Chapter 4

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" Ms. Agarwal you are late." Siddharth stated without looking at her.

Anu looked at her watch which showed 9:34 am and looked confused at him.

" I told you to be here in my cabin exactly at 9:30 am and now it's 9:34 am." He said coldly.

" Oh" she said sighing and earned a cold glare from him.

" Sorry Sir." She said.

" I hate hearing sorry, so you better don't make any mistakes." He stated.

" Ok Sir." She nodded.

" Since you are you are my PA, you need to follow some rules." He said and she nodded.

" You should daily be here at 9:30 am exactly with a black Coffee in your hands for me." He said and paused to look at her reaction.

" Coffee?" She asked stunned.

" Yes."

" But it's not my job." She said seriously.

" It's my PA's job which you are now." He also said seriously.

" But....."

" Look I don't need to explain anything to you.....I am the Boss here and you will obey my orders.....No more discussions." He said in finalty while she stood calmly.

" Is it clear?" He hissed at her.

" Yes Sir." She nodded frantically.

" Now bring me my coffee." He ordered and went back to his work.

She stomped out of his cabin, went to the Cafe where his coffee is kept ready for him, took his coffee and came back to his cabin.

" Sir your coffee."

He didn't even spared a glance at her.

" Now give me the files of Sharma' s and Raheja' s." He ordered and frowned while sipping his coffee.

" Ok Sir." She went to the rack and looked for the files. She brought them and placed them on his table.

" Now go and check how is the work of renovation going on in my cabin." He ordered while she nodded and sprinted out of his cabin happily thinking at least she can do some work being away from him.


" Hey Anu." Raj greeted sitting opposite to her in the cafe.

" What's up with your sulking face?" Neha asked her sitting beside her.

" Nothing guys, just tired." She said.

" It's your new job right, so it takes time to get habituated." Raj said smiling at her.

" Yeah babe, don't worry." Neha said side hugging her.

" What we will order today?" Raj asked and both the girls faces lit up instantly with excitement.

" Biryani." " Burgers."

Neha and Anu said at the same time and glared at each other.

" I want Biryani." Anu said glaring at her.

" No, I am craving for burgers." Neha said glaring at her back.

" You eat them every day Nehu!"

" I don't eat them every day Anu!"

" Yes you do."

" No I don't."

" Yes "

" No "

" Yes "

" No "

" Yes "

" No "

" Stop it." Raj yelled at them.

" Lunch will be over with your stupid I will order." He scolded them.

Then both of them looked at him with puppy dog face.

" No I will not fall for your puppy faces.....I am ordering Sandwiches which are oil free and fat free and very good for our health too." He said to them seriously.

" Stupid Health freak." Anu and Neha grumbled.

" I heard that." He glared at them.

" Good." Again they both said at the same time.

He left to order shaking his head at their childishness.

After he left both Anu and Neha  looked at each other and burst out laughing like maniacs.

They all soon finished their lunch and went back to their respective works.


" Come in." She heard his cold voice from inside.

She wonders how can someone be so cold every time maybe because he stays in AC 24/7 or maybe because he gulps cold drinks a lot or may be he  must be sleeping daily in a freezing cold room.

But does such room even exists? Why not? Freezing cold room.....its refrigerator.

Her eyes widened that how can someone sleep in a fridge and if he sleeps also, the fridge should be more than 10 feet wide so that a tall and well built person like him could fit in it.

She laughs at her own joke and thinks what all nonsense is she thinking while standing outside the Boss door.

Boss door!

Her eyes widened in realisation that she has been standing here talking to herself.

Her eyes darted towards the door and they widened instantly so big that her eyes would pop out of her the sockets.

Because there standing at the door was her Boss looking at her like she is some crazy mad person ran out of some Mental Assylum.

He called her three times from inside after she had knocked the door. Getting no response he frowned and opened the door to see Anu standing there weirdly with a thinking face on.

He saw her different facial expressions.....first it was a thinking expression, then a funny expression, then her face crinkled in confusion, then her eyes widened, then she laughed at something and then her eyes widened in realisation finally and looked at him.

He should get angry at her but he just stood there staring at her different facial expressions and got lost in her  but he got snapped out of his trance when she started laughing to herself like a mad woman.

" Are you mental? " He hissed at her.

" No " she said softly.

" Then what are doing here standing outside after you knocked on my door and I called you many times but you were in your own mad world to even realize where you are and what you are doing " He said to her angrily.

She looked down embarrassed, she didn't even realize when she zoned out thinking all those stupid thoughts.

" Now will you come in or stand there like a statue?" He yelled at her going inside and sat on his chair.

He told her to write a letter which he will be dictating.

She got ready to write and for few minutes she wrote it well but after that she got lost because he was going too fast to catch on what he is reciting.

" Got it?" He asked once he finished.

" S.Sir, Can you repeat it once more?" She asked in fear.

" What? You didn't write?" He hissed at her.

" I wrote but in the middle you were too fast and I got lost." She said nervously.

" So it's my mistake now?" He asked in rage.

" No Sir,it's mine. I never got dictated and it's my first day of the job." She said looking at him.

" You are good for nothing." He stated rudely.

" That's why I said I am not fit for this job." She said raising her voice a little.

He glared at her hardly for which she looked down immediately and he  started dictating letter again. She wrote perfectly this time and mumbled a thank you.

" Concentrate on your work." Came his cold voice when she turned to leave.

His cold voice reminded her of him sleeping in a fridge and a giggle slipped out of her mouth.

She slapped her hand over her mouth and looked at him who is shooting daggers with his eyes at her furiously.

She mumbled a sorry and quickly got out of his room not having confidence on herself about what stupidity she will do again if she stays in his room for one more second.

He sighed shaking his head at the mad girl and started doing his work while she is typing the letter quickly to take out the print out.



Raj and Neha yelled at her when Anu  told what stunt she pulled in front of their boss when they came out of the office to go home.

" You spaced out after knocking on his door?" Raj asked her bewildered and she nodded her head in yes looking down.

" And you spaced out because you were thinking about him sleeping in a fridge?" Neha asked her in disbelief and Anu turned red due to embarrassment.

She looked up when she heard both her friends are laughing at her clutching their stomachs with tears in their eyes.

" I know guys it's stupid but I don't know why I was thinking about all those." She whined at them hiding her face with her hands.

" No wonder he looked at you like you are some Mental Assylum patient." Neha said to her while laughing again and she glared at her.

Soon they three were laughing like mad people standing in the middle of the parking lot.

Their laughing ceased when they saw Siddharth looked frowning at them going to his car.

" Great now he thinks we are also crazy and mad people along with you." Raj said to Anu going to his car and they both followed him not missing glaring at him.


To be Continued..........

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