Chapter 13

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" Oh My God! This place is so amazing!" Neha said astonished.

" Yeah." Anu whispered looking around.

" Shall we go in." Raj said smiling standing beside them.

" YES!"

They went inside and saw there are already many people and the party had already started. Some people are dancing, some are drinking, some are talking and some are just goofing around.

Anu felt someone watching her from the corner of her eye and when she turned to look at them, there was no one. She shrugged it off and looked for Riya.

She glanced around and saw Riya talking to some people looking gorgeous as ever. She took her friends with her and walked towards Riya who excused herself from the people when she looked at Anu.

" Ananya! I am glad you came." Riya exclaimed happily hugging her.

" It's my pleasure and you look gorgeous." Anu said smiling.

" Thanks, you too are looking beautiful, simple but nice."

" Thanks and by the way, these are my friends Raj and Neha and guys this is Riya Mathur the host of the party."

" Hello guys, it's nice to meet you two and hope you are enjoying the party." Riya greeted them.

" Yeah, thanks.....nice to meet you too." Raj greeted formally.

" Hello Ms. Riya, it's a wonderful party and thanks for inviting us." Neha said happily.

" Call me just Riya and I am glad you all came." Riya said to them smiling.

" So Riya, what's the reason for giving us such an amazing party?" Anu asked playfully.

" I am a fashion designer and have my own fashion house in the city. Recently I got selected to present my designs in Paris fashion week." Riya shared her happiness excitedly.

" Oh my God! Congratulations! " Anu squealed happily hugging her.

" Now I remember who you are. You are the Riya Mathur, the fashion diva." Neha exclaimed grinning widely and Riya chuckled at her.

" Thanks......Ok guys enjoy the party.....I have to go and meet all others too." Riya excused herself.


Raj and Neha went to dance on the constant insistence of Anu who just sat at a corner as she doesn't like parties much. She feels again someone's gaze on her but again there was no one when she tried to look around.

She feels thirsty, gets up and drinks some water which is served on the table. She feels bored and just wants to go home and sleep.

After sometime she searches for her friends but gets bumped into someone and turns to look at them.

" You?" Anu said angrily.

" Yeah."

" You followed me to here also." She hissed at him angrily.

" No! I came to attend my friend's party." He says raising his hands in surrender.

" Why are you stalking me?" She asked him crossing her arms.

" Whoa, I am not stalking. I was just curious." He said.

" Curious?" She asked frowning.

" Yeah, to know about you more." He says grinning at her.

She shakes her head at him and looks here and there for her friends.

" For whom you are looking?"he asked smirking and she looked at him furrowing her eyebrows.

" Don't worry you can meet him soon, he went to meet Riya." He says not allowing her to say.

" Who?" She asks confused and in reply she just got a huge smirk.

She sighed and went to drink more water with him following her.

" What are you doing here?" They heard a stern voice and they turned to see Siddharth standing there looking at them.

" Karthik, what are you doing with her?" He asked in a little bit of anger.

" Nothing, we just got bumped into each other and so just started talking now." Karthik shrugged.

" Why do you always have to get bumped with her?" Sid hissed angrily at Karthik who smirked at him while Anu giggled at them.


" Get up."

" No."

" Stand up."

" No."

" Move."

" No."

Siddharth sighed looking at the girl who sat on the floor in front of him and just giggling.

" What are doing on the floor?" He asked her irritated.

" Searching." She replied.

" Searching What?" He asked again.

" My friends." She replied seriously.

" Did you take alcohol?" Sid asked her angrily and she shook her head in no wildly.

" Then what did you drink?" He asked her calmly.

" Water." She replied simply.

" No one gets drunk just by drinking  water." He yelled at her angrily and her lower lip trembled like she is about to cry.

" Here is the water. Make her drink, she will feel little sober." Karthik handed him the water.

" Drink this." He said showing the glass to her.

She looked at him and then at the glass, again at him and at glass.

" No, I shouldn't drink." She said firmly.

" This is just water." He said and she looked at it carefully.

" No, what I drank was water. Not this." She said and yelled for her friends.

" RAJ, NEHA.....where are you?" She yelled loudly grabbing the attention.

"Shut up." Sid shouted and she pouted.

" Oh God! What are you doing on the floor?" Neha said kneeling on the floor beside her.

" I am searching for you both." She giggled.

" On the floor?" Neha asked amused.

" Yes!" She replied grinning.

Karthik tried to stiffle his laugh.

" Are you drunk?" Raj yelled in shock.

" Even he asked the same thing." Anu said pointing at Sid and giggled.

" Anu you know right, you shouldn't drink, You are not supposed to drink, infact you are not allowed to drink?" Raj asked her seriously making her stand.

" Why?" Karthik butted in looking curiously and Neha shot him a glare which made him shut up.

" I know and I didn't drink, I just drank some water." Anu whined.

" Come let's go home." Raj said.

" No! I don't want to go!" Anu cried and clutch her hold onto Siddharth who was just looking at her.

