Chapter 24

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Siddharth couldn't sleep all night. From the day he had known truth he is having nightmares. And the thing which doctor is going to say is making him anxious. Fear enveloped him thinking about her condition and what it might be.

As soon as Sun rose, Siddharth got up with a jerk when he remembered that he had to go to the hospital and started to get ready. He took a quick shower and wore his business suit. He called up the number of the hospital for the appointment and that receptionist told him to come at 10 Am.

She replied to him scared about what he will say if the doctor doesn't agree to give appointment. After Siddharth hang up the phone, She talked to the doctor and explained the situation. At first he didn't agree but when she told him it was Siddharth Khurana he agreed to meet him. Doctor remembered him from that day when Ananya fainted.

Siddharth hurried downstairs and walked towards the door. He ignored the calls of his parents and ran fast to his car. He drove to the hospital as fast as he could as there were only 15 minutes to reach the hospital.

He quickly parked the car and walked inside the hospital.

" I want to meet Dr. Ramesh Gupta." Siddharth said in monotone.

The receptionist looked up and gulped in fear.

"Yes Sir, it's ten now. You can go and meet him there." She said showing the direction of cabin.

Siddharth nodded and rushed towards the corridor. At the end of the hallway he saw a door on which there was a nameplate saying 'Dr. Ramesh Gupta, MD, Surgeon, Neurologist.'

Siddharth gulped looking at the word Neurologist and knocked on the door with shaking hands.

" Come in."

Came the voice from inside and Siddharth walked in with a thumping heart.

" Oh! The great businessman Mr. Siddharth Khurana who is the only hier of Khuranas and who also happened to threaten my staff for my appointment.....Good to see you here Mr. Khurana." Doctor said with a grin.

Siddharth stood awkwardly at his sarcasm.

" I didn't threaten her, I just asked for an appointment which she was refusing and so..... " Siddharth trailed off looking at the doctor.

" So you scared her and forced an appointment out of her." Doctor said raising his brows.

" Yeah....." Sid replied scratching his neck looking down.

" So may I know what do you want to talk to me so urgently?" Doctor asked looking into a file.

" I want some information." Siddharth said seriously.

" About?" Doctor asked writing something.

" Ananya Agarwal."

Siddharth voice cracked while saying her name and doctor looked up at him in recognizing his patient.

" What about her?" He asked cooly.

" I want to know about her health.....her illness." Siddharth said painfully.

" I can't." Doctor replied.

" Please doctor tell me, what happened to her? What is she suffering from?" Siddharth asked him in verge of crying.

" Who are you to her?" He questioned.

" I am her..... Boss but she is my life..... My everything. I need to know please doctor." Siddharth pleaded and tears escaped from his eyes.

Doctor was surprised to see the arrogant rich ruthless business man is pleading him and crying for a girl.

" I am sorry Mr. Khurana. I can't disclose patient's information to anyone except her family." Doctor said to him.

" Please doctor I need to know, I cannot lose her, I should find her and save her. For that I need to know what happened to her actually." Siddharth requested him.

Doctor felt bad for him but he couldn't do anything.

" I am sorry Mr. Khurana I can't help you. I cannot break hospital rules and it will be against my ethics. I am so sorry. " Doctor said sympathetically looking at him.

Siddharth sighed sadly and tears started to fall from his eyes thinking about something happening to Anu. Doctor felt bad and tried to console him but Siddharth just stood up and silently walked outside.

He leaned onto the wall defeatedly  not understanding what to do and how to find her. He just hopes and wishes that nothing should happen to her.


He walked outside to his car and stood at his car thinking what to do. Helplessness makes him frustrated and bangs his hand on the car.

" Sir?"

He heard and turned to see Neha and Raj standing there looking concerned at him.

" What happened Sir?" Raj asked him.

" Did you get the appointment?" Neha asked him when he stayed silent.

" Sir?" They walked close to him worried at his calm behavior.

Siddharth sighed loudly.

" I talked to the doctor and he told that he cannot disclose about patient's information to anyone except their family." Siddharth replied angrily.

