Chapter 17

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Author's Note:

Ugh. I know what you're thinking and I'm tired of putting excuses for my late uploads. But this time, I got a really good one! You know how you're so in the mood to write but find yourself in the middle of nowhere with no laptop or internet service?

Well, I did and it SUCKED EGGS! Damn it. Sorry, sorry. *bows*

Anyway, just two things to tell you guys. First, WTSMTC is ending soon! What?!? Aaaaw! I know right! It's sad to see Leon and Robbie go. But, we can't always be there to watch how they'll develop later in life, right? Hahaha. I think 2-3 chapters and then an epilogue will end this baby.


No need to worry coz you will be seeing them again in their respective oneshots. And of course, it'll be all about smex. Hot and steamy smut. And because I value my followers, the oneshots will be PRIVATE because Wattpad will surely do it even without my consent. I'll be cutting out an excerpt on each couple so you guys know what you'll be expecting from them!

And just a heads up, but the oneshots will never end! Hahaha. As long as there is smut in my head, then I'm willing to write it down for you guys! So yeah, keep it in your library so you're aware if I put up a story. ^_^

And lastly, this is dedicated to ... EthneeVolkov. Thanks for the reads and votes, sweety! Mwah, mwah, mmmmmmwwwaaaaahhhh!!~~

yaoiChibi out! Peace~


"How in the hell can you still look like a girl even when you're wearing male pregnancy clothes?!" Eric yelled inside the dressing room, ringing the ears of those who waited outside to see the pair of models.

I groaned lowly, rubbing my face tiredly as I scouted the room. There was all the hustle and bustle of the usual photoshoots, nothing out of the ordinary. The photographer and his assistants were busy ordering other people to move heavy furnitures just a feet or two from its original position. There was also the loud talking everywhere, a model doing a few shots with a bunch of kids around him, and the usual noisy chatter by the snack table. There was really nothing worth noteworthy.

Although, I did keep an eye out for the unusual.

After that whole blade and card thing last night, I had disposed of the flowers and made sure Leon was alright. He was shocked, of course, and ended up asking a lot of questions. Questions I didn't dare answer since I didn't want him to worry.

Everything is fine. This must be someone's idea of a sick prank.

That's what I told him in an attempt to brush it off. I didn't know if he bought it but at least it got him to stop asking questions.

"Uncle Woby."

I looked down from where I stood by the dressing room door, greeted by a pair of silver eyes glinting up at me with excitement. Natasha was already wearing her outfit for the shoot, her blonde hair carefully tied in a half ponytail as she swayed back and forth on her heels and toes. The dress was really pretty on her, it was the kind that had ruffles and different shade of pink. Of course, her pink ballet shoes were also adorable.

I smiled at her, picking Natasha up in my arms. Raphael must've run off to do some last minute fix-ups and told the little girl to head for me. Natasha immediately wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, giggling like a child who was excited to be picked up.

"Uncle Woby. Is Papa done? Nat's tummy is making funny noises." Natasha complained, her nose scrunching up as she looked at me with a cute pout. I watched her rub her tummy, her pout getting bigger as she looked at me like I had food or something.

"You're hungry? Didn't uncle Raphy give you something to eat?" I asked, brushing a few crumbs of her pink lips. Looks like the little bugger had bread or something, the remains were pretty much obvious.

"Uncle Waffy gave Nat one donut. Just one!" She thrusted her index finger towards my face to show her point, biting her bottom lip as she huffed.

God, she was so adorable. Even Jacob wasn't this cute. I guess there are some characteristics baby girls have that boys don't. That or Eric was doing a really good job spoiling his little princess.

"One donut? That's pretty unfair." I said, going along with her complaints. Honestly, she wasn't allowed to have any food since she was a messy eater and it could damage the clothes. But you just couldn't say no to a little girl who inherited her daddy's charisma.

"Yeah." Nat bounced in my arms, raising her tiny little fists in the air.

Yep, she was spoiled alright.

"Don't worry, baby. After this, uncle Robbie will take you out for lunch with uncle Leon." I said, patting her head softly. Natasha purred from my gentle gesture, her small arms wrapping themselves around my neck once again.

"Okay. Nat will be a good girl. Uncle Woby has to buy Nat stobewy ice kweem, okay?"

