Chapter 15

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" What?"

Karthik heard a whisper came out of Sid with shock and disbelief.

"Before a year, I was driving that day to the city mall and that's when I saw your mom on the road looking here and there, so I stopped the car to go to her. But next minute I saw her taking a girl with her to a secluded corner and started talking with her. I saw the girl started crying after sometime, said something to your mom and left from there." Karthik explained to Siddharth who is listening to him with pained expression on his face.

" Look Sid, I am just telling you what I saw that day, we don't know the actual truth and it can be anything." Karthik said keeping his hand on Sid's hand.

" Can mom be the reason of her betrayal?" Siddharth asked him in fear.

" Maybe, maybe not. We should find out about it." Karthik said to him.

" I will just go and ask mom about it." Sid said standing up abruptly.

" No! You can't. If it's not her fault then she might get hurt and if it's her fault also then she might not agree it." Karthik stopped him grabbing his arm.

" So what should I do now?" Sid yelled at him.

" By asking your mother you might not know the whole truth. We don't even know if our assumptions are right or wrong and we can't hurt anyone especially your mother blaming on her only because of our assumptions." Karthik explained him calmly.

" Yeah you are right." Sid said calming down.

" First we should find out if our assumptions about Ananya are right or wrong." Sid said sitting on his chair thinking deeply.

" Yes!" Karthik exclaimed.

"But How?" Sid frowned.

" Simple! By knowing if she still have feelings for you or not." Karthik shrugged.

" And how we are supposed to know that?" Sid raised his eyebrow.

" Common man you are the Siddharth Khurana, CEO of Khuranas Constructions. I didn't know you are such a dimwit." Karthik exclaimed smirking at him and Sid glared at him.

" You know her, you loved her, you should know what effects her, how will she react for what....." Karthik said huffing at Sid.

" Of course I know about her." Sid said rolling his eyes.

" Then tell me." He demanded.

" Ok! Anu is a simple girl. She looks calm and shy but if we know her she is fiesty and a bubbly girl. She likes spending time gazing the stars in the night sky. She loves to go to the park with me and spend our time talking about our lives. At that time of our relationship she was doing her Post graduation and used to be busy with college and work but she used to daily come to that park and meet me. She used to get easily worried about me if I am alright or not when I didn't go to meet her or didn't attend her calls, even if I had fever also she used to get tears in her eyes, if I am in pain then she used to cry as she couldn't see me in pain. She used to get jealous easily, she don't like any girls near me or flirting with me and if by any chance I smiled at them or responded to them by mistake also then think that I am dead. I have given her many gifts but the locket which I gave to her as a gift on her birthday is very special to her, she used to love it so much and wear it every time and everywhere. She told me once that she doesn't like to remove it at all and always wants to keep it close to her heart. She loves blue colour so much and used to say that it suits me more. She loves to see me in blue and also once gifted me a blue shirt." Siddharth said all this in a daze with a smile playing on his lips and tears in his eyes remembering their past.

Karthik looked at him amused and sat awestruck listening to him. He saw many emotions running through him while narrating their story. There was a glint in his eyes when he is talking about her.

Siddharth looked at Karthik who sat there looking at him with amused smile and mischief glint in his eyes. Sid snapped out of his daze and squirmed under his gaze.

" You still love her, Don't you?" Karthik asked examining his face.

", I.I don't." Sid stuttered and looked away while Karthik thought not to pry him about it.

" So you know right what to do now?" Karthik asked him.

" Wait! Are you telling me to....." Sid trailed off looking at him frowning.

" Yes!" Karthik said smirking and Sid sighed.

" So get ready for tomorrow. Now I will leave you with your work Cute boy No. 1." Karthik teased him.

" too Cute boy No. 2." Sid teased him back.

Both of them looked at each other blankly and burst out laughing shaking their heads at their names given by Anu.


Next Day :-

Anu came as usually to the office but not in her usual bubbly and cheerful  mood but in all gloomy and frowning mood. If Siddharth was restless thinking about their past and Anu's feelings towards him then Anu was no less than a mess with different emotions running inside her mind and heart.

She sighed and knocked on his door holding his Coffee when she reached his floor.

" Come in."

She heard him. She stood stunned when she didn't hear his usual cold voice. She opened the door and went inside.

" Sir, your coffee." She said and kept it on the table.

" Thank you." He said smiling and took the cup while she stood rooted in her place shocked for not only he said thank you but also he smiled at her.

" Take your seat Ms. Agarwal." He said formally sipping his coffee and again she went dumbstruck as he never made her sit during work but she obeyed him and sat hesitantly.

" So, how are you?" He asked her looking at her concerned which again made her look at him with wide eyes.

What is he doing?

Is he planning to give me a heart attack or what?

" S.Sir..... Are you ok?" She asked him cautiously.

" Yeah..... I am perfectly alright, thanks for asking." He replied smiling at her making her gasp.

That's it

She stood up from her seat looking at his smiling face and ran away from his cabin quickly stumbling on her way.

She stopped near the stairs panting and looked back at the closed door of his cabin.

What happened to him?

Why is he all smiling and sweet talking?

He is definitely not Siddharth.

