Eleven: Orange

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Husky's POV:


"We need to stay calm-"


"Deadlox please," Sky spoke out, getting a frustrated Deadlox to snap his attention to him. I stood off to the side near Ssun, watching everything unfold. Mu was... Watching us with a blank face. It was starting to creep me out.

"They took him Sky. I can't deal with another lost."

"And you could handle it when I lost Bajan," Jerome suddenly shouted, getting all our attention, "you didn't seem so concern when he lost his soul!"

"Cause he's been a jackass to me, Mu, Seto, all of us," Deadlox yelled back.

"Not to me. You just didn't see what he truly was!"

"He was a stuck up ass hiding behind a smirk!"

"No he wasn't," Jerome's voiced cracked, startling Deadlox, "he was hurting too... He fought back because he didn't know anyway else to say sorry. He doesn't want to be portrayed as weak."

I glanced at everyone, seeing that they were as shocked as me. I never got to know Bajan, but how Deadlox treated him I just saw him as he did.

"We don't need to fight anymore," Seto spoke up, "we need to stick near other, no going off alone, and figure this out. Now I'm going to go talk to a few other crafters to get their advice."

"I'll join you," Deadlox stepped forward, getting Seto to face him. I felt Ssun nudge me, and I nudged him back. Looks I found a partner. That left Sky and Jerome. I didn't know their tolerance for each other, but they didn't argue. Though I did see hurt in sky's eyes when Deadlox left his side. I'll save that black mail for later.

"The rest of you stick in teams, I have a feeling these Demi gods won't attack anyone outside our eight. Keep Mu and Bajan's bodies safe," Seto said before leading Deadlox out of the room. Once Sky and Jerome dispersed I turned to Ssun with a smirk.

"See how Sky looked at Deadlox?"

"Kip, keep the gossip for someone else," Ssun rolled his eyes, "it's not entertainment to me."

"Then what do you want to do? Build a machine?"

"I was considering a force field around the base-"

"But that's boring to me!"

"Compromise. You gossip to me while I build."

I puffed out my gills in annoyance, but let out a huff.


Ring around the roses
A pocket full of pansies

They all



Who will be next?

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