" Oh!" They said and looked at each other disappointed.

" Don't worry we will try to ask him in  another way." Neha said to them.

" And how is that?" Raj raised his brows at her.

Neha scratched her head thinking deeply and suddenly her face lit up like a thousand watts bulb.

" Idea!" Neha screamed jumping up and down which made other people around them look at them weirdly.

" What?" Siddharth frowned.

And for that Neha looked at Raj and smiled mischievously.

" No! No..... Don't even open your mouth, I am having a very bad feeling about your idea." Raj said going back laughing nervously.

" Shut up and listen." She scolded him and Siddharth looked at her hopefully.

" OK listen now..... I and Raj will dress up as your parents and go to that doctor. We will beg him to say about Anu's condition saying that it's our last wish to see Anu." Neha grinned proudly at her marvelous idea.

Siddharth and Raj just stared at her blankly.

" I know I am awesome guys..... You don't need to be so shocked for my wonderful idea, in fact I have many more ideas like that. " She said to them flipping her hair dramatically.

" Do you know right my parents are very famous infact whole khuranas are very much famous?" Siddharth asked her blankly.

" Of course I know! So what? " Neha exclaimed.

Siddharth sighed and Raj facepalmed himself.

" So that means everyone knows who are my parents and you will be caught easily." Siddharth explained calmly.

"Oh! I forgot that....." She smiled sheepishly at him.

They both sighed in relief that atlast she understood. But that was temporary because her face again lit up with another idea making Raj pull his hair.

" What if we go as Anu's parents?" Neha smirked at them.

" Arghhh....."

Raj banged his head on Siddharth's car in frustration.

" Why are you banging your head?" Neha looked at him wide eyed.

" Because of your stupid and dumb ideas." Raj groaned.

" Hey! They are not stupid and I am not dumb you stupid." She shouted at him angrily and looked at Siddharth who is still looking at her blankly.

" Of course they are! That Doctor clearly knows who are Anu's parents and every parents knows about their child's condition. So your idea was stupid and dumb." Raj said rubbing his face.

" Oh!" she said dumbly and started thinking again.

" What if..... " She was rudely cut off by Raj.

" Stop..... Please stop. " He pleaded her and Siddharth huffed at them.

" Please Raj..... Please for one last time." She pleaded back with puppy dog eyes.

" Ok." He said defeated.

" What if we go as his grand parents?" Neha asked them hopefully which again earned her a blank look from them.

" That's it!" Raj exclaimed and fell on his knees grabbing attention.

" I beg you Neha please stop thinking and please stop saying your ideas aloud. I will go mad if you open your mouth again. Please I beg you..... please stop talking." Raj begged her literally folding his hands in front of her who looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth.

" Ok." She said grumpily and looked at him pouting

" Thank God! " Raj exclaimed happily for which she glared at him hardly.

Siddharth chuckled at them loudly shaking his head making them look at him in shock.

" What?" He asked them.

" You are laughing!" They exclaimed in Shock.

" Uh..... So?" He asked sobering up.

" We never saw you laughing." Neha said smiling at him and Raj nodded agreeing with her.

Siddharth nodded and lost in deep thoughts.

" So what we should do now?" Raj asked him.

" I know what to do." Siddharth said determined.

" What do you mean?" Neha asked him.

" Me being normal like this doesn't work out. I have to show and remind people of who I am. I need to show them what I can do and what powers I have. I have to be the Siddharth Khurana who is cold, ruthless and arrogant of whom people are scared and does whatever I say. Siddharth Khurana doesn't ask for anything, he just orders. " Siddharth said coldly with the usual stone look on his face.

Raj and Neha were taken aback by the sudden seriousness on his face. They felt bad for the person who is going to face the wrath of the ultimate Siddharth Khurana.

Siddharth took his phone and made a call.

" Siddharth Khurana speaking." He said coldly and hearing the person's reply from other side made him smirk evilly.

" I need some information from one of the doctors of City Hospital." Siddharth ordered.