Who is he?

He must be twin of Siddharth.

Does he even have a twin?


Is he the replica of Siddharth?

Or is he the ghost of Siddharth?

Or Did he hit his head somewhere?

Urghhh......he will make me mad one day.

With all these thoughts she went to her floor and started doing her work.


Siddharth on the other side sat bewildered on his chair looking at her running away from the cabin as if she saw a ghost.

You scared her away!

I was just being nice with her!

All of a sudden?

What? The thought of her not betraying me itself is making me so happy and when I saw her I couldn't control my emotions.

By the way nothing is proved about her still and you scared away the poor soul.

A knock interrupted his thoughts and said to come in distracted.

" Sid! What happened? Any progress?" Karthik asked excitedly rubbing his palms.

" She ran away." He deadpanned.

" What? What did you do?" Karthik asked confused taking his seat.

" I just thanked her for the coffee smiling at her and asked her how is she that's it, she ran away like she saw some ghost." Sid replied defending himself making Karthik burst out laughing.

" You didn't do anything? You smiled at her, thanked her and asked about her well being. And you expect her to be normal, my dear friend I think you forgot that you are the Siddharth Khurana, a cold, ruthless and arrogant businessman." Karthik said amused by his friend.

" Oh! So I really scared her away." Sid sighed rubbing his forehead.

" Yes, I think we should do something to extract something out of her." Karthik said to him who nodded.

" What should I do?" Sid asked.

" Call her here." Karthik smirked.

Sid dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

" Ms. Agarwal, in my cabin now." Sid said and hung up.

" Good now I will tell you what to do." Karthik said and got up from his seat.

On the other hand, Anu was hesitant to go to his cabin but got up to go to his cabin and knocked on his door.

" Come in." Came a strained voice.

She frowned and opened the door to see Siddharth sat in his chair with someone hovering him.

"Sir, you called me?" She voiced out.

She saw the person moving away from Sid and recognized him as Karthik. Then She looked at Siddharth and horror filled her face.

" Siddu!" She yelled and ran to him.

She holded his bleeding hand in her hand and started cleaning blood with her dupatta frantically while Siddharth overwhelmed with feelings and joy hearing siddu from her after long time. Only she calls him like that and he never allows anyone to call him Siddu as that right is only reserved for her.

"So much of blood! How did this happened?" She asked cleaning the wound and tears spilled out of her eyes.

" The water glass on the table broke and he got cut by the broken piece of glass." Karthik replied looking at her crying face and thought that Sid was right that she couldn't bear his pain.

" Then what are you doing standing like a statue there? Go and get first aid box from that cabinets." She yelled at Karthik who was shocked to see her shouting all of a sudden making Sid chuckle.

" And you, why are you laughing? You are hurt and you are laughing. Did I say some joke? Did you look at your hand how badly it's bleeding? How can you be so careless and get hurt like this?" She scolded Sid which made him shut up and Karthik snickered behind them.

Karthik gave her first aid box and she started treating his wound carefully. She bandaged the wound and looked up to see Sid staring at her with such emotions which scared her.

She snapped out of her trance and looked at Karthik who stood smirking at them.

" You." She pointed at him wiping her tears.

" Me?" Karthik asked raising his brows.

" Yes take him to the doctor. Make sure the wound gets bandaged properly and take TT injection as well so that the wound doesn't get infected. As the cut is deep, ask doctor for some killers and also make sure he takes the tablets." She ordered Karthik sternly while Karthik  and Sid looked gaping at her.

" Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Come on make it quick before wound again starts bleeding." She scolded him which made him scowl at her and Sid bit his lip trying to stop laughing.

" And you..... go with him to the doctor and after that go home straight and take rest." She ordered Sid and he nodded his head like a kid.

" Bossy much?" Karthik muttered under his breath.

" What did you say?" She asked crossing her arms.

" I am saying, If you are worried so  much about him then Why don't you take your cute boy to the hospital?" Karthik said bluntly making both the heads snapped towards him.

Sid looked at Anu expectantly who looked embarrassed and hesitating to answer which made Karthik's smirk even wider.

" If I go with him then who will take care of the work here and you should have least common sense to know that he can't drive when his hand is injured." Anu retorted back making him shut up.

Karthik scoffed at her and looked at Sid who is laughing silently at Karthik.

" Now you guys go quickly and I will make someone clean these glass pieces first." She said to them and stormed out of there.

" I had to bear all her wrath because of you, no one ever had talked to me like that." Karthik glared at Sid who is laughing now.

" Dude! You had to face her wrath because it was you who gave me this wound." Sid shrugged smiling goofily.

" So much for helping!" Karthik grumbled looking at Sid and continued to say........

"Now come soon otherwise she will come back and murder me for sure if I didn't take you to the hospital." Karthik said and they went outside his cabin.

" But one thing I came to know out of all this is that She cares for me.....still."  Sid said smiling reaching his car.

" Care?.....Dude! Are you blind? You saw the way she cried, the way she threatened and ordered me. Its not the thing done by the people who just cares, it's more than that." Karthik looked at him in disbelief while Sid looked at him thoughtfully and then grinned at him.


To be Continued.........

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