Fifteen: Green

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Deadlox's POV:

"I don't like this place," I whispered, looking at the world before us. Seto seemed unfazed, but I knew he was worried by the way he kept looking around. I wasn't one for modded worlds, but this...

"We're just here to talk and then we'll leave. I'm getting worried about them at home," Seto whispered back, "I have a gut feeling they aren't listening and splitting apart."

"Sky would be the first not to listen," I mumbled under my breath, getting Seto to laugh quietly.

Out in the distance, I spotted a crafter walking to us. Half his face was zombified, and was carrying a diamond sword. Seto went to step in front of me but I was quicker, going in front of him instead. He paused when he got close enough, his red scarf hiding most of his face.

"State your business in the world of Mianite please," he commanded, keeping a hand on his sword.

"We're bringing news to a crafter name Syndicate. We've heard he has knowledge of the impending doom of Minecraftia," Seto spoke up, gently moving me out of the way. The zombie looked back and forth between us before his hand was off his sword.

"Nice to meet the two of the eight! Names Mot. Here, I'll take ya to Syndi," he pulled down his scarf to show a smile, before turning his back to us and walking from where he came. I gave a glance to Seto, a little confused.

"Guess Team Crafted gets around," I heard him mumble before walking after Mot. I gave another look around before following, keeping eyes peeled for anything. It was open and vast with very few buildings in the distance. It was also eerily quiet, you would at least hear an animal in other worlds.

Mot brought us to a fairly sized wood home. He paused at the door, turning to us and looking worried.

"I hope that you were warned that he gets into bad moods," he chuckled, messing with his fingers, "but I think he's in a good mood..."

He knocked on the door, and teleported out of there. I rolled my eyes, so much for our tour guide. Seto looked a bit startled as well but didn't say anything.

The guy who opened the door has a bandana around his neck to match a zombies skin tone, with matching gloves. His blue hair stuck up everywhere, brown eyes narrowed when seeing us. I felt Seto's hand briefly touch mine, and something changed. The guy, Syndi, has a faint blue around him, and closer to the body was yellow, green, and white streaks.

"Who the hell are you," he spoke in a monotone voice. I gritted my teeth and glanced at Seto, waiting for him to explain.

"I'm Seto and this is Deadlox. We heard from another crafter you know a bit about auras."

--Time Skip cause I can--

"You know. Since you're a sorcerer and all. I thought you would know a thing or two," Syndi now sat across from us in a chair, legs crossed and eyes on us. Seto sat across from him and I stood standing off to the side.

"I can manipulate, reveal, and control auras. The book I had on them is in a language only the author knows. She's disappeared," Seto explained. Syndi nodded. "I also know the Light God given them to us to make us different."

"I know a bit from my God and a friends God," Syndi shrugged, "but what you know is correct. They hold our soul and personality. You said two have already lost theirs?"


"Did you notice anything different besides the eyes," Syndi crossed his arms, a grin forming, "loss of balance? Loss of strength? Loss of knowing what things are?"

Seto paused, and I could see him thinking things over. I didn't make a comment, this was way out of my knowledge.

"Mu, one of them, seemed to just look lost... Bajan, another, tried to push on something and couldn't," Seto paused again, eyes lighting up, "you're saying-"

"I've been experimenting with my soul being sucked out of me with my God," Syndi cut in, grin fading, "not only do you lose your body, but your consciousness is transported into theirs. You're thoughts, abilities, and powers become theirs."

"You're saying Bajan was used for strength," I cut in, seeing Seto nod, "and Mu.... They wouldn't need kindness."

"He's right behind me in knowledge," Seto commented, "always borrowing my books. So there's why."

"You eight must hold what each one needs. Knowledge on land, strength to fight. And whatever anyone else is," Syndi shrugged, "but there's a cost. I didn't regain my body for weeks after he released me. Any longer than a month and they're dead."

It went dead silent, my breath catching. It's been two days. Surely they won't hold onto them...

"Also. If they are planning to fight and use your friends," Syndi paused, looking worried, "I'm theorizing that it will kill them faster. My suggestion is to get them out before they fight."

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