Chapter 17

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" Karthik."

Sid called him and he looked up at his best friend who looked so tensed and nervous.

" The locket isn't there with her. Isn't it?" Sid looked like he was about to cry but maintained his hard look as usual.

" It's there."

Karthik said sadly.

" What?" Sid asked shocked.

" She still wears it Sid." He said to him who is grinning like an idiot now.

" But why are you so sad and disappointed?" Sid asked frowning but he didn't reply.

"Karthik." Sid called him worried who is just looking down.

" It's just that how many times I have cursed her for betraying you and for the reason you became so distant with everyone.....with your friends.....even with me also." Karthik said embarrassed and when Sid was about to say something he continued.

" I know.....I know you had reasons but at that time I felt like it was all her fault." Karthik said sighing.

" But today, I got to know that she still has feelings for you and had definitely had some reasons for betraying you." Karthik said looking up at Sid.

" I know I behaved very distant with you all and I am sorry for that Karthik. I didn't know that I am hurting the people who love me.....I am really really very sorry Karthik." Sid apologized hugging Karthik who hugged him back tightly.

" It's ok." Karthik whispered.

"So, Sid.....she is still wearing the locket you gave her, we have to celebrate this occasion." Karthik grinned at his friend.

" We still aren't sure of her feelings and we don't know the whole truth. So there is no need to celebrate this." Sid brushed off hiding his smile.

" Someone is looking too happy to know that she still has feelings for them.....ahh....." Karthik teased him.

" Shut up." Sid said smiling.

" Ok ok.....but what now?" He asked.

" I don't know." Sid sighed.

" We can't just confront her too because she may just deny." Karthik said to him thinking.

" Yeah, I am thinking of asking Ma about this." Sid said to him.

" Are you sure? I mean we aren't sure about anything yet." He asked him.

" We don't have any other way." Sid said rubbing his forehead.

" But what will you ask her?"

" I will just ask her if she knows Ananya."

" And what if she denies?"

" Then I will ask her directly that what she said to Ananya that made her leave me." Sid said clenching his jaw.

" Sid that's not right, she will be hurted if she is not the actual reason." Karthik reasoned.

" Then what should I do? If she is not the reason then what's the reason? Why Anu said that she didn't love me and still wears the locket close to her heart till today? Why she is concerned and worried for me when I am in pain? Why she gets worked up whenever I behave normally with her? Why Karthik why? " Sid shouted in frustration.

" I understand your situation Sid but I don't want you to hurt your mother that's it." Karthik said squeezing his shoulder.

" I don't want that too but I don't see any other way. Even if she is not the reason, I am definitely sure she knows something that she is hiding that from me." Sid said angrily.

" Yeah I also think the same and we should find out about it." Karthik nodded.

" That too as soon as possible." Sid said determined.

" You talk to her tomorrow and I will be there to help you with it." Karthik smiled at him.

" Thanks man." Sid hugged him smiling.

There was a knock on the door and Sid told to come in composing himself.

The door opened revealing Anu who looked nervous and also weak.

Anu looked at Sid who is helding so much emotion in his eyes which made her both confused and scared at  the same time.

" Sir, Can I take leave for the rest of the day?" Anu asked nervously.

" Why?" Sid frowned.

" My Mom called and said that I need to be there at home.....and Sir, I finished all my work also." She said fidgetting with her dupatta.

" Relax Ananya." Karthik smiled at her.

" Ok, you can go." Sid said to her smiling slightly.

" Thank you." She said to him and turned to leave not returning their smiles.

" Wait! How are you going home?" Karthik asked going near her.

" I came with my friends today so I will take a cab or public transport." She said to him.

" No, I am leaving now anyways so I will drop you off on my way." Karthik said to her smiling.

" No no..... It's ok, I will go myself." She shrieked.

"Why? Can't I give lift to my friend?" He asked feigning hurt.

" Friend?" She deadpanned.

" Yeah." He shrugged.

She looked at him wierdly like he is gone crazy as they were no where near friends and then looked at Sid who shrugged as if saying to deal herself with this but she didn't miss the mischievous glint in his eyes.

" Thanks but no thanks." She glared them both.

" Aww why?" He dragged his words.

" Because I wouldn't want to take lift from my stalker." She said blankly.

" Hey! I am not a stalker ok! I said I just wanted to know more about you." He defended himself.

" Whatever." She rolled her eyes and turned to leave but got stopped by him again.

