Chapter 16

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Author's Note: 

Hey, guys! Thanks so much for being patient with me and all my late uploads. Inspiration is being a total drama queen right now and I'm seriously struggling to find the right words to type out. Hopefully, this chapter will put a smile on your lips. ^_^

Anyway, this is dedicated to ... JudgeJeanius. Thanks for the votes, comments, and reads on all my stories. Hahaha. You flatter me too much. 

yaoiChibi out! Peace~ 


"I will fucking end this wedding and that godforsaken twink of yours will know Hell." 

I cringed at the last thing Cathy said before she brutally ended her call with another yell. The strength behind her words was horrific. It even sent chills down my spine as I replayed the message over and over and over in my head. And there was only one thought in my head.

There was no damn way she was getting to Leon.  

Damn it. Why didn't I see that psycho bitch's twisted personality before I started dating her? Fuck!

"Robbie, is everything okay?" Leon asked, surprising me as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. The baby bump had touched my lower back, reeling me back into reality after all the thinking I was doing. 

I slipped the phone in my pocket, taking a deep breath as I rubbed Leon's arms tenderly. There was no fucking way Cathy was going to destroy this. Not when I was falling madly and deeply in love with Leon and getting used to the idea of having kids. That bitch will meet Satan if anything happened to Leon and the twins.

"It's fine. Everything's fine." I muttered, pulling Leon to my side.

"I know you, Robbie. And there's something not right about this. I heard yelling. Who called you?" Leon asked, staring at me while I rubbed my face tiredly with one hand. 

"It's nothing. There's no problem at all. Let's just go check the chapel, okay?" I said, forcing a small smile on my lips. Honestly, this was the only time I prayed Leon didn't know me that well. There was no fucking way he was going to know about this. 

No fucking way.

"Are we all set?" Michelle chirped in just as Leon was about to protest. Nodding, I turned around to face the perky woman, my features schooled swiftly as I tugged Leon to follow the woman. 

"All right. Well, it's this way." She waved her hand to the left, showing a double glass door that opened to the beach. I had tried to keep my eyes on the waves crashing because the weight of Leon's stare was weighing me down. 

My mind was filled with Cathy's threat, concocting ideas on how to provide countermeasures for Leon's safety. It was a given that she was going to stop the wedding at all costs. The only problem I had was what she was going to do.

Cathy was a very intelligent woman, from what I had gathered from her business skills. She was, like I said, a go-getter and this was definitely an opportunity to show what she was capable of when she was angry.

However, it's not like I was frightened of her. 

The only thing I found terrifying was the idea that Leon could get hurt in all of this. One side of me wanted to tell him, alert him that a psychotic woman was out to get him. But, the other side was telling me to shut up and work this out alone. It wasn't like I was going to leave them alone. The whole damn reason I took a year off work - even when I was immensely busy - was him.

So, telling him would utimately end up with him freaking out. And that wasn't good for the babies. 

I sighed loudly once again, rubbing my face roughly. Leon was still looking at me, watching me with careful eyes as Michelle brought us out into the beautiful white-sand beach. It was a scorching hot afternoon, a little over three o'clock, and I was wearing a goddamned suit along with dress shoes on the beach.

Could this get any fucking worse?

"And here we are! This room is the largest of what we have. And this, of course, is equipped with the most beautiful background of all. The beach!" Michelle raised her hands in excitement as we entered the room in silent admiration. "I'll give you a moment to take it all in. In the meantime, I'll just get a few papers I forgot to bring with me."

Honestly, I didn't notice leave through the other door. I was too busy taking in the sight of the possible place I was going to marry Leon in. And it was breath-taking.

The whole place looked like those out of a fairy tale or movies. It seemed like it could house almost 150 guests, the entire place just decorated in white lillies which of course was Leon's favorite flowers. The structure was all wooden except the floor, marble covering every inch magnificently. The aisle was long and two-feet wide, adorned with a red carpet from the hall to the end where the preacher would be standing. A grand piano and a harp sat side by side in the corner of the room, carefully situated in the deep corner as they hid under a black fabric,

However, it wasn't just those sights that caught my eye. It was the view up ahead.

Unlike the floor that would house the guests, the platform where couples would be wed was elevated by a good five to six steps. The back of the preacher was open and the beautiful ocean line was the background. Not a cheap replication or an image, it was the real rolling waves of the waters.

The place just seemed perfect for us. Like, it was made for the both of us. 

"It's beautiful." Leon muttered, pulling away from me as he checked the vases filled with lillies at the back of the aisle. I smiled at him, completely smitten with the adoring look he had in his eyes as he rubbed his stomach. 

