It's what inspired me to write today, ya know. *wink, wink*

Anyway, this is dedicated to ... Aye_El_El_Why. Thanks, sweety! 

yaoiChibi out! Peace~ 


"There you go, sweetheart." I said, gently patting the head of the little girl with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. She beamed at me, her cute little cheeks pulling up to form balls of flesh that made you want to squeeze the hell out of them.

Natasha took the little sippy cup filled with apple juice from me, her other arm holding a small baby doll in a vice grip. I was glad that it was a toy; if that happened to be her brother, Eric would lose it. 

"Thanks, Robbie." A deep baritone voice called out, Jordan sitting down on one of the couches in the shop that we were in. Tyler was in his little baby basket, sound asleep in the midst of a very busy wedding boutique. 

Actually, we were starting on the preparations for the wedding. 

Leon and I decided that we'd forgo the wedding, a celebration that was due to happen a day after his grandmother's death anniversary. It was kind of weird when Leon suggested that, but I didn't argue. It didn't matter to me if we had the wedding on that day, or any other day for that matter. All I cared about was that it happen as soon as possible. 

"It's fine. I see you got your hands full with the baby bag and Tyler. Besides, it's kind of a practice ground for when the twins are born." I explained, sitting down on the black leather one-seater couch leisurely. Jordan smiled at me, sighing softly before entertaining Natasha's calls of Daddy! Daddy! Look at me over here. 

I let my eyes roam the extravagant shop. The whole place just screamed rich and classy, the type of store where the current customers are those that earn seven digits a year. The walls were painted white, a bit of gold swirls in them to enhance the place even more. The layout was sparse, most of the items placed on stands to showcase them individually. 

There were black leather seats scattered, the only dark thing in the room aside from the high-end suits. The boutique had a minimalistic layout, classical music playing in the background. I couldn't quite put my finger on whose music we were currently listening to, but it was something I could see myself listening to over and over again. 

The place had really suited its name: Sass!.

Slowly, I heard the soft clicking of a pair of pumps, alerting me that I was going to be engaged in another pointless attempt at seduction by the sales assistant. This was the third shop and it never failed. Hopefully, this time, the assistant doesn't try too hard to impress me like the last one did.

"Mr. Lancaster, I presume?" A beautiful brunette asked, her lipstick so red that her tanned skin was overpowered by it. Her glossy eyes gave away the fact that she wore contacts, a blue so bright that it could have easily be mistaken as silver. Her hair was tied up in a clean ponytail while her fringe sweeped to one side.

"Yes?" I answered softly, standing up as I faced her.

It didn't come off as a surprise when she just reached my shoulders. Her smart white suit so immaculate that I was seriously afraid of touching her in fear that I'd stain it. 

"Hello. The name's Helen. I'm the designer and I look forward to working with you and your lovely fiancee. She's a beauty and you're a lucky man." She greeted, thrusting her hand forward for a shake. I took it with a small smile, shaking her hand slightly before my eyes went past her shoulders to the bulgy figure of Leon with a smirking Eric beside him.

"My pleasure." 

I smiled fondly as Leon smiled beautifully at me, walking to my side while Eric carried his little girl. Helen gestured for us to take a seat and we followed. She had called her blonde assistant for drinks, reaching the clipboard swiftly before facing us. 

My hand clasped Leon's smaller one gently, his head leaning on my shoulder as we waited for Helen to say something. I looked down to my side and smiled. Leon had started showing, you see. It may not be much for a 15-week pregnant guy, but it's there. 

And since he was aware of his transformation, he's opted for loose-fitting dress and flats. It was a totally different style for him since he was always the type to catch attention. And personally, I had never seen him so breath-taking.

"I understand that the wedding's due a month from now, and beautiful over there is showing already." Helen started, calling my attention to her. Eric nodded silently, hugging his well-behaved Natasha on his lap. "The theme of the wedding is like mash of black and white, right? And I understand that you want the dress to be unorthodox. Care to explain what you had in mind?"

"Well, I wanted the suit Robbie will wear to be posh and clean-cut. I mean, the typical penguin outfit." Leon explained as Eric snickered lightly. "As for the dress, I don't want it to be just white. I want elements of black as well. It has to be sophisticated and classy, one that will be able to hide these little guys for a few hours."

Leon rubbed his protruding stomach with a smile, the engagement ring on his finger was one I had bought weeks ago. Helen nodded in understanding, her hands moving as she started sketching in front of us. 

"Okay. So, you want a black and white wedding dress? That's doable. What would you like the dominant color to be?" Helen looked up, meeting Leon's eyes in quiet curiosity.

