Chapter 23

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You must have listened how people say that Love makes people insane, how Love turns your whole world upside down, how Love makes people do things which they never do, how Love makes life beautiful and how it melts the coldest hearts.

They may be true and also may be good to listen about these things or read in the stories but in real life things doesn't happen so easily and people often do end up in heartbreak.

Looking at the person in front of them, Raj thought that what Love had made him. He was always the person which screams richness, power, arrogance and rudeness. But now he is totally distraught and he might add desperate as he is so desperate to find his love so much that he would give anything to find her. He had always admired him for his success, business tactics, controlling nature and when he came to know that Anu loves him, he started to look at him in a different angle. At first he didn't know why she loves him so much but now he understood why. Because his boss also loves her so much as she loves him.

Neha stared at the person in front of her whom she used to be afraid and thought him as a devilishly handsome ruthless arrogant business man. She always wondered how her best friend loved him but she also knows that he was a good person with a heart of gold. She understood how much he loves her. She doesn't know how and when she started caring for her boss. She cares for him as much as she cares for Anu. When she saw him so broken she could not leave him like that. She had to bring him out of his misery and search for Anu. She cannot leave them both just like that. Her heart ached thinking about Anu and her health but first she had to look after the stubborn person in front of them.


" What do you want me to do? I will do anything." Siddharth asked desperately.

" First come out of this room." Raj said holding his hand.

Sid obeyed and came outside.

" Let's dress your wound, come." Neha said walking further.

" Aunty tell someone to clean Sid's room." Karthik said to Sid's mom who  nodded her head looking at Sid.

" Wait!" Sid yelled and again went inside his room and everyone looked worried at him.

After sometime Sid came out holding all the pictures of Anu that were scattered on the floor.

" No one should dare to touch the things related to Anu." He said looking at the bundle of photos and some things in his hands.

Everyone were stunned while Neha's eyes welled up with tears looking at the pictures which are still there with him. Raj smiled at her knowingly and they understood that he never stopped loving her just like Anu who never stopped loving him.

" Come with us." Saying Neha and dragged him downstairs.

Raj and Neha carefully dressed his bleeding hand while Sid just sat there staring at Anu's photograph. His mom looked at him with concern because he was numb, he was not even feeling the pain while his dad went to attend a phone call.

Karthik brought his clothes and sat beside him. He looked at him who is not even paying attention to his surroundings. Tears welled up in his eyes thinking about his future. Because he will be more broken and hurt in future either Ananya is found or not.

" Ok now you go and take a warm shower." Neha said with a smile.

" Ok but after that I want you to tell me how to find Anu." Sid said annoyed at her delay.

" Sure." She grinned at him and he went to a room to take shower.

" What are you going to do?" Karthik asked her.

" I don't know." she said sighing.

" What?" Raj and Karthik yelled at her.

" Beta what you will say when he comes out after shower?" His mom asked her worried.

" I have something in mind but I don't know it will work or not." She said looking at them sheepishly.

" Have you gone mad? Do you know he will be more heartbroken if your so called something didn't work? " Karthik yelled at her.

"Hey! I atleast was able to bring him out of his room, not like you... useless." She yelled back at him.

" I am not useless!" he yelled at her.

" That's what you are.....Useless!" she yells at him.

" No!"







Raj yelled at them and they stopped their yelling. Sid's parents sat on the sofa holding their heads in their hands.

" First we should make him eat then we can think something to say to him." Raj said glaring at them.

Sid came out after sometime and saw Raj, Neha and Karthik sat glaring at each other while his parents sat looking amused at them.

" Sid!" His mom approached him and hugged him tightly but he didn't respond.

" Sid come, you should eat something." She said holding his hands.

He pulled away from her grip, ignoring her hurt face and went towards Raj and Neha. He is angry on her. If only she had told him the truth a year back then things would have been different now. He wouldn't have lost his life, his love, his Anu. His Dad came and consoled his Mom who is crying on his shoulders now.

" Sid, you haven't ate anything from three days. You should eat first." Karthik said kneeling in front of him.

" No! I want to find her first. Tell me what to do." Sid said stubbornly.

"Sir, you should have enough energy to search her and for that you should eat something." Raj insisted him but Sid didn't budge.

" Siddharth please we will eat something first. I am very hungry because I didn't even had my breakfast today. Please!" Neha pleaded him.

Sid looked at her and again looked down.

" Sir, we promise that the minute you finish your food we will talk about what should we do." Raj said to him honestly.

Sid looked at Raj and Neha who smiled at him assuringly and then he looked at Karthik who looked at him pleadingly. Sid sighed and rubbed his face frustrated. He nodded his head unwillingly and his parents sighed in relief.

