Chapter 3

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Siddharth came into the office and made his way to the cabin that is arranged on the floor where everyone are working which is down to his floor as some repairs and interior work is going on his cabin.

He looked at the rack where all the files are arranged neatly in an order and smirked thinking that it must have took at least 2 hours for her to arrange all these after he had left.

He got up from his seat and stood near the glass window from where he can see his whole staff working.

His eyes landed on Ananya who is doing her work while laughing at something Neha had said to her. This infuriated him even more, she is laughing with her friend.

He almost finished his work and then he would go to his lunch. A knock was heard on the door.

" Come in."

" Sir, you need to select the colour for the walls for your cabin, here is the Catalogue." Shweta said.

" No need, Grey colour." He stated.

She waited for him to continue.

" What?" He cocked his eyebrow at her.

" Only grey colour Sir?" She asked doubtfully.

She got her answer when a hard glare is thrown at her and left his cabin immediately.

He finished his work and when walked out to have his lunch he saw Anu coming out of the Cafe giggling with Raj. She said something to him for which he started running after her. Seeing her laughing without any care that to with a boy made his blood boil with anger.

He knows what to do with her and went back to his cabin immediately to   make a call.


It was after lunch where everyone are working in their own cubicles. Suddenly the whole environment went calm and all of them looked up to see their boss standing there with his hands in his pockets.

" Hello everyone, there is an announcement, all of you come close to the front and gather." Head of the HR department Mr. Prakash announced.

Everyone gathered in front of their boss while Anu stood little far from him behind the crowd.

Siddharth looked around everyone and told the HR head to go on.

" You all have been called here because Sir wants a Personal Assistant and one among you will be selected for this position." Mr. Prakash announced.

Every girl present there was screaming internally that it should be them while Anu stood there panicking.

Anu looked at Siddharth and it felt like he was looking straight at her and only her. She gulped and hid behind her colleague silently praying that it shouldn't be her.

Siddharth went through some papers in his hands which has details of every employee. He selected a paper and gave it to Prakash nodding his head.

Prakash looked at the selected profile and looked up grinning at the crowd.

" Ms. Ananya Agarwal." He announced looking for her in the crowd.

She stood paralysed in her place shocked when she heard her name  and she knows that he is doing this wantedly.

Everyone cleared the space by moving away from her who still stood in hidden position.

" Ananya." Neha called loudly and motioned her towards front.

She opened her eyes and they widened instantly when she saw everyone are looking at her. Some looking at her enviously, some are looking at her angrily and some are looking very happy like Neha, Raj, Shweta, Mr. Prakash......

" Ananya come here." Prakash said.

" Sir, I am not even qualified for that position." Anu said hopefully going towards him.

" I am the Boss here, I selected talk to me." He said coldly and she nodded her head.

" Sir, I am not eligible for the position of your secretary." She said nervously looking at him.

" Once again I am the Boss, so I know whom to select." He stated.

" But....."

" Ms. Agarwal, answer my questions in Yes or No." Siddharth said to her seriously.

" Yes Sir." She said confused.

" Do you know about this company?"

" Yes Sir."

" Do you know who will do what work here?" He asked her.

" Yes Sir."

" Do you know to take down the notes when dictated?"

" Yes Sir."

" Do you know where are the files and which file is about what?"

" Yes Sir."

" Do you know how to make a schedule and arrange the meetings?"

" Yes Sir."

" Do you know where the private and confidential documents and files are located?"

" Yes Sir."

" Last question..... Do you know to follow the boss orders?"

" Yes Sir."

All the while every staff watched the session happening in front of them curiously as they never saw him talking so much and they don't know why is she rejecting such a good position.

" See, you yourself answered your doubt." He said smirking while she stood there confused.

"The person who will be my secretary should know all of these and you know everything. So, you are qualified for this position." He said to her with a stone face.

" But....." She is cut off by him again.

" No but's and if's, the decision is taken and I want you to work as my PA from tomorrow." He ordered sternly and went back to his cabin.

All of them just stood there watching the whole ordeal. It was the most easiest interview they have seen but dreadful too.

Prakash and Raj were happy that she got promoted while Neha is squealing with happiness unable to control her excitement and Anu stood shocked all the while.

" What just happened?" Anu whispered when she noticed Raj and Neha by her side.

" You got promoted." They both said happily smiling at her and Anu sighed sadly thinking they don't that this is his plan.


"Come in." Siddharth said when he heard the knock.

" Sir....." She called and he looked at her.

" What?" He spatted.

" Sir, I don't want this promotion. Please give it to someone who deserve it." Anu said nervously standing at the door not meeting his gaze.

" Do you think you have a choice?" He snorted at her.

She gulped in fear looking down and didn't dare to look at him.

" Sir....." She got cut off by him.

" Why?" He asked standing up from his place and leaned on the desk.

" I.I don't think I can do this?" She stuttered.

" Why?" He asked again stepping towards her.

" Because I don't want to." She said while stepping back making the door close.

" Why?" He asked standing close to her.

She looked into his dark brown eyes which was once filled with love for her and now she saw fury in them.

" Say why you don't want to?" He asked moving more close to her.

Words got stuck in her throat unable to bear his closeness. She tried to move away but he trapped her placing his hands on the door on  either side of her.

" S.Sir....." She stuttered.

" Hmm....." He hummed looking at her in a daze lost in her eyes.

They stared at each other like that for few minutes until she looked away. He snapped out of his trance and said.....

" You don't want to because you are scared." He said without moving.

" Scared of what?" She asked in fear.

" Scared of me, scared to work with me, scared to......" He was saying but got cut off by her.

" No I am not scared." She stated.

" Then?" He asked.

" I just thought that someone better deserves this job than me." She said unsure.

" Ok then, be ready tomorrow for your new job." He said to her rudely and moved away from her.

She took a deep breath once he was away and tried to calm her racing heartbeat.

She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't form any words.

" What? Do you still have any doubts?" He asked coming again towards her.

For now, It's best to escape from here first.....she thought.

" No." She said quickly, opened the door and ran out quickly.

She leaned on the wall closing her eyes and took deep breaths.

What's happening with me?

Why didn't I push him away?

I shouldn't lose control like this.

No! I shouldn't let this happen.

I should stay away from him as much as possible.

She went to her desk and started doing her work. She jumped in her seat startled when she felt some poking on her ribs.

She turned and looked to see two the  idiots grinning at her widely which showed that they are up to something.

" What?" Anu asked them.

" Party." Raj and Neha both stated still grinning.

At least they are happy.....she thought and nodded at them sighing loudly.


They both yelled and high fived each other which made my lips automatically turn up into a smile.


To be Continued.........

Stay tuned.......

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