" Yes Sir, who is that doctor?"

" Dr. Ramesh Gupta."

" Done Sir."

Siddharth hung up the call and looked at the two people in front of him who stood stunned. He rolled his eyes at them and waited leaning onto his car.


Suddenly there were chaos everywhere around the city hospital. All the phones were ringing saying that the Chairman and the board members are visiting the hospital.

All the doctors, nurses, ward boys and other staff came and stood in the reception to welcome them and to know the emergency of their sudden visit.

Then there entered the Siddharth Khurana like he owns the place emitting power, authority, style and arrogance along with Raj and Neha. With them followed all the authorities of the hospital explaining something to him in panic but his expression was just stoic and pointed.

They stopped in front of the doctors and Siddharth gave a pointed look at the authorities of the hospital. They understood and went to Dr. Ramesh Gupta.

Everyone gulped looking at the stoic expression of Siddharth even Dr. Ramesh also but he composed himself because he knows he didn't do anything wrong.

Neha rolled her eyes at the women staff who were gawking at Siddharth even in this serious situation also.

" Dr. Gupta, give Mr. Khurana whatever information he wants." Chairman said to him.

" But Sir....."

" Dr. Gupta we appreciate your morals and ethics but this is important. We are giving you the permission for this, so give him whatever information he wants." His superior authority ordered him.

" Ok.....we will go to my cabin and talk." Doctor sighed.

Siddharth nodded curtly not looking at anyone and went towards the doctor's cabin followed by the doctor himself. Neha and Raj thanked the authorities for their permission or help or favour or whatever it is called and followed Siddharth.


" So you are one of a stubborn man Mr. Khurana. You are getting what you wanted." Doctor said sighing shaking his head at him.

" I always get what I want by hook or crook." Siddharth replied to him with proud and arrogance.

" Siddharth!" Neha exclaimed looking at him.

" What? He made me do it, didn't he? " Siddharth shrugged and gave a pointed look at the doctor.

" Don't mind him doctor, he is just restless thinking about Ananya." Raj said to him apologetically.

" So what do you want to know?" Doctor asked them nodding his head.

" Ananya Agarwal." Siddharth replied.

" Ok."

Three of them listened to him attentively with fear and anxiety.

" Ms. Ananya Agarwal..... She is suffering from Brain Haemorrhage." Doctor said and looked at the system in front of him.

Raj sat stunned and Neha gasped loudly. Whereas Siddharth just stopped breathing listening to the doctor.

"I will explain this in a simple language for you people. Brain Haemorrhage is a brain stroke. It means a stroke in the brain caused by the rupture of the arteries in the brain. In a certain part of the brain, blood vessels will be swelled and burst out anytime causing bleeding in the brain. Bleeding in the brain is dangerous. There are types of Haemorrhages in this. In her case it's Intracerebral Haemorrhage means internal bleeding in the brain. In this, a part of the brain is swelled which leads to the rupture of the arteries which leads to the internal bleeding." Doctor pauses and looks at Siddharth whose eyes are bloodshot red and looking straight without moving.

Raj had pained expression on his face while Neha was crying silently. They both look at Siddharth worriedly as he just sat there like a statue.

" How severe it is? " Raj asked with a shaky voice.

" It depends on the bleeding inside the brain. Many patients who have experienced a brain hemorrhage do survive. However, survival rates are decreased when the bleeding occurs in certain areas of the brain or if the initial bleed was very large. If we couldn't stop the bleeding, it will cause the brain cells to die and the person will also die." Doctor said sadly.

Siddharth closed his eyes painfully unable to imagine her condition.

" How severe is her condition?" Neha asked in between the sobs.

Siddharth gulped the lump formed in his throat and looked at the Doctor who didn't give any answer but his expression gave away that it was serious. He clenched his fists tightly to control himself from breaking down.

Doctor looked at them sadly especially Siddharth who is trying hard not to cry and trying to put a brave face on in front of them. Doctor understood how much she meant to him, to them but nobody can defeat the fate.


To be Continued..........

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