Everyone sat on the dining table to eat including Raj and Neha. Sid's mom served him food in his plate happily.

" Wow the food is delicious.....mmmm." Neha said moaning grabbing everyone's attention.

Raj facepalms himself looking at her who forgets everything when food is in front of her. Karthik shook his head at her and started eating. Sid glared at them and started eating while his parents also started eating peeping at their son now and then.

" Don't hesitate you can eat whatever you want." His dad said to them.

Raj nodded while Neha grinned at them saying thanks. Sid ate as fastly as he could so that he can start searching her.

" Over!" Sid yelled making Neha choke on her food.

" What?" she asked him drinking water.

" My food is over. Come. " He said standing up while others just looked at him astonished.

" What? I didn't even finish my food and I wanted to eat the delicious dessert that is waiting for me in that bowl from that time."Neha whines and looks at the dessert longingly making others stifle their laugh.

" You can eat afterwards, now come on tell me what should we do." Sid says dragging her from her seat.

" But my dessert? " She asks him.

" I said afterwards." Sid says sternly dragging her away from the dining table.

Neha huffs and follows him grumpily muttering under her breath while others also follows them getting up from their seats.


All of them sat in the living room. Sid sat eagerly waiting for them to say. Neha pondered over about how to start and looks at Raj who assures her to talk.

" Look Siddharth, we have tried every possible way to find out where she is but we couldn't. Raj had even tried to trace out her location through her bank and credit card details but that also failed." She said and paused to look at Sid who sat disappointed.

" Then what we should do now?" Sid whispers.

" Do you remember that day when she fainted? "Neha asks him and he closes his eyes painfully nodding his head in yes.

" The hospital we admitted her is the same hospital she takes treatment and the doctor who treated her was the same doctor who is giving her treatment for her illness." Neha says to him and he looks up at her shocked.

" So, we can go to that hospital and enquire about her and her health. Maybe we can get some clue about where she is or if she is still coming there to take treatment." Raj said to him smiling while Sid looked at them hopefully.

Sid stood up abruptly from his seat making everyone gasp.

" What are you waiting for? Come let's go." Sid said looking at them.

" What? Now? " They ask him.

" Yes! Now! " Sid said going towards the door.

" But?" Neha said doubtfully.

" I am leaving either you people come or not." He said determined and already was out of the door.

They all looked at each other. His parents shook their heads at him and went inside to let him go. Raj, Neha and Karthik looked at each other and ran outside to catch up with him. There is no way they are going to leave him alone.


They all reached the hospital and went inside to the enquiry section.

" Excuse me, Can you please give the details of the patient Ananya Agarwal." Neha asked politely with a smile.

" No Ma'am, patients information cannot be disclosed." The receptionist said curtly making Neha scowl at her.

" We are her friends. We just want to know if she had come for any recent check up." Raj insisted her.

" No Sir, the patient's information cannot be disclosed. " She repeated the same thing looking onto her desk top.

" Ok atleast can we meet Dr. Ramesh Gupta?" Neha asks her.

" No Ma'am, you need to take the appointment first."She said looking up at her.

" OK give us the appointment. Now." Siddharth ordered.

The receptionist looked at him and gasped. Her eyes went wide first and then soon were ogling at him. Neha scoffed at her while Raj and Karthik had to suppress their laughs.

" Excuse me, I said I want the appointment. Now. " Sid said coldly.

" But the appointments for today are finished Sir." She said staring at him.

" Then give it for tomorrow." Karthik said in obvious tone.

" Sir is very busy. You need to get appointment a week before itself." she said to them.

" What? A week? I cannot wait till then." Sid shouted at her making her jump in her place.

"Sid....." Karthik tried to calm him.

" No! I want to talk to him as soon as possible." Sid shouted and everyone present there looked at them forming a crowd.

" I want his appointment. Now. Do you understand?" He said glaring at the receptionist.

" But today he didn't even come to the hospital. Please come tomorrow so we can talk to him and fix the appointment." Receptionist said looking scared at him.

" Do you even know who I am? I am Siddharth Khurana. People wait for my appointments not me. Tomorrow at any cost I want to talk to him. Ask him to take time out of his schedule for me and I am ready to pay how much ever fee he wants me to pay." Siddharth said no rather warned her and everyone looked shocked at him.

Raj, Neha and Karthik looked stunned at him.

" Siddharth calm down. We will come tomorrow. " Neha said dragging him away out of the hospital followed by Raj and Karthik. They tried to calm him down and convince him to come tomorrow.

Sid finally agreed and Karthik took him home to take rest while Raj and Neha went to their Office to resume their work.


Stay Tuned...........

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