" What now?" She snapped annoyed, she wanted to go home soon and he is not letting her go.

" Won't you let your cute boy No.2 to give you a lift?" Karthik said pouting and she just stared at him blankly trying to cover her embarrassment.

" What do you say Ananya's Cute boy No.1?" Karthik asked Sid innocently which made her blush embarrassed while Sid just looking at them smiling with amusement.

" Arghhh.....what do you want?" She said irritated.

"I will drop you off to your house." He stated.

" Fine." She huffed.

" Yay!" He squealed throwing his arms in the air which again made her look at him wierdly.

" Are you sure that you are a boy?" She asked him blankly making him shut up and Sid laugh.

" Of course, I am a very good looking, handsome, sexy and hot boy." He said offended making her slap her forehead.

" Come let's go." He said and dragged her out of the cabin holding her hand.

" Just one more day and I will know the truth then I will make sure nothing goes wrong. I promise Anu."
Sid said to himself determined.

" By the way your locket is nice." Karthik said looking at her while walking towards his car.

She stopped in her tracks looking nervous fidgetting with her chain.

" How do you know?" She asked cautiously narrowing her eyes at him.

" I saw it today morning when you fell." He said to her smiling.

" Oh....umm thanks." She said in relief.


Next Day :-

She walked into the cafeteria a little early where she takes his usual coffee daily.

" Umm....bhaiya can I prepare the coffee today?" She asks the person who daily prepares the coffee.

" Sure beti." He said smiling at her and gave place for her to prepare the coffee.

She smiled widely while preparing his coffee the way exactly he likes and took it to his cabin.

She knocked on his cabin and went inside when she heard come in.

" Sir, your coffee." She said smiling at him and kept it on the table.

Sid looked at her surprised as she is smiling at him which she never does.

He took the cup and sipped the coffee looking at some file.

" Wow! It's good, why doesn't he make coffee like this everyday?" Sid said to himself taking another sip of the coffee making her smile widely.

" Sir, your schedule for today " she said handling his schedule to him.

" Thanks." He said looking at her.

He frowned looking at her red eyes and bags under her eyes. Not only that she is also looking very weak.

" What happened?" He asked looking at her concerned.

" Huh?" She looked confused at him.

" You look horrible." He says looking at her face standing in front of her.

" What?"

" I mean you look like you cried and you look so weak." He asked worried.

" No Sir, I am alright. It's just that I didn't catch any sleep at night." She said to him smiling.

" If you are not feeling well you can go home and take rest." Sid suggested.

" No, I am absolutely alright." She said and left his cabin when he nodded his head unsurely.


Raj and Neha noticed how weak and pale Anu looked. They were worried seeing her so dull with red eyes, bags under her eyes and mostly she is looking very weak.

They tried to talk to her and in return they just got a sad and exhausted smile. They told her to take leave, go home and rest but she said that she is alright.

Anu went to Neha who stood at the coffee machine waiting for her coffee.

" Nehu." She called her.

" Anu, Are you okay?" She asked when she saw her.

" Yeah.....I just want to ask you something." She said fidgetting.

" Of course, you can ask me anything Anu." She smiled at her.

" Do you like Raj?" She asked bluntly.

" W.what?" Neha stuttered.

" You like him. Don't you?" Anu smiled at her who looked down blushing.

" If you really like him or love him then don't hide it. Tell him.....before it's too late." Anu said smiling sadly.

" What?.....but what if he doesn't feel the same way?" She asked her nervously.

" I didn't know that my best friend is so dense and dumb." Anu laughed.

" Huh?"

" Dumbo! He likes you too.....I can easily love in both of your eyes for each other." Anu said smiling.

" Oh." Neha blushed.

" So tell him." She said and turned to leave.

" Anu! Why are you talking about all this suddenly? Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

" I am fine. I always wanted to talk to you about this and today I just did it." Saying this she hugged her tightly blinking her tears away while Neha hugged her back tightly.

" Remember one thing, I always wanted you two to be together."


" Raj."

He turned to see Anu standing there grinning at him.

" What?" He asked her excusing himself from the person who is talking in the corridor.

She hugged him tightly controlling her tears. He has been always there for her like an elder brother she never had. She so wanted to cry badly in his arms but she couldn't do that as it will only worry him to death.

" Anu, are you okay?" He asked concerned looking at her red eyes.

" Yeah, I just wanted a hug from you." She said to him smiling.

" Come here." Saying this he hugged her and this time she couldn't control the tears spilled out of her eyes.