Tearing my gaze away from him, I looked back up. The aisle just begging me to walk on it so I could see the beautiful that decorated the front of the place. With every step I took on the plush carpet, grains of sand falling, my heart thumped wildly. I carefully got up the stairs, taking one good look at the backdrop before I faced the empty seats.

And as if Leon felt my gaze, he turned to me, two lillies in his hand at the end of the aisle. My heart started beating crazily, the sight of his loose hair swaying softly in the wind of the open venue. He had an uncertain smile on his face, his cheeks tinting magnificently as he looked at me quietly.

"Leon. Come to me." I said loud enough so that he could hear me. My heart was thrumming in my ears, my chest constricting at the sight of Leon in his pale pink dress holding two lillies.

Oh, god. 

Slowly, Leon took one step towards me. His hands lowered themselves to his stomach as he walked towards me. I suddenly started hearing the wedding march being played on the grand piano. Leon looked like he had heard the tune as well, his steps becoming rhythmic and well-timed as I stood and watched him take his time to reach me.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It felt like time had stood still at that exact moment when Leon was just a few steps away from the platform. My throat suddenly felt raw and dry, my heart just begging to be released from its confines. I felt my palms start to sweat as I reached a hand out to him, painfully waiting for him to reach my hand so he could climb the steps.

"Robbie." Leon whispered softly, raising his shoulders as if to tell me here we are.

He reached for my hand very slowly, almost retreating but I had snatched his hand just in time. I held his tightly, afraid to let go because I felt like it was a confirmation of Leon's unknown fears. Staring into his beautiful eyes, I carefully pulled him up and he followed quietly. The lillies were still in his hands as we faced each other, the same positions we would take on our wedding day.

I couldn't help myself and lifted his hands to my lips, kissing them as the scent of the flowers tickled my nose. The quiver that shot up his arms travelled to my lips and I couldn't help the small smile on my lips. 

"I love you, Robbie." He whispered in a raspy voice, his eyes filled with so much emotion as he smiled softly at me.

As I thought, this really was the perfect place to get married in.

I reached for the back of his head, pulling him closer to place the most gentlest of kisses I have ever given someone. My heart fluttered wildly, the butterflies in my stomach going crazy as I took his sweet lips. It didn't matter that I could get lipstick on my lips. What mattered was the crazy whirlpool of emotions swimming in my stomach as I kissed Leon.

My senses were heightened, completely aware of the mystical being I was softly kissing. I caged his face in both my hands, unaware of the fact that we were so close a crowbar would be needed to pry us apart. And like the very first time I kissed him, Leon tasted as sweet and innocent as I expected.

And yes, Cathy wasn't going to take this happiness away from me.

"It kind of felt like we got married, huh?" Leon asked as we pulled away to catch our breaths. His voice was a bit shaky from the emotions, his eyes shyly avoiding my own as I kept his face in my hold.

"You have no idea." I answered, pecking his lips one more time before finally having the strength to pull away from him. I slid my hands down his neck, past his shoulders, and rested them on his narrow waist. 

"It's perfect, Robbie. Let's get married here." He said, biting his glistening bottom lip as he waited for an answer. 

"Anything you want, baby. Anything you want." 

Carefully, I led Leon down the steps, watching him carefully with every step he took. My body was still electrified from that kiss, the same kiss we would be sharing after exchanging our vows and wearing our rings. If this was what I was going to go through on my wedding day, I can't imagine what the honeymoon would feel like.

"This is really happening, huh." Leon said as I sat him down on one of the seats for the guests. I looked at him, cocking a brow as I knelt in front of him. The lillies were still in his hands, a likely souvenir from our little wedding rehearsal. "You know, if someone had told me I was going to marry the same guy that had me suffering for the last nine years of my life, I would have socked him in the eye."

I smirked at that, rubbing his thighs and legs to take away the stress of his lower body. It was a ritual we did almost two times a day. A good practice for a dorky couple who are walking blindly in their relationship like ours.

"Honestly, I never really thought I'd be getting married to you of all people. I had gotten used to thinking that I would always end up as the best man than the husband. But I guess, you really can't tell what can happen, right?" Leon moaned when I pressed my fingers hard on his right leg.

"That's true." I said softly, smiling as I raised my eyes to meet his cheeky ones. Where were those emeralds that were on the verge of tears just a moment ago? "You've loved me for nine years, huh?"

He immediately went beet red at that, turning his head to the side in a desperate attempt to hide his face. He twiddled the flowers in his hands nervously, a nervous smile on his face as I continued staring at him.

