Ten: Green

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Deadlox's POV:

Picking and pulling at my fingers, I walked to where Seto's room was in the castle, hoping he hadn't left yet. I needed to tell him, even if it didn't concern him. I needed to tell someone.

"Come in." I heard Seto yell when I knocked on his door, seeing him hard at work with a potion. Walking in and closing the door only got my nerves to rise.

"What are you working on," I questioned, trying to at least calm my fried nerves. Seto paused and set some sort of spell before getting up and walking over to me.

"Just a simple speed potion. I plan on heading back out to see a friend and ask for his opinion," Seto explained, coming up to me and crossing his arms, "and how's your potion?"

"Er, haven't been taking it," I shrug, messing with my fingers.

"Oh? Is it not working?"

"No no it did. I just was ok with not... Changing," I tried to keep it short, "but I need to-"

"Alright. But I want to keep an eye on you in case-"

"Ithinkistilllovesky," I blurted out. Covering my mouth after that. Seto gave me an odd look, making me regret even coming.

"I think... I still... Love Sky," I slowly said, still not believing my own words. Seto suddenly looked shocked, unfolding his arms.

"After everything-"


"But he made you-"

"I know he did," I snapped suddenly, not wanting to be reminded of that... Year, "after everything he put me through I still can't help but feel something for him. He can be caring and gently."

"And at the same time ruthless and bloodthirsty. Deadlox he drinks-"

"I know," I whispered, getting a sympathetic look from Seto, "I know I know I know. I know what it's doing to him but I can't do anything."

Seto kept quiet for a moment, seeming to search for the right words.

"You have to tell him," Seto finally spoke, "he will change you know. With everything going on he needs you more than ever. And you need him," he suddenly paused, "like I need someone."

"What happened to Solace?"

"We had a fight. But it's noting big."

"Seto... This has been frequent..."

"Yes yes and I'll fix it," he waved me off and went back to his desk, "wait for now and when we have time-"

A scream broke our conversation, an all too familiar one. The window in the room starting to crack, meaning he was close by. Immediately I went out the door, seeing Ssun come out of his room.

"Where's Mu," I yelled, getting Ssun to panic more. We both started yelling his name, running around the golden base to find him.

By chance I stumbled into the library, my breath catching.

A guy stood in the middle, holding Mu up by his collar. But his eyes weren't white like Jerome said. They are a void black, holding nothing in them. As soon as he saw me, he vanished.

I sped over to Mu sitting him up and making sure he was okay. It wasn't. His eyes were as blank as Bajan's.

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