Chapter 22

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Khuranas are worried for their one and only son who is their life, their happiness and pride. After knowing the truth he locked up himself in his room. From three days they are trying to talk to him but neither he talked to them nor opened the door. They tried to open the door by using the spare key but Siddharth warned them not to do so and told them to leave him alone.

His mother is crying while his father consoled her. Siddharth didn't come out of his room for once also, he didn't even eat anything since three days and he didn't go to the office also. The office affairs were temporarily managed by his father while Raj and Neha helped him.

Karthik also came daily to get him out of his room but Siddharth didn't respond to him also. He wanted to do something so that his friend will be back normal again. He felt guilty for what happened. If only he hadn't provoked Sid to know the truth then today his best friend wouldn't have been suffering so much. But truth is truth, it will come out someday and he had to face it.


Siddharth jerked up from his sleep sweating and panting by screaming Anu's name. He looked around his room and realized it was just a bad dream. He sat leaning onto his bed and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

He glanced at himself and realized that he was sleeping on the floor. He looked at the mess he created in his room. Mirror was broken and glass pieces were scattered all over the floor. The things on his vanity, the bedsheets, duvet, pillows everything are on the floor. His room looked like it was destroyed by some earthquake.

He sighed and looked at the photographs around him. They were the pictures of his and Anu. He is only left with them and her memories. A tear slide down his cheek. He still couldn't digest the fact that she is dying and with that thought more tears flowed from his eyes.

He couldn't do anything about it. He was helpless and it's killing him. All the while she was in front of him and he didn't know she was ill. He didn't understand her. He didn't recognized her illness, he didn't take care of her and he didn't tried to know the truth when she was here.

Her weakness, the bags under her eyes, the way she looked pale, the way her eyes were always red and puffy like she used to cry daily, everything made sense to him now. She was suffering and he didn't know. He was angry on himself for not noticing her illness and didn't take all these signs seriously.

He looked at her photo in which she is smiling brightly at the camera. Her eyes were shining and her face was glowing with happiness. When she told him that she didn't love him and it was an act, he always wondered that everything she said, felt were also a lie? Their kiss, their hugs, their teasing, their laughs, their talks, their memories were also a lie?

They were all true. Nothing was a lie. Nothing was a facade. The only lie she told was that she didn't love him. He banged his wounded hand on the floor in anger when he remembered that he was the cause of her fainting that day. She was already ill and he made it worse. He banged his hand furiously making the wound bleed again.

" I shouldn't have believed her." He said to himself.

" I should have trusted my instinct and should have tried to know the real truth." He clutched his hair in his hands.

"Now what should I do? She is not even here. Where should I search for her? How should I find her? I cannot do anything." He rubbed his hand on his face.

" I am sorry Anu. I am so sorry. I misunderstood you and mistreated you. I am sorry Anu..... Please come back, please come back to me. " He cried clutching her photo onto his chest.


" Hello? "

" Hello Karthik beta?"

" Yes aunty, how are you?"

" No one is fine beta until Sid is fine."

" I am sorry aunty, I tried to talk to him but he is not lifting my call also."

" I know beta but please do something, I cannot see him like this hurting himself. "

" Don't worry aunty, I will do something."

" Thanks beta. "

" No need to thank me aunty he is my best friend, my brother..... I will do anything to make him alright."

" God bless you beta. "

" OK aunty, you take care of yourself and I will do something about Sid. "

" Ok, bye beta. "

" Bye aunty, take care."

Karthik sighed thinking deeply. A thought stuck in his mind and ran outside taking his car keys and phone.


Karthik stopped his car and ran inside the building. He looked around and saw people are busy working. He went near the cabins and looked for the persons he came for and stopped when he heard some voice.

" Mr. Khurana asked for the reports today itself and you are saying they are still not ready. Mr. Sharma I need the reports till evening."

He heard a strained voice and walked towards them to see Neha talking to some staff. She looked strained and stressed.

" Neha." He called and she snapped her head towards him.

" Karthik?" she wondered and he walked towards her.

" Where is Raj?" He asked her.

" He is busy working on some presentation, why?" She said.

" It's about Sid." Karthik said glumily.

" Siddharth? What happened to him? Is he alright?" She asked worried and all other staff looked at them confused as already they were not understanding why their boss is not coming to the office.

" Have you tried contacting her?" Karthik asked hopefully.

" Yes, but her phone is switched off and even het parents numbers are also switched off. I emailed her and tried to message her on the social media also but she is not available anywhere." Neha said with tears and Karthik sighed in disappointment.

"What's happening here?" They heard Raj's voice and they all looked at him who also looked so stressed and tired.