"When did it start?" I asked, starting the massage on his left leg. Michelle still hadn't come back so I guess this was the best we could come up with for a topic.

"Do we really have to talk about this? I mean, it's been so long ago that I forgot about it already, you know." He brushed off nervously, his eyes still refusing to focus on my pair of cerulean. I smiled, silently hoping that he would somehow tell me of his own accord.

But, I guess not. I forgot how Leon could be a stubborn little monster.

"We're going to get married, the least you can do is tell me how we got here. Besides, I'm giving you a chance to tell me how everything started and you don't need to find an awkward opening to talk about stuff like this." I explained nonchalantly.

He sighed loudly, his muscles tensing after I had spoken. Okay, I was curious. But hey, he started it. If he didn't spark my interest by saying such stuff, then I wouldn't be asking such a question. 

"It started around the time I got addicted to crossdressing." He suddenly said, surprising me since I had thought he had no interest in answering the question. I looked up at him with expectant eyes, hoping he doesn't chicken out.


"That stupid cute comment you made me feel special; that even in my ugliest face, someone still found me cute. You were the only one that could make me smile despite the few words that leave your lips. And I figured that maybe, just maybe, if I started drressing up like a girl, I'd have a shot with you. But, we became best friends and I couldn't jeopardize our friendship. That's it."

I frowned at that. Somehow, I wasn't satisfied with the answer. It was like I was expecting something else..

"That's it?" I questioned him, stopping the massages to loook at him in the eye.

"Fine!" He yelled as he closed his eyes in defeat. "You were always there, Robbie. Even if you didn't say a word, you were always beside. And still is! I can't thank you enough for that. I don't know how my eyes filled with adoration changed into affection. All I knew was that, one day, I woke up and I was irrevocably in love with you."

I was silent, waiting to see if he had anything else to add to the story. My heart returned to its wild beating again, my breathing starting to fluctuate at the thought of Leon suffering all those years of unrequited love. He was a strong fellow, and I didn't expect him to go through that much.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" I said, smiling at him.

Leon stayed quiet at my question. I started feeling awkward. Maybe I shouldn't have said that? Maybe I should've just kept going with my questions about his hidden love for me? It's not like Leon doesn't know anything about me. 

For god's sake, Leon knows more about me than my siblings do; and that's a huge compliment, seriously.

"Why are you marrying me?" Leon asked out of the blue. My eyes widened in surprise, shocked at the question he threw at me. Honestly, I thought he was going to ask about the call since he looked like it bothered him. 

But now, I guess he just wants to know why I'm marrying him.

"It's not that I don't want to marry you or anything. I love you, don't get me wrong. I love it when you make love to me every night, that in month, you're going to marry me. But the problem is you don't love me.  You were never the type that took marriage or sex for granted." He rambled on, keeping his eyes focused on anything other than me.

He was fidgeting nervously, his voice a bit ragged from the stress he put himself into. And it got me thinking. He kept saying I didn't love him and all that, but he knew I wasn't the type to fool around with such serious matters. Shouldn't the answer be pretty obvious right now?

I sighed softly, kissing his bare thighs gently. Leon took a sharp breath, his eyes now focused on me as I let my hands travel up and down his skin. This was it. I was going to tell him, to reassure him that everything I was doing wasn't for the twins but for him.

Besides, I'm sure thinking about my feelings put him through a lot of unnecessary stress.

"I love you." I said, looking up at him after I had kissed his knees. His body shook at the confirmation, his hands in a tight clench that the lillies were slowly strangled to death. 


"You heard me. I'm not going to say it again." I teased, smirking at him playfully. Looking into his eyes, I saw tears pool in them. God! How the hell did I forget he was pregnant and his hormones were all over the damn place? 

"No! Wait. Please. Say it again. I need to hear it again." Leon begged, grabbing my shoulders as he chucked the flowers out of his hands. His desire to hear those three words were so powerful that his face was tinting a beautiful shade of red. "Robbie, please."

I chuckled lightly, sliding my hands up his body and resting it on his cheek. As I pulled him in for another kiss, I saw his lips tremble as I whispered three words that made his day.

"I love you."


We arrived home around six o'clock in the evening. After that whole wedding rehearsal thing, Michelle had come back just as I reassured my feelings for him. Leon was ecstatic, gone was the broody side of him. I guess he was out of character because I hadn't been honest with my feelings for him.

But, it didn't matter now. We were both happy and that was it.

As we entered the house, Leon and I had our hands laced together. We did this all the time, but today genuinely felt like we were lovers about to get married. 