I nodded in reply, kissing her cheek affectionately. Nat beamed at me with the cutest grin a 3-year old could ever give. My heart soared at that small gesture and I smiled back.

"Why are you so adorable?! Where's your husband? Where is he? Damn it. The lucky bastard." Eric yelled once again, surprising me and Nat from his outburst. Natasha looked at me with eyes as wide as saucers before she burst out laughing like she understood what Eric had just yelled, pulling me in with her little snort.

"I don't care if you guys ain't married yet. You're his husband and that's that. Ugh. Damn it." Eric continued, loud thumps inside signalling his wild movement.

I rolled my eyes, hoping that Tyler wasn't asleep as his Papa went on a Leon rampage.

Suddenly, the door pushed open and I was greeted with a frowning Eric. This wasn't good. I was either going to get an earful out of him or he was just unnaturally happy with something. Hopefully, it's the former.

"Papa!" Natasha squealed in delight, jumping up and down in my arms as I tried to steady her.

Eric immediately smiled at her, reaching for his little girl before he showered her with kisses. He even, at one point, playfully bit Natasha's cheek while she laughed loudly. I sighed, no wonder she was adorable. Her papa was really into such cute child play.

"I am going to eat your cheeks! Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. Mmm. Yummy." Eric cooed, continuing his attack.

I cleared my throat, catching the father-daughter duo's attention. After smiling softly at their display, I raised a brow directed to Eric. I was pretty curious as to what was going on inside the dressing room since he was screaming too much. And I'm pretty much convinced that it had something to do with Leon.

"Right. You!" He jabbed his finger on my chest, Natasha attacking Eric's cheeck that I was pretty much distracted by her action. But, Eric jabbed me again on the same spot before catching my eyes. "Come inside. Your husband is unbelievable."

Nodding, I slipped inside the room that could have easily entertained 12 people. My eyes were greeted with the sight of the huge vanity mirror with tons of make-up on the counter. Blow drier, hair straightening and curling tools, boxes of make-up, and tons of hairbrushes. There was a clothes rack by the corner, a small refrigerator on the other side, a make-shift partition for getting dressed, and a long plush black sofa.

Leon was nowhere in sight and I had to wonder where he was. Looking carefully, I noticed that there were tons of flowers behind the door, probably from admirers of Eric. There was another person in the room, to my surprise.

Her knowing smile had me raise a brow at her as she tipped her invisible hat to me in a greeting. I nodded silently, still searching for my lover's petite form.

"Robbie, take a seat. Helen, can you hold my little girl while I pull out beautiful over there? Sorry 'bout this." Eric said, handing over a reluctant Natasha. It seemed like Nat wanted to continue playing but Eric had gone into serious mode.

I heard a soft mewl, searching for the tiny form of Tyler in his blue lion onesie. My eyebrows scrunched in puzzlement. Okay, so Tyler's not here but I can hear him. That must mean Leon has him. But where is he?

"Rob, take a seat. You're going to need it." Eric repeated, crossing his arms in front of her chest in a knowing smirk. I followed his order and sat next to the ladies, my eyes still wandering the room.

Where was Leon?

"Okay. So, I know I was yelling and you probably know what I'm going to show you." Eric started, clearing his throat as he shuffled all the way to the make-shift partition.

"Yeah. What's going on?" I asked.

"Alright. So you know that the theme for the shoot is male pregnancy, and the outfits were made to coordinate with each other. I let Leon slip into the clothes he'll be wearing and had him up for make-up. And let me tell you, it wasn't easy to make him look like a guy. Well, a girlish kind of guy." I raised my brow at his explanation.

"Okay." I drawled out, waiting to know where this was heading to.

"I present to you soon-to-be Leon Schwartz-Lancaster." Eric raised his arms to the partition in a horrible attempt to imitate party poppers. I followed my gaze to the opening, waiting for Leon to erupt from behind.

"As I thought, I can't do this, Eric." I heard Leon whisper, whining a bit from his refusal to act.

"You're husband is here and wouldn't it be nice to show him how we made you into an almost real man? Come on. Don't be shy and let's get on with it. You know other people will be watching you do your shoot." Eric stated in a matter-of-factly tone of voice.


"No buts. Come on. Give me Tyler so he can see everything." Eric stepped inside, emerging with baby Tyler in his arms.

