Chapter 14

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Anu groaned and sat up on the bed rubbing her eyes. A sudden sharp pain hit her in the head making her cry in pain.

She opened her eyes and looked around to see that she is not in her room and got panicked. She looked at the door where Neha stood crossing her arms looking at her seriously.

" Neha, why am I in your room?" Anu asked pressing her hand on her head.

" Neha tell me. Why are you glaring at me like that?" Anu asks again when she got no reply.

" Neha." Anu looks at her confused.

" What are you doing Anu?" Neha asked seriously and Anu just looked confused at her.

" What are you trying to do? Do you even know what you did? Why did you do that? You know right you are not supposed to do that?" Neha fired angrily.

" What did I do?" Anu asked shocked at her outburst.

" You were drunk yesterday." Neha stated.

" What!?" She asked shocked.

" Yes."

" But I didn't take any drink yesterday ." She said trying to remember.

" Oh! Then, can you please enlighten me why were you so drunk yesterday that you can't even remember that you drank?" Neha asked sarcastically.

" I just drank some water..... that's it." Anu exclaimed.

" Oh wait, oh no! That must not be water which I might have been alcohol or someone might have just spiked it." Anu said frustratingly trying to remember everything.

" Whatever Anu, you know right how danger it is for you..... anything might have happened to you." Neha whispered looking down.

" I am sorry Nehu.....I didn't know that it was not water." Anu also whispered.

" Ok, you take rest for today, I informed your mother about your stay here and I am leaving for office now." Neha said to her.

" Oh shit! Office! I totally forgot about it!" Anu exclaimed and jumped out of the bed.

" It's ok, you got leave for today.....don't worry." Neha said taking her handbag.

" Leave? But I didn't apply for it." Anu asked confused.

" Our boss granted it for you." Neha said shrugging.

" Why?" She asked alarmed.

" Because he knows you will have a massive hangover today." Neha said to her.

" How does he know that I was drunk?" Anu asked wide eyed.

" Why will he not know when he is the one who brought you here?" Neha sternly looked at her.

" WHAT ?" Anu yelled stunned.

" Don't tell me now that you don't remember anything." Neha said to her laughing.

" You seriously don't remember anything?" Neha asked her bewildered looking at her going silent.

" Tell me that I didn't do anything stupid." Anu asked pleadingly.

" Stupid? You have done everything that is stupid, idiotic, crazy, mad, insane and God knows what." Neha replied sighing.

" What?..... Ok but it was in front you and Raj only na." Anu asked skeptically.

"No. In front of everyone especially in front of our Boss and his friend."Neha said smirking at her while Anu slapped her forehead.

" What did I do?" Anu asked closing her eyes.

" Don't make me start about will not be over now and I have to go to office." Neha said shaking her head at her.

" Nehu please......" Anu whined.

" For now I can only say that you were a fun was very hard to not to laugh at you." Neha said laughing.

" Oh no! What did I do to make you laugh that much?" Anu asked embarrassed.

" You played with the chauffeur of the hotel, got smacked into the pillar, clunged onto Siddharth as if your life depended on it......urghhh.....I am getting late, I will explain all that when I come back from office. " Neha said to her moving to the door while Anu stood shocked and went red in embarrassment.

" Wait Nehu! Why did Siddharth brought me here when Raj was with us?" She asked her remembering that they went there in Raj's car.

" Raj would have dropped us if only you didn't clung on to that hot boss of ours like a monkey and let him go." Neha smirked at her trying to stop her laugh at her expressions.

" Why didn't I let him go?" Anu asked stunned.

" Who knows? You said that you don't want to stay away from your cute boy and hugged him tightly." Neha said putting on her heels.

Anu's eyes widened and stood dumbstruck there.

" My Cute boy?" She asked dumbfounded.

" Yeah, you were calling him that the whole time." Neha said and looked at her who is red as a tomato while Neha wondered that if she is blushing or embarrassed.

" I couldn't have done that all. Could I?" Anu asked her hopefully to hear that this is all was just a joke.

" No sweetheart, you actually did it infact a lot more but like I said I don't have time to explain to you." Neha said going to the table while Anu just stood blankly.

" Take these tablets which will help your hangover and I kept your Breakfast on the dining table. So take these tablets, eat your breakfast and sleep for sometime then you will be alright." Neha said handing her tablets and water.

That's when Anu remembered that her head is pounding very badly and quickly gulped the tablets with water. She bid bye to Neha and ate her breakfast thinking about the result of her actions.

She went and again laid down on the bed with many thoughts running in her mind.

What did I do?

What must Siddharth have been thinking about me?

I hope he doesn't think me as some desperate crazy woman.

Why on earth I even hugged him and called him cute boy?

Seriously Anu! Cute boy?

Who calls such a devilishly handsome, hot and sexy man as cute boy?

He must have been thinking that I have gone insane and must be laughing at me.

Why did I even drink that stupid drink?

What I have decided to do? And what am I doing?

I am going against my own decision.....which may destroy the sole reason I had stayed away from him.

I should stick to my words.

Yes I should stay away from him.

With this decision she closed her eyes only to get drowned in thoughts.

Urghhh.....I will go mad with all these thoughts.

As if you are not now.....

Her mind mocked her.

