Thirty-Seven: Mixed Blood

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Kip's POV:

"Be careful around here. Some followers are still against form Sky soldiers," Ballistic warned as he walked down the hall. I nodded along, mostly focused on the glass walls showing the ocean around us. I should do this style for my home. Kermit would find it nice-

I got pulled from my train of thought when running into Ballistic. He shot me a glare before peaking around the corner. I huffed quietly and followed him as he darted down a hall. It's his army, why is he being so careful.

I got my answer when turning a corner with him, seeing a group of crafters. As soon as they spotted us they began yelling and running. I felt him grab my tie and pull me down another hall. Once regaining my thoughts, I pulled ahead of him, hearing him protest.

I turned a corner, running right into a heavy armored soldier. The impact made my vision blur, and a object cracking against my skull blacked my vision.

Ballistic's POV:

Snarling at the guards, I couldn't do anything but walk where they pushed me. As soon as Kip was knocked out, I was as well; waking up with my hands tied and my own guards leading me to my own cells.

They put us in one, letting Kip fall limp. I moved closer to him, seeing his head bleeding.

"You have no right!" I screamed at them. One crafter flinched back, but the guards only locked the cell.

"I am your leader! Release me at once!"

"We've chosen a new leader," a guard calmly spoke, "for betraying your own army to the Sky Army."

"I only went to help! People are dying! And staying dead forever," I yelled. The guards glanced at each other before walking off. I groaned, annoyed and pissed off. Who would they dare chose to lead? Stampy is also gone. What will happen to him when he sees I'm not returning.

Kip made a noise, getting my attention to him. He sat up, blinking a bit then looking at me.

"What happened?"

Ant's POV:

I stared at the crafter diagonal from me, not knowing what I was feeling. Fear? Anger? Resentment? He wasn't looking at either of us, choosing to stare at his tied hands. He had appeared out of nowhere, landing close by. The other had knocked him out quick and tied him up.

"Now. Let's get some basic information," The other stood up, getting the crafter to look at him.


"S-Syndicate," the crafter stuttered out, sounding absolutely afraid. My heart was racing, why?

"Why are you hear."

"I-I was going t-to the Sky Base-"

"The what?"

"Sky Base," Syndicate swallowed, "where you were kept. I was delivery news-"

"What news?" I could hear the impatience in his voice.

"The death of a friend."

I glanced at the other, meeting his eyes. As far as I was taught, the crafters can't preeminently kill each other. Only meaning-

"I-I need to w-warn them... l-let me go," Syndicate pleaded. The other glanced back at him, a smile spreading on his face.

"Alright. One thing first."

The other raise his hand slowly, pointing it at Syndicate. The crafters face twisted in pain, mouth open in a silent scream. Soon, a mix of colored smoke left his mouth, spiraling and wrapping around the others hand. The smoke then seemed into the other, his white eyes turning electric blue before going white again.

The crafter slumped down, eyes blank and his blue hair now dull. I could only stare in shock.

"I think I have a fitting name now," the other spoke, smiling. "Sparkles. Because before their death they only see the fading light."

With that, the hollowed, soulless shell of Syndicate, burst into flames.

Month late.
No hate. :)

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