She looked up at him and stared at him before grinning at him widely. She lost her balance and was about to fall, he hold her tightly against him.

" You look cute." She yelled loudly pinching his cheeks grabbing everyone's attention.

" I am not cute." He said angrily and shrugged her hands away from him.

" really are so cute, cute boy." She said slightly slurring.

" Cute?" Saying this Karthik burst out laughing making others also laugh earning glare from Sid but Neha and Raj looked worried at her.

" Yes! He is a cute boy, cute boy No. 2." Anu says looking at Karthik whose laugh dies immediately.

" Hey don't call me cute! I am hot." Karthik cries out making everyone chuckle.

" Ok, cute boy no.2." she says grinning at him and he groans.

" Cute boy no.1, cute boy no.2, cute boy no.3......" she says looking at Sid, Karthik and Raj.

" There are many cute boys here, I will go and count them" she exclaims looking around.

" Stop! No need of that! You should go home and take rest." Sid said holding her from falling down.

" No! I want to enjoy, I want to dance....." She will be slurring.

Sid glared at Raj and Neha who gulped and looked down immediately.

" Why did you both left her alone here?" He asked them angrily and they just stood quiet.

" Answer my question Damm it." Sid yelled.

"Question and Answers? But nobody informed about the test." Anu mumbles looking at Sid with her wide eyes making Karthik laugh again.

Sid sighed and looked at Anu whose eyes are drooping, her body trembling, her mouth never stops talking. For him she looked beautiful even like that. He didn't want to come to the party but he came there as he knows she will be here.

" Anu.....let's go, come." Raj tried to pull her away from Sid.

" No! No cute boy No. 3, I don't want go away from Cute boy No. 1." Saying this she wraps her hands around his torso tightly and rests her head on his chest.

Sid's heart beats wildly in his chest, his stomach does an unusual flip flop and all the feelings for her began to rise up. They are being this close to each other after long time, feeling each other body and each other scents.

" Anu, what are you doing? Leave him. Let's go home." Neha hissed and  tried to pull away but Anu didn't budge.

" So, why you don't want to leave this cute boy No. 1?" Karthik asked her smirking while Sid glared at him hardly.

" Because he is cute, cute boy no.2." she says smiling and clutches onto Sid like a leach.

" And why are not pushing her away?" Karthik smirks this time at Sid.

" Shut up and hold her, I will go and inform Riya that we are leaving." Saying this Sid removed her hold on his body and moved backward.

" You are leaving me, cute boy No.1." Anu said like she was about to cry and Sid felt like it has some deeper meaning of what she said and frowned.

" I....I.....I....really......" Anu tried to say something but her words get stumbled and tears form in her eyes looking at him.

" Yeah, come on say......what?" Karthik watches her eagerly.

But this time it was Neha who stops her saying from anything.

" Nothing..... Sir you go, we will handle her." Neha says nervously closing her palm on Anu's mouth.

From that time Neha and Raj were worried that Anu might say something to Siddharth that she shouldn't say and regret it later.

Sid went away from there confused and Neha went to get some water for Anu while Raj and Karthik are handling Anu who is stumbling and falling.

" I am bored." Saying this Anu sat down on the floor.

" Anu! Get up!" Raj said to her.

" I am bored, cute boy No. 2 you sing and cute boy no. 3 you dance and I will watch." Anu said grinning at them.

" No!" Both shouted at her.

" Please" Anu pleaded.

" No!" Both again said.

" What happened?" They heard.

Both turned to see Siddharth and nodded their heads in no.

" Where is she?" He asked them.

They showed him the place where she sat down.

" What? I asked where is she?" Sid asked angrily and they swiftly turned back to see the place empty.

They looked at each other in panick and looked here and there for her. Then they looked at Sid who is throwing daggers at them angrily.

" Where is Anu?" Neha asked coming there holding a glass of water.

" A minute back she was here only but now......" Raj trailed off and they all started looking for her.

" Guys she is outside." Karthik exclaimed standing near the door looking outside and everyone ran outside.

There she was stepping inside and outside of the entrance door standing near the chauffeur. She jumped and clapped like a kid whenever the chauffeur saluted her as she stepped in and out. It became a game for her and started playing stepping inside and outside of the entrance door.

Karthik, Neha and Raj burst out laughing clutching their stomachs looking at Anu while Sid is trying hard not to laugh and watched her in amusement.

" Anu, what are you doing?" Neha stopped her after her laughing session and gave her the water to drink.

" Nehu look how fun it is?" Anu said and again went outside and inside while the chauffeur just saluted her standing like a robot.

" Did you see?" Anu jumped up and down giggling.

" Will you both stop laughing now?" Siddharth said glaring at Raj and Karthik who are now choking.

Siddharth went near Anu and stopped her from playing.

" Cute boy No. 1!" Anu exclaimed stepping inside and again chauffeur saluted her which distracted her again.

" Will you stop saluting her?" He hissed at the chauffeur.

Chauffeur looked at Siddharth wierdly and nodded his head in no as it's his job to do.