Shut up I am trying to sleep here.......

And she drifted into deep sleep due to the effect of her medicines.


Siddharth is disturbed. His mind revolves around yesterday's night happenings. He was amused by the  drunken Anu but he sensed something unusual in her behaviour.

He saw fear and insecurities in her eyes. He understood that she is stopping herself from saying or doing something and her friend Neha also tried to say something to him.

His thoughts are interrupted by the knock on his door.

" Come in."

He looked at the door to see Karthik standing there but not in his usual playful manner.

" Sid.....we need to talk." Karthik said seriously and Sid was taken aback because he never saw him like this.

" Take a seat, I also need to talk to you." Sid said closing his files and laptop.

" Why are you stalking Ananya?" Sid asked him seriously.

" How do you know that?" Karthik asked raising his eyebrows.

" Means you were really stalking her?" Sid asked stunned.

" Not stalking but just followed her around a little." Karthik shrugged.

" Why?" Sid enquired sternly.

" To know about her life." He said looking directly at Sid.

" And why do need to know that?" Sid asked in anger.

" Because I need to know something which she is hiding and we don't know." Karthik said calmly.

" What do you mean?" Sid asked confused.

" I will ask you something, please answer me." Karthik said and Sid nodded.

" Why did you guys broke up?" He enquired and Sid shut his eyes painfully.

" You know why." Sid muttered clenching his jaw.

" Please Sid.....just answer me." Karthik pleaded and he sighed.

" She didn't love me." Sid said.

" Who said that?" He enquired.

" She herself told me."

" Why did she say that?"

" When I said to her that my mother wants to meet her, she said that she is not ready for any commitments and doesn't want to settle down. And when I asked her when she loves me then what's the problem. She said that she didn't love me and told me that she always liked the attention she got from me and always loved my money and status but not me." Sid spatted at him with anger and tears the whole story leaving Karthik to his thoughts.

" Then what happened?" Karthik asked softly after a while making Sid sigh loudly.

" I argued with her that she loved me and just lying but she didn't agree....... I asked her to say that she didn't love me looking into my eyes and she said that she don't love me without any emotion directly looking into my eyes." Sid said staring off into the space with red eyes and trying to control his emotions.

" Then What did you do?" Karthik asked him calmly.

" I couldn't control anymore, I don't want to breakdown before the girl who broke my heart and walked away from her and her life." Sid said smiling bitterly.

" After that, did she tried to contact you? Or have you contact her?" Karthik asked curiously.

" No. It was like she disappeared from my life and when we met here in the office after a whole year, she behaved like she would be anywhere in the world but not here." Sid said controlling his tears and Karthik was silently processing all the information.

" Why are asking all this?" Sid asked him frowning.

" Sid listen it might sound irrelevant and stupid but it's the truth." He paused and looked directly at Sid and continued....
" It's a lot more than what you see."

" What?"

" Yes! What you said and what you know is not the whole truth Sid." He replied seriously.

" What are you trying to say? Say clearly." Sid said frustratingly.

" Actually, Ananya might have lied to you that she didn't love you. It may be like someone or situations have forced her to do so. Maybe she is hiding something from you, maybe she might have reasons for doing so, maybe she does love you truly but cannot admit it......" Karthik was trying to expand him.

" Shut up.....just shut up, what are you saying? How can you say that? She broke my know right how much I suffered because of her? And you are saying now that she loves me.....have you gone mad?" Sid barked at him angrily with red face and eyes.

" I know Sid, I saw how much you  suffered that's why I had to go deep into this matter. I didn't stalk her for nothing, I did that to know about her, about her life, about her character and trust me when I say this she is not the type of person who betrays someone just for some attention or some fame." Karthik said all this in one breath and Sid listened to him calmly.

" Think Sid, if she really wants fame and attention then she would have gladly met your mother and married you because which girl loses the chance to be the daughter in law of the Khuranas and the wife of Siddharth Khurana. Any girl would do anything to be in her place and she just rejected it. Don't you think something is fishy here.....I mean think if she really wants money, fame, attention then she wouldn't have rejected you that day. If she really wants to betray you then she could have done that by marrying you for your money and status but she didn't. There is something more to it and she is successful in hiding it so that you wouldn't know the actual reason of it and now we need to find out what it is." Karthik finished his explaination.

Siddharth processed what all he said and thought that it was correct as he himself got doubt so many times that how can the girl who loved him more than anything could betray him and break his heart.

" Ok.....I understood what you are saying and I admit that I myself got some doubts about it but what reason  it must have been that she compelled to do so?" Siddharth asked him thinking deeply.

" I am suspecting about something but....." Karthik trailed off hesitate to tell him.

" What is it? Tell me." Sid asked sternly.

" Do you remember, once I mentioned I saw her somewhere?" Karthik asked him still unsure to tell him or not.

" Yes and tell me about it clearly Karthik." Sid ordered him seriously.

" I saw her before one year near a mall talking to someone, infact she wasn't only talking but was also crying." Karthik said and looked at Sid cautiously.

" Who is that person Karthik?" Sid asked blankly making Karthik shut his eyes and next what Sid heard made him shocked and his face paled as if he saw a ghost knowing who was that person.

" Your mother."


To be Continued.........

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