Sixteen: White

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???'s POV:

Screaming, screaming s c r e a m i n g. It wouldn't stop. I rubbed my temples, hoping that would make them stop. It didn't help, it only seemed to worsen. After getting that fish smelling orange aura, the red one has been non stop screaming. I wasn't warned about this, but I can't let that stop me.

I allowed light to bend around me, making me invisible to the mortals. My next goal was the Dark blue. Then the green, since they were no where to be seen. The Brown and Purple held nothing for me. I didn't need them.

The mortals auras couldn't hid from me. A green with white streaks was talking to one made of silver black and red. A green and brown was carrying a small grey one... Grey...

I stopped, glancing back at the child. There shouldn't be any solid besides the eight. I focused harder, unable to bend that aura back to its colors. Someone's spell hid theirs well. But why would a child's need to be hidden?

My thought process broke when the red went back to screaming, making me flinch and lose sight of that child. I'll deal with it when I defeat the enemy.

"You know the enemy has his soldier helping him," a voice whispered around me. I glared and turned to look into an alley, seeing clearly a bended shadow. I went closer, keeping to the light.

"What do you need Rage," I hissed, going right in front of him. Rage pulled back his veil, revealing his black and red outfit. His red eyes were silted, meaning he was mad.

"What do I need? I was imprisoned, stripped of my aura, and forced to be your soldier. I want to have some fun before your father gets rid of me," he hissed, voice wavering momentarily.

"Weakness will get you no where," I warned, getting him to snort.

"When you're in charge, let me have one of the auras. The red one maybe," he smirked, "I think it'll suit me."

"I'll think about it," I turned back to look at the street, pushing my senses. There... On the wall...

"Found the target."

"Which one?"

"Dark blue. Another knowledge but this one knows how things run."

"He put up a veil to keep monster out," Rage warned.

"So we'll destroy it."

Am I dragging this out too much?

Do let me know

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