And suddenly, time stopped.

Leon had emerged - shyly, might I add - in his outfit. I swallowed roughly at the sight. It had been years since I last saw him in male clothes, but now I remember why he didn't wear them anymore. The fact of the matter was that he still looked feminine in his outfit and it was totally absurd.

How can he make a simple outfit such as a black tight-fitted shirt and stretchable sweatpants look like a dress for males?

I gawked at him, unaware that my lips had parted when I was greeted by the sight of Leon. My eyes immediately started from the bottom where his sneakers greeted me. Okay, nothing out of the ordinary there.

Moving up, I sighed when I saw his tiny waist getting hugged by the cloth comfortably. Damn, I should really buy him stuff like that for home use. And as I moved past his torso, I mentally drooled at the sight of his slim and pregnant form wrapped snugly with the designer top.

"Like what we did with the hair? We couldn't just have him wear a ponytail, you know." Eric smirked, tugging the golden brown wig that sat atop of Leon's magnificent black mane.

Leon's features were slightly rougher than I was used to. The make-up was done really well and it really brought out Leon's masculinity. However, with that being said, Leon still looked like that same gorgeous woman he was known for.

Damn it. I didn't even know if I liked it or not. Because right now, I was seriously getting turned on.

"What do you think, Robbie?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders like he didn't care despite the prominent blush on his face.

"It looks good on you. You look good." I answered, quick to assure him that he was fine with what he was wearing. And telling him that he was more than fine was near-impossible because he simply refused to believe it.

"Alright, let's go and get this done. By the way, Helen, thanks for dropping by to help with Leon. I knew I was going to need someone with exceptional fashion taste." Eric said, handing Tyler to Leon as he picked Natasha from the designer's lap.

"No problem. Anything for you, sweetheart. Now I get why you're so obsessed with him. I've never seen such a beautiful specimen of a man." She turned her head to Leon, smiling softly at his shy smile. "You should stick to crossdressing. Male clothes do no justice to your beauty."

Leon blushed as soon as those words registered in his head. He looked like a teapot boiling in the heat of the fire from the praises he wasn't used to accept. I smiled at him, coaxing him to calm down from all the excitement. I could somehow feel that it wasn't just his shyness coming out, but the other emotions as well.

I wanted to get this done without any crying.

"Leon, Eric! Are you done? We're about to start in two minutes!" Raphael called from the other side of the door, knocking slightly to catch our attention.

"Yeah. We're coming out. Get everything ready. Tyler isn't putting up a fight and I want to take advantage of that." Eric answered, pulling the door open and heading out. Helen had followed him while Leon and I stayed back for a bit.

I got up and moved closer to him, kissing his nose as pouted adorably. Tyler was moving a bit, shaking around that Leon was having a hard time keeping him in place. I smiled at that, rubbing Tyler's head softly.

"You look good. Come on. We need to get this over with." I said, moving to his back as I slid my hand down to his lower back. Leon was murmuring somethings, my ears unable to hear them because the flirting had begun.

While the majority was focused on Eric, Leon had also captured other people's attention. Raphael had to rip them from the crowd and lead them to the background while I followed silently. Damn it, I was feeling uneasy today.

The whole day was spent with Leon's photo shoot. The photographer was so into him and Eric that he had taken twice as many shots as required. Of course, that didn't please Raphael one bit. Well, I wasn't too happy about is as well.

I watched with proud eyes as Leon laid on his side on a bed, smiling gently at me like he would do in the mornings. On the other hand, Eric was having fun with his two children that I didn't really know if it was a shoot or a play date for the children.

"That's a wrap. Everyone start cleaning up." The photographer announced.

Leon immediatly latched himself to my side, snuggling against me as I felt him inhale deeply. I didn't know what he was doing but it was something I couldn't help smiling about.

We headed for the dressing room and Eric helped Leon out of his clothes. After that, it was all Leon. From his hair to his shoes, he fixed himself up and you would find it hard to believe that he was a man in his get-up.

"I'm sleepy, Papa." Natasha yawned, her tiny voice shaking a bit from the sleepiness. Eric smiled at her, getting her dressed up before strapping Tyler in his stroller. Unfortunately for Eric, Jordan had work today so he couldn't join me to watch our lovers striking a pose for us.