"Raj, Siddharth....." Neha trailed off.

" What happened to him?" Raj walked to them worried.

"He locked up himself in his room from three days and we tried to get him out but he is not responding to us."Karthik said sadly.

Raj bit his lip and Neha was already crying. A thought stuck in her mind and looked at both Raj and Karthik. She wiped her tears and turned to their staff.

" Guys please complete the reports and presentation. We will be back after a while, until then please cooperate and complete the work." Neha said and they nodded their heads in affirmation.

" Guys come let's go." She said hurriedly taking her mobile and purse.

" Where?" Raj and Karthik asked her.

" To complete the Mission getting Siddharth Khurana out. " She said determined walking out making their staff gasp while Raj and Karthik followed her confused at what she is going to do.


Three of them entered into the Khuranas mansion and saw a total gloomy environment. Siddharth's mom, dad and others approached greeting them.

" We want to talk to him." Neha said with a half smile and they nodded hopefully.

Karthik took them to his room upstairs and others followed them.

Neha looked at Raj who nodded his head and knocked on Sid's door. There was no response as usual.

" Sir?" He called out but it came as a whisper.

Neha smacked him on his head and told him to call a bit loud. Raj groaned in pain while others just stared at them amused.

" Sir, it's Raj. Please open the door, we need to talk." Raj said but again there was silence.

" Sir please, if we didn't talk about this then our company will face huge loss." Raj tried to convince him but no use.

Raj looked at others who sighed sadly. Neha went close to the door and took a deep breath.

" Sir, it's Neha. Please open the door. I want to talk to you." She pleaded him but no use.

She bit her lip and sighed thinking she had to do this.

" Siddharth? Do you know what Anu used to say about you?" She asked him.

She knows he is listening so she  continued to say.

" She used to say that you are the best thing that has ever happened to her. After you came into her life only, she had known what's love and happiness. She said that before she was just breathing but she started living her life after you came into her life." She said with a smile remembering what all her friend said to her when she asked about their relationship.

Everyone just stood silently listening to her and they know Siddharth was also listening as they heard some shuffling from inside.

" She herself told me how much she loves you Siddharth. She loved you so much. She always loved you in fact she never stopped loving you and never will. She is spending her life just by breathing your name Siddharth. She loves you so much that she had to let you go." Neha said with tears and all others also has tears in their eyes.

They all heard footsteps coming towards the door and smiled that he is reacting to her words.

" You know why she left you then and now also? " She asked and paused to hear anything from him but he stayed silent.

" She left you not because she doesn't love you, she left because she loves you enormously. She said to me how much she meant to you. She knows that you will spoil your life mourning over her and her death. She knows you wouldn't be able to bear the truth. She said clearly to me one day that her truth will ruin your life when I asked her to tell you about her condition." She said and her voice cracked as she was crying.

" And you know what my friend? You are doing exactly the same thing she said. You by locking up yourself like this and hurting yourself like this is proving her right and that she did the right thing by hiding the truth and leaving you. She knows you will hurt yourself for this and looking at you today proves that she was right." Neha said with silent tears flowing from her eyes while other also cry silently with her.

" Anu would never want you to be hurting like this. If she comes to know about your state now she will blame herself and will be hurting thousand times more than you. Do you want that Siddharth? You really want to do what she doesn't want for you? You are suffering because of her which she never wanted and that's why she left. You are proving her right that you couldn't handle the truth." Neha shouted glaring at the door.

" You shouldn't behave like this and hurt yourself. Instead you should prove her wrong. You should be strong for her. You should prove her that you are strong enough to handle her and her truth....." Neha yelled and stopped her ranting instantly when the door opened revealing a distraught Siddharth.

All of them looked at the door stunned and relief washed over them as he finally opened the door. But they all stood speechless when they saw him.

He was totally devastated. He was a mess. His hair and clothes are in dishelved state. His face was pale, there are bags under his eyes, his eyes are red, empty and tears were flowing from them.

They are more shocked to see his bleeding hand and his room's condition. He was a total neatness freak and doesn't like any mess in it but now.....

" Sid..... " His mother cried and hugged him but he just stood there numbly.

" Anu?" Was the only thing he said looking at Raj and Neha.

"We have to find her. Shouldn't we?" Neha asked him smiling.

" Yes! How?" He asked her desperately.

" But before that you should do something else. " Raj said to him.

" What?" He asked them wiping his tears.

Raj and Neha smirked at each other while others stood just as confused as Siddharth.


To be Continued...........

So, how is the chapter?

What do you think about Neha's speech?

Why do you think Raj and Neha smirking at each other?

Stay Tuned...........

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