"Go with a dominant white, Leon." Eric butted in, making me turn my head to him as he looked at us with a soft smile on his lips. " I may not have gotten married in a dress, but even I know that white will always bring out the classy and sophistication of a dress. Oh, and while you're at it, go for the poofy one. You know, like those princesses have. I'm sure it'll take questioning eyes off the baby bulge."

Eric did have a point. And honestly, I wanted to see him in a white dress as well.

"What do you think, Robbie?" Leon whispered, tilting his head slightly as he asked me innocently. His natural pink lips pouting slightly, his finger twirling a lock of hair nervously. 

"White as the dominant would be awesome since my suit is mostly black. It kind of brings that contrast to the whole thing. As for the lower half, a poofy one would certainly hide the little guys for a few hours or so. It really all depends on what you want." I said, kissing his forehead tenderly.

Leon pursed his lips in thought, his eyebrows scrunched in the middle as he thought long and hard. Helen's assistant had returned with four cups of iced tea with a slice of lemon, handing them out one by one. Helen, on the other hand, kept her eyes on Leon as she waited for an answer.

"Alright. Fine. I want white as the dominant. And the poofy princess skirt. Is that possible to do in a month?" He bit his bottom lip, the sight of him doing that sent butterflies to the pits of my stomach. I couldn't help but squeeze his hand tighter at the cute display.

God! I've gotten soft indeed. 

"A tube top or would you like sleeves?"

"Tube top. I don't think I can be patient with lace sleeves scratching my skin." Leon chuckled, combing his hair back as I listened quietly. My eyes looked up at the McEvanaugh family and dropped immediately when Eric had given Jordan a quick peck on the lips. 

To be honest, I still found it amazing how Eric was able to move on from Riley. How he seemed so in love with Jordan and the children that he became so engrossed in their own little happy world. It got me envious on how happy Eric was.

And it had me thinking. Were we going to be that in love as well? 

"Okay. The black will be lace and it'll practically swirl around the dress. I was thinking of adding a black sash belt, what do you think?" Helen tapped the pen on her clipboard, licking her lips tentatively. 

"Sure. That sounds like a great idea." Leon chirped with a huge grin. Helen smiled broadly at that. 

"I guess, that's it for now. I'll send the sketches to you tomorrow and you can discuss it with your hubby until then." I swallowed a blush at the nickname. The comment had Leon blushing wildly as well, his fair skin reddening so much that it was obvious.

"You are seriously adorable. Your husband is a lucky man. Anyway, will there be anything for you today?" She asked, sketching a little more before looking up at us indivually. We shook our heads and she got up swiftly, making us stand as well as we shook hands. "It will be a pleasure to work for you guys."

I mumbled my thanks and we headed out the door. The lovey dovey pair followed suit, their children in tow as they stared at each other lovingly. Their sweetness was starting to get sickening, to be honest. But, they were so in love that I guess they thought that we didn't matter. 

We walked to the open parking lot, reaching our parked cars in no time since we had them by the boutique. I turned around, Leon's arm wrapping around one of my own as we waited. Spring was in the air and the pollen wasn't healthy for the babies. 

"Thanks for helping us find a designer for the wedding, Eric." I called out, tucking Leon to my side as I stared at the couple with a small smile. Eric whipped his head quickly, a cheeky smile on his lips as he got closer to us with Natasha on his shoulders.

"No problem, Robbie. It's a pleasure to walk around next to your babe of a husband." He winked at Leon, smiling cheekily while Jordan groaned impatiently. Eric rolled his eyes while we laughed softly. "Shut up, Jordan. Anyway, Robbie. I need a favor to ask of you."

"Yeah?" I cocked a brow at him questioningly.

"Well, you see. I have a magazine shoot around tomorrow afternoon and I sort of, kind of suggested Leon to work with me." Eric said, looking sheepish all of a sudden. 

"And?" I asked curiously, tilting my head slightly.

"It's a shot for a baby daddy magazine and they wanted a pregnant guy. So, one thing led to another. And now Leon is going to be a part of the shoot. Is that alright?" My lips parted slightly at the question, eyes wide open in disbelief while Leon remained silently rigid. 


Eric nodded quickly, placing Natasha down as Jordan buckled Tyler inside the car. The beautiful little girl ran for Jordan, climbing inside the car and tackling Jordan. It was a loud mess of squeals and laughters, but it wasn't enough to deter my attention from Eric.

"Please? I couldn't think of anyone else and I just had to do it! Natasha and Tyler are going to join as well." Eric scratched the back of his head shyly, biting his lip as he waited for me to deliver any answer to his question. 

