Nineteen: Purple vs White

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Seto's POV:

I moved potion after potion into a line on the back wall with my magic, mostly focusing on the book in front of me. The language was the one I didn't learned, but somehow it felt familiar. I had sent Deadlox off to the library to find a specific book that could help. For whatever reason, I had this feeling that this book would help us all get our friends back.

"Glowstone... Nether wart... Redstone," I mumbled as I sent ingredients into beakers and let them sit, looking at the door. It was quiet after Solace left. I had a strong feeling I should apologize, but now wasn't the time.

I heard the door open, and Deadlox walked with a stack of books. He struggled a bit before setting them down at the nearest table.

"I grabbed a couple that I thought were correct," Deadlox said before coming over to me, looking over my shoulder. I paused my work and headed over to the table, looking at each book. Deadlox followed in pursuit.

"No... The book I need is much much newer. It looks like it doesn't belong here," I explained. He made a silent 'ooooh' before snapping his fingers and leaving again. I sighed and used my levitation to set them off to the side, I'll leave them in here just in case I need them.

Turning back to the potions, I added a few odd ingredients in until they started to glow a mix of colors.

???'s POV:

I watched as the green aura came back into the library, moving from shelf to shelf. I could watch it from where I was, but something was off. My mind was telling me this was a more feminine aura and body, but from what the crafters were calling it, it was masculine, not feminine. It just didn't add up, but, it was the green aura I needed.

I jumped down from my spot, landing with no noise. I could risk alerting another person. I sensed a crafter, but detected no other aura. Silently, I made my way to the green aura, hiding so I wouldn't been seen to early.

Clearing my voice once I got close, I mimicked a voice.


The green aura froze, the book dropping from his hands. I smiled to myself, using the same voice, but taunting.

"Loxy~... Loxy~... Loxy~..."

It turned around, red eyes furious. I kept hidden though, waiting... Waiting... It moved towards the sounds, closer to me. I dropped my voice to a whisper, keeping the chant going.

As soon as it was close enough, I made my move.

No ones POV:

A scream.

Glass shattering.

Seto shouting.

A flash of white.


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