Twelve: Purple

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Seto's POV:

I was annoyed that I had to visit a certain person to seek advice, but he was the only other person with knowledge of this prophecy besides Solace. With him storming off, it left me with no choice.

"So who's this person again," Deadlox pipped up, looking at a laboratory in front of us.

"His full name is a mouthful. I call him TDM, he wants to be called Diamond," I spoke quickly, going to the front door and ringing the bell, "I wish he could get his soul sucked. Sadly he's a mix of blues."

Speak of the devil, he opened the door, pulling a smirk when he saw me.

"You must be in dire need if you're at my humble abode."

I grit my teeth silently, sensing Deadlox's protective mode activating. TDM was really a nice guy, to other people. Just because I 'believe' in magic, and he's a full on chemist and tech, I'm just some kid to him.

"There's a prophecy, the one I've been sharing with you, it's taken two of my friends," I explain, getting him to raise and eyebrow.

"Seto, if this is another magic trick-"

"It took. My little brother," Deadlox growled, suddenly getting in his face, "and if I lose Seto, Sky, or anyone else to those things. I'll personally let it kill you."

TDM shrank down just a bit, glancing at me like I'd call him back, but I didn't.

"Ok ok geez. Come in and explain a bit more."

--Time Skip cause we know what went down--

I could tell TDM didn't believe us, but maybe having an overprotective 'older brother' helped my case.

"So, these Demi gods are here to steal all your souls, and have a giant fight. Any reason why now of all times," TDM questioned.

"The why part I don't know. And why they're having a fight of all time is out the window too. I thought you could shed some light on this."

"Wait," TDM held up his hands, "you said 'quake' in the prophecy. Yes?"

"Yeah. I thought it could mean an earthquake but we don't get those."

"Exactly. What else could represent a quake?"

"Metaphorically?" Deadlox pipped in, getting TDM to nod. "I don't know," he continued, "A burst of energy?"

"A burst of anger," I mumbled, getting TDM to nod excitedly. A light went off in my head.

"A burst of anger leading to fights," I drew together, everything falling into place. Bajan broke us, Deadlox left Sky, Solace left me, we've been fighting every chance we get.

"So fighting is the quake leading them to us," Deadlox mumbled.

"Yes. But why they need your souls still doesn't make sense to me, I say go to another crafter for that," TDM stood up, fixing his goggles.

"Any suggestions?"

"Well, I know a super tech guy over in the modded world Mianite. They're currently not 'role-playing' so he can help you out," TDM shrugged, "but he's temperamental and hates being bugged."

"We'll try anyway," I stood up, walking to the entrance.

"What? No goodbye kiss?"

"Go screw a lightbulb TDM," I yelled behind my shoulder.

"Love ya too!"


Who shall be next to fall? And to whom?

We may know next chapter

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