Twenty: Black + White = Grey

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Seto's POV:

I couldn't breath. My whole entire body just shut down.

Failed. Failed. Failed. Failed.

Deadlox was gone. His body was still here but he was gone. Deadlox stared at my blankly, all emotions lost. I shouldn't have sent him alone, I knew they would find us. All I needed was just a few potions and we'd be going back to the castle.

I let out a gasp, my whole entire body shaking from lack of air. I fell onto my knees, sparks sprouting from my hands. My head was swimming with different emotions, I couldn't focus on anything.

Everyone's gone. It's all your fault.

My hands went through my hair, making the head band loose and hood slide down. I tugged at my hair hard, having a flash of hope like it would solve something or give me an idea. I was still gasping for air, vision blurring.

Gone. Gone. Gone. GONE. GONE.



I stood up, anger filling me and replacing my panic. My hands were still sparking purple, but they soon lite up with dark purple flames. I wasn't going down without a fight. I will get them back. I focused myself as best I could, trying to expand my senses to the other worlds. I could feel, sense, other auras across the worlds if i focused enough.

I'm going to save them.

No you won't; you're too late for some.

With another burst, I could feel every aura for miles coursing. All different colors, styles, shapes. Reds, blues, greens, yellows. Striped, dots, pale, bright. Within seconds, I knew where every one of my friends are.

  Spawn City.

3rd POV:

It laid barren, not a crafter in sight. The soldiers of the Sky Army had evacuated when the first building fell. Only the few brave ones stayed to see if they could help.

Out of the silence, a loud high pitch whine echoed off the skyscrapers, followed by a white streak in the sky. A bang, and another building fell. As dust fell a streak of black was seen running into the building across the street, making that one collapse as well.

Out of the rubble came no other than the Demi God of light, a gold aura formed sword at his side. His nose was dripping black blood, but he didn't notice. His eyes were flashing colors.

Black, Gold, Blue, Brown, Golden Blue; over and over.

From the other building, the Demi God of dark stumbled up. A red bow drawn, but held green arrows. He had a gash that was bleeding white. His eyes were also changing.

White, Red, Green, Blue, Orange;
over and over.

Neither spoke to each other. Suddenly, the light Demi God's sword vanished and was replaced with an axe, gleaming blue. He launched himself at the other, but was blocked with another axe. The collision sent them spiraling back into another building, sending it toppling.

???'s POV:

The red was flickering bad, but I wasn't paying attention. I formed a sword which made the green scream in agony. It'll get used to it, I only just took it. I landed a kick in the others chest, sending him flying. I got up and went after him, using the oranges speed.

He counterattacked with that damn gold sword, eyes flaring the color. His form changed, hair going curly while the left eye bled. I must have looked different too by who I was using. Nothing mattered, all that mattered was that he needed to be dead.

I formed another axe and sent it to his chest, but he reacted by using his arms to block. The axe dug into his arms, blood spilling fast. He screamed, but it had different voices behind it.

"ENOUGH," he shouted, the voice sounding young. His legs shot out and caught me off guard, sending me off him and into the ruins. He stood up, eyes flaring. He formed an axe and went to strike again.

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