" Don't hide it anymore, confess your love for Neha." She whispered still hugging him.

" You know how hard it is for me?" He asked sighing.

" I know but you don't need to worry, she likes you too much to let you go. Love is a boon Raj, not everyone are lucky to have it. I just want the two people to be together always who love each other and I always wanted you two to be together as I saw that love in both of your eyes." Anu said seriously to him pulling back from hug.

" What happened Anu? Why are you telling me all this suddenly? Is something wrong?" He asked worried looking at her.

" No, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you this so that you will not be late to confess your feelings before it's too late." She said smiling.

" Ok.....I will tell her." He smiled back making her grin widely.


Anu told her friends to leave as she has some work to do and will leave a little late today. After finishing her work she packed her things in her bag and locked the files in her desk locker.

She walked out of the office building staring ahead blankly. She didn't feel anything right now pain or sadness, she just felt numb thinking about her life.

She also don't know where she is walking but just kept walking. Helplessness is the only thing she is feeling right now which wants her to scream loudly in pain.

She kept walking on the roads aimlessly and only one thought roaming in her mind.....


And the answer for that is him.

Yes, I am doing all this just for him.

Because of his happinesses.

Because it's best for him.

Because it's correct.

Because it's fate.

I know with my decision I will be hurting him again but it's only thing left to do and there is nothing else I could do.

She looked up and saw that she walked to the park unknowingly where they would always meet.

As it is already dark, the park is closed and all the memories they had shared came back to her at once.

She dropped on her knees crying vigorously at her fate. Her heart ached with all the memories and love for him. She cried at her miserable and helplessness state. She cried more thinking how much she will be hurting him again.....she screamed out her pain loudly and cried for him and for the pain she is causing him.

She saw someone standing in front of her and she looked up to see a pair of concerned eyes watching her.

" Bitiya, what are doing here at this time? And why are you crying?" The watchman of the park asked her making her stand up on her feet.

He was stunned to see her at this time of night alone in the park that to crying badly. He know her as she comes daily to the park and greets him warmly. He felt bad seeing such a good girl like this.

" Nothing Kaka.....I should be going now." She said smiling at him wiping her tears.

" But bitiya.....are you fine?" He asked worried.

" Yes Kaka I am fine, thank you." She said and waved him bye.

She again started walking wiping her tear stained face. She walked fastly when she remembered her parents might be worried for her. A car stopped in her way making her stop in her tracks.

She was shocked when she saw the person who came out of the car.

It was Siddharth.

" What are doing at this time on the road alone?" He asked angrily walking towards her.

" Umm.... walking?" She said and looked down immediately when he gave her a stern look.

" Do you even have any idea what could have happened to you while walking alone on the road like this in the dark?" He scolded her and she smiled at his concern.

" Why are you smiling now?" He asked annoyed.

She just shook her head in no still smiling at him. He frowned at her but didn't say anything looking at her puffed eyes and face like she was crying before.

" Did you cry?" He asked analyzing her face and she just shook her head in no still smiling.

He rolled his eyes and dragged her to his car holding her hand.

" Get in." He ordered and she just followed his order looking stupidly at him.

He shook his head at her weirdness and started the car. During the whole drive she sat there just staring at him which made him squirm in his seat.

" Are you sure you are okay?" He asked her worried and she just smiled  still staring at him.

Okay now he understood how she felt all this time when he stupidly smiles at her. He is really freaking out just like she freaked out at that time.

" At least say me the address of your house." He said which made her snapped out of her daze and told him the address.

In no time they reached her house with her saying the directions to her house. They both got down from the car.

" Thank you." She said and turned to leave.

He just stood there looking at her retreating back to make sure she goes into the house safely as he was not sure she is alright after he saw her wierd behavior today.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks and walked back to him making him frown.

She stared at him and suddenly hugged him tightly closing her eyes. She inhaled his scent and felt his warmth which not only made her heart melt but also gave her some strength to deal with the situation and help with her decision.

Sid was too stunned to respond and when he felt her soft body against her he hugged her back instantly absorbing her warmth inhaling her scent. Her hug gave him a different type of energy and confidence which he needed to deal with his mom and to know the truth.

In one swift motion, she pulled away from the hug and ran inside her house leaving a stunned Siddharth outside. He came out of his daze and drove away from there in his car.

She looked back at the car which is going away from her and smiled with tears saying.....

I Love You Siddu.


To be Continued.........

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