"What do you want for dinner, Robbie?" He asked, sitting on the white couch as I knelt in front of him. To my surprise, Leon had his legs slightly apart - which, by the way, showed me the gates of heaven - unconsciously. The baby bump must make sitting with them close a bit harder than usual.

Feeling playful, I slid my palm on the insides of his thighs. He immediately jolted up and looked down at me with a shocked face. 

"We just got home and you want that so soon? We haven't even had the dinner yet, you idiot. I'm starving, just so you know." He pouted, spreading his legs wider with a smirk, I raised a brow at that.

Starving? Starving for what? It couldn't possible be food with the way he was opening his legs for me. 

"Yeah. I'm starving as well. But, I think we have a different idea on what we're both hungry for." I answered, my palm continuing to rub the inside of his thighs soothingly.

"Robbie, I'm serious. I will spread my legs for you later, but I want to eat right now." Leon huffed despite the way he was continuously pulling his legs away from each other. I felt my throat constrict at the sight of his panda-patterned panties. 

When will he surprise me and wear briefs or boxers?

"It doesn't feel like you mean business with the way you're pulling your legs apart." I teased, lowering my head to take a tentative lick on the inside of his right thigh. Leon squealed giddily, giggling cutely as I did the same to his other thigh.

"Robbie, you know I'm weak against that. I want to eat first and then you can have your fill." He said, sighing softly as I showered his dainty thighs with kisses. 

Pulling back, I smiled at him, returning to removing his sandals. He had absolutely no hair on his skin which made me wonder if he shaved them off. If he did, I wanted to see him in all his unmasked glory. I'm sure he was as beautiful without the make-up, or even more so.

"Alright. I want pasta. Is that okay for your stomach?" I asked, grabbing Leon's fluffy panda slippers just by the corner of the room. I think he was starting an obsession with the black and white bear. If that is the case, then it looks like panda bears are the toys my children will be hugging to bed.

"Yeah. I think so. Wanna help me cook it?" He asked, a blush on his cheeks as he tried to close his legs together. I nodded in answer, chuckling at his cute behavior. 

We went inside the bedroom and got dressed. Leon had pulled out a pair of hot pink boxers that hugged his ass magnificently and one of my shirts, I wasn't surprised that he was swallowed whole by the size. On the other hand, I had put on a black singlet and a pair sweatpants. Leon's eyes were on me in a flash, roaming my body as he licked his lips.

Now, who's hungry for this?

"Like what you see?" I asked, coaxing him to take the bait. I didn't mind if we went on to the love-making first before dinner, but I had to consider the kids. It wasn't healthy if their cute little daddy didn't eat at the right hour of the day.

"Actually, I do." Leon walked towards me, a cheeky grin on his face as his tiny palms slid up and down my torso. The look of pure hunger was on his face, his eyes concentrated on the muscles that were tensing from the obvious desire I was feeling.

"I thought you were hungry?" I teased, smirking at him.

And just as he was about to answer, my doorbell rang. The funny chime travelling throughout the house indicating that there was an unwanted visitor outside. Sighing softly, I pulled away from Leon, kissing him on the forehead before I walked outside the room to reach the front door.

I pulled the door open and there a was a delivery guy on our doorstep, a huge vase of assorted flowers by his foot as he thrusted a pen and paper into my hand. Signing it off, he bade farewell and I was left with the flowers. 

Scootching down, I lifted the vase off the floor and inside the house, locking it before heading straight to the kitchen where Leon was making a ruckus. He was greeted with the sight of the flowers and was about to squeal in delight before he saw my puzzled look.

"I'm guessing those didn't come from you, huh." Leon said, his hip jutted out to the right as he placed one hand on it. There was a questioning look in his eyes as I placed the flowers on the island counter.

"If it was, I wouldn't be thinking who sent it to us." I answered, inspecting the flowers carefully. It was weird and somehow strange to receive flowers at my home address. Unless, of course, it could be a gift from someone.

"Rob, I found a card. Le- OUCH!" Leon pulled back immediately and I raised my head to him, rushing to his side as my eyes scanned his shaken form. 

Leon was holding his hand, his index and middle fingers were bleeding profusely. I immediately pulled him to the tap, washing the wound off. Leon was really shaking, his surprise obvious as my eyes scanned the floor.

The red card laying on the floor had a blade carefully attached on the bottom flap. I carefully lifted the card, lifting the red flap that was decorated in heart shapes. My eyes immediately widened at what was typed out on the card, my blood running cold as the words registered in my head. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 

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