However, I knew it wasn't my choice to make. It was Leon's. And so far, he'd been silent the whole time. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a funny look on his face even when the shock was supposedly worn off already.

"I promise it will be short and painless. It's just that Leon seemed to fit the role for it and I guess you could call it exposure?" 

I silently rolled my eyes at that. What would Leon need exposure for? I planned to keep him and our private life under wraps. No husband in their right mind would put their pregnant spouses in situations that could affect them negatively. 

Now the magazine idea was looking bleak for me. 

"I don't thi-"

"Sure, Eric." Leon interjected, cutting me off with a stern look before looking at Eric with a smile. I sighed at that. Where the hell did he learn to act so tough like that. The last time he did that was when we weren't entangled in such a mess and ended up getting married. Although, it's a good thing. 

"Are you sure, Leon?" I asked, looking down at him with concern. Somehow, I felt that this was a bad idea. Like an omen or sign or feeling that something was going to go down in flames soon. 

"Of course." He looked up at me, smiling confidently as our eyes met. I felt my heart thump loudly, my stomach churning with butterflies at his beautiful lips smiling. "Eric went out of his way to help us with the clothes for the wedding. It's the least I can do to repay him. Besides, I don't get what he meant by exposure but I'll be fine. Eric will keep an eye out for me while we do what models do, and you'll be in the background watching out for me. So, yeah. I don't mind."

"Really, Leon? That's great." Eric blew a breath, wiping his face in a satisfied manner before beaming at us. I watched as Jordan walked up to Eric, pulling him by the waist to nestle the beautiful man by his side. "Did you hear that, Jordan? Looks like I won't have to go on my hands and knees to beg for this one."

Leon giggled cutely, making me turn my head to look at him. He had his hand on his belly, rubbing circles as his eyes were trained on the flirting couple. The look in his eyes spoke of adoration and envy. It got me thinking if he were thinking we'd be like that someday as well. If he was thinking it, then I know we'll be going to that stage soon enough. 

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, kissing the top of his head affectionately. Leon stiffened at the gesture but calmed down as soon as he realized what I was doing. He looked up at me with a smile, a bit of pink tinting his cheeks. He just looked so gorgeous that I couldn't help but steal a kiss from his pouting lips. God, was I cheesy or what?

"Aaaw. You guys are just so adorable!" Eric cooed while Jordan looked away in silence. He was a bit embarrassed for us because his husband was harassing us again. I smirked, pulling Leon into my side as I looked at him with pride. "I like that devilish smirk you have going there, Rob. Be sure to use that in bed. I do, and it gets the bear hot as hell all the time."

For the first time in the past few weeks, I laughed out loud. I don't know. That sentence just seemed funny as hell for me. Eric and Jordan just stared at me with wide eyes, their expression filled with nothing but shock at my action.

I can't blame them. I've never been this open with my feelings like this. And it was refreshing.

"Sorry. That was just funny to me." I said, combing my hair with my fingers before I placed another kiss on Leon's head. "But yeah, thanks. Just send an e-mail about the details and we'll get back to you, alright?"

"Sure." Eric answered, smiling fondly at us. "Anyway, we'll be going ahead. I've got to drop Jordan at the hospital and bring the kids home. Tyler is getting restless in his baby seat. So, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"It's a date." I replied, waving at Natasha as she waved both her tiny hands. 

Leon waved at the little girl as well, his grin covering his huge face as I watched the couple return to their car. Eric had to stop by the back seat and readjust Natasha's seat since she was moving around that it had gotten loose. I watched as Eric waved again when he popped out, slipping into the passenger seat of the black car before it drove away.

"Let's get going then, shall we?" I led Leon to the passenger seat of my silver car, opening the door before he slipped in contently. Shutting the door, I went around the car and slipped inside. "Where to next?"

Starting the car, I pulled back and drove to the exit. Leon was silent, his finger tapping his lips thoughtfully as we stopped by a stoplight. 

"I don't know. I mean, we got the invitations ready to be printed, the cake finalized, the clothes' sketch is tomorrow, the souvenirs packed, the venue booked, and the food menu finalized. The only problem we have to deal with now is the entertainment and the church we'll be getting married in." Leon said, reaching for the bottle of water by the coaster.

"You're right. We don't have a wedding singer yet, and a church to get married in. But you know, I was thinking of not having the ceremony in a church." I said, turning the steering wheel to the left carefully. We passed by my office, Leon turning his head to the direction of where it stood. 

