Chapter 21

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Everyone and Everything went silent around him and he couldn't concentrate on anything but the only thing he heard was the crack in his heart. He couldn't understand whether he heard properly or not about her. His head was spinning and his mouth went dried.

" That's not true." He whispered to himself shaking his head.

Everyone just stood staring at him.

" That cannot be true." He raised his voice shaking his head wildly.

" Sid....." Karthik tried to stop him.

" No! You are lying, she cannot......" Sid shouted.

" Ma, tell me the truth please." He pleaded her holding her hands.

" That's the truth beta. " She said with tears.

" No! You are lying. You told me right that you don't want to tell me the truth? That's why you are lying to me Ma?" He asked her hopefully.

She looked at her son and nodded her head in no.

"No! No! No! This cannot happen. She cannot die. She cannot leave me." Sid said stubbornly.

A thought crossed his mind and he immediately looked at Raj and Neha. Raj was trying hard to control his emotions looking down while Neha was crying silently.

" Raj! Neha! It's not the truth right? " He asked them hopefully.

They looked at him with red eyes. Raj looked down and Neha looked away from him.

" Tell me, it's not the truth right?" He yelled at them.

They again looked at him and tears spilled out from both of their eyes.

" It's the truth." Raj said in a shaky voice.

Sid looked at Neha who nodded her head in yes and cried loudly hiding her face in her hands.

" No! " Sid yelled.

"Sid control yourself." Karthik tried to console him.

Sid felt nothing.

No pain..... No tears..... No sadness.

He just felt numb.

His mind and body stopped reacting.

It was like his brain is trying to process the truth he just heard but couldn't decipher it.

He just stood there like a lifeless man in front of everyone who were worried and concerned looking at his condition.

" Sid."

" Beta."

" Sid."

" Sir."


Everyone are calling him but he is not responding.

" SID!" Karthik yelled shaking him by shoulders furiously.

Sid snapped out of his state and glanced at Karthik who looked concerned at him. Then he looked at his mother and walked to her.

" What happened to her?" He asked her blankly without any emotion.

" I don't know." she whispered.

" Are you again lying to me?" He asked her coldly.

" No beta. I really don't know the reason for her illness. When I met her that day she behaved as if there was nothing between you two. I got angry and scolded her for playing with your feelings. I warned her to make my son just like he was before. I threatened her to ruin her. But she just stood there blankly saying nothing. Then I explained her your condition and even begged her to come back to your life." His mom said with tears and paused looking at her son.

" The only thing she said after that made me shocked. She said ' I am dying.' with tears flowing from her eyes. " she said and Sid closed his eyes.

" Then she said that she was dying and she don't have much time left. She didn't want you to know it because she knows you will not be able to bear it and will ruin your life by staying with her. She took promise from me to say nothing to you about her illness. And when I asked her what actually happened to her, she just left smiling sadly saying Goodbye and told me to take care of you." His mom said crying and tears spilled out from his eyes.

" We also got to know about her illness just few days back only, just few days after you became our boss. Whenever we ask about her disease, she just doesn't say anything except that she is healing and will be fine soon." Raj explained keeping his hand on his shoulder.

" I tried to ask her many times about her health, her illness, her treatment but she always avoids it and took promise from me that to never ask her again about her illness. She said that she is taking treatment and she is getting cured." Neha said crying.

Siddharth listened to everything they said and understood that she never wanted anyone to know about her illness. He want to see her, want to hold her in his arms, want to ask her how she is, want to support her, want to do anything to save her but he could not do anything now. He lost her again and this time it's killing him even more knowing that his love his, life is suffering somewhere and he couldn't do nothing.

The thought of her dying itself is unbearable for him. He slumped onto the floor falling on his knees in defeat and helplessness. He cries for her holding his head. This helplessness is frustrating him and he screams loudly in pain.

Looking at him so broken like that his family and friends stood stunned. Their heart ached for him but what could they do. They don't even have the idea of how much pain he is going through.

Siddharth cries vigorously thinking about her condition. The fear of losing her and her death makes him cry even more harder. He cries loudly screaming her name and everyone comes near him to console and pacify him.

No one understands that his pain is not going to go but grows more and more day by day, the wound in his heart cannot be cured but cuts deeper and deeper day by day, the ache in his heart cannot be healed but will be increased more and more day by day.

He thought of getting answers today and solving them to be with his love of his life forever but little did he know that the truth is more bitter than he could survive. He didn't thought in his wildest dreams that this would be the truth.

His mom sat beside him rubbing his back to soothe him but she also knows that his pain cannot be soothed easily. She knows he couldn't bear the truth and so she had to hide it but now it came out and it's unbearable to see her son crying so much.

Karthik on the other hand was in dilemma of what he did was correct or not. Encouraging Sid to know the truth was correct or not. By looking at his best friend's state, his heart clenched.

Raj and Neha looked at each other with tears. Anu told them that Sid couldn't bear the truth and it will only give him more pain and he will be more broken, so she doesn't want him to know the truth.

Riya cannot believe whatever just happened now. She never saw Sid like this and she couldn't believe they both love each other so much that she sacrificed her love for him and he is crying like this for her.

A whirlwind of emotions are running through him. Love, pain, sorrow, fear, anxiety, nervousness, anger, helplessness all came at once. Tears aren't stopping flowing from his eyes thinking that, all the time she was in front of him and he did nothing to save her and instead mistreated her.

He was devastated and distraughted. He is feeling like he cannot breath anymore and it's suffocating even more thinking of her illness. His heart is aching, his eyes are burning, his body is shaking and no words are coming out of his mouth. He stood abruptly making everyone flinch. He ran towards his room and slammed the door closing it.

His parents feared that he might do something to himself.

" Let him be alone for sometime, he needs time to cope up." Karthik said sighing sadly and they all nodded.

They heard his screams of pain and sorrow. They heard the sounds of shattering things and glasses. They heard loud thuds like someone is  banging on the wall. But they did not interrupt him as they thought he should let it all out.

Mathurs and Karthik left from there after sometime. Raj and Neha also left from there but there was fear in them about Sid might harm himself. Sid' s parents also left to their room after waiting at their son's door for sometime.


To be Continued..........

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