"Alright, I'll carry you to the car. Come on, come here."

By the time we had arrived home, it was 5:23 PM and we were both hungry. Leon got dressed while I prepared some oatmeal for the both of us. I didn't particularly like that stuff, but it was healthy for the babies.

"Leon, come on. Hurry up. The oatmeal is getting cold." I called out.

Leon squeaked in answer and came dashing in to the kitchen. This time, he wore nothing but the lavender night gown he owned. I smiled at him, completely smitten with him. Damn, I am one lucky man.

"Did you put some bananas in mine?" He asked as I nodded in response, waiting for him to dig in and eat. We'd be having a late dinner, but I didn't mind. As long as it's with Leon, I didn't mind what we did.

When we had done cleaning up, we headed straight for the bedroom. I guessed that it was the best place to hang around since I knew he was pretty much exhausted. Honestly, we've been up for 12 hours straight and Leon has yet to take his much needed nap.

We settled underneath the blankets, Leon on his side so I ended up spooning him. My arm slid to his stomach in silence as we laid there, quiet and comfy. I started to rub his belly and he giggled softly, pushing my arm away from the bulge. But, I didn't relent and continued with the rubbing.

"Robbie, I have a request I've been thinking about for the past few days. Can you hear me out?" He asked all of a sudden, his playfulness sucked by his seriousness.


I felt Leon take a deep breath. Whatever it was, it must've been a big deal for him.

"Well, you know that we're getting married next month right?" He asked, pulling away from me before turning around so that we were now face to face. I raised a brow at the question, nodding caefully with my answer.

"And because we'll be getting married, all our friends and loved ones will be joining right?"

That was pretty much obvious. I wanted him to enjoy himself on his big day so yeah, all our friends and loved ones are coming. Where was this heading anyway? It's kind of confusing me right now and I don't know if I should be scared or something with the way he was talking.

"I know. Spit it out, Leon. We won't get done here if you don't talk." I said, pulling him closer to me so that I could feel his warmth. Leon scooted over, his arms sliding up my neck as he intertwined his fingers by the back of my neck.

"This is kind of a big deal and I don't even know how I'll tell you this." He whined, resting his forehead on my chest. I patted his back and waited quietly. There was nothing I could say so I chose to stay silent. The mystery was killing me but Leon's welfare comes first.

It felt like hourse before Leon was able to summon up the courage to talk again.

"I was thinking of inviting your parents to the wedding. Is that alright?" He asked, shocking me with his question. I suddenly stopped patting his back, pulling away so I could stare at his absurdity.


"Don't play dumb with me, Rob. I want them there and that is why I'm telling you. I'm not asking you for permission. Besides, years have passed since that incident. Don't you think that time has changed them and they're willing to make amends with you guys? Maybe our wedding could be the meeting ground."

I stayed silent, still comprehending Leon's wild suggestion to invite my parents. However, my mind was going crazy. It was a painful thing to ask, especially since I was pretty much attached to the hip with my siblings. We were crazy, but we did it together.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Leon, think about how that will make Riley and Becky feel. I doubt they'd welcome them into their home because I sure as hell am convinced that they're still furious with Michael." I explained lowly, my eyes downcast as he relived those memories in my head.

Riley did say that when they were ready to accept Michael, then he'd let them join his family. It was a hard thing to decide upon. But if we involved our wedding into the fray, I don't know what we'll end up with. It might just be a dreadful mass-murder in the making.

"Well, I for one think that it's the right time. They could just be too proud to say sorry for themselves. We can at least send an invitation and that is where they will choose what path to take. Come on. I'm sure they want to see their grandkids."

I sighed in response, shaking my head with the answer I had come up with. To be honest, I didn't want to destroy our wedding celebration. However, Leon decided to play the peacemaker in all of this. I didn't know if I should be proud or what.

One thing is for sure, the whole thing will be messy.

"Fine, we'll send an invite to them. But that's all they're getting from us. No call, no e-mail, no text messages, no nothing."

Leon nodded vigorously, screaming I love you at me as I sighed on bed. I was actually praying that we don't go through this. But, it looks like he made his mind. All we had to do is get on with it and wait for the whole thing.

And where else can we do that but during our wedding, right?

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