7. If you like my friend, you can tell me.

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"Sooo, how was Grandma Beatrice?" I asked Monday morning, as Brynn entered the kitchen. Our mom didn't drop her off until almost midnight last night, so I didn't get a chance to ask her about her trip.

"She's gotten more wrinkly...if that was even possible," she shrugged, making me snort in amusement.

"That's all?"

"Yeah," she yawned, grabbing a bowl out of the dishwasher. Running a hand through her wild blonde hair, I slid her the box of Cap'n Crunch that was near me. "Thanks."

Nodding my head, I continued eating my cereal, nearly choking when Brynn mentioned, "Oh yeah, she's got a new boyfriend. When I asked if he's good to her, she said, and I quote 'Honey, he's good to me in the streets and in the sheets."

Somebody get me a barf bag.

"Ew, okay, well, there goes my appetite," I cringed, pushing the bowl away from me and sliding off the bar stool at our kitchen island.

"Yeah, kinda makes me wish I didn't go with Mom," Brynn chuckled.

Cleaning up after myself, I checked the time and saw that unless Brynn hurried up and got dressed, she'd miss the bus. Our school had uniforms, which I hated, but at least it didn't take me long to pick out an outfit. I was wearing maroon slacks, which I rolled up at the cuffs so they were more fitted to my calfs, along with a white button up shirt with our school mascot on the pocket. Tucking it in in the front, I let it hang out in the back and matched my black belt with my black Toms. Just because it was uniform, didn't mean I couldn't still express my style. The difference between Brynn and I was, my style took five minutes to perfect, while hers took thirty, and she did not have thirty minutes to spare.

But, feeling like being nice today, I asked, "You wanna ride with me and Oli to school?"

Surprised by the notion, my little sister looked down at me, because of the extra inches she had on me height-wise. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Lord knows you'd miss the bus with your slow self, and I don't want Dad to have to drop you off in the squad car."

Or have you ride with your irresponsible friends. Last time Dad let her do that was over a year ago, and it was ugly. Never again.

"But...we avoid each other at school," she continued.

Just say yes or no, Brynn.

"We don't avoid each other," I awkwardly chuckled. "We're just in different grades and social cliques, so we never seem to cross paths."

"Bryce, on Friday you literally ran the other way when we turned down the same hall," she deadpanned.

"I had to use the bathroom?" I weakly defended.

Truth was, Brynn and I were so different, and she was always with her friends. I loved my sister, but every time I'd been around her friends, I left feeling judged and frustrated. I also hadn't forgiven them for what they did and the position they put Brynn and others in. Driving drunk, I mean really? How selfish can someone be? I didn't realize this may have translated into her thinking I was dodging her, though.

"Look," I sighed, noticing the hint of sadness in her brown eyes. "I promise I'm not avoiding you, so get that crazy thought out your pretty little head, sis."

"Okay," she smiled softly.

"Now, go get your butt dressed so Oli doesn't have to wait forever. I'll talk to him about you riding with us everyday, if you want."

The squeal of happiness that left her mouth tempted me to retract the notion, but I didn't. Instead I let her run upstairs, excited about possibly never having to ride that stinky bus again.

Wow. I am SUCH a good person.

Oli didn't mind giving Brynn a lift with us, since she was my sister and it wasn't costing him extra gas, so I guess this was our new morning routine. When we got to Kingsley High, Brynn thanked him for the ride and scurried off to her friends in a painful-looking pair of high heels.

We truly are so different.

Hopping over his car door since it was a convertible and I was agile enough to pull it off, I hung my tote bag on my shoulder and we walked inside convienently at the same time as...

You guessed it! Matty and his little crew!

"Bryce," he grumbled, looking me up and down for a moment.

"Ellington," I replied, tilting my head to the side.

"Oliver," Oli chimed in, being silly, which made me burst into laughter.

Rolling his eyes, Matty walked away. Reese followed after, winking at me as he passed by, and Cooper made awkward eye contact with me, no doubt wondering when I planned to continue my little talk with him.

All in due time, Cooper.

Smirking at him, I casually walked in the other direction with Oli strolling beside me.

"Matty looked pretty mad. What did you do to him this time?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at the brooding brunette brushing past people.

"Nothing," I shrugged. "He's just pissed that I told him what a terrible kisser he is."

Just thinking about the God-awful incident had me dry heaving.

Chuckling, Oli grinned, "Way to kick his pride in the nuts! That's my girl!"

Beaming, I agreed, "I did, didn't I."

When we got to my locker, I suddenly remembered how he had plans to lock lips with a girl at the party.

"Hey, man, I'm sorry about Friday. I completely forgot you needed me to be your wingman."

Furrowing his brows in confusion, his face lit up seconds later with recognition.

"Oh that? Don't worry about it. Turns out she has a boyfriend...or something like that. You know me, I don't want to get involved in that kind of drama. My face is too pretty to get suckerpunched by some jealous brute," he said nonchalantly.

"Okay, if you're sure," I held out, holding eye contact as he reassured me that that girl was old news now.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, aside from the frustrated glares Matty kept sending me in the classes we had together. Cooper still looked worried I would confront him about Naomi, but there was no way I would do that when she was around. I planned to wait for an opportunity outside of school to arise before I brought it up again.