" Come you have to go home now." Sid dragged Anu outside while others followed them.

" Cute boy No. 1 wait! " Anu protested.

" Now, what do you want?" Sid sighed rubbing his forehead.

" I will walk." She said and started walking while others watched her to see where is she going.

Anu looked down and saw ground is spinning. She wondered what's happening and gets scared thinking if  it's an earthquake. She gets bumped into someone and looks up to see only a blur image.

" Can't you see and walk?" She said angrily rubbing her forehead but got no reply.

" Are you drunk?" She asks and got no reply because she bumped into a pillar not someone.

That's it, Karthik again started laughing loudly making others also laugh while Sid shook his head at them sighing.

" Say sorry!" Anu demanded the pillar.

" You mannerless huge fat man, you  hurt my head and not saying sorry also!!!" She slurs angrily at the pillar.

Neha went to her and dragged her aside while Karthik and Raj bit their lips to stop themselves from laughing. Siddharth went and helped Neha to make Anu stand stable.

" Cute boy No. 1, you again came?" She  asks him happily looking up at him clutching on his coat.

" We're you two people crying?" Anu asked them innocently looking at Raj and Karthik who just stopped their laughing session.

" No" they said to her smiling.

" Oh"

" Come Anu, it's getting late, we should go now." Raj said pulling her towards him.

" No! I want to be with Cute boy No. 1." she said and hugged Siddharth tightly.

Siddharth was surprised by her actions but felt warmth in his heart listening to her words and stood holding her shoulders.

Neha gasped loudly at Anu's actions.

Don't do or say anything stupid Anu.

" Anu! Please are a good girl right." Neha pleaded her.

" No! I will not come without my Cute boy No. 1." Anu mumbled against his chest and a shiver run down his spine due to their close proximity.

" Your cute boy?" Karthik asked grinning at her and smirked at Sid.

" Shut up Karthik, she is not in her senses." Sid scolded him.

" You know Sid, they say that people often says truth when they are drunk." Karthik said seriously.

Raj and Neha looked at each other panicked and started laughing nervously.

" Hahaha.....good joke......" Neha said laughing nervously.

" Yeah...... hahahaha.....nice joke." Raj joined her while both Sid and Karthik looked at them blankly as if they have gone mad.

" Joke? I also want to listen to the joke." Anu slurred sleepily still hugging Sid.

" Come let's go home, come Anu." Neha said but Anu didn't budge.

" I will drop her home." Sid said looking at Anu.

" What? No!" Both Raj and Neha shrieked and Sid raised his brows at them.

" Sir, I am taking her to my home, as her parents will get worried seeing her like this." Neha said.

" Ok but I will take you both home." Sid said sternly.

" Mr. Raj you go to your home, Karthik will drive us three to her house." Siddharth said and Raj nodded his head unsurely.

Siddharth lifted Anu in his arms and walked towards his car while Anu giggled resting her head in the crook of his neck. Neha and Raj looked surprised at him who easily walked towards the car carrying her like he does this daily while Karthik was just smirking at them.

Siddharth placed her carefully in his back seat but she didn't let him go and he sat beside her while Karthik sat on the driver's seat and Neha on the passenger seat.

Neha looked back only to Yelp in surprise as she looked at Anu who is snuggling into Siddharth's chest.

" Anu, sit straight." Neha said and tried to pull her away.

" It's ok let her be." Sid said and made her sleep on his shoulder patting on her hair.

Neha looked at Karthik who geniunely smiled at her and mouthed her 'let them be' and she nodded her head.

Siddharth felt happy looking at her snuggling into his chest more as if she belonged there and want to be there only. For sometime he forgot everything, her betrayal, his hate, their situation and just enjoyed her warmth, her body and her fragrance after long time.

When they reached home, he tried to wake her up but she didn't move and clutched onto him very tightly. He again lifted her in his arms and carried her to the door where Neha is unlocking the door.

" Sir, bedroom is there." She showed him the room once they got inside the house.

He went inside the bedroom and carefully placed her on the bed without disturbing her sleep. He couldn't move up as she was holding his shirt tightly in her fist.

He stared at her and all the emotions, feelings came back to him. He bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. He removed her grip on his shirt slowly and covered her with duvet. He looked at her for one last time and came out of the bedroom.

" Take care of her, as tomorrow she will have a massive hangover." He said to Neha who gave him a glass of water.

" You live alone here?" He asked drinking water and looking around.

" Yes Sir. My parents and my whole family stay in Pune." She replies taking glass from him.

He nods his head and turnes to leave with Karthik who is already out of the door.

" Sir. " She called him.

" Yes." He turned and looked at her questioningly.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but closed again. She don't know what to say, how to say and if Anu comes to know about this she will get angry.

" What?" He asked her concerned.

" Nothing Sir, just take care." She smiled at him and looked away.

" You too." He said frowning at her and left the house.

He along with Karthik drove to their house with millions of thoughts running in each of their minds.


To be Continued........

So guys, how is the chapter?

How is the drunk Anu? 😆😂

Stay tuned........

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