"Okay. What did you have in mind?" He asked, looking at me with his beautiful emeralds. I was hoping the kids would get his eye color because I knew for sure they looked like him. "Remember, the clothes are formal. So, an ice-skating venue is impossible."

I snickered at the thought of getting married in an ice-skating ring. Everyone would be wearing shoes that had blades on them, Leon skating down the aisle in a dress that would make me want to tear it off him. Yeah, that was good.

But, no. He was pregnant and I didn't want to risk him getting a miscarriage.

"Actually, I was thinking of a beach wedding."

I glanced at Leon quickly, watching his face turn to me in shock. Smiling softly, I returned my eyes to the road. 

"Beach wedding?"

I nodded, making a right turn out into the busy streets. To be honest, I already had a destination in mind. We were going to the same beach that I wanted our wedding to be celebrated. It wasn't that far from the reception venue, maybe a 20-minute drive. 

I don't really know what made me push through with it, though. It's just that the thought of the afternoon sun hitting Leon as he walks down the aisle, the waves crashing in the background, kind of made the whole thing surreal and magical to me. 

Or maybe I was just too in love to see reason anymore. Whatever it may be, I just wanted it to be the best day for us.

"Why a beach wedding?"

"Because I think it's the perfect setting for us. Remember, we had a lot of fun times at the beach back in college? And I also remember you telling me that you wanted a beach wedding if ever you did find the right guy. So, I'm just making your wish come true." I explained, entering the highway that led us out of the city.

Leon went silent at that. I looked at him with a smile, reaching for his hand before kissing it. The tremble that spurred his body tingled my lips as I laced our fingers. I know it was dangerous to drive like that, but I just felt the need to hold his hand since I couldn't very well hold his shaking body.

"But that was years ago." He said in a disbelieving tone, his voice shaking a bit. 

"Yeah? But I still remember it, so it still counts. Anyway, I found the perfect place and I wanted to show you. An associate of mine recommended it since that's where she married her wife. I checked it out online as well, and it's beautiful. Your dress won't get dirty there for sure."

Leon remained quiet after that, and the drive was spent in comfortable silence. It was a long drive but we didn't mind. For once, we felt  like cruising around instead of busying ourselves. We passed by the hotel the reception was going to be held and moved further. It was a few minutes before we were greeted by the beautiful ocean. It wasn't a mystery why the beaches were close, the city was practically a beach paradise so the ocean was near. 

"This. Uh. This is the place?" Leon asked, stuttering slightly as I pulled into a beautiful tropical building. I knew it was a familiar place for Leon. This was where we spent his grandmother's 67th birthday all those years ago.

It was a little different, though. They had renovated and went under new management, so even the name had changed. But, when I checked their website and saw the address, I immediately knew this was the place we had to get married in.

Call it coincidence or whatever, I believe everything was just playing out smoothly. 

"Yeah. I already called in this morning so they know we're coming. We can just go ahead and check the beach because someone will be waiting to show us how everything works here." 

I got out of the car quickly, jogging to Leon's side to open the door. Leon's eyes immediately scanned the building, a small nostalgic smile on his lips as I pulled him out carefully. I shut the door and locked it, holding Leon by the waist as we entered the building.

It had that tropical feel to it. The building was mostly made up of wood, the floor made of marble which was a new renovation from the old tattered boards. The place was fully air-conditioned and designed with tropical flowers everywhere. As we reached the reception desk, the lady behind it smiled at us. 

"Mr. Lancaster?" I nodded in answer. "Please enter that door and Michelle will be waiting for you to show you around."

Leon mumbled our thanks and we headed for the glass door that slid open automatically. We were greeted by a blonde beauty wearing white shorts and a flower-patterned shirt. They were really going for that tropical theme so well that she even had a necklace of flowers around her neck. 

"Welcome, I'm Michelle and I'll be showing you around." Michelle greeted us with a smile, her perkiness so contagious that it had Leon smiling as well.

"Hi, Michelle. I'm Leon and this is my fiance, Robbie." Leon introduced as I nodded at her direction.

"Nice to meet you, guys. Come on, I'm so excited to show you what we have in store for weddings here." 

Suddenly, my phone rang. Curious eyes looked at me and I fished out my phone to find an unknown number calling me. 

"I'm sorry. I think I need to answer this." Michelle nodded and I seated Leon down before moving away. 

"Hello? Who is this?" I greeted blankly. 

"How could you leave me and marry that asshole in a month?!" I cringed at the sound of the voice that greeted me. Shit. How did I manage to forget about Cathy?

"I swear to God I will make sure this wedding won't happen. You or that pixie of yours will never be happy."

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