It just so happened that the next day, such an opportunity presented itself.

"You like my friend," I not so gently said as I plopped down in the seat next to Cooper.

I had just walked into the best diner in town, Deena's, when I saw the familiar African-American boy sitting at the counter with a milkshake in his hand. His eyes were glued to the screen, watching clips on SportsCenter, so he didn't see me walk up to him.

"Bryce!" he exclaimed in shock, no doubt startled by my appearance. 

Grinning like an angel, I spun in the chair, giving his heart time to calm down.

"What are you doing here?" he finally asked.

"School just let out so...I'd say I'm probably here for the same reason as you," I said, ordering a milkshake when Deena herself saw me.

"Right...right," he murmured.

"Anyway, back to what I was saying. Naomi. You like her, don't you?" I pried, watching him get nervous.

"Uh...she's a sweet girl. Helped me out a lot last year when my Chem grade was dropping," he rambled, although I had no idea Naomi tutored him last year.

Maybe that's when they started catching feelings.

"Cooper," I stopped him, getting straight to the point. "You already know I've hated Matty ever since he pulled that unmentionable prank on me in fifth grade. But, that doesn't mean I hate you. I just hate your association to that cretin. Sooo, if you like my friend, you can tell me."

His expression now seemed even more unsure.

Great. Just great.

Sighing, I rubbed my forehead, combing my hair back as I thought of how to proceed. The chime of the door, signifying a new customer coming in, went by unnoticed until my space was so rudely invaded by a rather large and annoying human mountain.

"Ugh, what now, Matty?" I groaned, boredly looking at him.

"Why are you suddenly always around my friends?" he questioned, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Possessive much?"

"Answer my question," he grumbled, his dark eyes holding my stare.

"Pfft, like I'd do what you say. Try again, Fishlips."

"Stop calling me that," he growled.

Oooo, yes! Did I hit a nerve?!

Being bold, I slowly enunciated each word, "Fish. Lips."

"Bryce, I'm warning you."

Warning me? I've been calling him that all day, every chance I got. When a teacher called on him in class, I would not-so-subtly cough out his new nickname. When I saw him in the halls, I did the same thing, reveling in the way his fists clenched and he gritted his teeth. My favorite part of the day was during lunch, when I saw him eating a fish sandwich and accused him of being a cannibal. That really ticked him off.

So, could I see why he was aggrivated? Yeah. Did that mean I was going to let up just because he 'warned' me? Hell no. I was having fun, and his reactions made it worth it.

Sipping my freshly arrived milkshake, I smirked at him, watching his jaw tighten.

Time to continue his torture.

Was I insanely immature? Probably, but so was Matty, which was how we'd continued this rivalry for so long.

"Hey, Matty. I was thinking...you don't really look like a Matthew," I baited, reeling him in to my punchline.

"No?" he grumbled

"Nah. You look more like a Fred. Or a Finn. No no, I got it! You should change your name to," I began, watching as his angry eyes dropped down to my mouth as I started saying the next word. "Fishli—"

What the hell?

One second I was so excited to finish my joke, and the next, I was cut off, feeling a set of warm lips moving against mine. They were soft, but firm and in control—NOTHING like how they were at the party. I would have never guessed it was the same person kissing me, if it wasn't for my perfect eye sight.

But, that just made things worse, because, if my vision wasn't the problem, then why was I malfunctioning, and actually beginning to return the kiss?

Matty's hand held me in place and his other rested at my waist, gripping me closer to him. I was in shock that he would actually do this while sober, and then I realized I was doing the same thing. It was like we were battling for dominance, trying to be the one in charge. He moved his hands to my face, keeping me where he wanted me, and I bit his bottom lip, telling him to stop being a tool and let the lady lead for once. It was only then, when his kisses trailed to the corner of my mouth, that I could feel my eyelids flutter, and that was a bad sign—a sign that I was actually enjoying this.

No. NO. This is Matty, Bryce. Get a hold of yourself.

Finding my self-control, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him back, breaking the lip war he had declared on me and that I had, unwittingly, returned fire in.

"You're gonna regret doing that," I said through gritted teeth, angry beyond belief that he did that, and even madder at myself for letting him.

"Maybe I will, but not today," he replied, not a hint of teasing in his tone before he walked away, leaving me gaping at his retreating figure.

Damn him for not actually being a bad kisser! And damn him for making sure I knew that!

"Ughhhh," I whined, burrying my heated face into my arms, hiding from the world.

The sound of Cooper clearing his throat was what reminded me of his presence. Dreading his reaction to what he just witnessed up close, I sat up, glumly looking at him. He wore an amused grin as he looked at me, leaning onto the counter.

"You know, Bryce, if you like my friend, you can tell me."

Squinting my eyes at his use of my own words from earlier, I slid off my seat and snatched my milkshake off the table, not able to stomach his very wrong assumptions.

There wasn't a single thing about Matthew Ellington that I liked.

Especially, not the way he kissed.

Keep telling yourself that, babe.

And cue the cliché! 😃
Come onnnnn, I had to do it! None of you would've respected Fishlips if I didn't!

Also, peep my bae in the pic at the beginning. 😣 Why is he so attractive?!

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